MTL - Star Reborn: Into the Wild with Cubs Live Streaming-Chapter 412 The Great Demon King of the Demon World 7

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  Yin Xuehan looked outside with her spiritual sense. At this time, the live broadcast ball was also outside. On the screen, there was a demon woman with green skin screaming in the shed. She obviously didn't even see the big demon king.

  Obviously someone just reported something, and she started screaming.

  At this time, the village head of the Demon Race clearly felt that Yule's behavior was not good, and would definitely attract the Great Demon King. He rushed forward and threw Yule down, and then covered her mouth and nose.

  In an instant, it became quiet here, all the monsters and demons crawled to the ground, and they didn't leave their sheds.

  At this time, the big devil appeared on the pit. This big devil was the one that Yin Xuehan met earlier, but it didn't seem to be able to look down. It sniffed carefully, but didn't smell the smell of flesh and blood.

   Soon, it turned away and crawled away.

  Yin Xuehan narrowed his eyes slightly, the big devil's eyes seemed to be upward, so he couldn't see the downward pit.

  The big devil left, and the village head of the demon clan let go of Yu Le's mouth and nose, but at this moment Yu Le had been smothered to death by the village head.

  The village head of the demon clan was very depressed, but the other demon clan in the village said that Yule deserved her death. After all, if she still screamed when the big devil came, none of them would survive.

   They carried Yu Le's body to an edge of the pit, and then dug the pit directly and buried it.

  Whether it’s Yin Xuehan or the fans in the live broadcast room, the demons died just like that, it’s really too simple, and everyone’s reaction is also extremely indifferent.

   Is it true that as a blood eater, you can't have your own thoughts?

   To be honest, Yin Xuehan thinks that the human race is still very receptive, but these monsters and demons are not good. Not to mention their poor receptivity, they even have a little poor reaction ability.

  If it is a human race, it will definitely not make a woman scream for so long, and most importantly, don't normal humans know that screaming is more attractive to the big devil?

  The woman gave Yin Xuehan the feeling that she did it on purpose.

  It feels like reporting to the Great Demon King.

At this time, in the shed outside, the monsters and demons were still crawling on the ground without moving, because they didn't know if the big devil would come again, so those who buried Yule crawled back to their own after burying them. in the shed.

   Not long after they climbed into their shed, the big devil walked back. It passed the edge of the pit again, but it didn't look down.

  The arrogance of this big demon king really made Yin Xuehan not convinced, but it also made Yin Xuehan sure, there is a difference between smelling blood and not smelling blood.

  Yin Xuehan began to observe the Great Demon King. With her consciousness, she watched the Great Demon King walk into a huge underground cave, and then the Great Demon King went straight in.

  Yin Xuehan's consciousness still didn't stop, and followed the big devil all the way down, almost a hundred meters underground, and the big devil crawled into a large underground cave.

   This cave is very big, it can be said that it is unimaginably large, like a small square, and there is a pool in the middle. Yin Xuehan saw some huge dark eggs soaked in the pool.

  Are these the eggs of the Great Demon King?

  Yin Xuehan couldn't guess it, but this big devil climbed to the edge of the pool, and fell asleep directly after a while.

  Yin Xuehan withdrew his consciousness. This place is very close to the cave of the Great Demon King. I don’t know how Ah Zhong and the others chose it. It’s so close. Every time the Great Demon King comes out to hunt, he has to pass by here, right?

  Yin Xuehan didn't bother to say anything, Ah Zhong had already called them, but they refused to enter the rainforest, this Ah Zhong had no choice.

  Yin Xuehan released her own breath, and drove back the poisonous insects for several thousand meters. Within this range, no poisonous insects would come in, but she couldn't help some mosquitoes, and those things didn't understand breath.

  Yin Xuehan saw that everyone was hiding in the wooden house and refused to go out again, so she went directly into the space and asked Xiaofei to watch the outside.

Yin Xuehan went to look for Long Xu. When she found Long Xu, Long Xu was still inspecting those mushrooms. Long Xu discovered that there were natural hormones in the mushrooms. This is probably the reason why the human beings here have short pregnancy periods. The most important thing is that although the effect of these hormones will shorten the pregnancy period, it will also stimulate the human body.

  So for the safety of her children and herself, Yin Xuehan finally decided not to eat the mushrooms here.

   As for pregnancy, she should take her time. If she is afraid of being discovered, she can hide her belly.

Yin Xuehan made a decision here, so he told Long Xu directly, but Long Xu had already extracted other information factors in the mushroom, in fact, there was a plane factor, Long Xu decided, wait for him to extract a bottle , Let Xiaofei copy it out, in this way, as long as he drinks more, he should be accepted by the outside world.

A group of people stayed in the wooden house until noon, Ah Zhong and the others all ran out, and they continued to build the wooden house. It was so convenient to stay in this wooden house, they decided to build a wooden house for everyone .

  Everyone is now a skilled worker, and the workmanship is getting better and better. Almost in the evening, they have already built other people's wooden houses.

Ah Zhong went out again to talk to the Demon Race and the Monster Race about letting them move into the rainforest together, but the people of these two groups didn’t listen to them at all. Although they were all in the same village, the relationship was not the same. So harmonious.

   Ah Zhong didn't force it. After all, it would be safer for them to hide alone, and most importantly, there was not only the Great Demon King in their area, but also several forces.

  The big devil cannibalize people, but those big forces are all robbing people. After all, they need soldiers to defend them, and the children they rob are their new force.

  Yin Xuehan also saw that Ah Zhong went to persuade the monsters and demons outside again, but it was obvious that they didn't appreciate it.

   After all, they felt that this pit was safer, and the Great Demon King never found them when he passed by.

   Ah Zhong was speechless, and didn't bother to say anything more. Anyway, the human race moved away, and the place they were looking for was still a certain distance from the edge of the rainforest, so he wasn't worried about being easily discovered by the enemy.

Now that the human race has a wooden house, they immediately feel the stable life here, especially if they put some soft leaves or hay in the wooden house, it is very comfortable to sleep. Of course, there are also dexterous people who start to weave some things. .

It can be said that their life here is becoming more and more stable, but the pit outside, since the emergence of the Great Demon King, they will pass by here almost every three days, and every time they scare the monsters and demons in the pit. Big jump, it's true that no one screams anymore.

   And as long as they keep quiet, they will not be discovered by the big devil.