MTL - She’s Always Flirting with Me-Chapter 131 Everything has an algorithm

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   Chapter 131 All things have algorithms

   Yu Yin ignored Xu Xinghe. The number that Xu Xinghe sent the message was also blacklisted by her.

   But some people are destined to escape, Xu Xinghe is waiting at the place where Yu Yin gets off work.

   Xu's two people, the shares have been falling, and if they fall again, they have to stop trading.

   Xie Beici couldn't be contacted all the time, and Father Xie didn't care, Xu Xinghe could only come to Yu Yin.

   After a few years, Yu Yin once again saw the man who killed her senior sister in the first place, and flashed in his mind, the picture of him slamming into her fiercely while driving a car with a ferocious face.

   Yu Yin clenched his fist subconsciously, released it slowly, and then clenched it slowly.

   After a while, she tilted her head slightly and looked at Xu Xinghe calmly, with hateful contempt in her eyes.

  Xu Xinghe sneered and said to Yu Yin with a low tone: "I have something to say directly, whether to say it here or find a place to say it."

   Find a place to say it's totally unnecessary.

  Yu Yin stood by the flower bed outside the building and looked at Xu Xinghe with alertness.

  Eyes see the four directions, ears hear eight paths.

   As long as Xu Xinghe dared to do anything to her, she would immediately run and call for help.

   "If I were you, some things would be enough," Xu Xinghe looked at Yu Yin with a threatening voice: "It won't do you any good if you can't get along with our Xu family."


  Yu Yin sneered, "It's really funny, it's obviously your Xu family who can't get through with me, but now it's like I want to harm your Xu family."

   "Mingyue was also instigated by the villain, we will ask her to apologize to Xie Beici," As for you, that's totally unnecessary.

   "If you didn't suffer from paranoia and really think someone hurt you, please call the police." Yu Yin did not follow his words.

   "Don't you just want money, tell me, how much do you want this time?" Xu Xinghe took a bank card and threw it at Yu Yin, "Two million, is that enough?"

The    bank card landed on Yu Yin, gave a spin, and then fell to the ground.

   Yu Yin glanced down, "Your Xu family is really getting more and more stingy. A few years have passed, but you can only give out two million."

   "Do you think it's too little?" Xu Xinghe sneered, he knew that this woman was unprofitable, but his money was not so easy to get, "but you are only worth this price."

   "Then it seems we have nothing to talk about," Yu Yin shrugged, then said with a smile, "I like when people give me checks, keep the bank card for yourself."

   He kicked his toes lightly and kicked the bank card in front of Xu Xinghe.

   smiled and motioned Xu Xinghe to pick it up quickly.

   "Yuyin, you'd better not go too far," Xu Xinghe's face was ashen as he stared at Yuyin sharply.

   "If you can't make a price, don't pretend to be a rich man. You can only be called a fake rich man at best."

   "You'd better let Xie Beici let go of the Xu family. If you make small moves in the back and irritate me, you will not end well."

  Xu Xinghe has a deep meaning, and his words contain threats: "I believe you don't want your boyfriend Xie Beici to know what you have done."

   Yu Yin looked puzzled, and asked: "What have I done, what happened, I can't let Xie Beici know?"

  Xu Xinghe: "Everyone is a smart person, you and I know it well."

   Yu Yin shook his head: "I really don't know."

  Xu Xinghe's eyes began to glow with coldness, "Aren't you going to talk about it?"

  Yu Yin took a step back and sneered: "Why, you want to hit me with a car again."

  Xu Xinghe didn't speak, but the expression in those eyes couldn't be faked, as if he was saying: If you don't obey, then you will die!

  Yu Yin deliberately pretended to be very scared, holding his shoulders with both hands, trembling slightly: "You people from the Xu family are really scary, ignoring the rule of law and taking lives."

   "Don't talk nonsense!"

   "I just want to tell you that this is a society ruled by law. If you dare to hit me, your Xu family will be finished."

  Xu Xinghe gritted his teeth lightly: "Aren't you afraid of Xie Beici, do you know what kind of person you are?"

   finally hooked up with Xie Beici, he did not believe that Yu Yin dared to take risks.

"Then go and talk to Xie Beici, you still believe me if you see Xie Beici's letter." Yu Yin held back her smile, her eyes were cold, and she no longer suppressed her disgust and hatred for this person: "At that time, Xie Beici didn't want me, Will you let go of your Xu family?"

   was taken aback by Yu Yin's sudden coldness.

  Xu Xinghe frowned tightly, this woman was crazy before, maybe she really dared to be crazy again.

   He thought so, and his tone slowed down: "Why do you always have to be so aggressive! Stay a line in everything, see you in the future."

   Yu Yin was really angry: "You are such a scum, how can you be worthy of saying this."

  Xu Xinghe: "Anyway, I just got the video back and didn't really kill you. I just wanted to scare you when I bumped into it."

   "What did you say?" Yu Yin looked at him in shock, then sneered, "You say it again."

  Xu Xinghe: "Didn't I let you go back then?"

   Yu Yin: "Heh, let me go. When you bumped into me, you didn't plan to let me go."

   "If it wasn't for my help, how could you still be standing here alive now." Xu Xinghe regretted again, why he didn't do more hard work back then.

   Yu Yin: "That's my cleverness. When I knew that you would definitely hit me, I calculated my position first, which would allow me to minimize injuries and save my life."

   "That's why I stood still when you bumped into it. It wasn't that I was scared, but that position. If I hit the road, I would definitely fall on the grass next to me, so I would be fine."

   The lights were so dazzling, the car came quickly, like a **** rushing out of a wild food, and opened its **** mouth towards her.

   She was so frightened that her mind went blank, saying that she was not afraid must be fake, she was so afraid that she was almost dead.

   Out of desire for life, she ran forward mechanically with her legs, but she couldn't run.

   So tired, so tired, for a moment she wanted to give up.

   But at this time, the faces of her parents, the teacher, and the sister, who were lying on the hospital bed with tubes all over, flashed in her mind...

   Anyway, thinking of a lot of people, she didn't want to die, and she didn't want to be killed by Xu Xinghe at all.

   At that moment, she remembered that someone once said to her: everything has an algorithm, the road you walk every day, the food you eat every day, you can have a set of algorithm formulas...

   Wisdom in urgency.

  As she looked around, she quickly calculated that she would save her life in such a crisis, but only injured her left shoulder and left hand.

   Seeing that Yu Yin couldn't make any sense, Xu Xinghe had completely lost his patience.

   gritted his teeth thoroughly and said, "Yu Yin, do you have to make trouble with the Xu family?"

  Xu Xinghe was about to die of anger: "Then just wait for Xie Beici to abandon you!"

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   (end of this chapter)