MTL - Space Speed Xing Hen-Chapter 183 Different space compression field (on)

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Chapter 187 chapter of the field of different space compression (on)

Lily smiled and looked calmly at the stunned sky mark: "Why, don't you welcome me? You are the master, you should ask me to sit."

The sky mark came back to God and hurriedly said: "Please sit down. How come you."

Lily spit out her tongue and revealed a mischievous smile. "I will not come again, you may have to run again. You will definitely not see me on your own initiative." In the last sentence, she could not help but reveal a trace of her eyes. The light of resentment. The day marks found that, when she saw her last time, she changed again. The smell of her body could not be seen through her own ability. Moreover, her original ordinary face seemed to have a special beauty, which seemed to be no more than blue. The blue color is quite different. In front of her, the sky mark suddenly felt that she seemed very small, it was purely a feeling of spirit, and the three pieces of demon objects in the space bag seemed to have a tendency to move.

Lily smiled and looked at the sky mark: "Why don't you talk?"

The day mark went to her side and sat down. "What do you think I should say? If you are here to leave me, then you have nothing to say. You should know that my wishes have always been It will change easily. I only hope to live the life I like."

Lily shook her head and smiled on the pretty face. "I certainly know you, and I don't do anything unnecessary. Heaven marks, you know? I am really tired now. Let's not say anything political." I am here, just want to see you."

The sky mark looked at Lily with amazement. The original alert gradually disappeared. "You have changed a lot."

Lily’s eyes are full of deep-eyed eyes. “Are you not the same? We have changed compared to when we first met. Day marks, when are you going to leave?”

Tianzheng did not hesitate: "Tomorrow morning."

Lily nodded. "Actually, in my heart, I also yearn for that kind of life. However, my responsibility is too heavy."

The brows of the sky mark are slightly wrinkled, and the voice is cold. "Responsibility? The responsibility is applied to oneself. However, according to your goal, the current position is the best for you."

Lily said: "Don't say this, okay? Look at the many years of understanding, even if it's just an ordinary friend, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

The day marks hesitated and said: "You say it, but I can't guarantee that I will promise."

There was a hint of gloom in the eyes of Lily. "When did you become so prepared for me?"

Tianzheng stood up and turned his back to Lily. He said: "We are in different positions. You can give up everything for your ambitious goals. I think this may include me too."

Lily's voice reveals excitement. "No, no matter when, I am not willing to give up on you. Maybe, if you lose it, you will know how to cherish it. I will not ask you to do anything that you are not willing to do." I am just, just want you to hug me, okay?"

Hearing this sentence, the sky marks the whole body, and the feelings of many years are said to be put down, and turned sharply, looking at the lily that stood up again. At this time, he has forgotten everything in his heart. Stepping forward, tight, tightly put the lily into his arms.

Lily is against the sky mark, she is very hard, it seems that the sky mark will suddenly disappear, "mark, you know? Only in your arms, I can forget the other, my heart can be stable."

In an instant, the sky mark clearly felt the pain in the heart of Lily. She did not hesitate to give up her feelings for her great goal. For a woman, even a woman with a determined heart like Lily is a huge blow. Long sigh, said: "We are still friends, aren't we?"

Lily looked up and looked at the indifference in the eyes of the sky. She knew that he was hurt too deep and deep, and smiled and said: "No, we are not only friends, you are always a harbor of lilies. Even if you are not willing I still think so. I have to go, there are still many things waiting for me to deal with, bon voyage, pay attention to take care of my body. Although the bird defense is strong, but it is not a long-term place. You must be careful Yes." After she finished, she picked up her toes and kissed her on the lips of the sky mark, broke away from his arms, and she left the room.

Lily left, the fragrance between the lips is still there, she went from the door to the departure, just a few minutes, did not ask for the day mark, just like a little woman asked for a lover's love and pity generally spent this short few minutes. The sky mark clearly felt at this moment that Lily loves himself. This is a feeling that has never been seen before. However, he also knows that it is too late to say anything. The identity of both sides makes it impossible for them to combine. Together. What does her last words mean? Did she already know that the Ruoxi family is a dark sacrifice? It doesn't matter, these are no longer relevant.

Harbor? Is it her own harbor? Perhaps, one day, after Lily gave up her goal for some reason, it is possible to find a harbor. Now they can only be friends.

Shantou, throwing his heart down because of the appearance of the lily, he used the newly obtained biological computer to send a contact signal to the Ruoxi family.

"Day of the Big Mark, is that you?" Roja's moving voice sounded.

Tian Ke smiled and said: "Roga, it is me. Are you still there?"

Luo Jiadao: "There is no problem here. I have already integrated according to your instructions. Now the civilians of the Flying Birds have been transported to the inner planet of the Alliance. We are mobilizing various resources to build solar warships. Now we use tens of millions of workers. It should be able to be manufactured at the fastest speed. The three sisters of Blu-ray, Purple Fantasy and Melis have already returned. They said that the alien space seems to have changed. You are fine there."

When they heard that the blue sky had arrived, they couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. “They are all there. I am fine here. The change in the different space is due to the destruction of all the stars of the glacial galaxies when the glaciers fled the control of the Galaxy Alliance. It is estimated that it takes a certain period of time to calm down. You continue to develop. Once you encounter an unstoppable demon attack, immediately evacuate the inner planet of the Galaxy Alliance. Don't be hard, wait for me to go back. This signal is my latest. Get a bio computer, you can contact me when something happens."

Luo Jia’s voice suddenly dropped a few points. “Hey, Big Mark, when are you coming back! I, I miss you.”

The day marks listened to Luo Jia’s whisper from the heart. His heart was surrounded by warmth. He said softly: “Do not worry, I will rush back as soon as possible, but there are still some things to deal with now. After I finish processing, I must Will go back as soon as possible."

Luo Jiadao: "Then you have to be careful. If the space storm is too strong, it will be fine to wait for a few days to come back. Take your safety as the most important thing."

A trace of cold light flashed in the eyes of the sky. "Do not worry, the different space storm will not have much impact on me. Oh, yes, you tell the purple illusion, I saw Peter, I used the cosmic gas to help him re Regaining vitality, let the purple illusion not have to worry. After a few days, Grandpa Peter may send three Transformers back, and you let the purple illusion and blue receive it."

Luo Jiadao: "Okay. Brother, you take care."

Cut off the contact, the sky marks a slight smile, the bird star is his home, there are women who remember their own, have free space and the strength that they can fully control. Lily! I hope that you can listen to me. The continuation of human existence requires the abandonment of certain things to a certain extent.

Early the next morning, Skymark did not say hello to anything, and quietly left the earth. Did he go to Ming Huang Xing? No, he doesn't, because, in his mind, there are more important things to do.

The scenes of different spaces are still beautiful and colorful. The different space energy **** that are condensed into a group are like a meteor shower. The waves are so fast that they can easily escape from the impact of the energy ball and fly forward quickly. After a while, the energy ball in front will become more dense, and some can't be avoided. It can only be solved by ability.

While flying fast, the sky marks are secretly pondering. The alien space storm is really a disaster of the universe. If the warship encounters such a different amount of space energy impact, no matter how powerful the shield is, it will be the endless energy. Destroy it. Fortunately, my personal body is small, you can dodge the impact of most energy. However, although the devastating energy brought by the alien space storm is very strong, at the same time, the energy molecules are also strengthened by the generation of different space storms. With the cosmic gas absorption of heaven and man, he can get more. The energy, which not only supports him to continue to fly, but also rapidly enhances his two abilities. This kind of cultivation method, for now, I am afraid that few people can use it. After all, without the full understanding of space and the strong cosmic gas, it is absolutely impossible to absorb these violent energy. Through the biological computer that Peter gave him, he felt the percentage of the two levels of continual improvement. The day marks are very satisfied. In this environment, cultivation is much faster than meditation in the positive space. If you have your own space. Both darkness and abilities can reach 81 or above, and their own strength can be upgraded to a new level.

After watching the time, I have been flying for a few hours. The speed of the different space is far from being comparable to the speed of light. The sky mark is probably calculated. He knows that it is not far from his destination. After crossing there, I hope I can find some clues.

Another dense space energy ball flies, the overwhelming energy ball has almost no gap. Each energy ball is like a basketball. The shock generated by the friction around them can be seen. The attack is much stronger than before. The sky marks the spirit, and the eyes are cold, and suddenly accelerates to meet.

Seeing that he was about to come into contact with the energy ball, he explored his right hand and shouted: "Take the stars and move." The flash of light flashed a position with the first impact of the energy ball, flashing a dense first wave of attacks in an instant. Without any pauses, the body is like a fish swimming, and it is like a fish line that escapes from the impenetrable energy ball. "The darkness swallows." The black crack appears in front of the sky mark, and the most energetic energy ball is sucked in. It is not inhaling the alien space, because here is the alien space, which is directly inhaled into the body by the sky mark.

"Rely, strong energy, this can be digested for a while." Directly absorb the energy ball, and then digest the energy and use it for your own use, I am afraid that only he dared to do so. The cosmic atmosphere of the universe of heaven and man is constantly changing in the body, assimilation of the various weird energies of the energy ball, and then converted into two kinds of abilities and the absorption of cosmic gas. This method is dangerous, but the effect is also the best. of. Each time you absorb an energy ball, you can increase the two abilities of Skymark by about 10%. This time, the energy is even bigger, and the effect of lifting is naturally more obvious. It takes half an hour to an hour to absorb an energy ball. This speed of cultivation can not help but remind the sky mark of the level of ascension when it absorbs energy for the first time in different spaces.

A slamming sound, the level has finally improved, "dark abilities, seventy-three percent eighty, space power, seventy-three percent four percent." Under the deliberate control of the sky mark, space abilities The gap with the dark ability is further shortened. Although this difference does not affect the balance, the sky marks are still trying to be perfect to keep them in balance. I checked my cosmic gas. At this time, I have already upgraded to 70% of the energy of the 81st level. The distance is not far from the 82nd level. The sky mark does not know the 81st level or above. The ability will have any effect. Now I can only take a step and look at it. In short, the more powerful, the better it will be for what I will do in the future.

While continuing to dodge the impact of different space energy, the sky mark dissolves the energy ball that has just been absorbed. The current energy ball impact generates strong energy due to friction with each other, which is not solved by dodging. Skymarks often use the power of some space systems to subtly resolve these energies with minimal energy. Of course, in the case of being unable to dodge, he also worked hard several times. After several collisions, he tested the compression capabilities of crystal radiology. It is really a wonderful feeling. The energy from the right hand can actually condense into a needle shape. Under its attack, no matter how powerful the space energy ball will be penetrated, the energy will be released instantly and will be temporarily around. Expanding a hollow, the sky marks from this hollow, you can continue to fly. The most valuable thing is that this compressed energy consumes very little energy for his ability, but the power is not even under the devil.