MTL - She’s Always Flirting with Me-Chapter 183 tired and happy

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   Chapter 183 Tired and Happy

  The studio group of four did not tell other colleagues in the studio that the drone was operated on site, the rescue was successful, and the test results were completed.

Before   , they synchronized the news in the group, saying that Lin City is not suitable for testing, and they are preparing to fight back.

   They are planning to return to the Shenzhen market to surprise their friends.

   Surprise is an old routine, but although the routine is old, sometimes used, it is the most joyful and moving.

  The studio group of four kept covering the news. On the day they returned to the Shenzhen market, they brought the equipment directly to the studio.

   One by one, they deliberately pretended to be lost and depressed.

   Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered the studio, there was a sudden "pop", and the celebration ribbon exploded above their heads.

   Then, all the friends in the studio rushed out to congratulate, the test was completed, and the rescue was successful.

  Yuyin and the others were all shocked. They deliberately didn't say anything about it, just to surprise them. How could they surprise themselves instead?

   "How did you know?" Fang Huaiyang reached out and took off the ribbon on his head and asked with a smile.

   "I know you haven't surfed the Internet all the way back." A colleague turned on his mobile phone and handed it to Fang Huaiyang.

   I saw the big title above at a glance: #UAV precision operation, the combination of technology and rescue! #

  It turned out that they helped the rescue team to find the policeman trapped in the mountains as fast as possible, and they were filmed and posted on the Internet.

  Yuyin almost became a celebrity because of "being caught by a mistress" some time ago.

  Although things have calmed down, the Internet has memories, and Yu Yin's appearance is too high. As soon as the video was posted, many people recognized her at a glance.

  【This is not the girl who was wrongly accused of being a mistress before. I didn’t expect her to be so powerful. 】

【too strong! ! Seeing the excited look of the person in charge, I almost cried! ! 】

  【As a colleague, I just want to give a compliment to the good guy. After all, the weather is so dense and the woods are so dense, and the machine can't work properly at all. This flight control system is definitely not ordinary. 】

  【I hope that our country's scientific and technological power can become stronger and stronger! 】


   As more and more people follow, the incident has become a hot search, and all the friends in the studio will know about it.

   From dazed, shocked to ecstatic, almost the first time I wanted to call Yu Yin and the others to ask about the result.

   But Yu Yin and the others only said that they were on their way back, and they didn’t say a word about the test results. They guessed as soon as they guessed, Yu Yin Fang Huaiyang and the others wanted to surprise everyone.

   After they discussed it, they decided to give Yu Yin and the others a surprise by "accounting for the plan".

Fang Huaiyang covered his face and said with a funny smile: "It turns out that, thanks to me, on the way back, I have been thinking about how to act lost, when you are lost in your hearts and you want to comfort us again, come back and make everyone lose their teeth. ."

   The colleague who gave him his cell phone patted him on the shoulder: "I'm sorry, you are Sima Yi, we are Zhuge Liang."

   Another colleague shouted: "We should be stooges, because three stooges top Zhuge Liang."


   Everyone in the studio burst out laughing.

   A happy, warm and beautiful room.

  Yu Yin took the mobile phone and glanced at the news on the Internet.

   Like the previous rumor that she was a mistress, everyone was discussing her overwhelmingly, but most of them were compliments, saying that she was beautiful and kind, and she was beautiful and talented.

   I wish her to develop more high-tech products in the future.

   Of course, there are occasionally those yin and yang peculiar ones, but they were soon sunk into the army of commentaries and disappeared.

   would rather be by the side and ask worriedly, "They didn't scold Senior Sister anymore."

   Yu Yin's "being a junior", I would rather always feel that it is because of myself that I will cause Yu Yin to be scolded by so many people, and I have always felt ashamed in my heart.

   "No, it's all compliments."

"That's good."

   Put the equipment in the studio, and invited everyone in the studio to eat before Yu Yin went home.

   The night was slightly cool, Yu Yin was lying on the sofa tiredly, Xie Beici handed her a cup of boiling water: "Go to rest when you are tired."

   "Tired and happy." Yu Yin took a sip of water and put it on the coffee table: "By the way, the video on the Internet was posted by you."

  Xie Beici also knew that Yu Yin was on the hot search again, but the video was not sent by him: "It was sent by the rescue team, and the municipal government also vigorously promoted it."

   "You helped me too, as a metaphor for accusation."

   "It's just that I don't like people, and they speak sour words to you."

   "Thank you." Yu Yin stood up and hugged Xie Beici: "I'm so terrified of you being so kind to me."

   "Fear?" Xie Beici raised his eyebrows: "I'm still afraid of being nice to you, are you making me feel bad for you?"

   "I am afraid that you will treat me badly in the future. Compared with now, I will definitely not be able to accept it," Yu Yin replied truthfully.

   "Worry about it," Xie Beici let out a low laugh, picked up Yu Yin's face, and kissed her soft, tender red lips.

  Assistant Zhang Te held the documents in his room and walked out of the cubicle to see this scene. He tutted a few times in his heart, and then immediately backed away to prevent himself from being overwhelmed by the sour smell of love.

   However, he suddenly misses his girlfriend. After all, he is on a business trip and has not seen her for several days. He misses her and misses her from the bone marrow! !

   During this period of time in Lin City, Yu Yin didn't have a good rest. He returned to Shenzhen City and had a holiday the next day, ready to sleep with him in a daze.

   As a result, Xie Beici woke up early the next morning.

  Mother Xie knew that they came back from Lin City and came to see her specially today.

   "I saw you on the Internet, you are so amazing," Xie's mother also heard Xie's father say that Yu Yin was assisting in the rescue in Lin City.

   As a future mother-in-law, she was extremely proud, and as soon as she came, she dragged Yu Yin to talk about it.

  Xie Beici saw Yu Yin coming, so he walked away. After that, Yu Yin also accompanied Xie's mother.

After lunch, when Mother Xie left, she glared at her son resentfully, and then complained to Yu Yin, "In the future, you and Xie Beici must have a daughter. Sons are all outgoing, not caring at all, and never go out with mother. , and I will never have a heart-to-heart talk with my mother."

   Yu Yin smiled: "Boys should be like this. I'll chat with you and go shopping with you in the future."

  Xie's mother's heart warmed, Meizizi held Yuyin's hand, and spoke for a while before leaving.

  Xie Beici came over, looked at Yu Yin and said, "My mother is gone."

   "Yeah, why don't you come to deliver it."

   "What is there to give away, she often comes here," Xie Beici thought it was good to be casual at her son's house, and Yu Yin thought about it too, Xie Beici looked at her, "You can take a nap."

   (end of this chapter)