MTL - Silver Overlord-Chapter 15 Receive Cheats

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Unconsciously, Yan Liqiang had been in the artillery camp for half a month.

In this half-month, Yan Liqiang did not diligently practice every day. That book, "Incremental Skills in Yijinxisui", has been practiced by him, and gradually he has some enthusiasm.

Today, starting from bed together in the morning, during the practice, Yan Liqiang gradually felt a little different, especially when he practiced the fourteen moves of the three-joy Dali in the sitting diagram, Yan Liqiang clearly felt himself A hole seemed to open above his head, and in the middle of it, he seemed to feel that there were countless colorful energies and auras between the heavens and the earth, flowing towards himself, from his own head into his own body, and his internal organs and internal organs. It's like a piece of dry sponge encountering water for the first time, absorbing and devouring the energy and aura that enters your body, your heart, spleen, liver, lungs, and kidneys are absorbing. During those energies, it felt like I was so happy that I wanted to sing loudly.

The fourteen potentials of the three-jolly-dali in the sitting figure are exactly the same as the fourteen potentials of the three talents in the frontal figure and the fourteen potentials in the halfway figure. The difference is that the fourteen potentials in the frontal figure are standing. As you practice, the fourteen moves in the half-length picture are half-squat exercises in the posture of squatting, while the fourteen moves in the seat-length picture are sitting cross-legged and then practicing. According to the "Introduction to the Internal Power Map of Yijinxianji", "... the former is the flow of luck, the middle is luck, and then the luck is returned, and the work is divided into three grades. Everything is wonderful. "

"Enhancement of Yi Jinxian's Inner Marrow Diagram" has been practiced to this point before it can be regarded as "into the magic."

After finishing the first exercise in the morning, Yan Liqiang felt that he was light-hearted and had a fluttering feeling, especially his kidneys, that is, his waist, as if covered by two warm water bags. Warm and unspeakable.

After breakfast and lunch, Yan Liqiang continued to practice. Every time he practiced, his internal organs and lumps would absorb a large amount of colorful energy and aura between heaven and earth, and he would gain it again and again. Before dinner, he practiced five times a day. Yan Liqiang I feel that my entire body seems to have entered a completely different state, my energy is bursting, and my sense of ears has suddenly improved, and my eyes have become sharper and my ears have suddenly become much sharper. Hearing's insight into the subtle sounds around him also improved a lot. After practicing on the mountain in the afternoon, Yan Liqiang felt that the surrounding environment suddenly became vivid and three-dimensional.

During dinner, Yan Liqiang met Qian Su again. Yesterday and the day before yesterday, Qian Su was not in a craftsman's camp. I didn't know where he was drunk.

After the meal, Qian Su called Yan Liqiang and brought Yan Liqiang to the yard where he lived.

"Li Qiang, you look good these past few days, is the injury medicine I gave you good?" Looking at Yan Liqiang's face, Qian Su nodded with satisfaction, came to the artisan camp for half a month, Yan Liqiang's face Better day by day, Qian Su looked at it and was comforted in his heart.

"Thank you Uncle Qian, the injury medicine you gave me works really well. I felt that my injury was not a big deal a few days ago!" Yan Liqiang smiled. If there was no injury medicine given by Qian Su, he would not know how to explain it. His injuries can be improved so quickly. "After all, Hong Tao's Iron Sand Palm is just a beginner, and his power is not great. I feel that the mountain is full of aura and good for my body. I have run to the mountain several times a day for the past few days. Nothing is left on the mountain. Practice boxing, sleep and sleep, my body is getting more and more relaxed. When I climbed the mountain two days ago, I also coughed up some blood, and the discomfort between my chest and abdomen suddenly disappeared. These days I think my body is almost the same. , Have begun to squat again ... "

"Well, this is good, this is good ..." Qian Su smiled. "Your dad sent a message yesterday, saying that he is all right, so that you don't worry about your family, and rest assured here, if you Dad knows your body is recovering so fast, and he will be very happy! "

"Thank you so much, Uncle Qian!"

"Where is my credit, or are you young and full of energy, and this recovers quickly, yes, do you have any other skills besides the basic skills of gun shooting?"

Yan Liqiang grabbed the main head, "Except for gun shooting, I only practice one basic boxing method, Hu Xiao's serial boxing, and I haven't practiced any other skills!"

"Well, this is also true. Before the foundation is established, it is really inappropriate to spend too much time on the cultivation of these external exercises, but after all, the Tigers Xiao serial boxing is a popular boxing method, almost everyone can do it, unless it is unique Or you can practice this boxing method, otherwise in your current state, before you build a base, you want to use this boxing method to win the enemy, especially against an opponent like Shang Hongtao, the difficulty is not ordinary, so In addition to this boxing method, you'd better practice a self-defense skill, so that you can be more confident when you are against the enemy ... "Qian Su said, and he took a book out of his arms, handed it Gave Yan Liqiang, "This is a stepping book I occasionally got when I was young. Compared to other precious cheats, this one is not very powerful. It has only six levels, but it is rare to see. If you practice well, you can attack and defend, it is easy to advance and retreat, and you can also use it with other kung fu. Even after you build the foundation, you can still practice and play a role in the enemy! "

When Qian Su said that his cheats could have six realms, Yan Liqiang was excited at once. You must know that in this world, there is a simplest and most intuitive way to evaluate the level of martial arts and exercises. That is to see that the martial arts can have a maximum of several levels of realm. The higher the level of martial arts and exercises, the higher the level that can be achieved, the greater the power, and the more precious it is. Of course, the realm levels of these exercises are not divided by people, but each layer will have different exercises and visions.

For example, he practiced the Tiger Xiao series of boxing. The most widely-circulated mass kung fu had only a maximum of five levels. Qian Su gave him cheats. Although the highest level was only six layers, it was only one layer higher than the tiger Xiao series. It may not seem very precious, but in fact, more than 90% of ordinary people in this world may never have a chance to see what a cheatbook that can reach the highest level of the six levels. The iron sand palm cultivated by Hong Tao has only six levels. The auxiliary martial arts cheats of footwork and body type are even more precious. The six-layered footwork cheats are precious enough to be comparable to other exercises with seven levels.

In terms of cultivation, there is another sentence called the rising of the ship. If a person can cultivate low-level cheats to a higher level, it will be easier and faster to practice higher-level cheats of the same type in the future. Entering a higher level, this is also the meaning of various basic exercises. For example, if Yan Liqiang can practice the Tiger Xiao serial boxing to the fifth level, if he encounters a top ten level of boxing cheats in the future, the first few of the cheats Layer, for Yan Liqiang, it is possible to complete the breakthrough in a short time.

巨大 Under the huge curiosity, Yan Liqiang respectfully accepted the cheats from Qian Su with both hands and put them in front of him. I saw only the five words "Nine Palace Wind Shadow Step" on the cover of the blue cheats.

The cheats are very thin, only more than ten pages, but in the hands, Yan Liqiang feels like heaviness and weight.

"I don't know how many levels Uncle Qian has cultivated the Nine Palace Wind Shadow Step?"

The problem of Yan Liqiang made Qian Su's face slightly red. "Ahem, your uncle Qian and I have not built a foundation, not even Ma Buguan, and the order is ineffective, so this" Jiugong Feng Ying Bu "just barely cultivated to two It ’s hard to make progress anymore. Your dad will trouble me in the future. You can keep this footwork and wait until you pass the Mabuguan and practice ... ”

"Uncle Qian gave me something like this, I don't know how to repay!"

Qian Qiansu's eyes fell on Yan Liqiang's face, and he suddenly sighed, "As long as you can live well, you are giving me a big reward!"

Uh ...

After leaving the small courtyard where Qian Su lived, Yan Liqiang returned to his own courtyard, holding the cheat book of The Shadow of the Nine Palaces. After closing the door, the courtyard also became his little world.

明 No light is allowed in this yard, and there is no such thing as a candle, so Yan Liqiang was on the stone table in the yard, opened the cheat book, and looked at it carefully.

Tonight, the moon is bright, there are no clouds, and the moonlight in the sky is like silver. Even if there is no light, Yan Liqiang in the yard can read this cheat by the starlight and moonlight.

I just read it once, Yan Liqiang of UU Kanshu has kept every word and every picture in this cheat book in mind.

The memory ability of this unforgettable brain is quite exaggerated, and it is a bit horrifying. For Yan Liqiang, the books he has read feel as if they are stored in his mind with photos. Just take a look and you can remember them completely. Yan Liqiang didn't have such ability before, but since dreaming that night, he completely remembered the book "Increment of Yi Jinxi's Inner Muscles," Yan Liqiang found himself inexplicably equipped with this ability.

Of course, he didn't tell anyone about this ability.

After reading this cheat book of "The Nine Palace Wind Shadow Walk", Yan Liqiang closed his eyes, and after he was completely calm, he took the cheat book into his arms and put it under the tree in the courtyard, then squatted Stepped.

The horse step is the foundation of all kung fu. Without this foundation, all the kung fu is like duckweed on the water, especially for such footwork as "Nine Palace Wind Shadow Step". The foundation of Ma Bu, no matter how good the cheats are, is also a violent thing.

And today, Yan Liqiang feels that he is in a good state and full of energy, which is a good time to lay a solid foundation for Ma Bu.

As soon as Li Yanqiang started squatting, the whole yard was quiet all at once, and only the sound of frogs and frogs outside the yard came.

In the moonlight, Yan Liqiang closed his eyes, squatting on the horse's body flat and stable, his two legs were like two pillars, and his whole body was like a rock.

After such an hour, slowly, even Yan Liqiang did not find it. A blurred red light and shadow slowly appeared next to him and surrounded him. Among the light and shadow, a majestic rhinoceros horse The contours start to dim ...