MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 746 press conference

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"This question is meaningless." The Emperor of Blades did not intend to beat around the bush. He said directly, "The story of the incident is very simple. The various tribes of the Orion Arms competed with our tribe for living space, and each used their own methods to survive the weak and die. The fight became a little more intense, which is not surprising."

The empress dowager took a few more steps forward, but she saw gray smoke billowing from the left and right, with a trace of sparks emerging from the smoke, destroyed fortifications, parts of robots, corpses of combat soldiers, and the remains of large war machines everywhere. Wreckage, she suddenly shook her head, turned around and said, "That's right, I was the one who was demanding."

The empress dowager's mood at this time was not as calm as it seemed on the surface. The strength of the various tribes of the Orion Arm was uneven, but overall, although they were not very strong, they were not easy to bully. To the top nobles of the two empires. That is to say, it is comparable to those old people with the fourth-level limit in the Senate.

And judging from the ruins on the first star, the battle between the Zerg Zerg and the joint headquarters of all races is overwhelming. It has only been a few hours since the battle broke out, and all the races have lost everything, and even the number of survivors is pitifully small .

This made the Empress Dowager have to reposition the power of the Zerg.

Fortunately, Yang Ying was in favor of maintaining a good relationship between the Zerg race and the human empire, and so did the empress dowager. Therefore, after some reserved negotiations, the two sides initially established a friendly framework.

Although the empress dowager thought about helping the extremely strong Zerg to build a God-Nuclear Legion, and regarded it as Austrian aid, she temporarily shelved this idea because she also saw that the survival mode of the Zerg posed a fatal threat to other races. Stop oppressing the living space of other creatures.

As for whether such a Zerg is trustworthy, she would rather spend a little more time observing than taking risks, even though it is only three days before the royal family attacks the big nobles and takes back their power.

Yang Ying also guessed what the empress dowager was thinking. Even in the empire, the **** nuclear technology is an important military secret. Even if he has been enshrined in the royal family for so long, he only got it a few days ago. He played a greater role in the big action, and the royal family made an exception to award him.

After obtaining the God's Nuclear Technology, Yang Ying immediately used Nagar's technology to improve and perfect it. The God's Nuclear Technology in his hands is already three points stronger than the Empire's, so the Zerg has no desire for the God's Nuclear Technology. necessary.

and. Zerg and Protoss themselves have a control system similar to God's nuclear technology. The way of Kara of the Protoss and the class structure of the Zerg are all based on spiritual links, a control system similar to the technology of God's core, and even more efficient.

Zerg masters don't need a god-core system, and they can control the Zerg army like a finger, and the energy matrix of the gods is a large-scale energy source that can greatly increase spiritual power. The god-core technology of the empire is very important for these two races , in fact, it is only for reference.

Only the Terran people have benefited a lot. By merging the original technology of the Terran people with the technology of the Empire, after the new battlecruiser fleet has been upgraded and debugged, the combat mode has undergone qualitative changes, and a lot of **** cores have been added. Advantages of Legion.

Yang Ying is now using the energy of the entire battle cruiser fleet to increase his spiritual power, and he can also control the attack and evasion of each battle cruiser in the fleet, making the fleet's response more sensitive, tactics more flexible, attacks more efficient, and casualties more severe. Low.

After circling around Shixing, the empress dowager bid farewell to the blade emperors. She had already got what she wanted.

Yang Ying and others followed the empress dowager back to Capital Star. For the next three days, Yang Ying has been paying attention to the actions of Sandvor's side, wanting to see if they will also negotiate with the Zerg, but in the end Sandvor still did not show up, apparently with some unknown plans.

Yang Ying also didn't predict Sandover's actions. For the existence of the fourth level, if someone else is predicting their future, they will feel it, and then they can use means to cover or disrupt their own future, so that the prediction Those who do not get information, or get false information.

Of course, if the strength of the predictor is much higher than that of the predictee, then the future information of the predictee can still be obtained, but the extreme powerhouse at Sandvor's level is already the strongest existence in the galaxy. Although Yang Ying has many A clone comparable to his strength, but it has not reached the point where he can fully control his future. Hastily making predictions will not get valuable information, and will only startle the snake.

For three days, the atmosphere inside the empire was very calm, as if a storm was approaching.

The distribution of the last batch of new awakening potions in the capital circle has already begun. After this batch, the awakening project for the entire capital circle will be completed, and the distribution of potions for other imperial star fields outside the capital circle will also begin immediately.

This third day is the day when the royal family will inform the public of the specific arrangements for the distribution of medicines in the next stage, and it is also the first step in the royal family's plan on the road to power collection.

On the morning of this day, Empress Erimia personally came to the royal family's press conference and announced the specific process of distributing the potion to the entire empire.

"...The potion distribution work in the capital area has been completed. The effect is remarkable. Except for some rare cases caused by physiological reasons, basically all users who use the potion have completed their awakening..." The queen spoke calmly in the capital area. The results of the dispensing of medicines were explained.

There was applause from below, and almost all the reporters had excited smiles on their faces and clapped their hands crazily. They seemed to see the tomorrow of the empire, which was developing towards an extremely bright future.

"...The release of potions in the capital area is just a trial. After success, we will promote the new awakening potions to the entire empire..."

The empress continued to talk, her expression became more and more serious. This was completely different from the good news she was reporting, and even more different from the excited reporters. This made some sensitive reporters feel bad, as if there was a storm coming a feeling of.

"...A long time ago, the empire was a veritable empire of real humans. All her people were born awakened real humans. Since the catastrophe that broke everyone's hearts more than 10,000 years ago, the empire has been divided into real humans and human beings. There are two parts of demihumans, and the rules of the hundreds of thousands of years of its founding have also undergone major changes..."

As the Queen spoke, her tone suddenly changed.

"...Looking at history and looking forward to the future. After more than ten years of ruling, I finally found that the empire has deviated from her normal track!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked, and all the reporters were in an uproar. They didn't understand why the empress would take advantage of today's good time to say such panic-stricken words.

The queen continued: "Maybe many people don't know, or haven't paid attention, here, I want to tell you. In fact, the empire has fallen into a crisis that has rarely been seen in hundreds of thousands of years. In my opinion, today's Although the crisis has not erupted to the surface, once it erupts, it will cause damage second only to the catastrophe ten thousand years ago!"

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, what kind of crisis is that?" Several reporters asked at the same time.

The queen stood up with a solemn expression, and of course the reporters couldn't sit still in this situation, so they also stood up.

I saw the queen said: "Since the catastrophe, the nobles from all over the world have taken the opportunity to obtain many privileges. They raise heavy soldiers privately and implement private laws that violate the laws of the empire in their respective territories. I even got a lot of reliable news, some unscrupulous The aristocrats even keep pirates in order to coerce the empire into allowing them to maintain their military strength, this behavior is intolerable!"

The uproar of the reporters below is getting louder and louder. The things the Queen said are actually not secrets. There are more or less similar situations in all parts of the empire. For the well-informed reporters, they are already used to it.

Even the people of the empire would use these things as talking points when they usually gossip. Some people who were victims of this would even utter abuse and curses. In some places, these situations have even aroused civil uprisings.

You know, the empire is already invincible in the galaxy, and the empire is obviously far more than what they actually The reason why the empire has not disarmed is because of the endless pirates and rebels in the empire .

However, after all, these things are things hidden under the water surface, and if they come to the surface, it will be an extremely serious problem, and it may even be related to the rebellion.

But today, the empress uttered these words under the watchful eyes of everyone. The reporters could almost imagine what an earthquake this would cause within the empire!

This press conference was broadcast simultaneously across the country. When they were surprised, the Queen's words had already spread to all parts of the empire, half the galaxy!

"...The empire can no longer go on like this. In the past ten years, the scourge of pirates and the intensification of rebellions everywhere have been caused to a large extent by the improper behavior of the local nobles. , has always wanted to change all this, but because of the direct resistance or passive resistance of the local nobles, it has had little effect..."

As these words were spoken, the Queen's voice became more passionate.

"Therefore, I decided to take advantage of the release of the new awakening potion to thoroughly clean up those outdated, deviant, inappropriate, and stubborn nobles! Within one month from today, I will take the title of the Empress of the Empire. The identity, order all the nobles of the territory to submit a detailed report of their respective territories to the royal family, the royal family will deal with each territory according to the situation, abolish the private army if there are too many private troops, and reduce taxes if there are too many taxes..."

The uproar in the room had disappeared, only the Queen's voice was left. All the reporters were listening blankly, and they all understood in their hearts what the Queen's words meant.

The sky is about to change!

(It's cold, my fingers are stiff, today's chapter)

[...Chapter 746 The text of the press conference is updated the fastest...] @!

(to be continued)