MTL - Since 2000-Chapter 9 : Strengthening yourself is the foundation

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After eating, Lin Feng hurriedly asked Li Ming to order 400 more sets of goods.

Early the next morning, the booth of the Longteng Hotel was handed over to Li Ming, and Lin Feng and Zheng Guangsheng marched towards the township.

Zheng Guangsheng was driving a dilapidated pickup truck today, which also gave Lin Feng a deeper understanding of Zheng Guangsheng.

It's definitely inappropriate to drive his flamboyant Santara 2000, but as a boss like him, it's invaluable to be able to get up and down.

The first choice for the two was the township farthest from the county seat. In Zheng Guangsheng’s words, the more inconvenient the place is, the greater the sales space.

The two set up a booth and put up a big-character poster.

This time, there is no need for Lin Feng to shout frequently. Zheng Guangsheng brought an amplifier, which can be recorded and played in a loop.

Zheng Guangsheng figured out the consumer's mentality extremely accurately. After a while, people came to watch one after another. After learning that it was really so cheap, the goods on the stall were quickly swept away.

After the goods were sold out, Lin Feng still adopted the reservation policy, but this time, many people heard that the reservation required advance payment, and people were onlookers.

"These days, there are all kinds of liars. They are fishing for big fish on a long line." An uncle pointed at Lin Feng and Zheng Guangsheng.

"Uncle, what you said is wrong. We are not liars. I opened a square called Xinglong Clothing in the county seat, you know!"

Zheng Guangsheng scattered the crowd around the cigarette and continued: "You said my big store is there, where can I go."

"Hey, really, I went to your house to buy clothes, and I recognize you."

One of the onlookers shouted loudly.

"Why did your big boss come here to set up a stall?" the crowd continued to ask.

Zheng Guangsheng said with a face full of grievances: "I didn't believe in the evil of my old watch, and paid their factory 200,000 yuan for the goods, hey! Now I can only use the goods to offset it. No, do I have to sell it at a loss?"

Lin Feng looked at Zheng Guangsheng who was quickly entering the state of acting, and secretly gave a thumbs up.

"Tomorrow, it will still be in such a good condition and at such a price?" a middle-aged man asked.

Zheng Guangsheng nodded.

"Then let me order two shirts and a pair of shoes!"

Lin Feng quickly issued a receipt and instructed: "Uncle, come to pick it up from 8:00 to 11:00 tomorrow morning, we have to go to other towns and towns at other times, hey! Although it is inevitable to lose money, we must strive to be deceived as soon as possible. Get your money back."

A look of pity appeared on everyone's face.

200,000 is not a small amount, no wonder that Boss Zheng drove a small car before, but today he is driving such a broken car.

With the sympathy of the onlookers flooding, the bookings went well, and once the bookings reached a certain number, they again adopted their usual strategy.

"I can't order any more. Zhejiang can only ship so many goods in one day. There are so many people who are being scammed. It's not good for us to bring them all. After all, everyone else is also a family." Zheng Guangsheng was annoyed at one of the The man who did not order the goods said.

"Then can I order the day after tomorrow?"

The man's attitude was indeed developing in the direction that Lin Feng had foreseen.

Zheng Guangsheng said with a bitter face: "It really can't be done, we can only determine how much we can get tomorrow, and how much we can get the day after tomorrow will only know tomorrow, I'm taking your money now, and if you don't have the goods the day after tomorrow, you have to bury me to death, or else So, will you come back tomorrow? Or if you have time, go to the county seat to see my store, where the quantity is slightly larger."

Looking at such a picture, Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh, Jiang is still old and hot, and he is born with acting skills!

The first battle was won, and the two rushed to the next township.

With this experience, the next one will be smoother.

After returning to the county town after dark, Lin Feng made a calculation and unknowingly earned 4,000 yuan in the township today. As for Zheng Guangsheng, he earned more.

After Li Ming, who was extremely bored all afternoon, the three found a restaurant to sit down again, but this time it was replaced by Lin Feng.

"Brother Zheng, I respect you."

If it wasn't for Zheng Guangsheng, Lin Feng wasn't ready to go to the township to try, and he would have missed this huge business opportunity.

Zheng Guangsheng picked up the wine glass and said, "Tomorrow, we will try another township. After a routine is formed, try to shorten the stay in each township to two hours."

Lin Feng nodded in agreement.

Li Ming drank the wine in his glass excitedly, and said, "If we continue like this, we can earn a lot of money in a month."

Zheng Guangsheng and Lin Feng were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other and smiled, they were all happy.

Time always passed quickly, and when the business gradually became less popular than it was at first, it was already August and a half before noticing it.

Seeing that the day of leaving school was approaching, Lin Feng decided to end the shirt business.

During this period of time, Lin Feng and Zheng Guangsheng traveled all over the townships, and the market was gradually approaching saturation.

No matter how cheap something is, as long as it is enough to change and wash, no one will buy a bunch of moldy at home.

After settling the final payment with Boss Li from Seoul, and helping his family buy a few sets of clothes, Lin Feng and Zheng Guangsheng who returned to the county had a farewell drink, which was regarded as ending the cooperative relationship.

After a period of understanding, Zheng Guangsheng increasingly felt that Lin Feng was by no means a thing in the pool, and coupled with his status as a top student at Han University, Zheng Guangsheng was very optimistic about Lin Feng's future, and he did not treat Lin Feng as a half-eldest son.

Lin Feng also thinks that Zheng Guangsheng is a very good person, and he can save face if he suffers. If he can find the right direction, he will definitely become a character in the future.

No doubt, another big drunk.

At the beginning of the business, Lin Feng's best idea was to earn enough money to pay Li Ming's car, but he did not expect that due to Zheng Guangsheng's participation, they finally earned 220,000 after removing all the costs.

Although Lin Feng and Li Ming had already settled the bill in their hearts, when they were faced with stacks of banknotes, stacks of you and stacks of me, they couldn't suppress the strong pleasure in their hearts.

After getting the money, Li Ming immediately went to buy the latest Nokia 3310. This guy envy this thing for not a day or two, but he can bear it until he buys it after reckoning. , but let Lin Feng take a few high glances.

With a huge sum of money in his pocket, Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh.

In this era, it is not easy to have such a huge sum of money. The pleasure brought by money even made Lin Feng think of not going to school.

But then Lin Feng dismissed the idea.

Not to mention that he will definitely be beaten, it is said that these achievements are really insignificant for Lin Feng, who has the vision of rebirth.

His success was built on the basis of his forward-looking vision. Putting these aside, Lin Feng is actually an ordinary person who can no longer be ordinary.

The world is very big. The three major web portals will be listed one after another this year. Qiandu, the largest search engine in China, was also established this year. A guy who founded Penguin in Guangdong is very ambitious. King Kong forge ahead.

Although Lin Feng didn't want to compete with them, it would be a pity not to do anything if he was reborn in such an era.

Moreover, Lin Feng also wants his family to give him a better life.

One of Lin Feng's seniors once had a famous saying that was widely circulated.

Standing on the tuyere, pigs can fly.

But many people automatically ignore the latter sentence.

Grow a small wing to fly higher.

Lin Feng, who has a forward-looking vision, may be able to make money more easily than in his previous life, but if he does not have the ability to match, then he will still return to mediocrity in the end.

You can predict until 2018, but what about beyond 2018?

When you have more money than you can handle, it's a question of whether you can manage it well.


At any time, being strong is the most fundamental thing.