MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-Chapter 62

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Zhang Shangshu was once supported by Prime Minister Gu, and he always admired this high-ranking official for self-denial and devotion to public affairs. In his life, he did not allow his eldest son to be more than the fifth-rank official position, and suppressed his second and third sons from being official, so that after his death, his family was withered, and his sons would no longer have official status. , the grandchildren are just brothers Gu Ningran and Gu Ningxi who are in the officialdom, the other children are in business, farming, studying at home, and so on, completely different from the usual descendants of the prime minister.

Apart from this relationship, Zhang Shangshu also admires Gu Ningxi, a young man, and thinks that he is quite like his grandfather, smart and upright, reticent and hardworking, and he tries his best to take care of him in the Ministry of Rites.

However, Gu Ningxi didn't know whether he appreciated it or not, and rarely visited Zhang Shangshu in private, mostly on business, and it was rare to see him visit today, so Zhang Shangshu was naturally surprised and delighted.

After accepting the wine and looking at the paintings, Zhang Shangshu called out the pregnant concubine on a whim, and thanked Gu Ningxi.

Mrs. Zhang Shangshu just took advantage of her status as an elder and stabbed Gu Ningxi a few words, saying that he and Li were too messy, and which woman in the world can compare He Niang's care for him. At this time, seeing the aunt with a full belly calling "Gu Sicheng" coquettishly, she became even more depressed, and sat drinking tea in silence.

"What kind of monster is this? It has a fat baby in its mouth. It's so weird. I have seen a picture of Guanyin giving away a child. It is beautiful. Guanyin has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and the child has big eyes and red lips. It is very pleasing. Gu Sicheng, you Can you redraw the picture of Zhang Guanyin giving a son to my concubine?"

The concubine pointed to the picture that Gu Ningxi brought, and commented for a long time. She especially didn't like the baby who was supposed to be the center of the picture, but it only took up a small part. It was still a side face, with slightly weaker eyes and weaker lips. At first glance, I thought it was a faceless demon boy, but fortunately, his body, hands and feet are round and cute.

Zhang Shangshu shook his head and reprimanded: "Stop talking if you don't know anything. If you thank me, go back to the backyard. Madam, come and accompany me to see Ningxi's masterpiece, what a majestic unicorn." After the last sentence, he turned his head and said His old wife said.

The concubine pouts and leaves.

Mrs. Zhang Shangshu felt that she was calm, and she was a little more proud of the master's distinction between priority and favor. She reciprocated and praised Gu Ningxi's painting, and finally added out of her own heart: "However, it is called the picture of Qilin giving a child, look at it." It does look like a picture of the unicorn alone, but the baby is a bit scribbled."

Gu Ningxi knows that landscapes, flowers and plants, fish and insects, and auspicious animals, he can observe real objects, copy predecessors' paintings, and learn from classic descriptions. However, when it comes to portraits, he can only draw the body, and the face is really powerless, so he never draws the figures.

He was in a hurry to visit the door today. His wife had taught him not to visit empty-handed. He hadn't paid any attention to the reserves in the Gu family's warehouse. He was tired of reading the account books brought by the housekeeper. In desperation, he could only take out old paintings as companions. present.

Yingtong is the failure of this painting. As a painter, he knows better than anyone else. At that time, he was thinking of making a game to make the lady laugh, but he got it to Zhang Shangshu to make her laugh.

At this time, he could only bow his head and listen to the criticism, until he went to the study alone with Zhang Shangshu.

Zhang Shangshu went straight to the point: "Did you come to see you, what's the matter, you might as well just tell me."

After listening to the paperwork, Zhang Shangshu nodded and commented: "Your talent makes people jealous. Ningxi, I am going to tell you when I am on duty tomorrow. The emperor arranged for the Ministry of Rites to sort out ancient books. The time is urgent, but I have done it." Jane is in the heart of the emperor, and it is of great benefit. The day before yesterday, I discussed with Yuanwailang and the divisions, and you will take the lead. As a result, such a thing happened yesterday, it is really ridiculous."

When Gu Ningxi heard that time was running out, she somehow thought of the arrangement to get her back, and hesitated whether to decline.

Zhang Shangshulang laughed and arranged: "Ningxi, the old man is very optimistic about you, this job can't go wrong, let's do it. For the next few days, you can stay in your own mansion, retreat and tidy up. Don't get in the way Whose eyes will secretly add to the chaos for you. You can do things with peace of mind, and the mess in the Ministry of Rites will be cleaned up by the old man!"

Gu Ningxi couldn't bear to let her senior down, took a deep breath, and solemnly agreed.

Zhang Shangshu changed the subject: "Scholars should be familiar with the difference between wives and concubines. Ningxi, it is really inappropriate for you to reconcile because of taking concubines. It will affect the official voice. What's more, the old man has heard about you and Li Shu a few days ago. , Alas... that's outrageous, could it be that the Tao family forced you? You see, old man, the most important thing in housekeeping is justice!"

Gu Ningxi lowered her head, and responded in a dull tone: "He Lishu is my sincerity. I am sorry for my wife, and I am not forced."

Zhang Shangshu mentioned: "I asked Tao Cheng, and he said that the eldest daughter went back home to clean up, and she called herself a layman. Do you know about this?"

Seeing Gu Ningxi nodding slightly, Zhang Shangshu slapped his hands and smiled, and said: "It seems that you are indeed at the end of your relationship. It just so happens that this old man has a grandniece who is twenty-eight years old and has not yet married. She is well-educated, elegant and gentle. benefit…"

Gu Ningxi heard that the voice was not right, she hurriedly raised her head and interrupted: "Excuse me for being rude. Lay Tao reads Buddhist scriptures at home to purify his heart, but his thoughts have not yet changed. Maybe this is the only person in this life. I hope Lord Shangshu will forgive me."

"Huh? Then you are making a fuss about taking a concubine?"

Gu Ningxi smiled wryly. The reasons for the inner feelings are all his own faults and self-assessment. Now he is in a dilemma, how can he say it?


Gu Ningran thought about it, from now on, when Mo Qiqi entered Gu Ningxi's backyard, she would be even more out of reach, and Tao Xinhe hadn't eaten it yet, thinking of these two women, seeing her wives and concubines, even if they were in a group, would be boring.

Whenever a bad guy becomes a thief once and gets caught without being punished, his courage will suddenly grow, and many unimaginable ideas can be sprouted.

Today, when he was resting, he found an excuse to slip out of Cao Shi, the Hedong lion, and told the young man beside him: "Go to Mo's house to find out. Her brother is dead, and the orphan is so pitiful. I will go and comfort her, and it will be fulfilled." Our fate."

The servant didn't understand, so he said, "I just heard from everyone that that girl is going to be taken back to the mansion as a concubine by the second young master Xi, and the master wants to get involved with her again? Doesn't that offend the second young master Xi?"

Gu Ningran seemed to be insulted, and the voice on the street suddenly raised: "Am I afraid of offending him?"

Seeing the little servant shrinking her head, Gu Ningran explained angrily: "It's just an orphan girl, it's just a plaything. If Gu Ningxi has brought it back to the mansion for collection, then it's over. But I heard from my mother that there is no master in the new Gu mansion. Gu Ningxi went to live in a wine shop by herself, it's too shameful. It means that girl is still wandering outside. Gu Ningxi doesn't like her that much either. However, if Mo Qiqi falls in love with me, I can also take her as my concubine. "

"You said, how would the girl choose to be the master's concubine or Gu Ningxi's concubine? Hahahahaha, it must be the master, right? I haven't thought about whether to play with her for a few days, or take her back to the mansion... and don't worry. " Gu Ningxi was already talking to herself after talking about it, shaking her head with pride.

After a long while, the boy reported back: "Master, the Mo family went to the building to be empty. The little one asked the neighbors to inquire, and said that four strong men and two maidservants came in the middle of the afternoon yesterday. I couldn't help but say that Mo Qiqi seemed to be invited to come. It seems to be coerced and taken away. It is said that Mo Qiqi has always been accompanied by two servant girls from the Xin Gu Mansion, and they left together."

This is strange, the Mo family came to Beijing from other places, they had no one to rely on, no one to rely on, no relatives and no acquaintances, so they probably only looked for Gu Ningxi, who else would put on such a pose and get the little girl away? Gu Ningran fell into deep thought.


The spring was fine, the doctor took Hong's pulse, and said to Tao Xinhe and Tao Xinqiang with a smile: "Good thing, Young Madam's pulse has stabilized. From now on, you don't have to stay in bed blindly. Walking around more often will help you feel better and help you protect your pregnancy." This news warmed the hearts of the people in Tao Mansion more than sunlight.

"Great! Sister-in-law, you can go to Uncle Jichang's Zhuangzi to play without worry, can you?" Tao Xinqiang asked quickly.

Tao Xinhe saw that Hong's face was flushed, but she looked at herself eagerly, as if she was waiting for her to speak, and couldn't help but feel distressed, the siblings are not much older than the third sister.

She sighed secretly, and confirmed to the doctor that it would be beneficial and harmless for a pregnant woman to sit in a padded carriage for a few days in a village in the suburbs of Beijing, which is half a day away. to arrange."

Sending the doctor away, Tao Xinhe asked the third sister to spend more time with Hong, and said: "I will accept you to live in the suburbs of Beijing, but I have other plans. Don't talk about Ji Changbo with your sister-in-law. Remember?" live."

Ignoring Tao Xinqiang's questioning, Tao Xinhe summoned the servant who was in charge of running errands to ask about the progress.

What made her overjoyed was that the servant brought a reply from the head of the official department, saying that he would lend Zhuangzi to the women of Tao's house to live in for a few days. The servant was frothing, saying that he had waited for several people to go to the village to see it. It was very quiet, the sky was vast, and the surroundings were full of the wild charm requested by the master, which was very natural.

Tao Xinhe asked about Zhuangzi's surroundings again, and learned that the river is on the left, and there is a deserted wilderness on the right, and there is another Zhuangzi beyond, which does not affect each other.

The servants couldn't tell who the other Zhuangzi belonged to.

Tao Xinhe smiled, arranged a carriage, and went to visit Si Zheng’s house, which lent Zhuangzi, to thank them for their generosity, and gave them generous gifts, pretending to casually ask around, and learned that the other Zhuangzi should be the private property of an official of the Ministry of War, thank you very much More sincerely, I let go of my suspicions.

After she left, she didn't know that the master murmured: "Ji Changbo intended to give me a huge sum of money, and asked me to lend Zhuangzi to the Tao family, and even made up a lie. I don't know what to do. Forget it, Tao Cheng can offend, but Ji Changbo can't. I have fulfilled the order."

Back at the Tao Mansion, Tao Xinhe breathed a sigh of relief, first went to Tao Cheng to make a fuss, asked her father to agree to go with her, and then made arrangements to Hong and Tao Xinqiang, about five or six days later, she would be able to leave for the outskirts of Beijing.

Hong Shi was overjoyed, and said again and again: "Miss Hard Work."

Tao Xinqiang's mood was slightly depressed, and Tao Xinhe could tell at a glance that because she couldn't see Cheng Jia, she hated to poke her sister's upper arm several times, so that the little girl cheered up, and happily discussed with her sister-in-law about going out. How to prepare.

Hong Shi hesitated to speak for a while, then pulled Tao Xinhe's sleeve, and said softly: "Elder Sister, I have something to tell you."

Tao Xinhe nodded, smiled and waited for Hong to speak.

Hong Shi bit her lips and said, "Before, I asked Gu Sicheng to draw a painting for my relative's house. Eldest sister knows, right?"

Tao Xinhe naturally remembered that not long before the divorce, Gu Ningxi used the silver taels to take her to Yanchun Pavilion to buy lavish jewelry.

She felt that the smile on her face was a little stiff, and she responded, "Well, I remember."

Avoiding Tao Xinhe's gaze, Hong said, "My relatives married their daughters, and Gu Sicheng's painting followed as a dowry. The new wife's family loves this painting very much, and it's not easy to grab the bride's dowry, so they entrusted it to me. Here, I would like to invite Gu Sicheng to paint another painting, plus two plus thirty percent of the moistening pen and silver, or even forty percent. Sister, should I agree?"