MTL - So Fragrant [Quick Transmigration]-Chapter 44

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The subjects of the empire also gradually accepted Chu Xia as their queen. The main reason was that there was nothing they could do if they didn't accept it. During various large-scale events and large-scale meetings during the holidays, he was always standing beside Lan Que.

Chu Xia is good-looking, and when standing with Lan Que, he does seem to be more compatible than others, so that he can even attract a group of supporters.

Chu Xia's black fans were desperate for this face-seeing world.

After many investigations and experiments, the researchers found that a special substance they extracted from the wormhole can give people the ability to mutate after injection, and can also prolong their lifespan. Physical requirements are relatively high, on average only three people in a thousand people have such a physique.

Chu Xia was a cannon fodder, so naturally there was no way to enjoy such a mutation, and he was destined to be like an ordinary person.

Chu Xia is not worried about this.

He has no children with Lan Que, and nobles and ministers repeatedly urged them to have a child as his heir. Even if two men can't give birth, they should adopt one, but Lan Que rejected all these, he seems I don't care who will be the master of this country after my death, and it seems like I'm going to make a big move.

However, these had nothing to do with the Empress Chu Xia, and Lan Que would never bring up those troublesome, thorny, and intractable problems before him.

Time flies? It seems to be getting faster and faster, but in the blink of an eye, decades have passed, and Reynolds and his sweetheart's two children can run down the street carrying soy sauce.

Chu Xia ran around the palace all day, making cakes, tending the roses in the garden, or sitting in the pavilion with the communicator and playing games. It seemed no different from when he first entered the palace, no? It is said that his appearance has not changed, but his temperament. With the increase of age, people often have some changes in the way of doing things and speaking.

But Chu Xia has always been like this, and it seems like it will always be like this.

The slightly drunken sunlight poured in through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Lan Que's head rested on Chu Xia's thigh, and there was a thick and soft carpet under him.

In the few years after they got married, the frequency of Lan Que's illness gradually decreased, and now she almost never gets sick again.

Once, while Lan Que was sleeping, Chu Xia put on Lan Que a red dress she bought recently. The yellow one she had just bought was torn by Lan Que? The hair is very long, and there is no need to put on a wig for him. The only disadvantage is that the chest is too flat and the front cannot be supported, which is a pity.

Chu Xia reflected on it, because he was not prepared enough this time, next time he would remember to help Lan Que prepare another pair of fake breasts.

He was lying on the edge of the bed and quietly looked at Lan Que in front of him. His long and thick eyelashes were like a small fan, casting a light shadow. His lips were thin and light in color. , is a light pink.

Chu Xia leaned back a little, and he could see more Lan Que in his field of vision. He was lying here quietly, like a sleeping beauty in a fairy tale waiting to be awakened by the prince's kiss.

Before Prince Chu Xia lowered her head to kiss the princess, the princess opened her eyes first. He looked at Chu Xia without speaking.

Chu Xia's movements froze. He showed a rather flattering smile to Lan Que and asked him carefully, "When did you wake up?"

As soon as Chu Xia brought her skirt, Lan Que woke up, but she wanted to see him? What did she want to do, so she kept cooperating with him? She was pretending to be asleep.

Lan Que didn't answer. He sat up and glanced down at the huge tutu skirt on his body. He was not angry, but rather amused. He tilted his head and asked Chu Xia, "Does it look good?"

Chu Xia nodded vigorously, seeing that Lan Que wearing this skirt was much more energetic than her own.

Immediately after, Chu Xia was pulled into bed by Lan Que. For a long time, Chu Xia's brain couldn't think normally. He felt like he was going to melt into Lan Que's arms. In the clear line of sight, he saw Lan Que lowered his head, leaned into his ear, and asked softly if he looked good.

Chu Xia tugged at the ribbon on his skirt, looking a little dazed.

Lan Que wiped something from his lips, lowered his head and kissed him deeply.

A certain leader in the system center was really worried about Chu Xia, so he deliberately came to take a look at it during the holiday, but when he saw a **** mosaic, he was so frightened?

The system looked at the trembling leader in front of him. For the first time, he had an uncontrollable sense of superiority in front of the leader. It was rare and strange. What was this? , black, colorful mosaic.

The leader of a big man who was almost two meters tall, saw this scene and squatted in the system space with his face covered and cried non-stop. At first, the system wanted to comfort the leader, but later, he just wanted to It should be very popular to record the leader's appearance and sell it to other leaders after returning to the system center.

Chu Xia looked down at Lan Que, who was resting on her lap. She was idle and bored. She reached out and braided his hair into thin braids. After dismantling it to the end, Lan Que opened his eyelids and asked him, "What's wrong?"

Chu Xia didn't know what was going on, but suddenly felt a little sad in his heart. He thought about it, maybe it was because he didn't want to see the beauty's white hair. a lot.

Chu Xia looked like a wilted rose. After a long while, he said to Lan Que, "You seem to have white hair."

Lan Que didn't say anything, he? He's not too young, has white hair? It's not strange, but he doesn't look old, and the fine lines on his face are much less than those of his peers. Decades later, His Majesty is still the same. is a beauty.

"If you don't like it, I'll dye it."

"You don't need to..." Chu Xia lowered her head and kissed the top of his hair, "It looks good this way."

Although Lan Que's body was also mutated in the wormhole, his lifespan was not extended like those of other mutants. After a hundred years old, his body would die, as if it was a dead body. Pieces of scrapped machines that were about to be taken to the recycling bin began to break down one by one.

He originally wanted to live longer than Chu Xia, to be able to take care of him all the time, to protect him all the time, but he didn't expect that he would be unable to last.

Huge pain tortured him day and night. At first, Lan Que kept the secret from everyone and acted like everything was normal until one day when he didn't get up in the morning and Chu Xia couldn't wake him up, he called the doctor quickly. , Only then did Chu Xia know that his illness had reached a very serious level.

Lan Que carried out a reform of the empire in the past few years, and the successor of the empire will be decided by the subjects of the empire themselves.

After being admitted to the hospital, Lan Que knew that he would not survive for a few days, but he couldn't let go of Chu Xia, and always wanted to accompany him more.

However, his body can no longer continue to work, all his life is exhausted, and even a little overdraft, this life is coming to an end, the green eyes reflect Chu Xia's appearance, like he was many years ago? When I saw him for the first time, it turned out that before I knew it, his lover was also very old and had gray hair, but fortunately, his teeth were very good, and he could eat whatever he wanted.

The memories that have been bothering Lan Que for all these years are gradually becoming clearer at this time, but he has no more time to reminisce with him the past that did not belong to Lan Que, he finally just asked Chu Xia: "You love me?"

Chu Xia met his eyes, and suddenly seemed to understand that in the previous world, on that rainy afternoon, Bai Yan was lying on the hospital bed. At that time, his condition was already very serious. He stared at himself for a long time, as if he had something to say to himself, but in the end he didn't ask.

But now, Chu Xia seemed to know what Bai Yan wanted to ask himself at that time.

He bent down, kissed Lan Que's lips, and said softly to him, "I love you."

Lan Que closed his eyes, a satisfied smile on his lips.

Will they meet again, if only he could love himself all the time.

His heart stopped, and he fell into eternal sleep.

Chu Xia stood by the bed and looked at him for a long time.

He remembered that when he was a child, Lan Que wore a small skirt given to him by the queen, chasing butterflies in the garden, and then remembered that later he wore a long skirt of his own choosing and invited himself to dance in an empty hall.

Chu Xia lowered her head again, kissed his cold forehead, and placed a red rose on Lan Que's chest.

The subjects of the empire once thought that the marriage between Lan Que and Chu Xia would soon be broken. His Majesty was only blinded by Chu Xia for a while, and would soon recognize his true face, but after so many years, The two of them have always been very affectionate. The only time they were rumored to be cheating was when Chu Xia and Tang Ke stood together and whispered, but soon the official released the full video, and Lan Que was standing not far behind them. place.

After the news of Lan Que's death came out, someone secretly filmed a video of Chu Xia and posted it on Xingwang. In the video, he didn't show a very sad expression, as if he just died of someone who didn't matter to him. Everyone couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied with Chu Xia's cold blood.

However, Chu Xia left this world the day after Lan Que's death. The attendants knew that he was in good health and rarely got sick. It should be no problem to live for more than ten years, but now he is with His Majesty. died.

The relationship between him and His Majesty is perhaps deeper than what all of them have seen and felt before.

After Chu Xia returned to the system center, he saw the long welcome team in front of him at a glance. He subconsciously frowned, did he go back to the wrong place, this scene made it? It doesn't seem like his mission is completed? As if he had an incurable terminal illness.


Seeing that Chu Xia didn't seem very happy, the leader standing at the front let out a long sigh, took a step forward and held Chu Xia's hands tightly, with tears in his eyes, choked up and said, "Team Leader Chu these years. suffer."

Chu Xia: "..."

It's a little embarrassing to say this, he? It seems that he hasn't suffered any hardships over the years, and he only eats things that are blocked by the system mosaic.

The team leaders also came to greet him. From the first sight of Chu Xia, they couldn't stop crying. Chu Xia was frightened by this scene, and it seemed that he would not cry with them now. The field seemed out of place.

The leader of the Goldfinger R&D team, Lin, also took a step forward, hugged Chu Xia into his arms, and slapped him on the back. There was someone behind him singing quietly, it's not a sin for a man to cry.

Chu Xia put a blank face and looked at the leaders and team leaders who took turns crying in front of him, crazy!

The people in the center of the system are getting more and more abnormal. If he knew this, he should bring more health care products from the interstellar world as a way to replenish their brains.

Chu Xia casually said a few words, said goodbye to these leaders, returned to the anti-pornography team, and rested with his head covered.

The team leaders and the members of the anti-pornography team were unable to contact Chu Xia for the time being, so they could only ask the system what kind of inhuman torture the team leader Chu had suffered at the hands of the villains over the years.

This is too unfair for the villain. After thinking about it for a long time, the system really can't remember what inhuman torture Chu Xia suffered. In the early stage of the last world, he could still talk about it, but this world seems to be really nothing to say. .

Seeing that the system didn't speak, everyone felt even more that Chu Xia had been treated horribly in the previous two worlds, and couldn't help raising her hand to secretly wipe away her tears.

The system sighed silently, this is the power of silence.

The leaders have already understood Chu Xia's wish. He hopes to bring a living person from the world below, but it is still a bit difficult to operate now, and it may require more energy, so it may be necessary to save the world group. One more task to complete, but among these hosts, only Chu Xia loves boundless and successfully completed the task.

Team Leader Chu had a hard time. They wouldn't force Chu Xia to go to the next world to complete the mission, but when Chu Xia rested well, the anti-pornography team faced those inexplicable videos all day long. Feeling? It's more empty, and it's not interesting. It's better to go to the next world to find something interesting.

The leaders were about to cry when they were moved by Chu Xia's selfless dedication and dedication to the system center. Before leaving, they held Chu Xia's hand and told Chu Xia that no matter whether the task can be completed in this world, it will be given to him when he returns. get promoted.

Chu Xia's expression was indifferent. The four words of promotion and salary increase were more tempting to him than sending a man, which sounded very boring.

When the leaders saw him? So flattered and humiliated, they couldn't help but think highly of his character.

He came to the new world.

Chu Xia opened her eyes, and what caught her eye was a light-colored gauze curtain. The furnishings around them were antique. An unknown incense was burning in the room, and the palace servants stood quietly beside the bed with their heads bowed. My mind was dizzy, and it took a while to realize that it was either filming or this was an ancient world.

This time, because the previous Hunk System was going to participate in an assessment recently, Chu Xia temporarily changed it to a new system. The number was too long, and Chu Xia couldn't remember it. He only remembered that his code name was Handsome Guy, and he was a good friend of the Hunk System. .

In the first world, he had been deceived by the macho, and now he can no longer have any reverie about the code names of the systems.

After the system introduced itself, it proudly said to Chu Xia, "Team Leader Chu, the leaders of the system center considered that your previous identities in the two worlds were relatively disadvantageous, so they specially chose this world identity for you."

Chu Xia snorted, and didn't have much hope for the system's words. He closed his eyes and began to receive the plot of this world.

When all the plots were accepted, Chu Xia had to admit that this was indeed the most noble character he had gotten so far.

The original owner was an emperor, his name was Zhao Wen. He was the only heir of the previous emperor. He was established as a crown prince at birth. After meeting the King of Hell, after the death of the previous emperor, he successfully ascended the throne. It can be said that his first half of his life was much smoother than that of most emperors in all dynasties.

It's a pity that the original owner was a lecherous and faint-hearted monarch. When the first emperor was there, he knew how to restrain a little bit and didn't dare to be too obvious. He only dared to tease the beautiful ladies in his palace. However, when the first emperor died, the period of filial piety has not yet passed. , he? He was fortunate to have several beauties, and even among them the concubines of the previous emperor. Since then, he has been indulging in the gentle township all day long, not thinking about state affairs. Two years ago, his subordinates found a stunning beauty from a family in Jiangnan. Dedicated to him, the original owner fell in love with the beauty at first sight. As soon as she entered the palace, she was dissuaded by the ministers in the court and named her as a noble concubine. road.

The original owner's suspicion and desire for control were extremely strong, and most of the loyal and outspoken old ministers around him were sent back to their hometown by him, and there were only some eloquent people left.

I don't know what happened tonight, the original owner hiccupped, and Chu Xia came.

The beauty in Chu Xia's memory was indeed very beautiful. It would not be an exaggeration to say that she was a beautiful woman. Unfortunately, she was a girl and had no allure of Chu Xia, a **** man. However, there were many guards in the palace. Now he is the emperor. I don't need to look at him again to do anything? The face of a man.

Chu Xia thought very beautifully, but when he moved a little, he just felt that the ice below was cold, something was not right, his expression froze, he said to the system: "Wait a minute, what do I think? There is something wrong. ."

He quickly lifted the quilt, took off his pants, and took a peek at it.

The handsome guy system didn't know what Chu Xia was looking at. He assured Chu Xia, "You can rest assured, Team Leader Chu, that your status as an emperor is genuine and worthy."

Although according to the development of the plot, Chu Xia, the emperor, will definitely be overthrown in the future, but that is all in the future, and the happiness that the team leader Chu has now is real.

Chu Xia pressed her forehead, stared at her half-removed trousers, and asked the system, "Although your identity is really good this time, can you explain to me what's going on?"

"What?" The system jolted, and there must be no accident. Now the leaders have attached great importance to the leader of Chu, and asked quickly, "Where is the problem?"

Chu Xia asked, "Can't you see it?"

The system was stunned and said, "I am full of mosaics here, and I can't see anything. What's wrong?"

This is to engage in Mosaic. Although the system has been specially trained, it is a bit overwhelmed at this time. He quickly contacted the macho system and asked this friend what to do when he saw Mosaic as soon as he opened a new world. The macho system is seeing When he passed away, he did not expect that the new world of leader Chu would be so exciting. He immediately comforted his friend and said that there is no big problem, just calm down, and just get used to it.

The handsome system was very worried, thinking that it must be that his friend was too lazy in the past to make Team Leader Chu suffer so much. Now that he has changed himself, Team Leader Chu will definitely not be the same as before.

He wants to be the Jie Yuhua of Team Leader Chu when he is sad, to be his little padded jacket when he is in trouble, and to be his most solid backing.

Chu Xia didn't know what was going on in the system's mind, but was he sure about his current situation? He couldn't provide any help. He couldn't help but hammer the bed. Who the **** gave him a lock? Or double lock front and rear!


They are also emperors. In the last world, no one put a lock on Lan Que, why in this world? He wants a lock!

Is it discrimination!