MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 698 Death of Duke Ancor

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Chapter 698: The Death of Duke Ankor

Seeing the flames soaring into the sky, the housekeeper was in shock, but when he turned around, he saw that Yang Ying and Du Neihao had already disappeared, and they were in the room where the explosion occurred.

Du Neihao opened a barrier with one hand, enveloping a large bed and several people beside the bed. He looked at the rather messy room, a large hole was burned on the floor, and there were burnt black marks on the four walls: "It's a blazing sun bomb. Although the attack range of this individual weapon is not large, it can cause high temperatures like the core of a star in a small area, and the fourth-level concealment rune is engraved on the bomb, which is enough to blind the third-level limit The induction of a master can be used for sneak attack and assassination, and it will be beneficial everywhere."

"Fortunately, there is a fourth-level powerhouse like the Marquis of Dunehao. If you hadn't foreseen the explosion and suddenly appeared to help before the explosion, we might have been assassinated. I didn't expect the Azus family to make a decision. Such a vicious serial assassination scheme even put dead soldiers into our family's core attendants," a noble lady said bitterly.

"It's really terrifying." A noble girl who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old said fearfully, "When that attendant heard that His Excellency the Marquis of Du Neihao was coming, his face immediately became extremely pale, and he didn't say a word. He blew himself up, God knows how he brought the bomb into the ward, there is a first-level security check outside the ward, even if the mother wants to come in, she has to undergo strict inspection."

"The miniature blazing sun bomb is only the size of a grain of rice, and he implanted the bomb in the spinal cord and detonated it through nerve signals. For the sake of assassination, the shell of the bomb must also be specially designed to prevent detection. Most security measures are difficult to detect. " Du Neihao, who witnessed the bombing process with his own eyes, is one of the people in the room who has the right to speak, and the other person is of course Yang Ying.

Speaking of this, Du Neihao's tone was serious: "However, if you really implement the first-level security check, then these methods should be difficult to hide. You should check the attendants who conduct the security check." After finishing speaking, He broke the barrier.

"I'll do it right away." A young nobleman rushed out immediately.

"Marquis Du Neihao, please take a look at my husband quickly, his injury can't last any longer." The lady asked immediately after recovering.

"En." Du Neihao immediately came to the side of the big bed, and saw a comatose old man lying on the bed with shortness of breath.

"Old friend, I'm here." Du Neihao's eyes were shining with a faint white light, and he looked at the old man's body. This was using the eyes of advanced spiritual perception to detect the injuries in the old man's body.

"Hey, who are you?" Yang Ying's existence was finally discovered, and the noble girl who was still terrified just now asked curiously.

"I don't think I've seen you before..." The lady thought for a while and said, "By the way, I've seen your video. You are the extremely strong Lord Yang Ying who escorted the little princess back."

"I am indeed Yang Ying." Yang Ying smiled.

"Oh." Everyone was surprised.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I heard that Your Excellency Yang Ying is visiting various families. I didn't expect to come to us today. It's just that the incident happened suddenly and the reception was not good. Please forgive me." The lady said immediately, as a duchess , she has seen a lot of scenes, so it is natural that there will be no loss in dealing with people.

After chatting for a few words, she found that Yang Ying is not difficult to get along with, he is not the kind of fourth-level existence who has a strange temper or treats all people below the fourth level as nothing, so she is relieved.

Suddenly, Yang Ying opened his eyes, and his eyes suddenly became sharp. He looked at Duke Ankor on the bed, and Du Neihao, who was observing Duke Ankor at the same time, turned pale with shock, as if he had been punched by someone. Then he leaned back and took two steps back.

"What's the matter? What happened?" The duchess and the princess saw that the two fourth-level beings were moved, and their hearts suddenly hung up. They understood a little bit, something that can make the fourth-level beings serious, Absolutely beyond their capabilities.

They looked at the big bed, and saw that the unconscious Duke Ankor had opened his eyes, but the opened eyes were very strange, the eye sockets were full of whites, and the pupils were gone!

Looking at them with pale bloodshot eyes, they were startled.

"Isn't this Du Nehao? Old friend, it's been a long time." The white-eyed Duke Ankor let out a creepy laugh.

"What courage!" Du Neihao stepped forward and roared angrily.

The Duchess put her daughter behind her, and also took a step forward and yelled angrily: "You are not my husband! Who are you! How dare you control my husband's body with a soul-shifting technique!"

This kind of soul-moving technique is an evil spell spread in the empire. It is used to suppress people's thoughts and turn people into puppets. Among them, she can recognize this kind of evil spell.

Although the Duchess knew in her heart that her husband had already cultivated to the limit of the third level, there would be no other answer except for the fourth level existence that could control his spirit, but some kind of power supported her, so she was not afraid.

The white-eyed Duke Ankor rolled his eyes, the right pupil turned down from the top of the eye socket, and the left pupil turned up from the bottom of the eye socket, and two lines of blood flowed out from the eye socket at the same time, making the peeping princess cry out in surprise and shut her eyes tightly. Eyes closed, the servants and attendants next to him took a step back, not daring to face it.

"Blood and tears, this shows that An Erke's soul is still fighting." Du Nehao stepped forward again, trying to help his old friend expel the alien spirit from his body.

"Stop, if I leave this body, An Er Ke will die too!" "Duke An Er Ke" said with a strange smile on his face.

Du Nehao frowned and stopped.

Yang Ying felt that the spirit occupying Duke Ankor's body was very familiar. He glanced at it with the eyes of high-level spiritual perception, and he knew it clearly. He stepped forward and said, "Milem, are you healed?"

"Duke Anerke" looked at Yang Ying with bleeding eyes, and said with a sneer, "Hey, what did your Excellency say? Why don't I understand."

"Pretend to be stupid, you don't know how to learn this skill." Yang Ying said lightly, "Didn't you notice that you have a gloomy and unpleasant smell all over your body, even my eyes can see it where."

In the eyes of Yang Ying's advanced spiritual sense, his presence was exactly the same as that of Milom who was wearing a black cloak and holding two scythes a few days ago, who was seriously injured by a thrust of the blade.

"Millem, it's you!" Du Neihao didn't see it, and only recognized who it was when Yang Ying mentioned it. His voice was full of anger, "I should have thought a long time ago that you can use this weapon in the empire." How many people can use this kind of magic to deal with a duke? The hidden rune engraved on the blazing sun bullet must have come from your hands!"

"Hehehe..." Seeing that his true identity had been seen through, Millom stopped talking nonsense, but laughed out loud. The laughter was eerie and eerie, making several relatives of the Duke frown.

"Shut up!" The Duchess pointed at him and yelled angrily.

Millom's laughter suddenly stopped like a brake, and he stared at Yang Ying and said, "Your Excellency Yang Ying, I happened to meet you here, so I will send you the greetings of the Lord Regent, how long is our time!"

After saying this, he closed his eyes and fell down.

"Not good." Du Neihao rushed forward to support the fallen Duke of Anerke, his movements paused, and his expression became very bad.

The duchess' fingers turned white, and the duchess and the son of the duke who had just returned all looked at Du Nehao with nervous eyes. Although they possessed the third level of spiritual power, they already felt the duke's situation in their hearts, but No one wants to believe it, expecting to hear the diametrically opposite conclusion from Du Neihao, the fourth-level mouth.

Unfortunately, Du Neihao put the body of Duke Ankor on the bed, covered him with a quilt, put his hands on his chest, and said in a low voice, "Ankor died, and Millom harvested his soul."

"Woo!" Hearing the sad news, the Duke's relatives burst into tears and gathered by the bed.

"Father!" the Duke's daughter threw herself on the Duke and called out, holding the Duke's hand, "Why did you leave us like this?"

"Regent of Sandover!" the Duke's son said angrily, "It must be because the father sternly rejected his solicitation, so they vented their anger on the father. I have long felt that the timing of the attack by the two hostile families was strange. Sandwar pushed them behind and made it convenient for them, and Millom's appearance is the proof!"

"What's the use of saying this now?" the Duchess said sadly.

"What's going Yang Ying asked the Duke's son.

The Duke's son still looked sad and angry, and said intermittently: "Two days ago, Duke Siko from the regent's camp came to talk to his father, but his father scolded him back. I said that my father will definitely regret it. As a result, today, our hostile family launched an assassination of my father. The resources they used in the assassination process far exceeded their due. The regent camp must have provided them with the opportunity to assassinate my father. They also sent Milom, a strong man at the peak of the fourth level, to guarantee the success of the assassination!"

Du Nehao sighed, and said: "I've heard of this kind of secret coercion and temptation. It seems that An Erke's straightforward temper hurt him, making him the target of Sandvor to make an example of others."

"Sandover wants to use the death of Duke Ankor to warn other nobles who are close to the royal family. This will not allow him to succeed." Yang Ying came to the Duke's bedside, looking pale and lifeless face, said.

"Couldn't my husband be given a rest?" said the Duchess with a hint of sorrow. "We are very tired. Let us rest. Please don't bring up the royal family or the regent. Please leave."

This is exactly the effect Sandwoll wanted. If the attitude of the Duchess affects other people, I am afraid that the development of the matter will be very disturbing.

Yang Ying sighed lightly, shook his hand, and a suitcase appeared in his hand.

"Ma'am, I can't leave yet. To some extent, Duke Ankor's death is also our responsibility. Please let me use this as compensation."

Yang Ying slowly opened the box. Following his movements, Du Neihao's eyes were suddenly attracted by the things in the box.

"This... this is the material of the resurrection agent!"