MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 95 (1)

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After seizing their belongings, Jiang Hanyu continued to take Si Nian's hand and walked towards the depths of the jungle.

However, the road that no one has traveled all the year round can not be called a road. The surrounding weeds grow wildly, and there are all kinds of dead branches and new branches crossing together. The past is very inconvenient, and just walking will make people feel strenuous.

Jiang Hanyu walked in front, and now she only has a rifle-gun in her hand, except that she can get rid of the obstacles in front of her for a short time, it has no special effect.

Considering that Si Nian walking behind him is more inconvenient to walk, Jiang Hanyu stopped and squatted in front of Si Nian, "Come up, I will carry you on my back."

Si Nian: "I can go!"

Jiang Hanyu: "The road ahead is not easy to pass, you come up, and then come down when the road conditions are better."

This is like just now, but there is no room for Si Nian to negotiate. In the end, Si Nian obediently got on Jiang Hanyu's back. At this time, Jiang Hanyu and Si Nianke hadn't thought of coming to participate in this outdoor reality show. When editing, the post-processing editor was reluctant to cut the footage of the two of them every time they saw them. Unknowingly, in the entire show, the pair with the most shots became the pair of Jiang Hanyu and Si Nian.

There is no other reason, they are the most eye-catching pair, and they are madly throwing dog food while walking. The problem is that these two people don't seem to realize that they are carrying out crazy "dog abuse" behavior. They just talk and do things according to the usual way they get along at home. It's very common, but when people see it, they just sprinkle dog food properly. .

Generally speaking, a reality show with many stars like this is the most likely to arouse the audience's vicious tongue after it is broadcast. After all, every star has a lot of fans. If fans of family A see more shots of star B than their idols, they might set off a wave of ripping wars in minutes. And fans of family B, who were thought by fans of family A to have a lot of drama, might think that there were too many scenes in family C, so they turned around and started to argue with fans of family C again. If Aidou eliminates the opponent in the program group, maybe some brainless fans of these two families can start a fight again. The world of fan circles is always very mysterious, but it can indeed reflect the flow of actors from one side.

The show with its own traffic and topics makes the participating stars both like and worry. I like this kind of high traffic, which can give myself a little popularity, but I am afraid that I will tear up my character with others.

But when this season airs, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu have a lot more shots than others. Surprisingly, this time, no one's fans came to bombard Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu Jin Xing, and no one jumped out as usual to say that this pair of people spent money to go through the back door and let the director do it on purpose. On the contrary, Jiang Hanyu and Si Nian have gained a lot of fans. Even when the show is broadcast every week, their names will definitely be searched on Weibo once a week.

Two people who have not shown their faces in front of the public for many years, but after the show aired, they became crazy fans—

Look at Fanjiaqun: Oh my God, is this pair too sweet? It's like the way an old couple gets along, but looking at the eyes they look at each other, it's completely in love!

Genuine please come in: I just want to say that these two young ladies are too low-key! It has never been said that they showed their affection on Weibo. After the show was broadcast, Miss Hanyu has not opened Weibo yet! It is simply a clear stream in the circle!

908513684: I think they are both super happy! You can see it from the small details! These two are really in love! It's not like some people come to the show to make a show, that kind of thing, you will vomit after watching the overnight meal, okay? Whoever is mentioned here, a fan of a certain family can just have some AC numbers in their hearts, don't argue, you can't beat me!

See the number above: I just want to see these two girls together! what happened! Am I bent? Damn it! My family is still waiting for me to inherit the lineage! FUCK FUCK! This show turned me on!

But Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu, who are still in the forest now, don't know that the two of them will become popular after the show is broadcast. Jiang Hanyu almost walked through most of the forest with Si Nian on his back. Her actions were later dubbed "Ama Yu" by netizens. No matter where she went, she either carried or held Si Nian on her back. And those netizens who were clamoring for too much abuse couldn't help but watch the scenes of Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu twice more.

Si Nian didn't know how long Jiang Hanyu had been walking behind her back, and she was still discussing with Jiang Hanyu whether to attend Ji Chunnian's wedding. Si Nian still didn't want to go, Jiang Hanyu finally compromised and told her to go if she wanted to, or stay at home to rest if she didn't want to. As a result, not long after these words were said, the two met Zhao Qiao first.

This time, Zhao Qiao is partnered with Jiang Hanyu's colleague. It is not a coincidence that Zhao Qiao is not a pair with them.

When Jiang Hanyu and Si Nian discovered each other, the other party also discovered them.

When a master makes a move, it is a momentary thing.

The first reaction of the man beside Zhao Qiao was to shoot, but Jiang Hanyu's first reaction was to protect Si Nian.

At the moment when the gunshot wanted to sound, Jiang Hanyu had already thrown Si Nian to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Jiang Hanyu asked in a low voice.

Si Nian shook his head, even if something happened at this time, it was Jiang Hanyu. She reached out and grabbed Jiang Hanyu's arm. Although she didn't speak, her eyes were enough to explain everything.

Jiang Hanyu shook her head at her, stretched out his hand to his lips and made a "hush" gesture, and then pointed to the back direction, signaling Si Nian to move towards that place.

Si Nian thought that Jiang Hanyu was moving in the same direction with him, so he moved in that direction obediently without thinking much.

But, at the same time as she moved, Jiang Hanyu jumped like a deer, jumping from where they were just now to the opposite direction when she reached out to Si Nian. go.

The duo of Zhao Qiao have been closely watching their movements. This area is the first time for everyone to come here, so it is unfamiliar to everyone, and it is fair. Even if he thinks that he is a skilled person like Jiang Hanyu, he can't help but become cautious when facing teammates who are comparable to him. What's more, the guns for each material point are limited, and at the same time, the guns inside are limited. - The bullets are also limited, and the program group will not give anyone the opportunity to waste. It is not an easy task to find every rubber bullet in this jungle. Now, not everyone calls for protecting the environment, and the program team naturally has to answer the call.

Jiang Hanyu's jumping movement was enough to make people ignore the slight movement of Si Nian crawling on the ground in the bushes, Zhao Qiao and Jiang Hanyu's colleague Men No. 1 quickly moved towards Jiang Hanyu's After chasing him in the direction, Si Nian really wanted to turn back, but he knew very well that going back by himself at this time was Jiang Hanyu's burden and trouble. Besides, Jiang Hanyu at this time, after a big jump, she quickly clinged to the ground and moved carefully. When she found a stone on the ground, she scattered and threw it around, disturbing the attention of Zhao Qiao.

When avoiding the sight of Zhao Qiao's duo, she hid under a giant tree, probed, and looked at the two who had bent over to find herself and Si Nian in the bushes at this time .

Frame-gun, the first person Jiang Hanyu saw was Zhao Qiao. At this time, she knew that once she aimed at Zhao Qiao and shot, she had to leave her position immediately. Otherwise, relying on the vigilance of her colleague, if she can find her location at the first time, she may be killed beautifully.

Two consecutive "bangs", in order to ensure that Zhao Qiao would be eliminated, Jiang Hanyu sent bursts to improve certainty, and soon, the voice of Zhao Qiao being eliminated came from the broadcast above his head.

Zhao Qiao, who was hit; "..." suddenly wanted to be rough! What about sisterhood! How many years! It's more plastic than plastic! What did Jiang Hanyu do to her! Take her head! Can this sister continue?

Not much attention was paid to Zhao Qiao and Jiang Hanyu who was still holding a belly of resentment. Jiang Hanyu left after shooting and chose to run away, but her colleague No. 1 had already spotted her and was at her feet Crazy shooting, this difficult road made Jiang Hanyu unable to walk with the skills he wanted to walk. But fortunately, a big rock appeared in front of her soon, and in the blink of an eye, Jiang Hanyu dodged and hid behind her.

The big leap and run gave her a little breather for the first time in this show. And while she was hiding behind the stone, the broadcast above her head sounded the elimination of three people. Two of them were from Jiang Hanyu's team, and one was their opponent.

Jiang Hanyu heard the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer to her, she weighed it, she didn't know how many bullets the other party had, but she didn't have much.

Soon, just as Jiang Hanyu was about to rush in the countdown of three seconds, the sound of a pistol came from his ear.

This is the position where Si Nian just started crawling, Jiang Hanyu didn't think much of it at all, just worried that Si Nian would be exposed and killed. When she rushed out, she happened to see the confused face of her colleague No. 1. Obviously, she didn't think about why Jiang Hanyu and Si Nian both had guns in their hands not long after the show started. But now, he realized that it was too late, Jiang Hanyu shot him two shots in the back while he was surprised to see Si Nian trying to find out, and then Colleague No. 1 collapsed in cooperation.

When Colleague No. 1 saw Jiang Hanyu reaching out and snatching his bullets, he suddenly understood why this pair of people could be in such a short period of time in such a scarce program All equipped with weapons...

Of course, to rob someone else!

I just realized it was too late...

When the system broadcasts that colleague No. 1 is eliminated, at the same time, it also informs the other three actors that they are in the pair and the colleague No. 2 in the other party to be eliminated. In this way, the current situation is that there are only five people left in the pair of Si Nian and the others, and there are only four people left in the opponent's team.

Judging from the current situation, Si Nian's team almost occupies an absolute advantage. None of the foreign aid personnel on their side were eliminated, and there was only one colleague No. 3 left in the opponent's team.

Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu have never met anyone on the way since they met Zhao Qiao. The Zhao Qiao duo had nothing but bullets and bullets. Before Zhao Qiao was taken down, she touched her stomach, as if feeling emotional, "I can finally eat, I'm starving to death!"

Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu who heard this said: "..."

Jiang Hanyu still stubbornly carried Si Nian on her back until about the afternoon when she saw a machete in a tent. This is a tool provided by the program team to make it easier for them to walk in the jungle.

With the props that can "cut through thorns", Jiang Hanyu put Si Nian down.

The sky here is getting dark very quickly, Jiang Hanyu wants to find the next material point as soon as possible, like the current situation, they only eat a little biscuits and chocolate in the morning and noon, can't they? Satisfy the food for two people for a day.

Around three or four in the afternoon, Jiang Hanyu and Si Nian were still walking in the dense forest. Jiang Hanyu looked back at Si Nian's condition. The road conditions were not good, and it was easy for people to lose more energy. "Do you want to carry it?"

Si Nian shook her head, "You leave, I'll follow you, I'm fine. It's you, are you hungry now?" She put the last piece of chocolate in her pocket For Jiang Hanyu, Jiang Hanyu kept everything for herself before, and she herself did the most to "annihilate" the enemy. In terms of calories consumed, Jiang Hanyu consumed much more than herself.

Jiang Hanyu glanced at the chocolate that Si Nian handed over, she shook her head, and continued walking forward, "Put it in your pocket, eat when you're hungry, don't worry about me. I'm better than you. Be strong, if you don't want to leave, remember to tell me. I don't have any other strength, but I still have the strength to carry my wife."

Si Nian burst out laughing as soon as he heard this, and he was still a little bit unhappy because of the bad setting of the show team, and now it is completely blown away , she strode over to Jiang Hanyu's side, stretched out her hand and took the latter's arm, "Fortunately, you drag me along!"

Jiang Hanyu is reluctant to let her be affected, but she is also reluctant to let Jiang Hanyu be affected!

What's more, I found a small cabin this time. Jiang Hanyu pulled Si Nian in, finally showing a smile on his face that was serious all afternoon. This little house is not big, but the things inside can be said to be quite rich here. There is a self-heating small hot pot, as well as instant noodles and instant rice and boiling water.

Jiang Hanyu asked Si Nian to choose what she wanted to eat first, while he walked outside the house to inspect twice, then closed the door and walked to Si Nian's side.

On the other side, they would come towards us. But now that we occupy this house, it's good to be in there."

Speaking of which, Jiang Hanyu felt that they were lucky.

There is no need to pay attention to the enemies that appear all the time around, and the two of them relax. When you're hungry, anything you eat is delicious. The two ate both instant noodles and instant rice, and thought that the self-heating hot pot could be used for supper at night.

"What about tomorrow morning?" Si Nian asked before eating.

Jiang Hanyu glanced at the big knife at the door and smiled, "Don't worry, I won't starve you."

This Jiang Hanyu is not just talking about it, like these things in the wooden house are really not suitable for breakfast. But the program team will not be feeding twice. There is only enough food for two people to eat one meal. The chance of encountering enemies in this area tomorrow morning is higher, so after eating instant noodles, Jiang Hanyu asked Si Nian to be alone. After staying in the room and not walking around, he went out with the big knife at the door.

On the way here, Jiang Hanyu found a lot of fruit trees. She is going to pick some back for breakfast tomorrow.

Jiang Hanyu went out for a long time this time. She originally planned to pick some bananas and go home, but after going out, she thought of seeing Si Nian reluctantly swallowing compressed biscuits this morning. Feeling distressed, I simply walked farther, picked a yellow pineapple, a bunch of bananas, and held two coconuts in one hand before returning to the wooden house.

"Where have you been? I ask you and you don't answer!" When Jiang Hanyu entered the door, Si Nian hurriedly rushed over from the other side of the room, put his hand on her shoulder, and looked worried .

Si Nian planned to go out to find Jiang Hanyu himself in five minutes before he saw Jiang Hanyu, and now seeing Jiang Hanyu coming back, the first thing to consider is whether she did not receive her because of her injury paging.

Jiang Hanyu pressed down Si Nian's hands in a funny way, "I'm fine." It's just that when Si Nian sent her a message, her hands were empty and she had no time to answer Si Nian's call. With a bunch of bananas and coconut and pineapple? "I brought you tomorrow's breakfast. The conditions here are limited, so let's settle down and have some fruit for breakfast?"

If you compare Jiang Hanyu and Si Nian's affairs horizontally, for the only people left in the jungle now, it's already a luxurious meal.

This was also talked about by the audience after the show was broadcast.

"Today we will have a meal and eat a full Manchu and Chinese feast."

"It will be soon, just give you a coupe as a birthday present."

"Grade? It's about time, just the top five in the grade..."

Jiang Hanyu did not expect that a word he said casually on this day would spread wildly on the Internet, and even at the end of the year, it was also selected as one of the top ten terms on the Internet this year. Even more popular than "xswl" and "zqsg".

Si Nian was relieved after knowing that Jiang Hanyu was all right. She didn't like the fruits she picked up, and it was these fruits that made Jiang Hanyu come back late, and she was alone in the room worrying. "Don't let me find you in the future, we can do without eating." Si Nian said while holding Jiang Hanyu's arm late that night.

Jiang Hanyu was already lying on the bed, there was a quilt in the wooden house, she raised her hand and hugged the woman beside her a little tighter, patted her back, "It's alright, but you are so nervous, what's wrong?"

She could feel Si Nian's recent unusualness, as if he had become more concerned about gains and losses. This has never happened in the ten years they have been dating.

Jiang Hanyu didn't wait for Si Nian's answer, so he looked down at her, and found that the latter's face was a little dark at this time.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Hanyu asked again.

Afterwards, she felt that she was surrounded by a pair of slender arms around her waist, Si Nian leaned against her chest, not letting her see her expression again, "It's nothing, I just listened to it a lot recently. The news that makes me unhappy makes me suddenly feel that the world is impermanent. We must be good..." Si Nian said softly.

Outside things, Jiang Hanyu knew what she was talking about as soon as she heard it. This year, Zhao Qiao broke up with Ji Chunnian, Shi Feiwan and Chi Sui did not get together, and even Ling Yi broke up with his girlfriend in college. Although Si Nian is not a person who thinks too much, she is still affected by the accumulation of these things one after another.

Jiang Hanyu reached out and patted her back. When she was studying, she felt that Si Nian was very mature, and she didn't seem to be afraid of anything, especially when it came to love. Inexplicably certain and calm. But now, she seems to be different. It's not that Jiang Hanyu didn't understand, the more she cared about it, the more she thought about it. She bowed her head and kissed Qin Si Nian's forehead, and said, "Sure, what can we do? Don't worry too much, their affairs will also be dealt with. It's solved, maybe Zhao Qiao will find a better person after this show, as for Chi Sui, he will be with Teacher Shi sooner or later."

Si Nian said "Oh", "I also know that I have been thinking too much recently. It must be because I am too free after work and have nothing to do to make a fuss..."

Jiang Hanyu: "..." Dare lover's heart is transparent, she still wants to enlighten herself. "Okay, it's getting late, go to bed, you didn't sleep well last night."

When the next morning came, Si Nian was pulled out of his dream by a scent and woke up.

Jiang Hanyu, who was beside him, had already got up. At this time, Jiang Hanyu was burning the coconut she picked from the tree yesterday on the small table in front. The fragrance wafted from the coconut.

As soon as Si Nian moved, Jiang Hanyu discovered him. She turned her head and smiled at the person on the bed, "Are you awake? I have good news for you. During the time you were asleep, your little sister Chi Sui and her fellow actors were eliminated."

Si Nian: "..." Is she going to show her happiness now? Is that worthy of her little sister?

But after the end, Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu realized that this might not really be good news. The final result is naturally that the team of Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu won, not to mention that the group of Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu occupied favorable terrain, and the pair who were in the same group as them at the same time, last night. Arrived at the material point here. And because there are two boys in this group, they are very determined to win or lose in this game of the show. They woke up early in the morning and started to search for the remaining four people from the other party yesterday. In the end, the end of the game is also in their hands. Speaking of which, Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu's "fighting monsters" is fairly easy. Compared with their peers, they both seem to be serious travelers...

When Chi Sui was taken out of this dense forest by the staff, she accidentally fell into the river. The stones below were slippery. She fell in and sprained her foot.

When Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu heard the news, they went directly to the hospital.

Before they entered the ward, in the corridor, Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu heard laughter from the ward, and it was not difficult to tell that it was Zhao Qiao's voice.

"...You're so cowardly, I don't think it's like you! Damn it, Chi Sui, you only know if you're cruel to me!"

Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu just pushed in the door when they heard Zhao Qiao's words.

Chi Sui wanted to defend something, but when she heard the noise, she looked at the door, closed her mouth again, and snorted coldly, "What happened to you who I bullied?"

Zhao Qiao also saw Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu, so she shrugged and stopped talking about this issue, and turned to say hello to Si Nian. Of course, when facing Jiang Hanyu, Zhao Qiao didn't have a good face. "Oh, here comes the person who kills the family righteously!"

Jiang Hanyu: "…"

Si Nian looked at Chi Sui, who was lying on the hospital bed with one leg hanging, and frowned, "Why did you suddenly fall into the river?" In Si Nian's impression, Chi Sui's cerebellum Very developed, even in high school, she participated in the gymnastics competition in Nancheng in her spare time. For a girl like Chi Sui who looks like an eighteenth martial arts plenary session, Si Nian really had a hard time imagining that Chi Sui would fall into the river accidentally.

Chi Sui on the hospital bed twitched the corners of her mouth helplessly, "Maybe people are unlucky enough to drink water to get stuck between their teeth."

Si Nian really wanted to believe that she was just too unlucky, but at this time someone suddenly pushed the door and walked in from outside the ward. I guess the latter did not expect that there were so many people in the ward , when he entered the door, he cracked and said, "I'm afraid this little idiot thinks that there is no evidence for everything he has done, so he dares to be so courageous. Don't you know that there are drones everywhere in this show group? ? I've found the surveillance..."

Suddenly, the agent who walked in from the outside realized that the situation in the ward was wrong, and when he looked up, he found that there were so many people standing in the ward. And the little ancestor of her family, who played cards very irrationally, is now looking at her with a calm face!

Agent: "...I went to the wrong room..."

Who believes!

Si Nian's eyes changed, "Wait, Sister Xiangxiang, what did you mean by that sentence?"

Agent: "I, what are you talking about? Didn't I say everything just now? I went wrong, what are those words? What are you talking about?"

Si Nian knew that the other party was pretending to be confused with her, she turned her eyes to Chi Sui, "A Sui, what's going on?"

Chi Sui on the hospital bed knew that she couldn't hide it, and sneered, "I guess the person who didn't like me pushed me when I wasn't paying attention, and fell in. But it's fine now, don't think about it too much. I can handle it myself, you and Han Yu should go back to rest first..."

"Who is it?" Jiang Hanyu, who had been standing beside him for a long time without speaking, opened his mouth.

Chi Sui: "..." Big brother, you look so serious, it looks like you're going to go out and hammer people as soon as I say it! How dare I say it? "Don't bother, we have got the evidence, don't worry, we will follow the law."

"Han Yu means that you give a personal name. She has colleagues she knows, so it's more convenient to do things." Si Nian explained.

An actor whose name Si Nian had heard several times, but was not very familiar with, Jiang Hanyu went out to make a phone call after knowing it. Because the agent knew that he was in trouble, how could he dare to stand under the high-pressure gaze from Jiang Hanyu in the ward? Turning around and slipping out of the ward, in an instant, only Zhao Qiao, Si Nian and Chi Sui were left in the room.

"Does your leg still hurt?" Si Nian looked at the leg in the plaster cast with a bit of distress in his eyes. In all the years that Si Nian has known Chi Sui, she seems to have never seen Chi Sui injured. This is the first time. "Why didn't you react?" She always felt that according to Chi Sui's reaction speed, even if someone was behind the scenes, it shouldn't hurt her so badly.

Chi Sui shrugged, "Who knows? Maybe it was a brain pump at the time."

"Hmph, why didn't you get a headache when you were with me?" Zhao Qiao said to her.

The top of the pyramid!"

"You!" Zhao Qiao jumped in anger, "Chi Sui, you know that you are angry with me!"

Absurd thought, "A Sui, tell me honestly, did you do it on purpose?"

In this world, Si Nianzhen rarely meets anyone smarter than Chi Sui. There will always be such a type of people who seem to be favored by God, no matter what they do, they can always do their best. Very talented, like it doesn't take much effort. And Chi Sui is such a person, but he is such a person, how could he be tricked by a little-known actor all of a sudden? Still being pitted so badly? And most likely, Chi Sui knew for a long time that the current situation was just her own actions.

When Si Nian said this, Zhao Qiao's first reaction was not to believe it, and looked at Si Nian in shock, as if she was talking about a fantasy. "Fuck, how is that possible, isn't it? Si Nian, are you thinking too much? Or are you confused about writing the script?"

Si Nian ignored Zhao Qiao, she has been looking into Chi Sui's eyes since she was talking, not letting go of any change in the latter's expression. Although Chi Sui did a good job just now, there was hardly any change in his face, but the subtle stiffness was still captured by her.

There was a doubt in my heart, but now that I caught Chi Sui's discomfort, Si Nian was even more suspicious.

Son." Si Nian said.

But Chi Sui hesitated at this moment. She can lie to anyone, but she can't do it to the people around her who care about her and love her. Therefore, Chi Sui chose to bow his head and answer everything with silence.

"Are you crazy!" If Zhao Qiao didn't believe it at first, but now, even if she is rough, she can see that there is something wrong between Si Nian and Chi Sui Son. "Chi Sui, are you worth it for the sake of her! Damn it, do you know that if you're not careful, your life will be caught in it!" Zhao Qiao pushed Chi Sui's shoulder, not for a moment. Knowing whether it is time to resent Shi Feiwan or think his friend is a fool.

Chi Sui didn't speak at first, but when she heard this, she couldn't help but speak, as if she was defending herself, but these excuses, no matter how they heard, made people feel sad.

"I just want to see if she has me in her heart..." She wanted to hug her knee, but she couldn't now.

Si Nian sat on the edge of the bed and hugged her. "You are really stupid. Even if you want to know, you don't need to use your life to test her. Where did you put your life?"

I, I just put my life lower than her heart...

Naturally, Chi Sui would not say these words, she burst out laughing, "Okay, I know, now I know I'm stupid, look, she didn't come to see me now ." She handed the phone to Si Nian, which was the chat record between Chi Sui and Shi Feiwan, apparently she had already sent a message to Shi Feiwan as soon as she was injured. However, judging from the current situation, her message has not received any response from the other party.

"Why do we need to hang on a tree with a crooked neck? Let's go! When your legs are healed, my sister will take you around the world! No man, no!" Zhao Qiao suddenly said, There was a bit of resentment in the voice.

Si Nian knew who Zhao Qiao was thinking of when she heard this voice. She hadn't figured out how to comfort her, but she heard Chi Sui's unceremonious voice—

"I don't like men at all!"

Si Nian: “…”

Zhao Qiao: “…”

At this time, no one of the three noticed that someone came quietly at the door and left quietly.

From Nancheng to this island, there is no direct flight, plus the time to transfer in the middle, it takes more than ten hours, and at this time, the back of the person who left looks very haggard...

Chi Sui cannot return to Nancheng for the time being, and now she needs to be observed in the hospital for two days. Jiang Hanyu couldn't stay here for a long time due to work reasons. When he stayed in the hospital until the afternoon, he said goodbye to Chi Sui and left.

On the plane back to Nancheng, Si Nian rested on Jiang Hanyu's shoulder, "Let's go to Ji Chunnian's wedding."

Jiang Hanyu was stunned for a moment, "What's the matter?" Since receiving Ji Chunnian's invitation, Si Nianke has been ignorant of seeing him, and he said several times not to go.

Si Nian put down the visor, she seemed to feel a little tired, "When I was in the ward today, Xiao Qiao said that she would go too, and said she wanted me to go too."

If I owe it, it's not clear. I owe him, and he owes me. Even if he doesn't get married now, I won't be able to get along with him in the future. Besides, now we are all in need of marriage. He just made a decision that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. We owe each other, but in the future, we can't be connected. I think this is what Ji Chunnian means. He doesn't want to continue entanglement with me, even if it is possible that he is in his heart. As I thought, he still wants to struggle, but everyone understands that even struggling is useless, he just chose a path to block his back. I don't blame him, you don't blame him either..."

Tired and no energy, can only let go of each other and break up. Probably, this is the most uncomfortable kind of breakup. Lovers who have been in love for more than ten years may not only be lovers, but also relatives.

"More than ten years, how many thirteen years can one person have? However, they broke up." Si Nian whispered, as a bystander, she felt heartache.

We are all friends, and we all see how the two are together and how they are separated. Even Jiang Hanyu could see a little more clearly, but he was too clear to say the words to let the two get back together.

Jiang Hanyu patted Si Nian's shoulder, kissed the top of her hair, and was silent for a long time.

Before Ji Chunnian's wedding, the variety show they participated in was broadcast first.

Jiang Hanyu and Si Nian never imagined that they would become completely popular because of this show.

The first episode is the "journey" of twenty people who come to the island and haven't met many people at the beginning. And here, the post-processing especially favors the pair of Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu. When the question was asked, the director even thought that this clip was great, passed it, and broadcast it!

In this episode of the show, the picture of Jiang Hanyu walking on the beach with Si Nian on his back was almost spread on the Internet. The show was broadcast for less than 24 hours. The number of views of a picture on Weibo has exceeded 100 million.

As a behind-the-scenes screenwriter who has never shown his face in the entertainment industry, he originally has many die-hard fans because he can create popular works every year. Later, he participated in indoor variety shows some time ago, and because of his contrasting personality attracted a wave of fans,