MTL - She’s Always Flirting with Me-Chapter 191 I don't think it's love

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   Chapter 191 I don't think this is love

   "You pick it up, I'll look at the fish." There is a small pond next to it, and there are some koi in it, and Yu Yin is lying on the railing and watching.

   Opposite the rockery, there is a vending machine that sells fish food.

  Yuyin walked over and bought some for the koi to feed. The koi ate happily. Yuyin soon finished feeding, and she was going to buy some more.

When    walked to the vending machine, she felt a figure behind the rockery.

   Yu Yin looked up subconsciously, and the man immediately hid himself behind the rockery.

  If he didn't move, Yu Yin wouldn't think too much.

   But she looked over, but he hid, so guilty that Yu Yin couldn't help but think.

  Yu Yin frowned and stepped subconsciously, wanting to see what was going on, took two steps to the side, turned his head and looked over, there was no one there.

When    was puzzled, Xie Beici came over: "Why are you standing here?"

   "Come here to buy fish food, you have finished calling," with Xie Bei's speech, Yu Yin became a little more daring.

   She took Xie Beici and walked towards the rockery again. No suspicious people were found. There were patients walking around, and two children were playing around.

   Yu Yin laughed inwardly, thinking that she was probably thinking too much.

   The next day, Jiang You also came to see Yu Yin. Unlike others, she bought a bunch of delicious food.

   "How are you, what did the doctor say, is it serious?" Jiang You asked worriedly.

"It's not serious, I didn't have surgery, the conservative treatment is very effective, and I should be able to leave the hospital tomorrow," Yu Yin smiled, picking out the things Jiang You bought, and finally took out three things and shook them: "These I should be able to eat."

   She complained to Jiang You: "You don't know how miserable I am these days. I eat porridge and Xie Beici eats a big meal. Every time I fantasize that my porridge is the most delicious food in the world."

   Jiang You couldn't help laughing: "Don't blame me for being unkind, it's so funny."

   Yu Yin: "Where do you still have a good friend? It's a lost friend."

  Jiangyou: "To be honest, I kind of want to sit across from you with a bowl of snail noodles while you're having porridge."

   said, she covered her mouth and laughed.

   Yu Yin rolled her eyes at her: "The boat of our friendship has capsized at this moment."

   "Don't worry, you can't turn it over." Jiang You smiled and stretched out his hand to hook Yu Yin's neck: "The bottom is fixed with a steel frame."

   "The rebar frame is rusted."

"stainless steel."

   At this moment, the nurse pushed the door and came in with a gift box in her hand: "Miss Yu, one of your couriers has been delivered to the front desk, and I'll bring it for you."

  Jiang You immediately stood up, helped Yu Yin to take it, and thanked Miss Nurse.

   After Miss Nurse left, Jiang You looked at the gift box in his hand and couldn't help but wow, "What a beautiful and high-end gift box, is it a surprise for you from Xie Beici?"

   said, she raised her eyes to look at Yu Yin, only to find that Yu Yin's face was not very good, it could be said to be a little heavy, and the eyes staring at the gift box were full of alertness.

   At this time, Jiang You discovered that Yu Yin had been silent since Miss Nurse brought the gift box in.

   Jiang You looked down at the gift box in his hand, then looked at Yu Yin, and asked, "What's wrong? It wasn't given by Xie Beici, but who sent it."

   Yu Yin shook his head: "I don't know either."

   Jiangyou: "Huh?"

   Yu Yin: "It's not the first time I've received such a gift box, this is the third time, it's full of dried flowers."

   Jiang You heard the words, and immediately put the box on the coffee table next to it and opened it. It was indeed some dried flowers as Yu Yin said.

   There was a card on top of the dried flower, Jiang You picked it up and took a look.

   It reads: I can't bear the disease for you, it makes my heart very painful, I hope you will recover soon, be healthy and happy!

   She showed the card to Yu Yin: "The words of blessing are written on it."

   Yu Yin said lightly: "Last time he expressed his love."

   Jiang You said: "Is this your admirer?"

   Yu Yin shook his head: "I don't know, but such a gift box always has a creepy feeling to me."

  Jiangyou is a well-known beauty blogger. She often receives gifts from others, some are fans and some are partners.

   So Jiang You actually didn't quite understand Yu Yin's nervousness.

   She asked suspiciously, "Looking at this kind of gift box, it looks like a gift. There's nothing scary about it. Why are you so scared?"

  Yu Yin looked at her and said, "When I first received this gift box, it was placed directly in front of my house. A surveillance camera was installed in front of my house. That person wore a mask and mask and deliberately hid himself."

  Jiang You opened his mouth wide in surprise: "In this case, it's a bit scary..."

   No matter which single girl is, she will be a little panic when encountering such a thing.

   She seemed to understand: "Did you move to where Xie Beici lived because of this?"

Yu Yin nodded: "A few days after I moved, where did this gift box go to Xie Beici again, by express delivery, because the management of the community where Xie Beici lived is much stricter than the old-fashioned community I used to live in. There should be no way for him to send it directly, so he used the express method, but the address and phone number of his sender are fake."

  Jiang You suddenly felt that the card in his hand was like a cold poisonous snake.

   The back shivered, she shook her body, and immediately threw the card into the dried flowers, "What does this person want? Are you being targeted by a pervert?"

   Yu Yin held his forehead, a little helpless: "I don't know if it's a pervert, but it's obvious that he's eyeing me."

"According to my years of experience in watching suspense-solving dramas and novels, people who do this kind of thing usually look like people, maybe they are honest and honest. Think back, do you know such people. "Jiang You was thoughtful, and she tried her best to think about the person she thought was a suspect.

   "'s too difficult for me." Yu Yin felt that just relying on this guesswork was a bit ridiculous, so I wouldn't say what people look like. They seem to be honest and honest, and maybe they are really honest and honest.

  Jiang You frowned and said, "He may have confessed to you before, but he was completely rejected by you, so he can only pay attention to you silently."

   "It would be nice if you just paid attention silently," Yu Yin gestured to the dried flowers with her chin: "Do you think this is silent attention?"

"No," Jiang You shook her head, and she continued to analyze, "Of course it's also possible, because he's too ordinary, knowing that he will confess to you, and you won't accept it, so he imagined that he is the favorite in the world. Your man, apart from him, will not have any other man to give you happiness to show that he has a unique love for you."

   Yu Yin said: "I don't think this is love."

   (end of this chapter)