MTL - She’s Always Flirting with Me-Chapter 171 A woman's vinegar also eats

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  Chapter 171 Women's jealousy

   Yu Yin said, and paused: "If I say, I must have one thing from your past, that is self-confidence. I hope you have a little more self-confidence, Sister, you are no worse than anyone else."

   "I don't even know what to say about what you said."

"Then don't say anything, or don't think about anything, just ask your own heart, do you want to go? Go if you want." Yu Yin knew that she liked her dream, and she naturally understood that her heart was the most real idea.

   It's just that her senior sister has too many concerns, so she is so hesitant.

   Sure enough, Yu Mohan laughed after hearing Yu Yin say so.

   Feeling sour and moved, she held Yu Yin's hand, "Okay, I promise you to try it. Of course, I will work hard and work hard, so I won't hold you back."

   Once the dream, if you find it back, to complete it and surpass it, that is the real Yu Mohan.

   That was also what Yu Mohan longed most in his heart at this moment. Yu Yin knew her too well and was too kind to her. Some feelings could not be let down.

  Yu Yin patted her hand: "Senior sister, you are not my hind leg, you have always been my spiritual motivation."

   If there is no senior sister, maybe she will not be so determined and will not find the goal she has been fighting for.

   Yu Mohan suddenly felt a sigh of relief: "Little Junior Sister, you are really good, if only I were a man."

   Yu Yin smiled and asked, "Huh?"

   "Then I will marry you and make you the happiest woman in the world." Yu Mohan said from her heart.

   "Hee hee," Yu Yin smiled happily: "If I were a man, I would marry you too, Senior Sister."

   The two were teasing. At this moment, the door opened, Xie Beici and Zhang Tesuke came in, and they saw two women, holding hands and looking at each other affectionately.

   Special assistant Zhang only felt that the two beauties were very affectionate and loyal, and his boss Qingqing Grassland was back.

   glanced at his boss quietly, his face was green, although it was not kind, but it was the first time he saw the boss's aggrieved look, and he was inexplicably relieved.

   He coughed lightly: "I'm sorry for disturbing you."

   Seeing Xie Beici and the others coming back, Yu Mohan was a little nervous and stood up: "It's getting late, I'll go back first."

   She could feel that Xie Beici didn't like her very much. He just thought that Xie Beici knew about the past and felt that Yu Yin was affected by her. As a boyfriend, he felt sorry for Yu Yin, so naturally he would not see her.

   Yu Yin immediately said: "Senior sister, I will send you."

   She and Xie Beici said with a smile, and they were about to go out. Xie Beici reminded her, "Bring your mobile phone."


   walked out of the hotel all the way, Yu Mohan said with a smile: "You don't need to send it, I called a car."

   "Didn't you agree with that man, he is your boyfriend now, why didn't he come to pick you up," Yu Yin asked, this time she also wanted to meet the man to see if he was reliable.

   Speaking of her boyfriend, Yu Mohan was a little shy: "He went on a mission and will not be back until two days later."

   Yu Yin asked suspiciously, "Mission?"

   Yu Mohan replied, "He's a policeman."


   Yu Yin felt a little better about this future senior brother-in-law, she didn't ask any more questions, she kept sending Yu Mohan to the car, and took a photo of the license plate number before going back.

   Yu Yin returned to the hotel room, Zhang Tezhu had already gone back, and Xie Beici had just come out of the shower.

The bathrobe on his body was tied at will, revealing his **** chest, his hair was wet, and the water droplets slowly slid down from top to bottom, along his neck, collarbone, leaving a trail like a stream, slowly disappearing in clothes.

   Yu Yin was stunned for a moment.

   ah ah ah, this is too tempting.

  Eating Guoguo is a bit tempting to commit crimes.

   She smiled and called out in a deliberately soft voice: "Hey, thank you, you are taking a shower."

  Xie Beici paused while wiping his hair, then looked at her: "What's wrong with your voice?"

   Yu Yin was startled.

   The corners of her mouth twitched, and her voice was even softer: "My throat is not very good. I always speak so softly."

   took a deep look at her, Xie Beici slowly said three words: "I don't think so."

   sat down beside her, suddenly reached out and pinched Yu Yin's face.

   When the corners of his mouth twitched into a slight smile, Yu Yin realized that he was deliberately teasing her just now.

   Yu Yin got angry and clapped his hand: "I know you are like this. When I talk to you in the future, I must have a rough voice, rougher than a man."

  Xie Beici said with a smile but not a smile: "I think you wish to become a man directly, so that you can be with your senior sister in an open and honest way."

   In his voice, he heard a strong sourness.

   Looking at his handsome face again, he was actually indifferent, slightly serious, not like he was joking, and Yu Yin was instantly amused.

   She leaned in front of Xie Beici: "Aren't you, you should eat my sister's vinegar too."

  Xie Beici squeezed her chin, and said in a resentful tone: "You agree to my appointment tonight, why don't you go have dinner with her."

   Yu Yin coaxed: "It's rare to come here once, then you must have a meal with someone."

   "Then what happened to you just now?" When he just entered the door, he heard that a man would marry you.

   He snorted coldly: "Who do you want to marry?"

Yu Yin looked at Xie Beici suspiciously, and couldn't help laughing: "Yo, it's because of this unpleasantness, Xie Cici, be generous, don't say that I have nothing with her, if there is anything you are big, she is small ."

   "Yu Weiwei! I think you're going to die."

   Xie Beici took her hand and sat on his lap with a twist.

   He wrapped her arms around her waist and wrapped her tightly in his arms. His deep eyes were like whirlpools, "How dare you find me a small one."

"Ah, I'm joking, can't you hear it?" Yu Yin wrapped his hands around his neck, "Really, it's okay to eat a man's jealousy, you still eat a woman's jealousy, if I tell Lan Sister, they will definitely laugh at you."

   "You still want people to laugh at me, eh?"

The last word    was particularly dangerous, Xie Beici pressed her onto the sofa and suddenly blocked Yu Yin's lips.

  The man is no longer the little white they were together at the beginning, and now Xie Beici is skilled and provocative.

   excited Yu Yin's heart, and bursts of sparks swayed, like an electric shock, and the numbness traveled all over his limbs.

   Yu Yin was dizzy by the kiss, and almost lost his soul for three thousand miles.

   She thought that this time, she would definitely not stop, and would definitely continue, Xie Beici sat up straight.

   Resound: "..."

  What is the situation, it is difficult to be true.

   She half supported her head and said softly, "Xie Beici, do you want me to accompany you to see the doctor?"

   (end of this chapter)