MTL - Story of Yanxi Palace-Chapter 106 Account for

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  Good news is good news only for some people.

   But for some other people, it was terrible bad news.

   Finally, I slept with Yong Yan, and the pure concubine was slightly tired: "Is the emperor still staying in Changchun Palace?"

  Jade pot: "Yes."

   fingers gently scraped Yong Yan's cheeks, Chun Fei gently scraped the tears remaining on his cheeks.

   "Yongyou also cried for Amma today." Pure concubine put her finger on her lips and gently licked the bitter bite. "...Changing for this palace, this palace is going to Changchun Palace."

   In front of the Changchun Palace.

The more you go inside, the clearer the laughter and laughter.

   One male, one female, one small.

   is exactly a family of three.

  The footsteps of the pure concubine condensed in front of the gate, and the threshold was crossed for half a day.

   Then she saw the scene that she didn't want to see.

  The queen was sitting in a chair, holding a coat in her hand, embroidering a stitch from time to time, then raised her head and smiled at the large and small children on the opposite side. Where is Hongli still a little bit like a king? He looks like a silly dad. He lifts up and puts down the infants in their infants, making them laugh.

  The family of three is happy, but it seems that the pure concubine is like an outsider.

  Strengthen the spirit, and the pure concubine stepped forward with a smile: "I have seen the emperor, the queen... Yeah, this is the seventh elder brother, look at him, the heaven is full, the court is round, it is a good face of rich and natural."

The child who had not been born for a long time hadn’t opened his eyebrows yet. Why did the heavens be full and wide, but Hongli believed, not only did he believe, but also a little dissatisfied, saying, "This child looks very similar to me. The face is not only rich and natural, but also a lot of blessings in the future!"

  Pure concubine's face was stiff, and he saw that he had all his thoughts on the child. He had no self in his eyes, and he never cried and waited for Yongyan who was waiting for him.

   stayed for a while, but I couldn't stay any longer, and the pure concubine had to stand up and say goodbye.

   went back to Zhong Cui Palace and found that an unexpected guest had taken her one step before waiting in the palace.

   "You are back." Concubine Xian took a jigsaw puzzle and teased Yongyeon on her lap, and asked with a smile, "Have you seen Seven Elder Brother?"

  The pure concubine nodded and said insincerely: "Seven brothers are clever and very flattering."

"Yes." Xian Guifei didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and said after her words, "The emperor valued Qi Ge very much, just ordered to say that this year's New Year's Eve reunion dinner was held in the Qianqing Palace, and it had to end early, so as to avoid seven. My brother was cold in the wind."

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhightut with with with with her mother," Yong Yan saw her mother's coming, but the two chubby hands stretched towards the pure concubine.

Seeing him, Chun Qiong felt soft in her heart. In the past, she picked him up, and her sigh suddenly sounded: "Although there are many brothers in the palace, I have never seen the emperor treating any brother. Such a treasure."

   "Yong Cong is the maid of Zheng Gong, naturally more favored than others." Chun Gui reluctantly said.

"Yes, Zheng Gong's sister-in-law, is different." Xian Guifei laughed, "You know, the day he was born, it happened to fall to Gan Lin, to solve the Gansu drought, not to mention the emperor, even the empress said, this child Blessed by heaven, there is a great blessing! Everyone is talking about it. When Qige grows up, it is the best person to inherit Datong."

   "Inherit the Great Command?" The pure concubine couldn't conceal her surprise, "But didn't the first emperor have a clear purpose, do you want to secretly store?"

"That's just the rules on the bright side." Xian Guifei laughed aloud: "You forgot, although the former emperor did not say clearly, the royal prince, the minister of the Manchu Dynasty, who does not know that the emperor is the future prince. Now the emperor is fond of the seven brothers. Anomalously, the minister of the clan has received the enlightenment from his own heart, and even the foreign princes and foreign envoys have sent gifts to them.

  Princess Concubine held her son in her arms for a long time, and then slowly said: "The emperors of the Qing Dynasty have never had a precedent for the inheritance of the grand palace by the emperor of the palace..."

   "Exactly!" Jade Pot said, "The Seventh Brother has not yet grown up, who knows what qualifications, how can he inherit the Great Command!"

  She said it too naked, and Pure Guifei frowned: "Jade Pot! Don't talk nonsense!"

   screamed in his mouth, but his eyes aimed at Xian Guifei, as if waiting for her to nod.

   However, Princess Xian shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Occupy a sister-in-law, which has occupied the hearts of the world!"

   occupies a sister-in-law and occupies the hearts of the whole world.

Concubine Xian has left, but her words are like bells, and she is always knocking on the pure concubine's heart. Over time, she is upset. Concubine Xian suddenly waved her hand and swept her sleeves across the table. , Scattered.

  Yongyou scrapped it with great efforts to see it. After seeing this scene, he froze for a moment, and then his face wrinkled and he cried.

   "Six Brothers don't cry, the minion rearranges for you." Yuhu knelt on the ground and picked up the jigsaw puzzles scattered on the ground.

Yong Yan's cry awakened the pure concubine. She was stunned for a while, and suddenly Yong Yong was embraced in her arms, with a slight crying cry: "Yong Yan, it's all bad forehead, forehead loses her temper and scares you... "

  Yongyan was young but very caring. When she saw her mother crying, she sniffed her nose and hugged her head, crying with her.

After crying for a while, they stopped for a while, and the pure concubine took a warm towel from the jade pot, gently wiped her face for Yong Yan, and gently asked: "Jade pot, you talk about, Yong Yan than Where is Seventh Brother?"

   "Our six elder brothers are no worse than seven elder brothers." Yuhu said good things for his little master, "Not only is it not bad, but he is stronger than him everywhere."

My child is always good, and the pure concubine smiled and said, "You are right, Yong Yan is smart and considerate. With so many Agrigos in the palace, no one is better than him. The difference is just..."

   Her voice is like the first snow, melting in the air.

  At the same time, outside the palace.

   Lin Hua is strong, why not hurry.

  Concubine Xian walked in a walk, walking under a plum tree, and suddenly the hand of the beauty fan was lifted upwards, and the fan lowered a flower branch.

   One big and one small flower branch, a big red plum next to a tiny bud, as intimate as mother and child.

"Zhen'er." Xian Guifei smiled, "You know, the children under the world are different, but the mothers under the world are all made in a mold... they all want to bring the best in the world to their children. before."

   retracted the fan, she continued to move forward with a smile.

Behind   , one big and one small, both the red plum and the bud fell off the branches and landed in the mud footprint she left on the ground.

Read The Duke's Passion