MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 432 arrest operation

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  Chapter 432 Arrest Operation

  My name is Ah Q, I am a player.

   I signed a contract called 'Life Split Agreement', so in the game, I lost my memory.

   Then, in the game, I did a task of "real signal station", so I lost my memory again.

  For the first mission, I just lost part of my memory.

   And the next task, I can't even remember the content of the task.

   Excuse me, big brothers, is there a solution?

  ‘The landlord is cheating again, everyone run away! '

  ‘V I am 50, I will shake people for you! '

  ‘I am Mr. G, I am not dead, I hid 10,000 tons of gold bars in the city that never sleeps, give me 1,000 mechanical coins, and I will tell you where the treasure is. '

  ‘Give this host another chance, everyone. Although he is cheating, cheating, deceitful, shameless, but in essence, he is a good person. '

  In reality, Ah Q looked at the replies of the players in the post, and sighed helplessly, why these days, to be honest, no one believes it.

   Egg hurts!

   Very painful!

  So, he took the holographic helmet and put it on, entering the game world.

   But what he didn't know was that after he logged in to the game, several private messages popped up.

  ‘Brother, you also encountered this kind of bug? '

  ‘Landlord, the situation you are encountering now is very similar to mine, why don’t you share with me. '

  ‘Are you also an intern patient in a mental hospital? Which part of you was studied? '


  In Liangzhou City, Tianping Branch, in a bright and bright conference room, on the silver-white floor, a pair of high-heeled shoes of different colors and a pink inner with its own mosaic are reflected.

  Mona by the window walked to the conference table and sat down, smiled slightly, took a sip of coffee, and seemed not to speak.

   Opposite her was Han Tong with a gloomy face. At this moment, the number one combatant of the Throne Department had a look of displeasure, and the terrifying biological aura swept everywhere, falling on the table and the floor, causing cracks.

  Dr. Liang did not come, but his deputy, Dr. Zhou.

  Manager No. 1, Charlie, didn't attend the meeting either. It was his president's secretary, a blond woman who was as beautiful as Mona, who came over.

  Besides that, there is Zhang Yu who is fidgeting.

  The moment Zhang Yu received the notification, his first reaction was to run away. If it wasn't for him being found out that he had betrayed the company's interests, why did he ask him to hold a meeting, and the content of the meeting was still the knights he recommended.

  When he came to the meeting room tremblingly, he realized that the specific situation was not as he imagined.

  Mengna still didn't speak, just clicked on the smart desktop, and the next moment, the projection automatically flashed out, and the voice of the desktop smart sounded at the same time.

   "Mr. G, also known as Gao Gong, was born in the iron sand desert. He is 27 years old this year. He is a native, a mechanical reformer, a prosthetic doctor..."

  'This resume, at first glance, is a member of our Knights...' Zhang Yu thought to himself.

  In the Internet age, it is difficult to conceal people's information.

  In the cyber age, not to mention human information, your mechanical body model, your genome arrangement, and your personality components are all produced for you.

  The former gets your news to make money from you, and the latter gets all your news to copy you.

  As a biological giant, it is not surprising that it can grasp the information of Gaogong in a short period of time.

"According to the information we have analyzed, Mr. G has been implanted with a large number of radiation beast bloodlines. According to his performance in the city that never sleeps, the probability of having S-level bloodlines is 65.4%. He is very powerful, and the biochips and bioprosthetics that have recently appeared on the market are inextricably linked to him."

   Another figure appeared on the holographic screen, which was Director Du's face.

   "Du's high technology is probably the height of Mr. G."

   "Then, why did a top scientist from a new emerging group appear in our branch of Tianping Technology?" asked the blond secretary.

   "I have to ask our Director Zhang about this question. After all, you recommended him."

  The corners of Zhang Yu's eyes twitched violently, but before he could explain, another woman, Meng Na, waved her hand and said with great interest:

   "Not to mention anything else, the most important thing, Director Zhang, can you still contact your friend?"

  Zhang Yu was taken aback for a moment, and blurted out, "He's gone?"

   No, as a lurker, shouldn’t you stay in the company honestly? What the **** are you running away halfway through!

   "Well, two days ago, after meeting our throne member Hao Jie for the last time, this top biological expert suddenly disappeared."

  Meng Na smiled and wiped the coffee stains from the corner of her mouth, "As a headhunter, it's very disturbing when the prey disappears."

   "This," Zhang Yu hesitated, "I don't know very well, but I can try to contact him."

   "That's great, then please Director Zhang to act now."

   Is this the end?

  Zhang Yu got up with a confused face, and then left in a daze.

   "There is something wrong with this person," Han Tong said abruptly after the other party left, "The probability of commercial espionage is very high."

   "That's not the point," Meng Na said with a smile, "The point is, where is my biology expert and hacker master now?"

Dr. Zhou didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out a projection-like device. The next moment, a whole map of Liangzhou City was projected out. Unlike ordinary maps, on this map, a large number of particles whizzed and roared, even if it was magnified a hundred times, The intensity of the particles still does not decrease.

   These are biosignatures in the city.

  Dr. Zhou operated the map, and soon, a long thin line began to appear on the map, first the 11th biological region, then the 21st biological region, and then the 41st biological region...

   It can be seen that Gao Gong's moving traces are very irregular, but the speed is very fast, changing points almost every half an hour.

  According to this speed, in less than three days, the entire Liangzhou City has already been covered by him.

   "So, our biological experts didn't leave, but ran around, right?"

   "Yes, and as time goes by, it becomes more and more difficult to track this person. After all, the other party is a mechanical body and is not within the range of biological signals."

   "So, we asked the Throne Department to join this arrest operation," Meng Na said with a smile: "After all, to arrest this one, our corporate fighters must be needed."

   "I refuse," Han Tong said indifferently: "We are only responsible for protecting the branch, and you can find other people for the rest."

   "Oh~ is it?" Meng Na took a deep look at the other party, but she didn't bother to continue, but looked to the other side.

   "I heard that the Liangzhou branch has the latest model of super warriors, right?"

  Dr. Zhou said: "You can enter the actual combat mode."

   "Wait, what do you mean?" Han Tong asked with a change of expression.

   "It's nothing, after all, if the people from the Throne Department don't take action, I can only mobilize some more obedient weapons."

   Han Tong hesitated for a long time before saying, "We will make a move."

  Mona smiled and said: "In this case, let's prepare for the super warrior."


   On the other side, Zhang Yu returned to the office sweating profusely, and wiped off most of the tissue paper before barely stopping the sweat.

  He also couldn't figure out, as a spy, why the insiders of this knight order are so high-profile, you are a spy! Shouldn't keeping a low profile be the number one priority.

   At this moment, his personal communicator rang. He glanced at the number, his face changed, and he quickly turned off all monitoring equipment.

   "I'm your new contact."

   "Your people are going to be arrested!"

  In the holographic projection, the shadow representing the Knights was silent for a while before speaking:

   "Our people?"

   "That's right, the person you asked me to insert into the Tianping branch, that Mr. G, was personally arranged by General Dong."


  The other side was silent for a while, and then said: "I contacted you this time to tell you that General Winter and his Winterhold have been destroyed by the enemy."

   "The code name of this enemy is Mr. G."



  Liangzhou City, biological zone No. 123, on the roof of a high-rise building, in the center of the vortex, someone Gao looked up at the sky, talking to himself.

   "In this way, this area is also marked."

   "Although Kaibao doesn't understand what you are doing, can you add me?"

   Gao Gong looked back, and saw a small robot with big eyes trembling forward.

   "Oh, it's you," Gao Gong smiled, "Sure enough, you can see that someone wants to destroy this cyber testing ground, right?"

  (end of this chapter)