MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 70

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Jiang Hanyu tilted his head, this appearance did not take the class to heart at all, looked at Si Nian, grinned a row of neat teeth, "Looking at you."

Si Nian'ergen seemed to be popular with her, "Did you forget our agreement?"

Jiang Hanyu snorted, indicating that she hadn't forgotten, but, "I just changed seats, what happened? I didn't kiss or hug, and I didn't do anything wrong." Very righteous.

What else did Si Nian want to say, this change of position has obviously attracted the attention of others? But now Teacher Zhou, who is doing Chinese self-study early in the first class, has walked in from the door. Si Nian is a good boy. Naturally, he has to pick up the textbook at this time. It is impossible to continue discussing the change of seats with Jiang Hanyu. The classical Chinese part of the study begins to recite.

"The peacock flies southeast and wanders every five miles..." As soon as Si Nian turned to the recitation, she knew that a bright voice had already come from beside her, she tilted her head, just happened to not turn with Jiang Hanyu Kai's eyes met, and now the latter gave her an extremely provocative look, as if to protest what she had agreed to. Look, she just changed her position, isn't she still studying seriously as usual?

Si Nian was dumbfounded when he saw this. She now finally understands why Zhao Qiao always complained that Jiang Hanyu was too noisy when he was studying early. She didn't feel it when Jiang Hanyu was in the last row, but now, with Jiang Hanyu sitting next to him, Si Nianzhen really thinks the voice of the person in front of her is a little too loud?

Mr. Zhou, who used to be indifferent in the self-study class, heard Jiang Hanyu's rather high voice as soon as he entered the door. Standing on the podium, he couldn't help but turn his eyes to Jiang Hanyu's The direction took a second look, I don't know why this little speaker suddenly sat here, and the last quiet place was not reserved for her!

Holding the lesson plan, Teacher Zhou quickly left around the podium, walked to the back of the classroom, away from Jiang Hanyu's recent "noise" that seemed to be all used in reading and had nowhere to vent.

Si Nian's voice is much lower than Jiang Hanyu's. She adapts to the environment very quickly, just like now, although Jiang Hanyu was sitting next to her, she felt a little uneasy, and Jiang Hanyu's voice It disturbed her everywhere. But soon, she was able to use Jiang Hanyu's reading aloud as background music, immersed in her own world, and recited the textbook silently.

But where is Jiang Hanyu so safe? When he saw the phrase "Pushrooms are as tough as silk, and rocks do not move", Jiang Hanyu reached out and patted Si Nian's arm, laughed and joked, "You can be treated as a rock, and your concubine can be treated as a pampas reed."

Si Nian didn't know that Jiang Hanyu could memorize so many things by reciting the text, she glared at Jiang Hanyu, "The rock is square and thick, and can die for a thousand years; Are you sure you want to do pampas?"

Jiang Hanyu used this sentence to make fun of Si Nian, but he didn't know that Si Nian was taking the lead, and he didn't even need to refute it now.

"I don't blame you." Si Nian smiled when she saw her face stiff and lacking in words, and then said, "Who told you not to memorize the text well, you don't know the final outcome!"

Jiang Hanyu, who was suddenly taught a lesson: "..." Ignorance is shameful!

"You sit back in the next class, and you and Tan Hao are not allowed to change seats without authorization!" Si Nian said.

Jiang Hanyu: "Why!"

"Teacher Shi said you can't change seats in private!" Si Nian ignored Jiang Hanyu's obviously unhappy eyes and said.

"It's your fault!" Jiang Hanyu expressed his dissatisfaction.

Si Nian: "What does it have to do with me?"

"You didn't give me the seat next to you when you changed seats last time!"

Si Nian: "..." What reason did she tell Jiang Hanyu? "Moreover, don't come to my room tonight to do my homework with me."

Sure enough, as soon as Si Nian said this, Jiang Hanyu instantly became much more honest.

When the get out of class was over, Jiang Hanyu didn't forget to throw a complaint to Si Nian before leaving.

Si Nian, you are such a cruel woman!

Recalling the tone of Jiang Hanyu's words, Si Nian, who was sitting still, suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, as if Jiang Hanyu was actually quite cute!

During class, someone tapped Si Nian on the shoulder behind Si Nian, she turned around and saw other girls in the class looking at her with gossip, the latter asked in a low voice, "Si Nian , do you have a good relationship with Jiang Hanyu now?"

"Is it okay?" Si Nian didn't know what the questioner meant, so he chose an ambiguous answer.

The girl who heard her blushed, "I, I want to ask you a favor, please?"

"You said."

The girl approached her and whispered: "Well, I have a best friend from another class who likes Jiang Hanyu, can you help me ask her if she likes girls? Then, can you? , can you help me give her what my friend wrote to her?"

With such serious and anxious eyes, Si Nian looked at it and felt funny and a little sour. This is probably a "my friend is me" series. However, when her hand just took the light pink envelope in the girl's hand, Jiang Hanyu didn't know when she had come up from behind.

This action caught Si Nian off guard. Si Nian didn't even have time to say anything. In the blink of an eye, Jiang Hanyu had already pulled him into the corridor.

"Jiang Hanyu..." Si Nian shouted the name of the person in front of him, but Jiang Hanyu still pulled her to the rooftop.

It was colder on the rooftop at this time. From time to time, the howling wind blowing around made the clothes rattle.

Jiang Hanyu just walked up to the rooftop and closed the door, as if he had endured something that he couldn't bear for a long time, turned around, and exerted a slight force on his wrist, he would hold the si Nian suddenly hugged him into his arms. "Si Nian!" There seemed to be a bit of anger in this tone. And this embrace is very tight.

Si Nian is at a loss now, "Ah?" She reached out and patted Jiang Hanyu's shoulder, "Why do you call me by my name?"

Jiang Hanyu's teeth seemed to come from his ears, "What are you holding in your hand?"

Although she returned to her seat just now, her eyes were out of control, and she kept looking in the direction of Si Nian's position. As a result, when I saw someone find her, they were still so close when they spoke to her. The smell on Si Nian's body, Jiang Hanyu thought, only he can smell it! The most unbearable thing for her was that Si Nian actually reached out and took the love letter passed by someone else! She, isn't she already his girlfriend? How can it be like this!

Si Nian is now being held in Jiang Hanyu's arms, she really wants to laugh out loud. The thin piece of letterhead was still hidden in the pink envelope, and she hadn't even asked Jiang Hanyu to settle the account, what's the matter? Now this is Jiang Hanyu "Xing Shi and asking her guilt"?

"The wicked complain first!" Si Nian felt angry and funny. She broke free from Jiang Hanyu's arms, and slapped the pink envelope that was still in her hands on Jiang Hanyu's face, "Open it, take out the spirit of your self-study reading aloud and read it to me. !"

Jiang Hanyu: "...Si Nian!"

Jiang Hanyu is still out of status.

Si Nian snorted twice, "Do you just want to know? I'll give you a chance to know! If..." Si Nian paused, looking at the brows in front of him that were about to form a line Jiang Hanyu said, "If you miss this opportunity, then I will continue to accept other people's, um, love letters next time."

She is not used to accentuating the pronunciation of the last two words, gently, but it makes people hear a different flavor.

Jiang Hanyu was a bit irritable, took the love letter from Si Nian, opened it, and read it aloud with a resentful, angry voice...

"Hello Hanyu, I have been paying attention to you for a long time, please don't tell you my name first? I like you, like the wind to walk eight thousand miles..."

At this moment, Jiang Hanyu realized that something was wrong. "Si Nian, I..."

Jiang Hanyu raised his head and saw that Si Nian was looking at him in a relaxed manner. He obviously knew what was written here and for whom it was written.

"What's the matter? I don't know the words anymore?" Si Nian snorted coldly, "It's like the wind has traveled 8,000 miles, so much literature and art, I'm about to be moved when I hear it..."

Jiang Hanyu knew that he had made an oolong. Now, he doesn't know how to face Si Nian. "I, I swear I didn't..."

"Nothing, did you misunderstand me?" Si Nian clearly knew that what Jiang Hanyu wanted to say was that she didn't care about others and didn't know who they were, but she just wanted to misinterpret Jiang Hanyu's meaning. Looking at her, she looked a little speechless.

Hearing this, Jiang Hanyu suddenly felt a little hot on his face, "...I was wrong..." Jiang Hanyu thought, it doesn't seem like it's a shame to bow your head in front of his daughter-in-law, anyway, this time it seems that It's her problem.

"Pfft", suddenly there was a chuckle in the wind, Jiang Hanyu raised his head abruptly, saw the smile on Si Nian's face standing in front of him, and knew that he was being played by Si Nian. If he were someone else, Jiang Hanyu would have been blown away in minutes when he encountered such a thing. But now, the person she was facing was Si Nian, and when she saw Si Nian laugh, she only made one move.

Jiang Hanyu stretched out his hand and hooked Si Nian's neck. Regardless, he put the other hand on Si Nian's waist, put her in his arms, lowered his head, and placed her on her lips. kissed. "Dare to play with me?" She spoke in a threatening voice, but she couldn't resist the love inside.

Si Nian was kissed by her, but she couldn't resist, she heard such words in her ear, she reached out and poked Jiang Hanyu's shoulder, took advantage of the gap to tilt her head, and avoided Jiang Hanyu's In the second round of the offensive, "What else do you think of an unreasonable person? Drag me out of the classroom without saying a word, Jiang Hanyu, do you know that the next class is for Teacher Shi?"

"Didn't I apologize?" Jiang Hanyu was wronged first, "I'm anxious! Next time I won't..."

At this time, the class bell had rang, and Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu went down from the rooftop. Originally, both of them were ready to be criticized, but they didn't expect to find out that this class was a self-study class when they returned to the classroom, and Shi Feiwan was not yet on the podium.

When Tan Hao saw Si Nian come in, he said, "Si Nian, the teacher next door just now asked you to go to the office."

Si Nian was stunned, Mr. Li next door?

Before sitting down, Si Nian turned around and went out. The teacher next door is the head teacher of the next class, and she is in the same office as teacher Shi in their class. Standing at the door of the office, Si Nian knocked on the door.

"It's Si Nian, come in quickly!" Teacher Li, who was sitting very close to the door, greeted her when she saw her.

Si Nian walked over, "Mr. Li, are you looking for me?"

"Well, it's not me looking for you, your teacher asked you to take the homework on her desk back to the class before leaving, you are the monitor, the last two math classes Take care of the students in the class and let them go to class quietly."

Si Nian walked to Shi Feiwan's desk and saw a neat stack of exercise books. She thanked Teacher Li and prepared to go back to the classroom with the workbook in her hand.

When walking to the overpass connecting the two H-shaped teaching buildings, Si Nian never expected to see a familiar back at the safety passage. When he looked again, the figure was gone again. Si Nian was not very interested in gossip, and the exercise book in her hand was a little heavy, she quickly turned around and walked towards the classroom.

Now at the passageway near the corner after Si Nian left, a person stood out.

If Si Nian turned around at this time, he would definitely be surprised. She had only seen this person's eyes not long ago, and they were still very cold at that time. And now, the owner of these eyes was looking at her back, and said to the owner of the familiar back she had inadvertently looked at: "She, is your student?"

Shi Feiwan lost her usual composure in front of Si Nian and her group of students. At this moment, she frowned, feeling helpless and troublesome at the sudden appearance in front of her. "Chi Sui, I'll take you back."

The content of what they were talking about was not in the same channel at all. The girl Shi Feiwan called Chi Sui was now wearing a camel turtleneck sweater with a short pleated skirt underneath, revealing A pair of long legs wearing only thin stockings did not seem to feel cool in this early winter. Although Shi Feiwan did not answer his own question now, Chi Sui still answered Shi Feiwan very clearly.

"I don't!"

She looks like she is charming and willful. But even with this appearance, it seems that she refuses to obey the discipline, but it is difficult for people to feel disgusted towards her.

Shi Feiwan stretched out her hand to hold her, but she took a step back, standing on the edge of the first-step stairs, with her hands behind her, she never felt that such a move was dangerous Then, he smiled at Shi Feiwan in front of him, "Don't touch me, you said it yourself, don't forget. If I fall from here, Shi Feiwan, will you take me to the hospital first, or give me They called and asked them to take me back?"

Shi Feiwan: "...Don't make trouble!" In this tone, there was a bit of inexplicable irritability.

"I'm not making trouble, I'm serious." The pretty girl looked at her seriously and said.

"You ran out without saying hello to your family, what do your parents think? Others run away from home in the city, but you are good, spanning more than half the world, Chi Sui, you What exactly do you want to do?"

The **** the stairs raised her eyebrows, her eyes were broken, she pressed the tip of her tongue against her back molars, "Don't you know what I want to do? Teacher Shi?"

So many students call Shi Feiwan "Teacher Shi", but only this person in front of him bites these three words clearly, causing ripples in the heart, turning back and forth. Heartwarming.

Shen Shengsheng insisted that he could not refuse, "Besides, do you think you can threaten me with this?"

Chi Sui was instantly irritated by her words, those eyes that had only been left with coolness were now stained with anger, she wanted to be very courageous, and it was not that she did not do outrageous things, now listen Shi Feiwan's words were as if she was going to compete with her, and regardless of her whole body, she fell towards the back steps.

The moment she closed her eyes and felt her body fall, Chi Sui raised her lips proudly. Just try it, she is not afraid!

The author has something to say: This should be a short essay~ Waving a small handkerchief to ask for comments~ Gold master wives~~~ Holding a small bench, the nest really wants to smash the sky~ ~~! !

What a cute little mine~