MTL - Soul Master-Chapter 200 The Way of the Sword Saint, Immortal

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   Chapter 200 The Way of the Sword Saint, Immortal

  The boundless Wang Yang is stirring up the sky and the waves, and the sword energy is sweeping in all directions like a column of air, mixed with the rain of blood.

   Murong Changan stood in a storm of sword energy, like a god. In his right hand, he held a dragon shadow from the sea, a dragon shadow visible to the naked eye wrapped around the sword blade.

   Following his gaze, a huge island ahead has been torn apart, and countless monks are trapped in the island. There are shadowy figures in all directions, all of them in the Tianyuan realm.

  There are corpses floating in the sea, and some only have stumps left, which is terrifying.

   Murong Changan was expressionless and said, "Give up the struggle, I'll make you suffer less."

   His voice resounded under the blue sky, extremely indifferent.

In the sky above the ruined island, a disheveled old man stared at Murong Chang'an. His robe had been torn into long strips and was stained with blood. He was in a miserable state. He asked in a cold voice, "Who is Your Excellency? Door?"

   Murong Changan replied: "It's not a target, it's just a collision, and soon you will understand that this is not your end."

   He raised the dragon shadow in the sea, the sword tip pointed to the sky, and his aura reached the peak, stirring the universe.

   He slashed down with one sword, and countless sword shadows appeared in the sky out of thin air, like a heavy rain falling, and like a collapse of the sky, unstoppable.


   Accompanied by the earth-shattering roar, from a distance, huge waves rose up and drowned those tiny remnant islands.

   This is just a microcosm of Murong Chang'an's campaign.

He fights every day, and then **** souls and corpses. When he rarely stops, he can grow hundreds of thousands of Yin people for Yang Dai every day. .

   Far away.

   There are four immortal cultivators lurking under the sea, less than ten feet above the sea.

   One of the blue-clothed women said, "Why is it so powerful when you first entered the universe?"

A man in white next to him said: "That sword is not simple, it is the dragon shadow of the Dragon Palace. There are only two dragon swords in the Dragon Palace, and he actually got one of them, which shows that he is related to the Dragon Palace, and no one can learn from the Dragon Palace. won the treasure.”

   Dragon Palace!

The words    came out, and the other three suddenly remained silent.

   In the endless ocean, the Dragon Palace is the absolute overlord, and the holy land where they are located is only recognized by the Dragon Palace.

   "If that's the case, then withdraw and report the news to the top."

   The blue-clothed woman said again, her words were approved by the three companions, and they left quickly, for fear of being discovered by Murong Changan.


  Time flies, and another month has passed since Murong Changan left.

Yang Dai has accumulated 9.71 million yin people, of which there are 21 in the Tianyuan realm. Although compared with the total number, it is only a small increase, but before the race is eliminated, this speed is already very fast, and these yin people are The strength is very good, and there are more Spiritual Illuminations than Heart Spinnings.

   On this day, Ji Yunyan succeeded in transcending the calamity and stepped into Tianyuan and entered the realm of silence.

   The God-given sacrifice when stepping on the Void Realm has not been used yet, and it is accumulated again.

  Yang Dai is very curious, if he uses the god-sent sacrifice and his realm falls, can he still use it a second time, or does he have to return to Tianyuan and enter the stillness before he can continue to use the god-sent sacrifice?

   Ji Yunyan didn't know either, anyway, she was very excited now. With divine summons, she would often find someone to learn from. Once she was summoned to Yang Dai's talent, no Yin crowd would be her opponent.

   One dozen 700 million, how to fight?

   The three arrogant warriors of the Furious Warriors all obeyed, and they walked around every time they saw Ji Yunyan.

The Yin people that Ji Yunyan summoned had no independent thinking ability, and were completely puppets. She said she would fight whoever she wanted. Because of this, the Yin people she summoned would not cooperate, but they were extremely ruthless. Tianyuanjing did not dare to accept her challenge.

  Yang Dai is now waiting for Murong Changan to transcend the Tianyuan Heaven and Earth Realm and reach the Holy Realm.

   As soon as possible, the Holy Land combat power will appear, so that he can upgrade his talents.

   Holy Realm cultivation base plus Yin God form, equal to invincibility.

  Yang Dai sat in front of the cliff, holding a wooden sword, feeling the meaning of the sword.

   As his understanding of sword intent deepened, his temperament also changed. Even if he was holding a sharpened wooden sword, his sword cultivating temperament was also sharp.

   The space around him appeared to fluctuate like high temperature and scorching heat. He closed his eyes. It was not the first time that he had entered this inexplicable state of sword enlightenment. His consciousness would fall into an illusion.

   He saw a figure practicing swordsmanship. He couldn't tell the difference between men and women. He practiced swords day after day without sword energy, as if ordinary people were practicing swords.


  Yang Dai's sword intent was originally that of the Sword Saint, taught by Master Tiansu, and later instructed by the Sword Burial Fairy, so he has completely embarked on the path of the Sword Saint.

   He looked at it seriously, not feeling boring at all, and even immersed in it, substituting it into himself, as if he was practicing swords.

   Sword intent is detached from sword moves, it is the sublimation of sword moves, and it is close to a manifestation of Tao.


  Yang Dai was in a trance for a while, opened his eyes and saw that he was standing on the grass, surrounded by woods, the vacant grass was only the size of a basketball court, and the mountains could be seen in the distance.

   A woman in white appeared in front of him, dancing a sword. Her figure was graceful and full of femininity, but she was not weak at all, but rather heroic.

This woman is wearing a wide white robe, holding an ordinary iron sword, her black hair is tied behind her head at will, and two strands of fine hair are floating on either side of her cheeks, revealing a perfect jawline inadvertently, as well as her white-skinned and red-lipped face .

  Yang Dai was amazed.

What a nice view!

   He has always been curious about the true face of the Sword Burial Fairy, but she is wearing a mink hat and a mandarin gauze, so she can't see it at all, and now the woman in white in front of her overlaps with the Sword Burial Fairy.

   The Sword Burial Fairy is suspected to be the inheritor of the Sword Saint, or a descendant, and the two are too similar in body shape.

   The woman in white turned around and stabbed the sword. The sword seemed to penetrate Yang Dai's chest, and the two of them looked at each other.

   What a pair of bright eyes, the eyebrows are like willow leaves, the arrogance and conceit are imprinted in the pupils.

   "Boy, have you learned my sword yet?"

   The woman in white said, her voice was pleasant and frivolous.

  Yang Dai was stunned for a while, thinking it was just an illusion, so he didn't answer, but he knew that the opponent stabbed with a sword, and he subconsciously raised his wooden sword to resist.


   The two swords collided, and Yang Dai felt a hint of heaviness.

what happened?

  Isn’t it a fantasy?

  Yang Dai did not panic, and started to practice the sword moves of the woman in white. The two people were staggered, and the sword moves were exactly the same.

   The corners of the woman in white raised her mouth slightly, and her sword moves became faster and faster, which attracted Yang Dai's sword swing speed.

   After an unknown amount of time, the two jumped away, ten paces apart, the tip of their swords pointing at the grass behind them.

  The two looked at each other, and the woman in white smiled and said, "You are qualified to inherit my sword."

   Yang Dai asked, "Juggernaut?"

   The woman in white put away her sword and replied, "Juggernaut? It seems that this is my future title. I like it very much. If my junior brother knew that I had entered the name of Juggernaut, he would definitely not be convinced."

  Yang Dai couldn't help laughing, he was convinced, he is your biggest brain-crazy fan.

   But he was curious as to why this Juggernaut was not the deity consciousness of the Juggernaut, how could he have the consciousness when he was young?

   He suddenly felt that he did not understand the sword intent, and the swordsman's sword intent had surpassed his understanding.

  Yang Dai was about to ask when the woman in white turned around and walked towards the woods.

   "Goodbye, young man, even if you are alone on the road to kendo, don't be lonely, because you have a sword in your hand."

   The woman in white waved her hands, her laughter full of pride and conceit.

  Yang Dai's feet seemed to take root, unable to move, so he could only watch her leave.

   Until the illusion is broken.

  Yang Dai suddenly woke up and returned to his island.

   He looked at his wooden sword again, and in the dark, he felt that his sword intent became stronger, and he had a clearer perception of the energy between heaven and earth.

   "Is this the Go Sword?"

   Yang Dai muttered to himself, recalling the appearance of the woman in white, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

   It seems that he underestimated the inheritance of the Juggernaut, and also underestimated the Juggernaut.

   No wonder Jianzong covets her power so much.

Yang Dai immediately ordered several yin people to go to the Canghai Tianyu to inquire about the whereabouts of the sword saint. Every time he went offline, he would pay attention to the secret network. Explore the Sea of ​​Thor.

   After feeling the aura of several yin crowds gone, Yang Dai looked up to the horizon, the dashing and arrogant figure of the woman in white lingered in his mind.

   He suddenly began to look forward to seeing the Sword Saint and the true face of the Sword Burial Fairy one day.

   Sword Sect!

  I want to destroy the testers, and I want to use the Juggernaut.

   Wait for Lao Tzu to come with the yin people!


  The sea of ​​clouds formed a vortex on the sky, the waves were magnificent, making the sky appear extremely high, and there were dense islands floating on the sea below, as if the forest green ink was sprinkled on the blue scroll.

   On one of the islands stands a tall tower, as straight as a peak, surrounded by clouds and mist.

On the top of the    tower, a woman wearing a scorpion hat was meditating and practicing. Looking carefully, there were various strange runes drawn on the ground around her, and rune papers were pasted on the square stone platform.

   is the Sword Burial Fairy.

   A blue light flew over, landed next to him, and turned into a person. This person was wearing a green robe, holding a whisk in his hand, and his face was very young.

  The man in green robe looked at Fairy Buried Sword and said, "Why bother, your kendo has been passed down to Jianzong. If you bow your head, Jianzong will reuse you, and there is no need to rob you of your kendo."

   Sword Burial Fairy said indifferently: "The way of swordsman is inherited from heaven and earth, does it belong to Jianzong, Jianzong is not worthy of my swordsmanship, don't waste your time, you will not succeed."

Hearing the words, the man in green robe shook his head and said, "The contemporary holy son has extraordinary talent, and it is not impossible to take your swordsmanship. When the secret arrives and your swordsmanship is taken away, you will be demoted to a mortal, but with your talent, you can still rebuild it. , just marrying a woman, wouldn't it disgrace the name of the Sword Saint?"

   Fairy Burial Sword said nothing.

The man in green robe suddenly smiled and said, "Are you waiting for your junior brother to save you? After I heard that he became an alien's soul slave, his strength has soared, but do you really think he can shake the Sword Sect? That alien can't either. , I admit that his talent is exaggerated, but he can't be in time."

   Fairy Buried Sword still did not answer.

   The man in the green robe snorted, turned into a blue light and disappeared without a trace.

  The Sword Burial Fairy still didn't move, her body was like a pillar, motionless.

   After a while, a sparrow flew down and landed on the stone platform on the left, shaking its head.

   "Fairy, are you really a Juggernaut?"

   The sparrow uttered words like a little girl.

  The Sword Burial Fairy replied, "I'm just a sword cultivator."

  The sparrow asked curiously: "It is rumored that the sword saint once realized the sword and established the immortal god, why didn't you escape?"

   Fairy Burial Sword was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled: "I'm waiting for an opportunity."

   The sparrow tilted his head and asked, "What is the opportunity?"

   The formation around Fairy Buried Sword suddenly burst out with a lightning strike, killing it, so shocked that it hurriedly avoided.

   "Leave, don't come again, too much curiosity will kill you." Fairy Buried Sword said softly.

   The sparrow flapped its wings and hummed, "I am a descendant of a divine beast, how can I die so easily?"

   Having said that, it honestly flew away.

  The sea breeze blows, this solitary tower is so lonely, but the Sword Burial Fairy still has a calm temperament that will not be swallowed by the years, sitting there, motionless.


   Day by day passed.

   Tianfu's second sermon came, and Yang Dai's consciousness was pulled into that mysterious illusion.

   As before, he sat with Tiandao and Chu Ling.

Chu Ling said with a smile: "The holy son of Jianzong is really good, he learned the Great Sun Sword Art, and defeated the heaven's favorite son of the seven holy places. One of them came from our Tianfu, and he has the potential to become a great saint. The bones have been smelted into holy bones, and they are immortal."

  Yang Dai asked, "Just want to marry the son of the Sword Burial Fairy?"

   "That's right, this guy has a mind of God and is extremely conceited. He himself disdains to marry the Sword Burial Fairy, but Jianzong insists. I guess after winning the Sword Saint Kendo, this guy will kill the Sword Burial Fairy himself."

   Chu Ling was amazed, and his tone was full of regret.

  Yang Dai glanced at her and felt that she was fighting fire.

  Tian Dao suddenly asked: "Yang Dai, you have become stronger, and you have the breath of Dao on your body."

  Yang Dai looked at him and asked in surprise, "The breath of Dao? What is Dao?"

  Tian Dao shook his head and said: "Dao, indescribable, you will understand later."

  Yang Dai suddenly felt that he was very mysterious.

   For a long time, few people know the trace of Tiandao, no one knows how he became stronger, he has never followed the public, and Yang Dai has at least stayed in Shifangjiao.

Chu Ling smiled and said: "Yang Dai, don't look at your predecessor's cultivation base that you have surpassed, but he is far ahead of you on the road of chasing the road. I can speak highly of him.”

   An epiphany and become immortal?

   So exaggerated?

  Yang Dai wanted to ask more, but the old man in the red robe suddenly appeared, and the voice followed:

   "The second sermon begins, this time about kendo."


   Yang Dai's body trembled, and he suddenly regained his spirit.

   Sure enough, kendo is still very important, almost every sword cultivator wears a sword, which shows the importance of the sword to the civilization of immortal cultivation.

   This time, he was finally able to show it, the last Dan Dao made him too uncomfortable.

  Chu Ling blinked and said, "If you have the opportunity, don't be too low-key. It is a great opportunity for the Dragon Palace to seek the Tao, and it is not as simple as just learning from the Dragon Palace."

  Yang Dai glanced at her again and said, "I'm suddenly curious about your identity, you don't look like an ordinary disciple."

   Huhu, stay up late to make up, sleep~~



   (end of this chapter)