MTL - Star Reborn: Into the Wild with Cubs Live Streaming-Chapter 397 The man who climbed out of the water 3

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  Chapter 397 The person who climbed up from the water 3

  Yin Xuehan is a little speechless now, "What should I do? Are they still human?"

  Long Xu sighed, "Didn't you feel their heartbeats?"

   "Heartbeat? I really didn't hear it." Yin Xuehan felt it for a while, but she really didn't feel anything.

   "There is a heartbeat, but it is very weak and slow." He directly passed his induction to Yin Xuehan, and Yin Xuehan couldn't help but gritted his teeth. Can he jump twenty times in one minute? Such a slow heartbeat is almost equivalent to nothing.

   "The living dead!" Yin Xuehan expressed her feelings. Such a small heartbeat can only keep people alive, right?

"It is indeed the living dead." Long Xu sighed again, saying that they are dead people, but they have a heartbeat, and they are living people, but it is so strange to go to the bottom of the water for a day trip every day, and the most important thing is It was he who saw that when these people went to the bottom of the water, they would still eat the small fish inside, and they could survive until now because of those small fish.

   These people cannot be accommodated, Uncle Jiang will not accept them, but staying here will affect Uncle Jiang and the others sooner or later.

  The habits of these people are really terrifying.

  Uncle Jiang followed Long Xu and Yin Xuehan to see the expressions of these people once, and now he looked at Long Xu nervously, "Axu, can you send them away?"

   "Uncle Jiang, there is no land closest to here now, and they shouldn't be able to live without water now, so we can't send them too far away from water." Long Xu said with a frown.

  Yin Xuehan said at this time, "The closest to here is the hilltop we have been to. It is quite suitable for them, but there are still people on it."

  Uncle Jiang's eyes lit up when he heard it, "Are those people normal?"

Yin Xuehan glanced at Long Xu, and then said, "Uncle Jiang, those people look similar to these people, but they don't have the habit of getting into the water, and there are quite a few of them. If they are really brought in, it may increase the number of people a little." Burden of the Horde."

  Uncle Jiang laughed when he heard that, "Girl, it's okay, as long as those people are alive and normal, anyway, there are really a lot of wild vegetables here, and people won't starve to death."

  Yin Xuehan looked at Long Xu, "Brother Xu, shall we do it?"

  Long Xu raised his eyebrows lightly, "Okay, no problem."

  Yin Xuehan looked at Uncle Jiang, "Uncle Jiang, wait for them to come back and fall asleep, and then we'll replace them."

Uncle Jiang clenched his fists, "Okay, girl, do you think we need to dig this cave again?" It is impossible to invite those people to their place of residence, but if they are nearby If he got a tribe, he could still tolerate it.

Yin Xuehan smiled, "Uncle Jiang, let them do it themselves. They don't feel comfortable living here, so they will naturally change the status quo, but it's best not to let those people feel that the place we live in is too good, or else, we will leave it alone." I'm afraid that someone will have a different heart."

   "Well, I know that." Uncle Jiang is naturally aware of this kind of thing, after all, sometimes, he will be jealous when others have better conditions than him.

Long Xu sent Uncle Jiang back. At this time, those people had already crawled out of the water. After Yin Xuehan and Long Xu saw these people returned to the cave and fell asleep again, the two of them teleported directly to the small cave. On the hillside, there are still hundreds of people alive on the hillside here, but they are almost dead bones now. These people have something to be admired, and they have not fallen to the place where they eat the flesh of their companions like those people.

  However, these people are at the end of their battles. It is estimated that if there is no more food, they will only die.

  When Long Xu and Yin Xuehan suddenly appeared in front of these people, they didn't even react at all.

  Yin Xuehan took out some fruits grown near here and gave them to these people. These people took the fruits and just ate them mechanically.

  Yin Xuehan can see that they are still very grateful in their hearts, but there is no other emotion on their faces, they are really too skinny.

   "We will send you to a place with food, are you going?" Long Xu looked at these people.

   I don't know if it's because they ate the fruit, but half of the people nodded, and even those who didn't nod looked at Long Xu blankly.

After Long Xu and Yin Xuehan obtained the consent of these people, they immediately teleported some people to the mountain where the little tribe used to stay. The two of them teleported five times before bringing all the people there. .

  After bringing the people into the cave, Yin Xuehan and Long Xu sent those guys who were similar to water ghosts to the hillside, and sent all their rafts to the bottom of the hillside.

  Yin Xuehan could feel some strange aura on those rafts. She was worried that keeping the rafts would affect the new residents, so it was better to take them away.

  They sent the people away, and Uncle Jiang brought a group of tribal men over. They gave these people some things, including clay pots and some wild vegetables, and told them that these wild vegetables were edible.

  Even Uncle Jiang and the others cooked several earthen pots of wild vegetable soup for them. Although there were not many bowls, these people all took turns to drink a bowl of wild vegetable soup. The hot wild vegetable soup warmed everyone’s hearts.

  These people seem to have regained some energy now, and there is some light in their eyes.

  Uncle Jiang pointed out some wild vegetables to these people while it was still early.

These people don't have the strength to hunt now, but there is no problem with digging wild vegetables. Uncle Jiang can't teach much, but he found out the leader of this group of people, and then he looked directly at Long Xu, "Axu , can you give them some food or something?"

  Long Xu thought for a while, and directly input some wild vegetables into the leader's head, "Bang Ge, you will need to teach them these things from now on."

Brother Ban is the leader of this group of people, he nodded gratefully, because he felt it, in fact, when Long Xu gave him these cognitions, he injected some vitality into this man, allowing this brother's spirit to recover instantly Yes, he is very clear, he feels the strength in his body now, it is all given to him by the man in front of him, "Thank you!"

  Long Xu smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "These people depend entirely on you, come on!"

At this time, Uncle Jiang came over and said, "There used to be about thirty caves here. You can look at them for yourself. If you feel that the caves are a little shallow, you can dig them yourself." Uncle Jiang brought them some stone pieces and dug them out They don't need to do it themselves in the cave.

   "Uncle Jiang, thank you!" Brother Ban was really excited.

   "We will be neighbors in the future, as it should be." Uncle Jiang pointed, "We are on that mountain over there."

  Ban Ge nodded and said, "Uncle Jiang, I will visit you when our place is settled."

   "Okay!" Uncle Jiang nodded, then looked at the sky and left with the men in the tribe.

  (end of this chapter)