MTL - Silver Overlord-v2 Chapter 849 Rage

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On the Gulang grassland, there is a Maping River. At this moment, it is daylight again. The sun is shining and the field of vision is extremely wide. With the approach of the two teams, it is almost five or six kilometers away. The shock to his own 40,000 horses even dared to split the army. The leader of the Shatu people, a Shatu man with a deep beard and a long beak, with eyes and noses, was excited, hundreds of miles. The tired and hungering of the long-distance attack, at this moment, seemed to be missing. The Shatu generals raised the knife in their hands and yelled at the surrounding Shatu people loudly. In the search for death, we don't need to pay attention to the people on both sides, first break through the Chinese soldiers in front, and then clean up the Chinese on both sides ... "

The 40,000 cavalry of the Shatu people came from the various tribes of the Shatu seven tribes. At this moment, the generals who led the troops were the generals from the ebony tribe of Shatu seven, called Shawuge. It was reused by the Heilu people. At the moment, it is in the seventh part of Shatu. It has already replaced the status of the Uli and became the leading tribe in the seventh Shatu. The coalition forces of the seventh Shatu are attacked by the ebony. Person serves as leader.

The other generals of the Shatu Seven Division did not question Shaug's decision, because they also saw that one of the flags in the team that rushed towards them was the supervision of Qi Yun. The flag, on the flag, a strict word hunting flying, on the surface, Qi Yun overseeing Yan Liqiang is in the front of the team.

Since Yan Liqiang issued the order to kill Hu, Yan Liqiang has long been the first deadly enemy of Shatu 7th. In recent months, countless people have died in Shatu 7 The people in the Ministry were anxious to eat Yan Liqiang. At this moment, when Yan Liqiang's banner appeared, these Shatu people couldn't bear it, their eyes were red, waving the machete in their hands, hitting the horse, it was undeserving. Rush towards the army where Yan Liqiang is.

"Catch Yan Liqiang alive, the bounty is tens of thousands, the cattle and horses are heads ..." Shaug shouted, and the Shatu people around were suddenly crazy, as if they had beaten chicken blood, a group of ghosts crying, and one Shatu cavalry. , While riding on the rhinoceros galloping at once, at the same time dancing the machete in his hands in the sun.

"Catch Yan Liqiang alive ..."

"Catch Yan Liqiang alive ..."

"Kill those dogs and let them know how great we are ..."

In the roar of the hoof, the army of 40,000 Shatu people went crazy, and they swooped towards the arch cavalry led by Yan Liqiang, and the distance between the two sides was rapidly approaching.

Compared with the arrogant clamor of the Shaturen, Yan Liqiang's more than 12,000 bow cavalry are silent as iron. For a team of more than 10,000 people, only the roar of the iron hoofs of the rhinos and horses is ringing. The rigorous training for more than two years, as well as the battle-hardening, have already let the fighting instincts be integrated into the blood of all archers. Like nerve reflexes, no one needs to say anything, as long as the distance is between Everyone's reflex nerve is automatically activated, and everyone knows when and what they should do.

When the distance between the two sides is five kilometers, all the archers have already carried their bows in their hands ...

At a distance of three kilometers, all the archers had taken their first arrows from the quiver hanging from the saddle ...

At a distance of two kilometers, the arrow hit the bowstring ...

At a distance of 1,500 meters, everyone's hands had left the reins, and they only controlled the horse with their legs, and began to adapt to the bumpy rhythm of the rhinoceros horse.

At a distance of one kilometer, everyone started to bow, and then they took a look at the flying flags in the team, the angle and intensity of the flags fluttering, silently telling the wind direction and speed on the battlefield, and on the battlefield The wind direction and wind speed will affect the effect after the arrows are thrown. Therefore, in the first round of shooting, the elevation and deflection angles of the archer's throw must be changed according to the wind speed. These things are after battles and training. Summarized valuable experience. ...

In the blink of an eye, more than 12,000 pulley bows were full, facing the Shatu cavalry that rushed, opened at a high elevation of forty-five degrees, and five degrees westward ...

At this time, many of the Shatu people have seen Yan Liqiang's bow cavalry in Zhang Gong. Many people are still laughing at them. Those Han dogs do not even use the bow cavalry. Where is the bow cavalry? For the front of the team to charge, the bow cavalry should be placed in the middle of the team. Do you want to scare people by putting a few bow cavalry at the front of the team ...

The two sides were within 800 meters of the blink of an eye and rushed to the front of the bow cavalry. At this time, the expressions on the faces of the Shatu cavalry were already clearly visible.

"Put ..." A roar rang through the team.

From a distance, I saw a dark cloud flashing over the Longya Army's bow cavalry, and Shaoge, who was struck by the 40,000 Shatu cavalry, was a little stunned, and said in his heart, what was it--sha Uger has seen the bow cavalry rushing in front of him in Zhang Gong, but what he never dreamed of was that the bow cavalry rushing towards him was not only those in front of the team, but everyone ...

The war horse continued to charge forward, but it took two breaths to wait for Shaug and his 40,000 Shatu cavalry to react, with 12,500 arrows falling from high altitude, With sharp momentum and death, sharp arrow clusters instantly fell into the front of the Shaturen's 40,000 army.

The forty thousand cavalry cavalry rushed forward, like a rushing wave hitting an invisible iron wall, and among the numerous splashing blood-colored waves, the forty thousand cavalry rushing wave came to an abrupt end.

The 40,000 Shatu cavalry did not expect that their opponents would have so many arrows, so when they charged, the formation was as dense as ever, and this dense shaping was for the Longya Army's bow cavalry. Just a huge moving target.

The force of more than 12,000 arrows dropped by the archers in the first round of salvos. In this case, it can only be described by terror, but only momentarily, the target horses directly hit by the arrows add up to four. More than a thousand, the Shatu cavalry who was not hit could inevitably hit the people in front during a rapid charge, and in a scream, the army of 40,000 Shatu people turned over ...

Watching the cavalry rushing next to him suddenly fell, listening to the sudden screams in his ears and the chaotic formations at once, the shaug led the team only felt that his brain was blank and blank. Everything is so unreal-there is still a mile and a half away from those Han people, and the archers in their own team have not had time to open the bow, why can those Han people open the bow? And with such a long range, this is simply impossible! The dense arrow rain falling from the sky, once it fell down, more than 10,000, more like an illusion. Is the entire archer of Ganzhou in the Chinese team in front of him?

The vast grassland will not give the Shatu people the evidence in shock and pain, but the Longfang Army's bow cavalry will!

The first round of the projectile was completed, and the archers on the rhinoceros continued to rush forward, pulling out the second arrow mechanically accurately and quickly, putting it on the bow, and the dual pulley bow with a large labor-saving ratio was instantly full again Within three standard breaths, 12,500 bows opened again, the elevation angle dropped by five degrees, a buzz, a black cloud flickered, and the second round of arrows shot out, falling again in the blink of an eye Amongst the chaotic Shatu procession.

The sound of countless arrows running through the flesh sounded, countless blood flowers blooming again, once again the ghosts of the Shatu people were crying, and the team still rushing forward seemed to be plowed once.

Shaug pulled out the machete and flew two falling arrows, but his rhinoceros did not resist the ability of the arrows. The third arrow directly penetrated the neck of his rhinoceros. The rushing rhinoceros horse wailed, and fell to the ground all at once, throwing Shaug out immediately ...

"The Han people are the devil, the devil ..." Just now they were still clamoring to catch Yan Liqiang's Shatu people alive, and in this breath of death brought by horror and blood, someone had screamed in horror, Those ordinary Shatu cavalry could not understand why there were so many fatal arrows landing on them, which completely exceeded their understanding of war and bow and arrow.

Watching the people around them fell countlessly in the blink of an eye. Shatu cavalry in many teams had begun to turn their horses, screaming that they wanted to escape the battlefield.

Shawuge, who had been stunned all of a sudden, had just stood up, and UU read a book www. When saw that someone was about to run away, his eyes were red. He cut off a cavalry who turned the horse's head, and jumped to the horse by himself, shouting with a knife, "Do not escape, continue to charge me ... "

Just after this sentence was finished, the third round of arrows dropped again, and thousands of Shatu cavalry were screamed and shot down. The last courage of the 40,000 Shatu cavalry ran completely under the third round of arrows. The whole team was all messed up. The cavalry of the Shatu seven troops gathered temporarily, and the cavalry at the front of the team in the Urie screamed and started to escape. When the people in the Urie started running, the rest All the cavalry also fled.

What was Shaug trying to say? In the distance, Shi Changfeng shot an arrow at him, the arrow passed directly through his chest, and shot him down immediately.

The Shatu people in the chaos began to escape, but the fourth round of arrows still fell on schedule, and countless Shatu people screamed at the arrows and fell ...

As the distance approached and the elevation angle became smaller, the accuracy of the volley of the archers also increased, and the threat posed by the more than 12,000 pulley bows continued to increase.

"Hahaha, I said that these Shatu dogs did not persist in the fifth round ..." Shi Dafeng laughed and looked at the Shatu people who retreated in the distance. "Brothers, don't let aside ..."