MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 102

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Tao Xinhe turned her neck slightly, and could faintly hear the sound of cervical vertebrae "clicking". She raised her bare hands and rubbed gently, and the muscles on the side of her neck were sore, as if reminding the owner of tossing and turning last night, restless dreams, and self-seeding. The consequences of the pillow.

Tao Xinhe sighed and withdrew her hand, grabbed the thick shawl presented by the little maid, wrapped it around her shoulders to protect her neck, and continued to flip through the pages in front of her.

Today is the afternoon of the second day of March, and the whole day is gloomy. The sun hides behind the clouds and does not show up at all. The temperature drops sharply, which means that it is cold in spring.

Tao Xinhe sat quietly in her room, enduring the discomfort of the stiff neck last night, trying to concentrate on analyzing and comparing the booklets she was reading. This was sent by someone sent by Cheng Shicheng last night. It recorded the net worth, native place, official position, appearance, etc. of several young men, and it was all Tao Xinhe wanted to see for Tao Xinqiang tomorrow.

Back then, when she was a teenager, she also took care of her second sister Tao Xinrong like this. On the contrary, when it came to her, first she had no intention of choosing a husband, and then only Gu Ningxi proposed marriage, so there was no link of secretly comparing candidates with similar conditions.

She hurriedly calmed down, preventing herself from thinking of Gu Ningxi again, and turned to thinking about what to wear tomorrow.

When she first visited her second sister's prospective husband's home to talk about things, Tao Xinhe was only seventeen or eighteen years old, and she was worried, afraid of being looked down upon by the other party, so she insisted on dressing up as old-fashioned or even old-fashioned, as if she was wearing a sauce-purple long gown, and was taken to go with her. Tao Cheng, who only plans to be a mascot father, joked that she looks like a woman in her thirties.

Today, Tao Xinhe is twenty-four, so she is naturally not a fresh and delicate girl, but she no longer cares about Gu Ningxi's difficulty in knowing people, and she wears all kinds of colorful and patterned clothes to her heart's content after she divorced.

Although tomorrow is the woman's parent, she doesn't need to rely on clothes to maintain her posture. The momentum she has cultivated through years of experience is not fake, and it should be fine if she dresses fancy.

Just thinking that the host of the banquet was Cheng Shicheng, Tao Xinhe was worried, if she acted too delicately, would she misunderstand him? Now she really doesn't have the slightest intention to entangle with any man, no matter Gu Ningxi or Cheng Shicheng.

Not long after, a man invited her to the study to talk.

It was her father Tao Cheng.

Looking up at Kelou, it turned out that it was the time for his father to be on duty. Tao Xinhe was thinking about the dinner arrangement in her heart, and walked lightly with lotus steps to answer the call.

After knocking on the door, she stepped into the room and greeted Tao Cheng. She sat down at the head of her father, holding a corner of the shawl in each hand and folded it in her belly, with a graceful and dignified posture.

When she heard Tao Cheng call "Han Niang", she turned her whole upper body around and asked the next question with her eyes. Her neck was obviously stiff, and she was not as decent as she used to be when she turned her head slightly to look at people.

At this time, Tao Xinqiang jumped in and asked Tao Cheng why he called her.

Tao Xinhe remembered that it was because of the pearl jewelry that this girl sent yesterday, which disturbed her mind and didn't sleep well all night, resulting in stiff neck and sore throat, so she snorted coldly at her sister.

Tao Xinqiang was not afraid of her sister, and sat next to her sweetly and affectionately, leaning her head on her shoulder, and asked softly, "What is my sister going to do with rose spice? Is it enough?"

Without waiting for Tao Xinhe to answer, Tao Chengcheng, who saw both sisters arrived, stroked his beard and began to speak:

"Something big or small happened in the court today. It sounds interesting to me. You all know the person involved. It's Gu Ningxi. So I want to tell you about it. I have the right to chat between father and daughter to relieve your boredom."

Tao Xinhe was about to get up immediately, and she didn't want to listen to a few more words, which would cause her to sleep badly tonight.

Tao Xinqiang, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, grabbed her, and the girl sat upright excitedly, clutching her elder sister's silk tassel tightly, and said again and again: "Great, I'm almost suffocated in the house, dad, tell me quickly. Sister, let's listen together. The story must be heard together to have a taste."

Tao Xinhe couldn't pull back the cloak, and was interrupted by Tao Cheng to arrange dinner as an excuse. She hesitated whether to leave or not, standing in the middle, her head and body seemed to be separated, each had her own ideas, and her neck became more and more painful.

Tao Cheng had already laughed, and began to tell the beginning and end of the story of Gu Ningxi, who he saw with his own eyes and heard the discussions of his colleagues.

Listening, Tao Xinhe unknowingly sat back to her original place, immersed in her father's words, as if her soul had drifted to Gu Ningxi's side, and followed him through the changes from last night to today.

At the wrong time in the afternoon on the first day of March, Gu Ningxi came to Lao Gu's mansion suddenly in her own carriage, insisting on meeting Mrs. Gu.

It is said that the man who was expelled from the clan and should be down and out was menacing, with a cold expression on his face, and his robes were windy, rushing all the way to the backyard with the aura of gods blocking gods and Buddhas blocking Buddhas.

At that time, the hostesses Gu Sanshu and Gu Ningran were not there, one was out for a banquet, and the other was on duty at the Imperial Academy.

Third Aunt Gu cried and said that a thief had broken into the mansion, and Cao Shi pushed and pushed Gu Ningxi in person without regard for face, but the other party asked, "Who are you?" She threw her hand back angrily, pointing at the tip of Gu Ningxi's nose and cursing.

The servants wanted to stop them, but at first there was a lot of persuasion, "Master Xi Er, don't be impulsive, and Master Xi Er, don't disturb the old lady", but they were attacked indiscriminately by Cao, saying that they are not allowed to call them that, and they gradually fell silent and stood their hands. Standing on the dry shore, watching the masters tearing each other up, and then chatting with the servants of the other family who are friendly with each other, it's just chatting about the master's family affairs.

This spread the details to the ears of the resident officials, and Tao Cheng knew about it. This is the crime of mismanagement by the female family members of the old Gu mansion, and there is no secret at all in the high gate compound.

It is said that Gu Ningxi broke through the barriers of female relatives and servants, walked all the way to the old lady's bedside, and kowtowed respectfully to the drowsy grandmother.

This awakened Mrs. Gu, she turned her head with difficulty, narrowed her eyes, and shed two lines of dirty tears at Gu Ningxi, with a "ho ho" sound in her throat, and she tried to gesture with her hands.

Gu Ningxi didn't know why at first, but later took the charcoal pencil and rice paper from the bold and loyal servant, and passed them to Mrs. Gu. The old man turned sideways reluctantly, and wrote three big scrawled characters on the side of the pillow with trembling hands—Take me away.

After Gu Ningxi recognized the handwriting, she shed tears on the spot, as if her eyes were red, which frightened the surroundings even more.

He took a deep breath, stood up from the ground, leaned over himself, and whispered in his grandmother's ear: "I am here, grandma, I honor you and serve you." He gently hugged her old lady.

Now, the servants accompanying the new Gu mansion wanted to take over, and the servants of the old Gu mansion wanted to take back the old lady, chattering, pushing and shoving, the scene was very chaotic.

Anyone who accidentally touched the side of Gu Ningxi's face, the cheeks, or the fingertips on the back of his hand cried out that it was so hot.

People spread word of mouth to know that Gu Ningxi was still having a fever, so it was not all because of anger when he was walking, and his shortness of breath was probably related to his illness.

At this time, Gu Ningxi was holding Mrs. Gu firmly with both hands, looking tall and stern, unquestionable, the servants gradually made way for him, and at the end was Aunt Gu and Mrs. Cao.

"We'll see at the Yamen." It is said that this was the last sentence Gu Ningxi said to the two female relatives. He just walked straight between the two females and carried his grandmother into the carriage. The servant hurried to catch up and said that he would follow and serve the old lady.

Surrounded by all the servants, the carriage drove away in dust.

Mrs. Cao and Aunt Gu were in a daze for a long time before they sent people to find Uncle Gu and Gu Ningran to come back to discuss countermeasures.

At the Xingu Mansion, someone saw a famous doctor enter the mansion three times in just one day.

After inquiring, the famous doctor did not hide it, shook his head and sighed and said: "The old man is poor, he has been poisoned, and the symptoms are similar to apoplexy, and his time is numbered.

I just saw two patients, the old and the young, and Gu Sicheng, who was at the end of his strength, and he walked more than a hundred steps while holding on to someone, and now his condition is getting worse. He is really the kind of patient that doctors don't like the most . "

Uncle Gu and Gu Ningran came to look for it at night, but they couldn't knock on the door. The neighbors around the new Gu Mansion persuaded the old man to rest for a night before discussing it. He said a few words to the door panel of Xingu Mansion.

The ups and downs of robbing people from the beginning to the end, the bizarre poisoning of the elders of Gu's parents, the entanglement between the two families involved, and the speculation that Gu Ningxi was expelled from the family suddenly, so rumors spread in the streets and gossip, and all officials, big and small, knew about the Gu family. Pile insider housework.

Early this morning, Gu Ningxi, the Prime Minister of the Tribute Division of the Ministry of Rites, held the paper and went to the capital to sue Gu Ningran, the editor of the Imperial Academy.

The little official on duty persuaded him: "It's hard for an upright official to break up housework. Why did your two cousins ​​make trouble in the Yamen? Isn't it embarrassing for the court to sue the official?"

The officials inside took the pleadings and looked at Gu Ningran's crimes written on it: First, conniving or cooperating with his wife and family to poison his grandmother, disregarding human relations. The second is to assassinate Gu Ningxi intentionally, confounding black and white and fabricating rumors to drive him out of the clan, and the murder attempt fails. The third is to humiliate Mo Shi, the daughter of the people, and have peace with heaven.

The official scratched his head and clicked his tongue. Except for the third item, the first ones were all clan and family internal affairs. Other clans often deal with this kind of situation by themselves, and never use official blame.

The officials were afraid that such hot potatoes would not be handled properly, causing the Gu clan to protest, and they would fall into a quagmire, which would affect their official career.

As for the third article, there was a similar situation in the yamen before. While handling the case, the woman became the man’s concubine or received an apology, and the two parties reconciled. A fishy body.

Therefore, the officials wanted to talk to Gu Ningxi about the suffering of the yamen, persuade him to withdraw the lawsuit, go back to the Gu clan, and discuss a solution under the auspices of the patriarch.

Gu Ningxi was invited into the back hall of the yamen. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes were dark and thick, he stood up straight and swayed slightly. It looked like he was sick.

After registering his surname, he politely asked the official in charge opposite him.

The official in charge is also helpless, he knows others, but others don't know himself! It's clear that the same dynasty has been an official for many years, but Gu Ningxi's indiscrimination problem has long been spread, so it's not targeted at him alone.

He had no choice but to not care about it, and asked Gu Ningxi to sit down with kind words, exchanged pleasantries, and went around in circles to lead the topic to withdrawal.

At this moment, the favored **** next to the emperor came to the door, approached Gu Ningxi affectionately, and said that the emperor had summoned him.

This is not to be neglected, the official wiped off the cold sweat that had flowed out during the conversation just now, politely sent Gu Ningxi away, continued to look at the pleading paper and worried, and did not take any further action.

At this point, Tao Cheng stopped abruptly, and asked his two daughters like an exam: "If the matter has reached this point, it is not a big deal, and your father and I will not call you here to talk about it. The mouth is dry, No one poured a cup of tea. Guess what happened to Gu Ningxi after he kowtowed to the emperor?"

Tao Xinqiang jumped up quickly, made tea and beat her shoulders, urging Tao Cheng to speak quickly.

Tao Xinhe, who was sitting upright, was absorbed in listening just now, but at this moment, she was dragged back to her eyes, her neck was sore again, she didn't go to join in the fun with her sister, and kneaded the soft flesh on the back of her neck with both hands.

She tilted her head and glanced at Tao Cheng, her posture was lazy and homely, her eyes were flowing with brilliance, she spoke crisply and with meaning, and slowly answered her father's questions about the follow-up.

She knew more or less that the emperor summoned Gu Ningxi because he was satisfied with the writings submitted by Zhang Shangshu from the Ministry of Rites, so meet him face to face, recognize people, and give him some encouragement and rewards.

It must be because the rewards are not ordinary gold and silver things that can make the court officials happy to talk about it, and the father still went back to the house to ask the sisters for questions and answers.

Most likely, it has something to do with the complaint that Gu Ningxi delivered early in the morning.

Tao Cheng slapped his hands and laughed loudly: "With a girl like this, I can be regarded as well-bred! It's a pity that Gu Ningxi is not so lucky, this brat. What He Niang said is right, the emperor had a very happy conversation with him, and it seems to be more rewarding than usual. It took a lot of time. Afterwards, Gu Ningxi left the palace and returned to his own residence, and the emperor issued an imperial order directly to the yamen."

The emperor personally stamped it, saying that Gu Ningxi is a minister of pure filial piety and trustworthiness, who has made contributions to the court, but only seeks to be honorable and obedient to her grandmother.

However, his grandmother, the prime minister's widow, was murdered by his own family, which is really a shocking evil in this dynasty, and the special order has a thorough investigation, and the offender will not be spared lightly. If the criminal is an official of the imperial court, he must be punished more severely, so as not to tarnish the overall reputation of the official.