MTL - Soul Master-Chapter 191 Xing Sheng became a god, and a divine soldier was born into the sea

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  Chapter 191 Punishment Saints Become Gods, Divine Soldiers Are Born

  I don't know how long it took, Yang Dai finally woke up from his deep sleep, his head was extremely dizzy, and he felt sick to the point of vomiting.

   He opened his eyes with difficulty, and when he saw the yin crowd gathered around, his tense heart finally relaxed.

   It looks like there is no enemy attack!

   But even if there is an enemy attack, don't panic, the more than 700 million Yin people have been weakened by half, and they are still very strong!

   "You finally woke up."

   Ji Yunyan hurried over, helped Yang Dai to sit up, and the rest of the core Yin crowd gathered around.

  Yang Dai asked with a headache: "What's the situation now?"

  Xionglie said: "After the death of the Heavenly King of Zhou Fury, no enemy was approaching. Now the Heipao tribe has joined the Furious War tribe, and they are slaughtering the Galaxy tribe frantically. If this situation continues, the racial elimination will soon end."

Yang Dai has seen the announcements in front of him. Almost all of them are news of the Heipao clan and the Nuzhan clan massacred the Galaxy clan, but there is no news of the Nuzhan clan killing the Hei robe clan. I don't dare to care anymore, I want to end the race elimination as soon as possible.

  Yang Dai didn't have much reaction after hearing this, the Galaxy Clan will be wiped out, he is very tired now, but he doesn't want to go to support.

   He opened his mouth and said, "Is the soul of Heavenly King Zhou Wrath still there?"

  Si Xingdao replied: "Yes, it has been suppressed by Murong Changan."

  Yang Dai showed a satisfied smile, and the Yin people began to recall the previous battle. The performance of Xing Sheng was really powerful, and they even felt that Xing Sheng could become a Yin general.

   In all, Xing Sheng has saved Yang Dai twice. This time, although Murong Changan can also successfully kill the enemy, after all, the King of Eternal Fury is only in the yin and yang realm, but Xing Sheng's credit cannot be ignored.

   Yang Dai asked in his heart, "Would you like to become a Yin general?"

   He is not far from the Yin and Yang realm, and there will be another Yin general at that time.

The reason why    asked was because he couldn't figure out Xingsheng's attitude and details. Xingsheng was usually taciturn. Although he obeyed Yang Dai and gave instructions to other Yin people, he was always very mysterious.

   "No need, leave this opportunity to future generations, I hope the master can give us more hope for the human race here."

  Sage Punishment's voice resounded in Yang Dai's heart.

  Yang Dai followed in his heart and asked, "You are strong enough to protect more people in the future, why not?"

Xing Shengdao: "When I fought against the immortals, I realized my weakness. I am only strong now because of my richer experience. In addition, I am only one of the thousands of remnant souls, not the original soul. Although I have become independent, But I always feel like I'm planning something, I'm missing some memory in my mind, I've been trying to wake up, but it's not successful, suppressing my cultivation is good for you."

  Yang Dai couldn't help thinking of the imperial palace of the Great Sage's inheritance, those petrified creatures, the scene obviously didn't look like he wanted to pass on the inheritance, it was more like a trap.

The higher the    cultivation base, the greater the taboos for higher realms.

  Yang Dai couldn't imagine how strong the Punishment Saint and how terrifying the Immortal God was in his heyday, but he understood that one day, he would encounter an existence whose attack methods were bizarre and absolutely unconventional.

   Perhaps the source of the sage of punishment can use the split soul to attack without the split soul being aware of it.

   "Since this is the case, I will look at it later. I will always remember your credit." Yang Dai said in his heart.

   "Thank you master."

   Sheng Xing replied, his tone was still flat, neither happy nor sad.

  Yang Dai continued to rest.

  Three hours later, Xiao Xing came to visit.

"The Heipao Clan and the Furious Zhan Clan obviously want to end the racial elimination. In this case, let's go with the flow. There is no need to push too hard. This is our first racial elimination. Adventure, after this time, the earth will usher in a double take-off of technology and cultivation."

   Xiao Xing said seriously, very serious.

  Yang Dai said: "Okay, you came here specifically to persuade me?"

   Xiao Xing shook his head and laughed: "I'm afraid you will anger the war clan."

Regarding Yang Dai's strength, the headquarters has been unable to estimate, one thing is certain, as long as he has the time to get the Queen of Zhou Fury, Yang Dai alone can bring the Yin army to overthrow the Furious War Clan, and the Earth Human Race is already hanging on him. The accessories on the waist, they had to ask Yang Dai's attitude.

  Yang Dai said with a smile: "It's almost there, let's end it like this, and if we continue to entangle, there may be changes."

   He was greedy and angry with the war clan, mainly for the King of Zhou Fury. Now that he has obtained it, his craving is not so great, and he is very tired now and just wants to have a good rest.

   Xiao Xing and Yang Dai chatted for a while and then left.

  After he left, the underworld began to look forward to the settlement of the race elimination.

  Earth human race ranks second, what kind of reward will you get?

   After absorbing the Heavenly King of Wrath, the luck value of the Earth Humans has increased by a large amount, while the luck value of the Galaxy family is constantly decreasing. Although the Black Robes have increased, it is impossible to catch up with the Earth Humans.

  Yang Dai was lying on the treasure chair, his eyes were blurred, and he began to wander around the world.

   The God of Nuyu, who went to investigate the battlefields of the Nuzhan and Galaxy Clan, has returned. After learning that King Zhouwu was killed by Xingsheng, he became the fanboy of Xingsheng and is now asking Xingsheng on the roof for advice.

  More than 700 million Yin people cultivated together, which brought a huge increase in cultivation, and Yang Dai's mental state also quickly recovered.

   Two hours later, he asked Murong Changan to release the soul of the Heavenly King of Eternal Fury, and then began to **** the soul.

   The soul-sucking process is not difficult, it can even be said to be easy.

  Yang Dai's cultivation has increased a lot, and at the same time, he feels an inexplicable power in his body, which makes him want to be angry.

   This feeling is weird.

and many more!

   Could it be…

  Yang Dai's face turned cold, and his heart was full of anger. He imagined those scenes that made him angry, and his momentum skyrocketed, causing the yin people to look sideways.

   "This is... how is that possible!"

   Wei Ren widened his eyes and exclaimed.

   The talent of the Furious Warriors!

  Other yin people were also surprised, only a few yin people were calm and used to it.

When   Yang Dai competed with them, the ability he showed was already extraordinary, which made them seriously doubt that Yang Dai was not just simply enhancing his cultivation after absorbing his soul.

   Not to mention anything else, Yang Dai's physical strength is already exaggerated. In terms of pure power, no one in the yin can compare to him.

  Yang Dai took a closer look. His anger war talent can only double his strength, which is extremely mediocre in the rage war clan, but he is very satisfied, but he has one more ability.

  He calmed down, his breath returned to normal, and then summoned the Heavenly King of Eternal Fury.

  The King of Zhou Fury landed in front of Yang Dai, and all eyes fell on him, mostly joking.

After the daily touts of fearing and angering the gods, they are very afraid of the king of anger. The king of anger is indeed powerful, but he died in a foolish way. In this race, the king of anger was put on a notice, and he was killed. shame.

   King Zhou Fury was in a complicated mood, but he still saluted honestly.


  Yang Dai asked him to introduce his cultivation and abilities, and he answered truthfully.

  The Heavenly King of Eternal Fury, a superstar talent, with a perfect Tianyuan Yin-Yang realm, his anger talent is almost limitless, as long as his anger can be continuously raised, he can continue to become stronger.

   The eighteen gods of the Furious War Clan are all super-star talents, but there is also a gap within the super-stars, and he is the strongest one, and he can already feel that his talent is about to break through the barrier.

   This surprised Yang Dai. Can his talent be upgraded by himself?

   He always thought that he needed to rely on external force, but now it seems that he still underestimated his talent.

at this time.

  【The Furious War Clan successfully eliminated the Galaxy Clan】

  [Except for the Earth Human Race, there is only one faction left in this race. This is the end of the race elimination, and all testers begin to settle their luck.]

  Two lines of announcements appeared in front of Yang Dai's eyes. Immediately afterwards, a flower flashed before his eyes. The surrounding scene changed, and all the yin people disappeared.

   He was in the darkness, with a golden disc floating in front of him. The light was dazzling. Looking carefully, the disc inside was divided into seven orbits, which were spinning in irregular directions and speeds.

  Yang Dai continued to see messages in front of him:

  【The final ranking list of this race elimination luck】

  [No.1, Angry Warriors, Luck Value, 94 Club Yuan]

   [Second, Earth Humans, luck value, 69 yuan]

  [Third, Heipao Clan, Luck Value, 41 Club Yuan]

  【The eliminated race begins reality cleanup】

  【Seventeen races have been completely cleaned up and no longer exist】

  [The total ranking of the deep race elimination starts to be settled]

  【The ranking of the Earth Humans is after 100,000, please continue to work hard and prepare for the next race elimination】

  【Start settlement of personal luck ranking】

  【Your luck value is 60 yuan】

  Yang Dai frowned, the Earth Humans are still after 100,000 people, that is to say, as powerful as the Furious Warriors, they are also at the bottom of this game of ten thousand races?

  Which monster races are hidden on it...

Yang Dai can also be considered to understand the general process of the competition of the ten thousand races in the deep domain. Regular race elimination, clearing up the losers, and occasional triggering of the ten thousand race competition during this period is equivalent to giving a chance, because there is no elimination, you can freely choose to join, and race elimination is forcibly Enter.

   Constantly weeding out weak clans and selecting strong clans, why exactly?

   The mysterious existence behind the deep domain must have its own purpose.

  Yang Dai took a deep breath, no longer thinking about it, his eyes on the golden disc in front of him.

   This should be the chance after the race is eliminated and won!

   He took a step forward and looked carefully, and found that small light groups were suspended in the seven orbits on the golden light disc, with different colors and sizes, and it was impossible to see what was hidden inside.

   "How does this work?"

  Yang Dai thought in confusion.

[Drawing based on the value of luck, the reward of good fortune is divided into seven grades. The value of good fortune is from low to high: ordinary, one meeting, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand and ten. Wanhui Yuan]

  【Please select the lucky grade to draw】

   Yang Dai raised his eyebrows, so it seems that he can choose the highest grade of ten yuan, and he can draw six times.

   must be drawn at the highest level!

   "Draw ten Yuan Fuyuan, six times in a row!"

  Yang Dai opened his mouth and said, when he played some card games, he liked five draws in a row, and he didn't like single points, so he just used it for this.

   He believed one thing, Xuan did not change his fault!

  No luck, no matter how you draw!

The voice of    fell, the golden light disc began to tremble, and the seven orbits above began to rotate at an accelerated rate.

   After spinning at a high speed for a period of time, the golden light disc suddenly slowed down, and one by one light clusters flew out of it and flew to Yang Dai, a total of six.

   Looking at the six light groups floating in front of him, Yang Dai's heart surged.

What could it be?

  【Fortune reward will come in the next few days, please go back to the deep realm in time to wait for the blessing】

   Six light groups suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding dark space shattered like glass. Yang Dai's eyes blinked in shock. When he opened his eyes again, he returned to reality.

  Yang Dai immediately summoned a group of Yin people, almost a conditioned reflex, for fear of unknown dangers around him.

   Murong Changan, Liu Junjie, Ji Yunyan, Xionglie, Sun God and other yin people appeared, and they also habitually began to check the suite.

  Yang Dai looked out the window, the blue sky outside was beautiful, and the noisy voice gradually sounded, getting louder and louder, with cheers and crying.

"we won!"

   "Hahaha! We survived!"

   "Have you taken mortal fate?"

   "If you draw, you can only draw once. It's a pity."

   "We are too strong, we really survived the counterattack, thank you Overlord!"

   Hearing the cheers of the testers outside the base, Yang Dai smiled, and he felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

   This time the race was eliminated, and he took the lead!

   This feeling is quite good.

  Yang Dai took out his mobile phone and called his mother. Almost instantly, her mother answered the call.

   "Xiao Dai, it's really great. I have contacted your father just now. He is still alive. He said that you are a great hero. In these days, my mother has never slept well..."

   Hearing his mother crying with joy, Yang Dai felt warm in his heart.

  There are family members waiting for you, this is the difference between reality and deep domain.

After chatting with his mother for a while, he hung up the call. Yang Dai decided to go back and have a look after he got the good fortune. Now he can cultivate the yin people in the deep realm, and his actions become more free. He can even stay at home. Put a few yin people.

   He sat on the sofa and started to surf the Internet, mainly to see if there was anything wrong with the earth during this period of time. If there was a crisis, it would be resolved in advance, so that he could rest assured to enter the deep realm and wait for blessings.

   Fortunately, the earth is not so unlucky. There was no major crisis during this period of time. Those monsters and different time and space nodes were strangely arranged, and netizens speculated that it may be related to the elimination of races.

Now the whole network is in a carnival, the traffic is skyrocketing, the streets and alleys of various cities are celebrating, and there is sadness hidden in this carnival, but this sadness becomes insignificant before the result of human survival, all Those who die are heroes, and those who die are not sad.

  Yang Dai went back to the deep realm with the yin people after spending more than half an hour on the Internet.

   Entering the deep domain again, the moment Yang Dai landed, he immediately summoned a large number of yin people. Now he has an extremely fast reaction speed, and the summoning speed is also fast, as if the yin people followed him to the ground at the same time.

  This island has not changed, the scenery is beautiful, and the sea breeze is mixed with a touch of salty smell.

  Yang Dai raised his eyes and asked, "Where's the Sword Burial Fairy?"

   Murong Changan said: "I didn't feel her breath, she probably has been gone for a while."

   Yang Dai frowned, why did this woman leave?

   Nothing will happen, right?

Yang Dai immediately summoned tens of millions of Yin people, all of whom had seen Sword Burial Fairy before, and asked them to fly in different directions to find the whereabouts of Sword Burial Fairy. Fill up and start practicing.

  Yang Dai walked to the beach, lay down and rested, the core Yin people always followed him to prevent him from encountering danger, even though he was already very strong.

   "Master, what did you get?"

   "That's right, there must be rewards. Last time the competition of all races was there."

   "Looking at the master's smile, it is estimated that the luck is not shallow."

   "Hahaha, how strong is it now, directly occupy the Thunder God Sea Area, you should have your own territory."

   "You are joking, our master is the headmaster of the Shifang Sect, and the Shifang Sect is our territory."

  The yin people were talking excitedly, but Yang Dai didn't hide it. He told the process of extracting blessings, which made the yin people even more excited.

   Xionglie said with emotion: "Your fortune is better than that of all human beings. Such a gap will only widen, and the Earth God really can't run away."

  The sun **** laughed and said: "If the earth **** is not my master, then I, the former world number one, will speak up."

  Other yin people are also teasing. After this race is eliminated, everyone's mentality is changing.

  【Congratulations to the earth human race for the birth of the second superstar talent, the earth human race has grown in luck】

   A notice suddenly appeared in front of Yang Dai's eyes, making him stunned.

  Is this a newcomer, or is it a tester who is blessed?

He didn't feel nervous. After all, he has surpassed the super-star talent. The more super-star talents appear on the earth, the better. Only in this way can he be considered powerful. .

   "I don't know what my luck will be."

  Yang Dai thought with anticipation that his grades were far higher than other testers, so he would definitely not be bad.

   Time flies.

  Two days passed.

  Yang Dai re-entered the deep domain and continued to wait for the blessing.

   He waited until the flowers were almost gone.

This time off the assembly line, he saw on the Internet that the whole world is showing off his blessings, there are special crystals that enhance talents, there are strange fate and foreign objects, there are magic tools and magic weapons, there are heaven and earth treasures, and there are even strange and precious beasts. , all kinds of strange, and even some people got a second talent because of this, and the dual talent theory exploded again on the Internet.

   This is a carnival for the whole clan. The testers have all felt the benefits of racial elimination, and they have a great chance to survive!

Yang Dai was sitting on the reef on the beach, staring at the sea like a rock, and his eyes were eager to see through. There were thousands of Yin people gathered on the whole beach, Xing Sheng, Zhou Wu Tian Wang, Tian Shen, etc. were also there. Cha Hai Shen had already drilled into the deep sea. Huge tentacles popped out of the sea from time to time, very scary.


   An ethereal hissing sound came from high in the sky, and everyone looked up subconsciously, their eyes widened.

   I saw a giant blue bird flying above the sea of ​​clouds at some point, occupying the entire sky, and its huge body was translucent, like a mirage.

   Looking at this giant blue bird, Yang Dai thought of something inexplicably.

  Peng's back, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is, it flies in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky...

  The blue giant bird disappeared at the end of the sea level, making everyone feel like a dream.

   "There is something!"

  Wan Tianhao exclaimed in surprise, Yang Dai looked intently, and saw a blue light flying towards him at a very fast speed.

   King Zhou Wu stopped in front of him, ready to help him resist.

   "It's okay, it should be a blessing."

  Yang Dai opened the mouth and said, he raised his right hand, after the blue light fell, it suddenly slowed down, revealing a blue feather that fell into his hand.

   This cyan feather is very long, about 30 centimeters long, but compared to the mysterious giant bird that Yang Dai had seen before, it was extremely compact.

what is this?

  Yang Dai blinked and penetrated into it with his divine sense.

   "The way of heaven guides, those who are destined to get it, integrate it into the soul, and can obtain the qualification of immortal gods."

   A majestic voice resounded in his mind, making his soul tremble.

   When he woke up, fear flashed in his eyes.

   How strong is the master of this voice?

   He took a deep breath and looked back at the blue feather in his hand.

   Integrate into the soul to obtain the qualification of a fairy god.

   In other words, the yin can also be used!

  Yang Dai himself already possesses the aura of God, which is equivalent to having obtained this qualification. He wants to strengthen the yin, and the stronger the yin, the more benefits it will bring.

   To whom?

  Yang Dai raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on Xing Sheng.

   He called Xing Sheng, and the rest of the underworld stared at the blue feather curiously.

   When Xing Sheng came, Yang Dai said, "This thing is for you."

  Sage Xing was silent for a moment, then said: "This is the thing of the immortals and gods, and it is a great opportunity. Even ten thousand years ago, I only saw the great power of heaven and earth by chance. Master, it's better to give it to other underworld people."

  Yang Dai asked: "Ten thousand years ago, you were washed by the blood of immortals and gods. Now I give you the hope of becoming a god. You don't want revenge?"

   As soon as these words came out, the eyes of Xing Sheng burst out, and the holy power escaped, causing the Yin people to retreat subconsciously.

   Although Saint Punishment currently only has the cultivation base of stepping into the virtual realm, the holy prestige belongs to the high realm. Although it is not lethal, it is indeed very bluffing.

  Yang Dai said without a doubt: "Fusion, become a fairy, this is only one of the six blessings, there are five more, don't shirk, you are strong enough, you can go beyond the source and become the true self."

   The other yin clans followed and persuaded them. They were convinced by Xing Sheng, and so did the Heavenly King of Wrath. He was beaten by Xing Sheng anyway.

"it is good."

   Saint Punisher took the blue feather and pressed it directly into his chest, the blue feather dissipated, and his breath began to change.

   He took off and flew high into the sky.

  The situation of heaven and earth changed suddenly, and thunderclouds rolled in, as if the movie had pressed the speed up button.

   "Don't help me, it's not a calamity."

  Sage Punishment's voice resounded through the heavens and the earth, causing the underworld people who were preparing to act to stop.

  Yang Dai looked at him expectantly.

   At this moment, the sea surface surging violently, a terrifying sword light pierced and cut through the sea surface, shot straight into the sky, and split thunderclouds apart.

  Yang Dai and the yin congregations turned their heads to look, and the magnificent sea was cut in half, which was very visually stunning.

   A cold light shot from the bottom of the sea, so fast that no one could react. Yang Dai just raised his hand subconsciously, and then grabbed a sword.

  The blade of this sword is silver, the hilt is blue, and there are two dragons, one blue dragon and one white dragon, on the sword grid.

  What a powerful sword!

  Yang Dai felt a terrifying force in it, just like facing the evil spirit.

   Punishment Saint Neng burst into such a powerful force with the evil spirit, and it has a great relationship, the evil spirit is still the strongest magic weapon in Yang Dai's hands.

Yang Dai threw the sword to Murong Changan, Murong Changan hurriedly caught it and couldn't help asking: "Master, don't you want it? This is a magic weapon, a magic weapon I have never seen before, and it contains an extremely powerful sword intent. My senior sister has never owned such a sword."

  Yang Dai waved his hand and said, "I won't do it again, I'll give it to you. As the king of Yin, the magic weapon is naturally the strongest, so don't disappoint my expectations for you."

   There are still four blessings left, what do you recommend, you can also guess what it will be~~



   (end of this chapter)