MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 710 Robber (on)

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Yang Ying also came to Glacier Central College. But when the two sides confronted each other, he just watched from behind, only treating Igor as a stranger.

Yang Ying believes with great confidence that no one would have thought that Igor would have anything to do with him. The camouflage on Igor's body is perfect. Because of the spiritual resonance channel between clones, Igor can easily suppress the spiritual power in his body. About 3 million, combined with the spiritual research of the Sarnaga people, covering up the characteristics of the fourth level is just a matter of effort. Even Sandvor, who is at the limit of the fourth level, has been deceived, let alone other people .

The confrontation between the two sides highlighted Igor, and the surrounding eyes were all focused on him. If another person was watched by so many fourth-level beings, he might have a nervous breakdown.

"Follow me! Follow me!" Sandvor's eyes sparkled, and his words were directly remembered in Igor's ears, and they continued to circulate, ordering him to obey.

This is God's will, lofty and full of coercion, as if telling an irrefutable fact. Anyone below the fourth level, even if the willpower is as strong as steel, will inevitably be affected by it and become obedient.

"Prince Regent, we should respect the wishes of the inventors of the potion. It's too shameful for you to use this method." The empress dowager saw that Sandwoll was attacking secretly, and immediately stopped her. Her voice was like a clear spring, The influence of Sandwolf's voice was weakened, but unfortunately her strength was not as good as Sandwolf's, and she failed to clean up Sandwolf's influence. She knew this and couldn't help but look at Yang Ying and Daofeng.


Yang Ying coughed, and everyone around felt as if a thunderbolt had hit the sky in the spiritual world. In many myths, lightning is considered to be the wrath of gods. It's half a point away, and even better than Tyrant.

Of course, these voices that affect the mind are of no use to Igor, but Igor pretends to be influenced by Sandvor and recalled by the voices of the empress dowager and Yang Ying, as if the big Shaking all over as if waking up from a dream, he shot a sharp wink at Sandover, and said, "I am not happy to accept the kindness of the regent king, but the proposal of the empress dowager is exactly what I want. Allegiance to the royal family is the right thing to do." The obligation of the subjects of the empire is my duty."

"Bold people don't know good from bad!"

Sandwoll is a domineering person, and he hates people who disobey his will. If he was born in the royal family, he might be able to be a hero for a generation, but he was born in a small noble family. With his talent in practice and his life-and-death struggle on the battlefield, he broke through the fourth level, accumulating military achievements and gradually promoted to the status of duke. Not long ago, taking advantage of the weakness of the royal family, he successfully assassinated the emperor and forced the mother and daughter of the empress dowager to become the regent. Wang, it can be said that he is at the peak of his life.

But his ambition has not been satisfied, and now there is one last and highest mountain left in front of him—the throne. For Sandoval, only by climbing this last peak can he prove his worth. Life doesn't come in vain.

And Igor was in his eyes. It's just an ant-like character who can be crushed to death at will. If Igor didn't have a huge value, he wouldn't even look at Igor.

"Hmph!" Millom suddenly turned into a cloud of black smoke, teleported behind Igor, bypassed Dunehao, stretched out his skinny palm, and grabbed Igor, "A mere civilian without a title How dare you offend the Regent King, let me take it back and hand it over to the Regent King!"


When Millom made a move, it was like stabbing a hornet's nest. The blade turned into a flash of lightning and blasted towards Millom.

Seeing this, Sandwo sneered, strange ripples appeared all over his body, his figure disappeared suddenly, and appeared in front of the lightning in an instant, trying to intercept the blade, but was stopped by Yang Ying who suddenly appeared.

Yasuwen followed closely behind Sandwo and rushed down, but the Empress Dowager raised her hand and flew out a light curtain, blocking him in front of him, preventing him from breaking through for a while.

The other strong men under Sandover were also entangled with several dukes brought by the empress dowager.

The weakest among them also has the strength of the fourth level, and they can all foresee the important changes that the emergence of the new awakening potion will bring to the future of the empire. It can be said that whoever can get this potion will be able to control the general trend of the future. Now, for the ownership of Igor, it is inevitable to fight here.

All this happened in a split second. When Millom stretched out his hand to Igor, the lightning transformed from the blade had already struck him.

Blade's entire body was wrapped in lightning, and the lightning turned into a long spear in his hand, stabbing at Millom's forehead!

Millom exclaimed, his green eyes revealing the color of hatred. Last time in the solar system, Blade used this move to injure him severely, piercing his chest with a single shot, causing him to withdraw from the battle at once.

Now that it's the second encounter, Millam still has no good way to deal with this move. The blade has already used the lightning spell to the extreme. Such a stab seems simple and unpretentious, but it contains all kinds of subtleties of time and space. Mysteriously, with one stab, the time and space around Millom was completely imprisoned. In addition, the spiritual power of the blade was higher than that of Millom, so that Millom could not break through the imprisonment, but had to force it.

Millom raised his hands, emitting two **** of black air, which condensed into two black sickles. Of course, this was not enough. The last time the blade broke through two scythes and hit him hard, he needs more!

Hearing Millom's roar, four hands suddenly stretched out from his black cloak, each holding a scythe, and six hands wielded six scythes, forming a dense network of knives. , cut to the blade.

He has been preparing for this move for a long time, and he wants to show others that the reason why he was seriously injured last time was because of a sneak attack. Rather than insufficient strength.

"Well done!"

Daofeng saw six sickles slashing at him, with a ferocious aura, as if he would not give up until he cut him into seventeen or eight pieces. He didn't want to hurt Millom, but he didn't flinch. Then he condensed out a large lightning shield and put it in front of him.

Du Neihao, who was not far away from them, saw that the situation was not good, and immediately turned his figure into a ray of light, rolled up Igor, and retreated to the distance. The direction of his retreat was the direction of the professors of Binghe Central College. Howe rolled up dozens of professors by the way, and moved several kilometers away in an instant.

The blade pierced into the blade net with a single shot. The pitch-black sickle and the lightning spear collided thousands of times in an instant, and the other sickles also cut tens of thousands of knives on the blade's large shield. The shock wave caused by such a strong attack could almost destroy everyone. The entire Glacier Central College.

However, fortunately, he imprisoned the entire space around Milom in advance. This kind of confinement comes from a static force field, which can isolate internal and external damage, so that the damage only stays inside the prison space.

Millom, who was prepared, was indeed not as easy to deal with as last time. Last time, due to the contest between Yang Ying and Sandover, the entire time and space had been disrupted, and Millom did not react to the blade's surprise attack for a while, but Now there is no such opportunity, Millom has long been prepared for the attack on the blade, the three pairs of scythes appear and disappear, and the attacks are continuous, like a tornado, sweeping and tearing everything.

Du Neihao just appeared a few kilometers away, and was about to use the wormhole to take Igor away, when Sandwoll suddenly rushed out a Fermud and stood in front of Du Neihao: "Du Neihao, don't go ahead Go, you can go if you want, and leave this kid who offended the regent behind."

At this time in the air. The two sides have already started a war, and Yasuwen is entangled with the empress dowager. Although he is on the front line with the empress dowager, due to the difference in status between the two sides, he can't make a full shot. come.

Although the other people in the Sandover Group were not as numerous as the dukes brought by the empress dowager, they also did their best to entangle these dukes and create opportunities for Fermud.

"How can this be called an offense?" An old professor frowned, "Although the regent has a high status, he has to be reasonable. What happened just now was just that the empress dowager invited Igor to the palace. UU Reading www. It’s all Igor agreed to, but how could the Regent of Sandwoll convict Igor of offending because of this incident? And you actually fought with the empress dowager, that is the real crime of disrespect. "

"Little guy, what are you? When I ruled the world, your grandfather's grandfather was not born yet!" Fei Mude laughed wildly.

"I am the dean of law at this school. According to Article 49, Paragraph 2 of the "Imperial Nobility Law", among the 36 situations that offend nobles, none of them can be applied to Igor's behavior just now. !” The old professor said sternly.

"I have also heard about the potion invented by Igor. You are so blatantly competing for the potion, even at the expense of members of the royal family, you will definitely be sanctioned!" Principal Ping Xigu said solemnly.

"Shut up!" Fei Mude yelled, the flames were blazing, and it turned into a flame cloak behind him. The cloak was so big that 80% of it was dragged on the ground, burning the ground into magma, "I I’m too lazy to argue with you!” He pointed at Du Neihao and said, “You’re a pharmacist, and fighting isn’t your strong suit, so I won’t make things difficult for you, just keep him, you can go.”

"It's impossible." Du Neihao shook his head.

"Then I'll grab it!" Fei Mude used flames to condense into a big sword like a door panel, raised it high and slashed at Du Neihao.

In Du Neihao's hands, circles of light appeared one after another, and they were thrown at Fei Mude. Fei Mude cut off all the circles of light with one turn of the flaming sword.

The existence of the fourth level started to move seriously, and the speed exceeded the limit that the third-level expert could see clearly. Before the professors could react, they saw that Fei Mud had already rushed to them, stretched out a hand, Grab it to Igor.

[...Chapter 710 Robbery (Part 1) The text is updated the fastest...] @!

(to be continued)