MTL - So What If You’ve Been Reborn?-Chapter 17 Seeking opportunity

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"I, I am telling the truth!"

Yao Gongzi held his knees and gasped.

The robes of his original finely cut and fine texture were stained with stains, and the spots after the mud dried up were dusty in the folds. A huge cyan scorpion squatted on his robes, squinting at the tail. Ordinary people only looked at it and probably fainted. Yao, in addition to his pale face, was still hard to support.

——In his previous life, he was an outside manager in a small repair martial art school. Sometimes he was also responsible for the spiritual charm of the comprehensible visitor to the mountain gate, not to mention the big poisonous cockroaches of the fists. The venom of these spiritual pets is precious, and the magic repairs are reluctant to let them bite the monks.

The poisonous mother-in-law squinted, and she followed the Yao Gongzi for a long time. When the fire column skyrocketed, the poisonous mother-in-law heard the Yao Gongzi’s horror and shouted, and the whole Yunzhou City was burned. Drop it.

The east of the city, the people living in the Xicheng Inn are eager to escape.

The comprehensible knows the terrible shortcomings of the fire in the stone. A mortal has heard of it, isn’t it strange?

"Master, he must be deceiving us. How dangerous is the Red Wind Desert. Even if it is a generation of people in my generation, I would like to think about it safely." A woman with a silver dress disdain to see Yao Gongzi.

The latter quietly clenched his fists and snorted.

The poisonous mother-in-law is certainly not the famous figure in the realm of comprehension. However, her apprentice, the white fairy, is tracking the destruction of the demon head of Yunzhou, and she has won the opportunity in the rocky beach. She became the descendant of the ancient emperor, and she has been repaired to the Yuan Ying period for a hundred years. .

Knowing this, Yao Gongzi certainly did not dare to offend.

"I am Chen Fu Shijiao, his backyard pond. I even went to play when I was a child. At that time, I felt like there was something in the depths of the pool, but Chenfu’s little son had a problem there, and the slaves looked tight. I haven’t approached it.” Yao Gongzi calmly and composing nonsense. “After that, I had a hunch about the dangerous atmosphere. If the fairy sister didn’t believe it, I couldn’t help it.”

The woman in the color coat took a sip and turned her head to ignore him.

The poisonous mother-in-law said in a hoarse voice, "You kid, the root can still see, not a secular person."

"Master, don't listen to him!" The woman is in a hurry, how can the red wind desert be dangerous, how can it be fooled by this slick kid?

"Hey, the gangsters don't worry." The poisonous mother-in-law knocked on the crutches in her hand, and the wrinkled face showed a gloomy smile. "Boy, you are full of nonsense in Yunzhou, bullying me, I don't know? Mother-in-law is following you." All the words were true. The madman caught a person in the middle of the road. He said that it was a small son of Chenfu, and he was still familiar with it and sent him back. That Chen’s child disappeared in the mountains at the age of six, you will not know. ?"

"Chen Jia will kill this news..."

"Your little entourage, but said that you visited the Chen family with a festival in the first month!"

"In the next year, I have already crowned the championship. How can I enter the backyard? Chen’s dumb son has been kept in the government. When I met in the streets of Yunzhou, I was really shocked. As for the autumn leaves temple three years ago, I was kidding him. I need to know that fool. I can’t remember things, don’t say that three years ago, I would forget what I had eaten three days ago. Plus I’m curious about Chen’s backyard pond, I’m always looking for a chance to test one or two. words and deeds."

Reborn once, Yao Gongzi consciously and courageously grew a lot. This is a strong argument. He frowned when he frowned, and he was still complacent about himself.

"Hey!" The woman in the colorful dress is covering her mouth, and her eyes are full of ridicule. "A child who lost six years old, after more than ten years, can you recognize it on the streets of downtown?"


The poisonous mother-in-law couldn’t help but laugh.

Yao Gongzi sweats like rain.

"This...this is because..." He couldn't say anything. Chen Hao Chen Hetang's brothers did have some similarities, but definitely did not know at a glance. The comprehensions have been around Chen’s home for so many days. How could they not have seen Chen’s appearance, even if Yao Gongzi’s letter is yellow, Chen Yu Chen He’s general and no one believes.

But the idiot is indeed a little different, and the color is better, not stupid.

More specific difference Yao Gongzi can not afford to recall, after all, for him, Chen Wo fools look like a hundred years ago, has long been blurred. Let him remember deeply that it was bought many years ago when he went down the mountain. In the town, he met a man with a snow shovel and a white robes. The long hair that was high was frosty, and he did not care about the left eyebrow. The red horn of the horn.

The eyes are indifferent and the eyes are clean.

The young people with a contour of only 20 are very difficult to think of as the Devil.

Yao Gongzi cleverly hid, no bad luck was burned to ashes, and as a result, when he was horrified from the ruins, he trembled almost impossible to stand, his heart was full of miscellaneous, and he hated and hated.

- That is the fool of Chen, the stupid child who is not a slave.

If it is not a stone fire, can Chen Wo have today?

Heavenly opportunity, why is it so lucky that he is struggling in the dust? Chen He is still like a 20-year-old, but he is dying, and the same is the root of the monk. Why is there such a gap?

He resented his worries, and he couldn't improve it. So after a hundred years, Yao Gongzi, who had not stepped into the building, died silently in a small martial art.

Do you have to repeat the same mistakes?

Just as Yao Gongzi’s heart was shaken, he suddenly heard an exclamation.

"Master is watching!"

A red pillar of fire appeared on the far side of the sky, rising from the sky, and it was especially clear in the night.

"It is a fire in the stone!" The poisonous mother-in-law said excitedly, "That kid is still too shallow to escape, and he can no longer control the fire in the stone!"

"Master, we chased in time, carrying this cuddly boy, and spent a few days on this barren beach, barely able to see this pillar of fire. I am afraid of those who are chasing after..."

"Hey! The position of this pillar of fire, we still have a day trip." The poisonous mother-in-law also realized that she wanted to take advantage of this cheaper, faster, or it would be too late, "the rumor said that this boy is less than twenty years old." I have already built a foundation, and I have been told that he is a big disciple. I have to guard against others to come and share it! If you don’t step up, you will not be able to catch up with the soup. You, I’m looking for a place to hide with this kid. I am going alone!"

"This - Master, you need to be careful."

The poisonous mother-in-law nodded with satisfaction and threw a musical instrument. The hurricane quickly went away.

Yao Gongzi got up and pretended to be indignant: "The fire pillar is the place where the red wind desert is. There is no deceit to the deceiver."

The color-dressed woman smiled and looked at him: "The son knows so much, how can the son not take the opportunity to escape?"

"The fairy flower looks like a moon, and it can be seen that it is refined." Yao Gongzi complimented a compliment. "Yao has a self-knowledge, this wild beach is full of wolves, I can't go out."

- Why did he escape? Follow this woman, maybe even get her chance!

The ancient Mozong inheritance, even if you can not directly enhance the strength like the stone fire, the use of endless, after inheritance and painstakingly enough is enough!

"Furthermore, Yao's knowledge is shallow, this has been brought out by the mentor and the disciples to see this big world, where is willing to go back." Yao Gongzi said, while implicitly watching the color of the woman.

This famous white fairy in the future, in fact, looks very general, just from the alien, the naked arm and the belly of the costume can be seen graceful.

Yao Gongzi is cautious and respectful to her since she squats on this road. She is not as awkward as a disciple, nor a nerd who does not understand the style. When I can flatter, I will never be embarrassed, and the means are brilliant. It seems to be very yearning for the realm of cultivation. Even the poisonous mother-in-law has not found his idea of ​​playing his own apprentice.

"The son can really talk." The woman in a colorful dress smiled like a shy face.

Yao Gongzi still wants to say something, cold can not prevent a black shadow in front of him, the back pain caused him to squat down, the forehead was bleeding.

I saw a woman in a color coat holding a soft whip made of silver wire. The look was scornful: "The secular stinky man always thinks that three or two sweet words can deceive a woman! You see yourself too smart, or think of me. Too stupid?"


In the desert, the night will be exhausted.

The poisonous mother-in-law rushed through the road all night.

The fire pillar disappeared halfway, and the poisonous mother-in-law guessed that the spirit of the stone fire was completely exhausted, and suddenly he was overjoyed. The fire pillar is missing, indicating that the fire in the stone is also exhausted, which is a good opportunity for cheap.

In the early years, she was poisoned and unable to cure. The fire in the stone just happened to remove her ills. Although the poisonous mother-in-law learned five poisons, the practice was not a yin path, and it was also a green fire.

The poisonous mother-in-law is not worried that Chen He has conquered the stone fire.

When she wants to come, even if the foundation is perfect, the young ones must be unstable, and there is not much aura in Dantian. I want to conquer the fire in the stone. There is no such possibility. Otherwise, why did you keep the stone fire in the Chen family, until it was discovered that it was raging?

The place where Chen Wo is located is not difficult to find.

Follow one direction and find a place where the flame sand is unusual.

"Kid, you are unlucky." The poisonous mother-in-law smirked, she stood on the edge of a sunken bunker, waved and released more than a dozen scorpions, began to search in the yellow sand.

The poisonous mother-in-law had not finished laughing, and the back neck was hurting. The whole person was actually smashed up. The green scorpion that inhabits the body not only does not attack, but also avoids it.

"Come to me?"

A very clear boyish voice.

The poisonous mother-in-law was shocked and screamed: "The boy is bold and puts down your mother-in-law-"

"I want a fire in the stone?" Chen He asked again.

"Count you, boy! Mother-in-law is the outside door of the five poison doors. Today's skills are poor, and the mother-in-law will be released quickly. I don't care about you." Ah!"

Suddenly, the poisonous mother-in-law flew out, and a blood rushed out, just into the big sand pit.

"You, you..." The poisonous mother-in-law gave a sip of blood, and eventually the injury was heavy and fainted.

Chen He clap his hands and shrug his shoulders: "Five poisonous doors, what is that? Very great?"

He quickly ran back to the other side of the sand dunes, and he was sitting there with his frowning face, his face suddenly white and white.

"Sister..." Chen Wo is very anxious.

He fainted in the process of conquering the fire in the stone. He woke up and found a large pit in the original place. The fire in the stone had quietly slept in his own Dantian, but the situation of the brothers in the distance seemed to be wrong.

I was thinking about it, and I came back with a self-proclaimed mother-in-law. Chen He will be polite and directly stunned.

When the figure was swaying, his eyes suddenly opened, and Chen He was hurt by his hand, and his arm was sore, and he did not scream, only to release the spiritual power, trying to help the brother.

Interpreting Zhang’s mouth, he seemed to want to say something, but a blood immediately followed.

"Brother! What happened to you?"

After the whole body trembled, he took a long breath and looked at Chen Wo's eyes a little embarrassed, which made Chen Wo more worried and did not dare to talk.

After a long time, the release of the hand released his hand, clenched his chest and coughed a few times.

"Senior brother, I am not good, I..." Chen He was helpless.

Released the hand and stopped, then slowly wrote a few words on the sand: I saw the demons.

Yes, grievances about my own life, worry about the anxiety of the younger brother's accident, superimposed and there is such a demon. Chen He was a big parent in Chen. He was so dead in Heiyuan Valley. Suddenly, the city of Yunzhou became a sea of ​​fire. The fire filled the sky, and he chased thousands of miles. He came to the red wind desert and saw Chen Wo.

The cause and effect have been fixed, and the great mistakes have been made. Chen He’s body has no cultivation. He has no interest in life. Finally, with the abomination of his life, he has passed on to the same three robbers, Chen He, only hope that he will rebel against heaven. To be alive, you can also export yourself to the gas.

In the end, the illusion was too real, and it was almost impossible to get rid of it. He was suspicious that if he was really immersed in throwing everything away, and without regret, he would really be defeated by the heart and soul.

Fortunately, he remembers that the younger brother is still waiting for him.

The younger brother’s box of jade balls, the younger brother rolled like a squadron in the black belt pool, the younger brother was snatched away from the meat buns and was full of tears. The younger brother’s face was tall and tall every day, and the younger brother would look at it with contempt. He said that the people in the mountains are fragrant Du Ruo, drinking Shiquan 兮 松 松 ......

The author has something to say: ps Qu Yuan "Nine Songs. Mountain Ghosts", the latter half of the missing is not recorded,

In the mountains, there are people like Duo Duo, drinking stone springs, yin and cypress. ----------, Jun Si I am suspicious.

Translation is [mountain ghost] how beautiful, --- you also think that me is true or false, so judging the missing sentence should be [I miss you very much] pick up [you think about me, this is true or not False

↑This is why the 沣 笑 敲 陈 陈 陈 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 沣 沣 沣 沣 沣 沣 沣 沣 沣 沣 沣 沣 沣 沣 沣 沣Ask the other person if you want me.

Finally to the rebirth: Do not think that you will be born again, you can become Xia Xueyi.

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