MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 373 Why is there a "cat"?

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No matter what kind of famous flower in the flower, people always like to give it a personality name, it seems to have depth and taste, either fresh and artistic, or cool and crazy, such as "Suguanheding", "Old Flower Cloud", "Flying Phoenix", "Great Tang Dynasty", "Damorui Jade Art", etc., a name immediately made the people feel that the high-end atmosphere is upscale.

As the orchid old man who discovered this pot of natural variant orchids in the eyes of Zhonglan friends, naturally also named the flowers in accordance with the "rules of the rivers and lakes".

However, when the old man from Lan Jiao received the orchid from Jiao Jia three years ago, he discussed it with Dao Jiao. At that time, the Jiao people didn't pay much attention to this pot of orchids and did not cultivate flowers. What the Jiao family said was for Lan The old man, but the old man Lan didn't really accept it. At that time, it was purely drilled in and kept it in his own hands. The Jiao family had forgotten what happened.

But now it ’s different. Insiders can see that this pot of orchids is very valuable, and there are indeed many natural variants. But this kind of people can stay and immerse them, smell refreshing, and last a few days. All the flavors that endlessly feel the fragrance of fragrance in the nose, if you really want to evaluate, it will probably reach a new high, and some people have already positioned it to the level of tens of millions.

Price is a matter of enthusiasm for others. The old man Lan is thinking about is the naming of orchids.

Who discovered the flower?

Black carbon.

Who is black carbon?

Jiao's cat.

Going back, the name should also be the name of the Jiao family. Even if the old man thinks a lot of names reflectively when the flowers are blooming, it is reasonable that he really is not easy to settle.

So, after the old man carefully arranged all the anti-theft nets and anti-cat nets in the flower garden, he paced home with this problem.

Zheng Tan left as long as the old men left. He could see that the old man was thinking about things, and he was always walking towards him. He saw that Zheng Tan was so fluffy that he simply slipped away.

That night. After dinner, Dao Jiao didn't go to work in the academy of health to work overtime at night. The old man from Lan made a phone call to make sure the Jiao couple were upstairs.

Old man Lan came here, Jiao Ma was making tea and taking fruit.

"No need to worry, just to eat and drink, I want to say a few words when I come over, and leave after saying." Lan old man motioned to Jiao Ma no longer need to wash the fruit.

Did not say anything else. Go straight to the topic.

Old man Lan told Jiao Dao Jiao about orchids, and also those in the industry's evaluation of this pot of orchids, some people also estimated the price, this is the top priority, after all, I am not keen on many For people of flowers and plants. The meaning of flowers and plants is just a pile of renminbi. Often disputes are caused by this, so the old man of Lan must say clearly.

I heard that it may reach tens of millions, which really scared the Jiao couple.

"How could it be so expensive ..." muttered Jiao Ma. She always wondered, wasn't it a pot flower? As for an estimate of one million yuan, it is still ten million yuan. This made Jiao Ma, who still had the mentality of some small citizens, throbbed. Not to say how greedy for money, it was purely shocked by this message.

Because I have heard of orchids that have sold millions of orchids in their hands before, and also heard that some treasures with special awards have reached tens of millions, ordinary people may not see so much money in their lives.

But after all, I just heard that it was something that people of the level of the old man came into contact with. The Jiao family never thought it would happen to them.

"A pot is near ten million!" Jiao Mom sighed.

The old man raised his eyelids and said quietly, "According to my experience, it is not a pot of nearly ten million. Generally speaking, it is calculated by how much a seedling is. Now there are more than one seedling in this pot."

Jiao Ma could not help breathing. The first idea is that her domestic cat can earn more money than their husbands and wives, and two seedlings can be turned into an upstart if they are scrambled back, and they will throw away a few streets of Jiao Dao who are engaged in scientific research.

Who found this pot of flowers? Who brought it back thousands of miles? All three of them knew.

Dao Jiao saw that the old man was very reluctant to see the pot of orchids, not because of the value of the pot of flowers. It's the pot of flowers that cost more than money. And since this pot of flowers is so valuable, even if the Jiao family sends it, the old man in Lan will never really take it in his cheek. The old man was sullen.

Think about it. Dao Jiao said: "Can this pot of flowers trouble Professor Lan first to take care of you? You also know that no one in our family understands this. If I take it back, it may be destroyed within a few days."

The old man also knows that he can be more willing to stay in his hands for a longer period of time. Really ruined, he would cry in the flowerbed first.

"Okay, I'll take care of it for you first, and tell me directly when you want to get it back. Besides, in addition to telling you about this, I also want to ask you how to get a name for this flower. The flower show has to be written. "Before the old man of Lan promised to participate in the exhibition, he called and asked Dao Jiao, and Dao Jiao naturally had no opinion.

Regarding the name, Jiao Mom is not good, and Dao Jiao is also not sure about the flowers. So the couple looked at each other, or should they give this naming right to the professional Lao Tau? Look at the black cat with its limbs open and lazily lying on one side of the sofa, as if there is nothing to resist.

Thinking about it, Dao Jiao had a decision in mind.

"You don't understand it, let it be up to you to decide. This flower is also your care. The flower can have today. Professor Lan has contributed to it. We didn't do anything and we forgot it. "Think about the two plants that were brought back that didn't sell very well, and then listen to what Professor Lan is saying now, the couple think that this is nothing at all.

Zheng Tan has been paying attention to the expression of the old man. When Dao Jiao said the name that made the old man decide to spend, the old man's mouth couldn't bear it. It is estimated that it took a lot of effort to maintain the majestic image. If not for fear of losing face here, the old man from Lan is probably excited to jump up.

The naming of a treasure is a matter of great significance to many people. It is famous now and recorded in history. Thousands of years later, when people open up relevant records or conduct research, they will naturally mention the name of this treasure, and they may also mention people who discover and name them by the way. But even if they don't mention their names, they are happy to do so. That's what they named!

Father Jiao Jiao pretended not to see the expression on the old man's face.

"Professor Nalan, do you want to give a name to that pot of flowers?" Dad Jiao asked.

"Oh, I haven't thought about it yet. I have to think about it." The old man with a straight face said,

Listen, don't say Zheng Tan. Dao Jiao didn't believe it either. Look at the old man like this, it should have been decided long ago, and now it is still installed. However, Dao Jiao didn't point out that the old man loves face and can't refute his elderly face.

Now that he can get the naming right, the old man in Lan is in a good mood and not so serious anymore. Jiao Ma felt the atmosphere relaxed.

The old man looked at the time. Said: "Let ’s take a break tomorrow. I'll take you over to see the flowers. I'll arrange them at that time."

So the next day, the Jiao couple and Zheng Tan. Coupled with little grapefruit, three people and one cat followed the old man to the small flowerbed.

After seeing the flowers, the three did not consciously stay for a while. Without the old man Lan and Zheng Tan, the three are expected to continue to look at God.

"Really ... really beautiful!" Mom Jiao sighed. She prefers jade more than gold and silver. Although the flower pattern is simple, how she feels pleasing to the eye. When returning to God, Jiao Ma even wanted to reach out and touch it to see if it was really a flower, not a jade carving.

Before Jiao Ma touched the flower, she was stopped by the old man. The old man was a baby, for fear that Jiao Ma would break. But let Jiao mom touch it carefully.

Jiao Ma was also nervous when she touched it, she just touched it a little, and quickly drew her hand before she felt anything. This is a treasure worth ten million yuan. She was afraid she would shake her hand and destroy the flowers.

"If it is really jade carving, it is also the finest or even the best jade, and the flower in front of it is like ... a living jade." Jiaoma sighed.

No wonder Professor Lan is confident in estimating such a high price.

Zheng Tan has always felt that this orchid is evil, but nature is good at creating miracles, since it is a natural variant. Zheng Tan didn't bother. Of course, for many people, orchids have always been a symbol of positive meaning from ancient times to the present, which seems very evil to Zheng Tan. To the old man they looked like they were immortal.

As jade as fairy.

Godlike nature.

After watching the flowers, Dao Jiao was more firm in his psychological decision. He put the flowers here with the old man Lan, and as for when he would return, Dao Jiao didn't say. Moreover, Dao Jiao asked the old man to write his name when he was exhibiting or participating in other exchanges.

The old man felt that the Jiao family was really big. As soon as he was serious, he set up an agreement and asked for Dao Jiao to sign. After all, this flower is not an ordinary product. Can be assured to send the show.

The Huajiao family held a hot hand, not to mention that after the flower show, as long as those people got the news, they could come to the door early the next morning to block people. The Jiao couple have seen several times when the old man was blocked at home and asked the old man to sell orchids.

As for whether this pot is sold or not, Dao Jiao has not yet had that idea, and the old man Lan also disapproves. It's not famous yet, the price will be squeezed a bit, but the price is not cost-effective. In addition, the old man felt that the price of this pot of flowers was a little bit too small. For the old man, the flower was priceless.

"A lot of flowers are so expensive that they are speculated. Maybe they fall into the ordinary ranks after a few years. Some people get rich overnight when they fry orchids. No need to fry at all, it will still be fascinating even after a few years. "

The next day, the old man came to Jiao's door again and took an ink painting. The old man painted it himself, the pot of orchids was painted, and the next line was written with six large characters-iron bone. Jade cat Cents.

Therefore, "Jade Cat Fairy" is the name given to the flower by the old man from Lan. At that time, whether it is exhibiting or taking part in the exchange meeting, the "Inscription Product Name" column of the flower information will be marked with the three words "Jade Cat Fairy", and when you refer to this flower, you will use "Jade Cat" "Immortal".

The Jiao people naturally knew the meaning of the name, but several other old men wondered when they knew it.

"Jade Fairy" is just fine, they admit that this flower looks pretty fairy, but why is there a "cat"?

Where does this flower look like a cat? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

PS: There is a task at hand on weekends, which must be handed in on Monday, so we can only guarantee updates, but we cannot guarantee that we will add more. 9