MTL - Spirit Walker-Chapter 17 source of eerie

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Guess right... Zhang Yuanqing felt a little relieved.

In fact, after exploring the mountain temple and eliminating the zombies, the entrance to the cave will be opened, but the seniors of the construction team took away the demon pestle before that.

If he can't see through this detail and return the demon pestle, he will probably be stuck at this step forever.

Zhang Yuanqing waited patiently, quietly tightening his nerves, concentrating his energy, not daring to be careless, because underneath the cave, there may well be the source of the decline of the mountain temple.

After a while, seeing that there was no abnormality in the collapsed hole, he summoned the red dancing shoes again, activated the second form, and let it replace the running shoes and wrap his feet.

Then he walked to the dark and deep cave and made a slight jump.

Pata...the soles of his feet quickly touched the ground, and the red dancing shoes eliminated the force of his falling.

Zhang Yuanqing found the demon pestle among the rubble, bent down to pick it up, and regained control of this powerful tool.

With the red dancing shoes and the demon pestle, he is confident that he can face the danger in the cave.

The candle light penetrated from the top of the head, and the place that can be illuminated is limited. The front is a dark and silent corridor, full of unknown fear.

In such an environment, it is extremely unwise to smear the way forward.

Zhang Yuanqing pondered for a moment, then turned his attention to the prop in his hand.

According to the item introduction, this is a prop that contains the divine power of the sun. By sacrificing blood, you can obtain divine power.

The serious power of the sun should be able to dispel darkness and bring light, right?

It's worth a try, but the "remarks" in the attribute introduction is a bit confusing.... Zhang Yuanqing breathed out silently, and nailed the sharp three-edged thorns to his thighs.

A sharp pain came, and blood gushed out, not flowing along the trousers, but turned into blood lines and poured into this brass prop.

Zhang Yuanqing only felt a warm force gushing out from the demon-busting pestle and rushing into his body along his arm. His pupils lit up with pale golden brilliance, turning into brilliant golden pupils.

The demon pestle did not dispel the darkness, but gave him the ability to see through the darkness.

At the same time, all negative states such as dizziness, difficulty breathing, and heart and lung pain disappeared, leaving only the feeling of weakness due to excessive blood loss.

The corpse poison has been removed from the body.

It is true that he is trading his life for strength, but he can still accept it... He uses his eyesight and looks forward, and in front of him is a spacious corridor that extends into the depths of darkness.

There are traces of man-made excavation on the two walls of the corridor, which are not natural formations.

Zhang Yuanqing walked in the corridor at an unhurried pace, and the sound of his footsteps echoed in the silent space.

After walking for more than ten seconds, the roots of plants appeared on the two walls of the corridor, and they densely covered the walls.

"Help, help..."

Suddenly, in the darkness ahead, there was a terrifying cry for help, like weeping.

After walking for a while following the sound, the front suddenly became clear, and a huge grotto came into view. In the center of the grotto was a sturdy tree trunk, which drilled through the top of the grotto and grew to the outside world.

At the bottom of this sturdy tree trunk, the rhizomes are intertwined and entangled with a sarcophagus.

The most terrifying thing is that from the sturdy tree trunk, pale arms protruded, and pale faces appeared, and they unconsciously shouted "help".

The densely packed arms grabbed randomly, as if looking for a life-saving straw.

My intensive phobia was committed... The candlelight and the devil-busting pestle brought Zhang Yuanqing courage. He only felt a slight tingling in his scalp, but he was not too afraid.

At this moment, a hoarse voice sounded:

"For so many years, this is the first time that a living creature has come here."

Following these words, the cry for help stopped, the arms swaying like seaweeds retracted into the tree trunk, and the human faces hid into the tree in horror.


Zhang Yuanqing was startled and looked around vigilantly.

"Me? I'm just a tree..."

An ugly human face emerged from the trunk. Unlike the faces of those resentful spirits, its bark was the bark, as if to symbolize the tree itself.

It's the old banyan tree in the yard. Has it matured? Zhang Yuanqing didn't expect that in such a ghost place, he could meet someone who could communicate, even though the other party was a tree.

He didn't dare to approach, and tentatively said:

"Did you kill the disciples in the temple?"

"It's not me, it's her."

The dryad's gaze fell, as if staring at the sarcophagus below, although it couldn't see it.

"who is she?"

"She is the Goddess of Sandaoshan."

Zhang Yuanqing felt as if he had been hit in the head, and his mind was dazed.

In the sarcophagus lies the Sandao Mountain Goddess, the powerful night wandering **** who should have emerged in the early Ming Dynasty?

The source of the strangeness was the Lady of Sandaoshan, who killed the disciples in the temple?

Zhang Yuanqing blurted out, "Why did she do this."

"Because the age of the end of the law is coming, it will be difficult for practitioners to break through the bottleneck. In order to live long, the Empress Sandaoshan fell into the devil's way. She sealed herself in a sarcophagus, used the banyan tree to imprison the ghost, and nourished the yin with the yin, so as to protect the body and the primordial spirit from being destroyed. She is a powerful night wandering god, and the night wandering **** is born with the ability to devour souls and grow himself."

The human face on the tree trunk sighed: "The banyan tree holds too many souls, accepting their will, and slowly giving birth to spiritual wisdom, which is me. Over the years, people have strayed into this place one after another, died here, and finally became Her nourishment. I bear the hatred and unwillingness of the resentful spirit, and I have been waiting for someone to come here and end her for me. "

So that's the case, does this count as triggering the NPC's mission? Zhang Yuanqing's eyes flashed slightly, "What should I do."

"Open the sarcophagus, pierce her heart with the weapon in your hand, and you can end all this. Oh, half of her yang soul is sealed in the demon-busting pestle, and piercing the heart can seal the remaining yang soul in her flesh. In the weapon, without the Yang Soul protection body, her physical body will die immediately." After the banyan tree spirit finished speaking, she said slowly:

"You can also get out of here."

Zhang Yuanqing did not move and remained silent.

The banyan tree spirit said slowly, "Young man, what are you still hesitating about?"

Zhang Yuanqing suddenly said:

"I'm thinking about a question..."

Banyan Tree Jing responded gently: "What's the problem?"

Zhang Yuanqing stood in the distance, stared at the face on the tree trunk, and said word by word:

"Aren't you a temple blessing?"

The cave was suddenly quiet, and after a few seconds, the banyan tree spirit said in a low tone:

"Miaozhu was the first person to be bewitched by the Empress Sandao Mountain. She became her puppet, and later became the nourishment for that woman. If you don't believe it, come and open the sarcophagus, and you'll know that I'm not lying to you."

"Then help me open it."

"I can't open it, I'm just a tree."

"Can't you open it, or dare you not open it?" Zhang Yuanqing seemed to have got the answer he wanted, and raised the corner of his mouth:

"The one lying in the coffin is a temple blessing, and are you his guardian, or his soul?"

After saying these words of temptation, he entered a state of alert, waiting for the tree spirit's response.

As a tech nerd who is good at strategy games, after so many crises, it would be too bad if he couldn't find out the secrets of the mountain temple.

First of all, Empress Sandaoshan emerged in the early Ming Dynasty. After she died, the local government built this temple for her.

The disciples in the temple disappeared for no reason during the Yongle period, at least fifty or sixty years, or a generation or two.

Secondly, the information in the main hall suggested that the Sandaoshan Niangniang is a decent person, and the so-called fall into the devil's way by the banyan tree spirit is its own words. Zhang Yuanqing is more willing to believe the former.

Finally, and most importantly, what was written in the essay is: Don't trust Master!

In fact, who the real enemy is, the spiritual realm has long given hints in these details.

It's just that Zhang Yuanqing didn't understand why Miaozhu wanted to kill his disciple.

Now I know.

If people who want to live forever and fall into the devil's way are replaced by temple blessings, all doubts will be solved. UU Reading

There was silence in the cave, and the banyan tree spirit sighed: "Your vigilance is too strong. From the beginning to the end, I have no malice towards you, and I will not hurt you."

"It won't hurt, or can't it hurt?" Zhang Yuanqing slowly took a few steps back and said:

"Well, let me guess, the way you kill is to twist your neck, but it should have something to do with illusions and the mind. You wanted to kill me not long ago, but unfortunately I didn't look back."

This time, the face of the banyan tree spirit changed suddenly.

When Zhang Yuanqing saw this, he knew that his reasoning was completely correct.

The night wandering **** in the Taiyi Sect data clearly pointed out two things: first, the banyan tree is very dangerous; second, don't look back.

That's why he went deep into the ancient well and found nothing, because there was no problem with that well, and the problem was the tree.

In addition, he can accurately judge the "illusion" because the name of the female ghost is Zhang Yuanqing, not Yuanshi Tianzun.

Finally, when Zhang Yuanqing discovered the ancient well, he thought of a famous horror movie from a certain island country, so he had a psychological shadow and did not dare to peep into the bottom of the well.

Later, the female ghost who emerged from the well, white-clothed, disheveled, and without facial features, matched the hazy fear in Zhang Yuanqing's mind.

"You are pretending to talk to me with good words because illusions can no longer confuse me. After all, I have my mother's magic pestle and I am immune to illusions." Zhang Yuanqing looked calm and analyzed the truth:

"You lied to me in the past and wanted to kill me by other methods. If the illusion is ineffective for me, then it is a physical attack?"

He glanced at the tree roots that were crawling on the wall, and suddenly a pestle stabbed it.


ps: Two chapters will be updated together today, and there will be another chapter later, um, within an hour.

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