MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 46

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Si Nian said that she did not want to go back to Jiang Hanyu's problem, she kept walking, and it didn't make it obvious that the rhythm was out of order.

Jiang Hanyu didn't care so much, she decided that Si Nian was for herself, so it must be for herself. At this time, she immediately turned into a piece of brown sugar, and could not wait to walk on the road next to Si Nian.

"Si Nian, are you tired?"

"Si Nian, do you want to drink water?"

"Si Nian, what do you want to eat most?"

Along the way, the "Si Nian" in Jiang Hanyu's mouth did not stop, twittering like a thrush. Si Nian felt helpless. He felt a headache and laughed at Jiang Hanyu's "crazy bombardment" in words. From the bottom of his heart, he was not so disgusted.

The two went to eat Korean food. When ordering, Jiang Hanyu flipped through the set meal and whispered in Si Nian's ear: "Look at this, it's a couple set meal, and there are several more. !"

It is obvious that two people can sit opposite each other, but Jiang Hanyu just wants to squeeze together with her, leaning against her, not leaving, talking like this, but also very close. Si Nian felt that the lake in the bottom of her heart was still calm, but because of Jiang Hanyu, she was disturbed, the world turned upside down, and the water splashed on the tip of her heart.

"Whatever, I can do it." Si Nian couldn't concentrate at all. When Jiang Hanyu was so close to herself, she closed the menu, "You decide."

Jiang Hanyu was naive and stubborn just for the words "couple package" written on it.

There was still a while before serving, Jiang Hanyu was pushed back to his seat by Si Nian.

The person who was kicked back looked wronged and sat opposite, "Si Nian, do you have an opinion on me?"

Si Nian: "..." One person must sit for two people, I'm afraid there is no brain problem.

But Jiang Hanyu quickly put this matter behind her, and she heard the sound of a "click, click, click" from the camera next door. Looking back, Jiang Hanyu saw a couple leaning against each other to take pictures.

Jiang Hanyu and Si Nian have no interest in taking selfies. Jiang Hanyu used to simply dislike it. At that time, when she was in junior high school, she was already famous, not only because she fought very well, but also because she was famous at first because she was good-looking. Before everyone knew her true face, many boys sent her love letters and confessed something. It wasn't until later that she brought people to fight with the little ruffians in the alley outside the school, and after "the school became famous", there were fewer boys who came to send love letters, but this did not make Jiang Han fish lessons. There are too few confession letters on the table, but it is filled with more and more gifts.

Boys are not enough, girls are coming!

Since then, there have been many girls who have deep memories of Jiang Hanyu, and some even threatened that since there is such a powerful young lady as Jiang Hanyu, what do you want the little brother to do!

Girls are even more terrifying than boys. Jiang Hanyu himself does not know how many times he has been secretly photographed and put it on the school's post bar.

During that time, Jiang Hanyu found a recent photo or something, just searched online. But now, Jiang Hanyu looked at the girls and boys at the opposite table, and suddenly had the idea of ​​taking pictures with Si Nian.

"Si Nian..."

Jiang Hanyu's request was seen by Si Nian before he made it, "No."

Jiang Hanyu: "..." She reached out and poked the side dishes on the table over and over with a spoon, obviously because of Si Nian's neat refusal to express her dissatisfaction and unacceptability! "Why! They take pictures when they eat together!" Including them and Zhao Qiao going out together a few days ago, Zhao Qiao and Ji Chunnian also patted each other.

Si Nian: "Then take pictures with them!"

Jiang Hanyu: "...I don't! I just want to shoot with you!"

At this time, the army hot pot and bibimbap they ordered were brought up, with a stove below, and the hot pot soup was still thumping, it looked delicious.

Jiang Hanyu took out his mobile phone, and Si Nian didn't allow him to take pictures of her. It's okay to take pictures of food but accidentally take pictures of Si Nian, right?

As a person who often takes photos of Zhao Qiao and Ji Chunnian, Jiang Hanyu feels that his photography skills are not bad. When Si Nian reacted, Jiang Hanyu had already finished filming.

"Jiang Hanyu!" Feeling that the camera on the opposite phone was aimed at her, Si Nian's eyes were a little annoyed, she reached out to Jiang Hanyu and motioned for the latter to show her.

Jiang Hanyu smiled and brought the hot pot he just shot to Si Nian, "Do you want it? I can pass it on to you!"

Si Nian: "..." On Jiang Hanyu's mobile phone, there were several pictures of delicious food, she silently lowered her head and picked up her chopsticks, "No need, let's eat first."

Jiang Hanyu withdrew his hand, with a deep smile in his eyes, "Okay, okay!" After speaking, he didn't move his chopsticks, but looked down at the phone screen and quickly swiped to the first Zhang, the girl in the photo bows her head slightly, her long smooth hair is draped over her shoulders, and there is a dark blue patchwork behind it. Even if Si Nian didn't look at the camera, it is such a sense of picture, which gives people a strong sense of tranquility. and beautiful.

The corner of Jiang Hanyu's mouth is slightly upturned, which is set as the mobile phone desktop background.

In order to commemorate the first time I went out to eat alone with Si Nian, Jiang Hanyu, who has never been very fond of posting friends, sent a ticket circle, accompanied by delicious food, and on the opposite side, there is a faint faint of Si Nian About the outline that cannot be seen clearly.

Shortly after the vote was sent out, Jiang Hanyu received a complaint from Zhao Qiao in the group chat.

Zhao Qiao: @jianghanyu, ah ah ah ah, Jiang Hanyu, you big ass-eye! You said ok, we went out to play together on the last day!

Zhao Qiao: I asked you before, but you said you didn't have time. Well, you're going to learn that I don't stop you, but, but how can you deceive my feelings like this! We have been in love for so many years!

Zhao Qiao: ah ah ah ah! Which little fox did you go with! You have just abandoned your sweetheart and little baby!

Other Aite, Jiang Hanyu naturally received the prompt, but she chose to ignore Zhao Qiao's words. Anyway, it's not a girlfriend, so it's just too unreasonable to make trouble! Jiang Hanyu thought like this, little baby, be careful? Zhao Qiao can really put gold on his face!

Si Nian also saw the prompt message on the mobile phone. The photos sent by Jiang Hanyu made her photographed very blurry. If it was really just taken inadvertently, Si Nian couldn’t say anything. In this photo, you can't even tell that the person above is him. Seeing Zhao Qiao's news in the group chat, Jiang Hanyu didn't reply, but she still came out and explained two sentences.

Si Nian: That's me.

Not a vixen…

Zhao Qiao's swiping on the screen seemed to be stuck, and when Si Nian said these words, he actually made the screen stand still for a while.

It was about a long, long time before Ji Chunnian spoke in the group chat.

Ji Chunnian: I'm sorry Si Nian, Xiao Qiao doesn't dare to see you now, she said that she brought you two boxes of chocolates to make amends when she went to school tomorrow.

Si Nian: "..." This is not necessary, right?

Si Nian didn't know that now at Zhao Qiao's side, a certain rough classmate Qiao is still complaining sadly to Ji Chunnian: "Why is this, why, we are not all good friend's?"

Ji Chunnian finally couldn't listen anymore. He thought that what he and Ling Yi thought were wrong before, why should Zhao Qiao find out? "Everyone is good friends, but you are not Jiang Hanyu's girlfriend!"

Zhao Qiao hummed, "I know! I'm your girlfriend! But Xiao Nian, isn't it Han Yu's girlfriend?"

"Not now, who knows in the future?" Ji Chunnian put a chestnut on Zhao Qiao's forehead, "Let's go, now go and choose chocolate for your little sister."

Zhao Qiao's mind is chaotic, what? What did she hear from Ji Chunnian's mouth just now! ?

Ji Chunnian: "..." I don't really want to continue talking.

Jiang Hanyu, who was still in the restaurant, also saw Si Nian's reply in the group chat, she snorted twice, "Actually, it's okay if you ignore her."

Si Nian forked a piece of fruit and said, "Lest Zhao Qiao misunderstand."

"What's the misunderstanding?" Jiang Hanyu asked knowingly.

Si Nian: “…”

After eating the seasonal fruits in the bowl, Si Nian followed Jiang Hanyu out of the restaurant. Opposite is the shopping mall, Jiang Hanyu took Si Nian's hand across the street.

Si Nian never thought that he would really ask Jiang Hanyu to compensate her for a pair of shoes, but Jiang Hanyu was more persistent than her, so he had to let Jiang Hanyu take him in.

Sitting on a stool in a bright mall, Si Nian had no desire to shop, but Jiang Hanyu was more interested, and kept holding the beautiful shoes she saw from the counter and asked the shopping guide to find them for Si Nian Give it a try.

"What size do you wear?"

"36." Jiang Hanyu answered faster than Si Nian, holding a small black leather shoe in her hand, with a simple appearance, a square head and a shallow mouth, and winked at Si Nian, "Do you think I know you better than you think?"

Si Nian: “…”

"These shoes will look good on you!" Jiang Hanyu seemed to have not noticed Si Nian's embarrassment at the moment, so he changed the subject by himself.

Being distracted, Si Nian felt a little helpless, "I don't need that many shoes."

"It looks good, why don't you?" Jiang Hanyu ignored Si Nian's retort, "Anyway, Xu Ran said, let's have fun, buy whatever we want, and wait..." For a moment, Jiang Hanyu, who was still enthusiastically discussing shopping with Si Nian, stopped talking.

"Wait for what?" Si Nian just wanted to ask, but the faces of the people around him suddenly sank. She followed Jiang Hanyu's realization and saw that there were two women, arm in arm, about two rows of shoe racks, talking to each other.

Si Nian did not speak quietly, everyone had a secret, from Jiang Hanyu's eyes, she could see that the two women they encountered now were Jiang Hanyu's secret.

The author has something to say: If you think too much about the secret at the end, you will lose! serious face.jpg

Hahaha yesterday's remarks were clearly referring to Jinjiang's pot! Not my net's pot! 23333

Momoda cute mines and nutrient solution~