MTL - Spiritual Recovery: Gamification of Reality-Chapter 67 One style can open the sky and collapse the mountain (recommendation please!)

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  Chapter 67 One stroke can open the sky and collapse the mountain (recommendation please!)

  Is this the Brother Feng who was talking about just now?

  ...Level 20?

  Xu Bai looked at Han Feng rushing out of the smoke like a tank, his eyebrows twitched.

   After the hostile Han Feng rushed out of the smoke, his eyes locked on Xu Bai who was standing in the C position in an instant.

  In an instant.

  Xu Baidun felt as if he was being targeted by a man-eating tiger, and the alarm bells rang in his heart.

   Chen Peng on the side also felt something was wrong when he saw this.

call out.


   "Bang, bang, bang!"

   "Clang! Clang! Clang!"


  The muzzle of the Wujin gun burst into flames, and bullets burst out one after another. These bullets also accurately hit Han Feng who rushed out of the smoke.

   However, these bullets hit Han Feng who was like a heavy tank, but they made the sound of bullets shooting on steel plates.

  The sound is crisp.


   "Jie Jie!"

Han Feng let out a standard villain's laugh. His body shape was like a tank, but his speed was not as bulky as a tank should be. With just one breath, he rushed to Xu Bai's face: "You son of a bitch, you are the one who called me!" Bar."

  Xu Bai narrowed his eyes.

  Han Feng punched down.

   The evil wind hits the face.

   "Broken gold!"


   There was a cracking sound, and Han Feng's right fist sank into the wall like tofu dregs.

  The screen exploded.

  The visual effect is very shocking.



  Xu Bai quickly dodged to the side of Su Meng, Qian Hao and others, turned his head and shouted at the few people behind him.

   Several people came back to their senses, and quickly put the idea of ​​why this guy is not afraid of bullets behind them, and quickly walked up the stairs, preparing to go down to the third floor.


As if nothing happened, Han Feng pulled his right fist that seemed to have a ray of metallic luster from the wall, looked at Xu Bai and the others who were going downstairs, with a ferocious expression, his body sank, and the reinforced concrete floor There was an instant click, and a crack appeared.

   "If you want to leave, it's not that simple."


  Han Feng was like a tank taking off, his hands were clawed, like an eagle pouncing on his food, he plundered towards Xu Bai who was descending to the third floor from the rear of the hall.

  Xu Bai retreated quickly.

  Han Feng fell on the steps. In an instant, the steps were under an unbearable weight. After a whine, the first half of the stairs connecting the third floor began to collapse.


   "Brother Bai."

  Su Meng and Qian Hao ran to the third floor almost at the moment when the stairs collapsed. Then, hearing the loud noise from behind, they looked at Xu Bai who hadn't come down in time.




  Xu Bai squinted his eyes, and quickly dodged Han Feng who completely blocked his sight. Hearing the voices of Su Meng and Qian Hao, he rushed towards the fourth floor that had just come down: "Keep the outside, don't worry about me."

  Han Feng's ferocious eyes locked onto Xu Bai, and he landed on the stairs with one foot after another, completely smashing the stairs connecting the third floor and the fourth floor, and rushing up to the fifth floor instead of going down, Xu Bai chased after him.

  Above the fifth floor, Xu Bai glanced around, and found the window of the escape stairs. The few people who were queuing up and preparing to climb down the escape stairs had experience packs walking around level 13 or 4.

  Raise the gun.


boom! boom! boom!

  The muzzle of the gun burst into flames. After the black-golden bullet was fired, it cut through the space in an instant, and with a bang, it directly hit the eyebrows of the three gangsters who turned around when they heard the movement.

  5,500 experience points arrived.

"you dare!"

   "Die to me!"

  Xu Bai dodged, rolled quickly, and left the spot. With a bang, Han Feng, who was like a tank, fell to the ground with great force, and landed on the position where he was standing just now.

  The ground sank instantly, and spider web-like cracks spread instantly.

  Xu Bai slowly stood up from the ground, staring at Han Feng who was like a tank in front of him.

  Han Feng glanced at the three corpses whose heads were shot by Xu Bai, then narrowed his eyes and looked at Xu Bai: "I will tear you in half."

   Xu Bai had no expression on his face. Under Han Feng's watchful eyes, he threw aside the Wujin gun with the empty magazine in his hand, and then slowly took off the body armor on his body.

  A pistol with no bullets, no matter how good it is, it is not as good as a fire stick.

   A bang.

  Xu Bai casually threw away the bulletproof vest he took off, looked at Han Feng, the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Tear me apart, do you have the ability?"

  Han Feng was slightly taken aback.

   Next second.

   "You bluffed me!"

  Han Feng let out a roar, and the whole person started up again, like a tank, without any bells and whistles, just raised his fist that was as big as a casserole.

   "Broken gold!"

   "Open the mountain!"



  Under the huge impact, Xu Bai couldn't help but slid back five meters abruptly.

  As for Han Feng, he flew backwards in an instant, and after a bang, his entire back directly hit a load-bearing pillar.

  In an instant.

  The load-bearing column shattered.


After losing the support of the load-bearing columns, a corner of the ceiling on the fifth floor began to collapse in an instant. With the sound of rumbling, the entire floor of the sixth floor instantly smashed onto the floor of the fifth floor, creating a thick cloud of smoke and dust. Instantly swallowed Han Feng lying on the ground.

   Next second.

  A black shadow roared out of the smoke, and Han Feng, who was a little disheveled, held up a collapsed stone with both hands, and then his arms were tense, and he threw it towards Xu Bai.

   "Open the mountain!"


  Xu Bai didn't dodge anything, he watched the wind howl like a rock coming from a hill, and he just punched it out.

  His current level cannot support him to use Beng Shan Jin's strongest ultimate move - Beng Shan.


   Xu Bai performed this type of opening, but without any pressure.

   Moreover, after he has improved the quality and reached the golden quality of Beng Shan Jin, the power of his first move to open mountains is already a little bit more powerful than the original Beng Shan Jin of Beng Shan Jin.

  In an instant.

This roaring rock that looked like a small mountain really seemed to have been opened by Xu Bai. It cracked from his fist in response and split into two pieces, one on the left and one on the right. He whizzed away from the side, hit the window behind him, and then fell towards the ground below.


It seemed to be true as she said, she just came to observe the power of the new weapon, standing beside Xu Baiche, waiting quietly, Anya heard the movement of the broken window, looked up at the roaring and falling from a window on the fifth floor Stone, involuntarily froze for a moment.

  This movement...

  The breath in here...

**** it.

  Su Bancheng is really unreliable, doesn't it mean that they will not encounter danger in this operation?

  What is the breath of the fifth-level warrior coming from here now?


  (end of this chapter)