MTL - Stratholme God-Chapter 16 Centipede or dragon dance?

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  Chapter 16 Centipede or Dragon Dance?

  Ten seconds later, the entire army was frying!

   "Be careful! There may be enemies!"

   "Where is the enemy? Where—"

   "On the tree!"


"do not know!"

   At this time, the quality gap between the old knights and squires and the newly recruited squires and spearmen came out.

The loyal and loyal knights rushed up on their horses, without saying a word, they circled outside the Four Great Kings, surrounded their dukes, all drew their swords and shields, and stared at the treetops above their heads. They were too nervous. .

   The Four Great Kings are like a formidable enemy.

   At this moment, their status is only the pastor of the Holy Light Church, and their status is slightly higher than that of the freedmen.

   Without the support of McDonald's, how could they be qualified to lead the army for internship?

  Whether it is out of morality towards the lord or out of selfishness, they will definitely protect McDonald's to death.

   After a while, a small number of archers and crossbowmen also rushed up, drawing their bows and raising their crossbows, and looking at the mottled tree shadow gaps, they were almost blinded.

   How can you see the shadow of the enemy!

   After a while, we didn't see any movement, and then everyone slowly relaxed their nerves.

   McDonald's, who was protected by the Four Great Vajra, was actually not afraid at all. If the Silver Four Saints couldn't keep him, he should die.

   "What's the matter?" Uther frowned.

   As soon as he heard that his master was playing and suspending his 'study', Baron Rivendell, who ran over, was even more nervous.

  Turalyon recounted it once, and it seemed odd to anyone who heard it.

  The Duke said 'unless a pie falls from the sky', is it really a pie? Or half eaten?

   Everyone looked at the small teeth marks on the side of the pie, and suddenly a conjecture emerged - a woman! ?

  Where did the pure man come from such a cherry mouth?

  This thing is weird from start to finish.

   Only a certain traveler realizes something.

  It would be such a boring and annoying thing to do, its temper must be a bit out of the way, there are only a few suspects...

   Then, there is only one answer, the culprit is in us...


  Rivendell saw the expression of his eldest eldest brother, and said doubtfully, "Lord Duke, could it be you..."

   "Some thoughts, but not sure." McDonald's looked at the half pie in a trance.

   "Then what?" Rivendell demanded.

   "Didn't we announce the recruitment of mercenaries and adventurers? Add me a paragraph."

  Two hours later, the recruitment announcements on the bulletin boards of all the villages and towns along the way were extended. The content is the same, but written again in Dwarven and High Elf.

  In the nearby woods, after seeing the bulletin board with the unimaginable eagle-eyed vision, the mysterious woman was a little surprised: "Huh? This little duke is a little interesting, he guessed it?"

   "Please, our covenant with humans can be a piece of waste paper at any time." On the tree, a handsome and slender ranger man rubbed his eyebrows.

  The silver-haired mysterious woman complained to him: "This piece of waste paper has been in effect for 2800 years."

   They suddenly noticed that a knight came in a hurry and said something to the village chief, so he hung a white lion sign made of white iron on the edge of the bulletin board, and posted a new trilingual announcement.

   "To friends who are willing to cooperate?"

   You can tell at a glance that this is a sign issued to mercenaries, which is used to identify friends and foes on the battlefield. In fact, in the case that the enemy is limited to trolls, it is mainly that the guy without the logo is not eligible to take the loot.

The    woman smiled: "Look, Halduron, this little duke is really not easy."

  Haduron Mingyi, who is a little handsome, has a big head: "Then should we take it?"

   "Take it! Why not take it?" The woman's laughter was full of playfulness.

   Here, after four days of marching, the army finally arrived at the foot of the mountain west of Zumashar.

  This time, no one has any opinion on McDonald's road construction.

   The first 40 kilometers is just one day, and the next 40 kilometers is three days. There is no way to do this. Those 'secret weapons' are too heavy and the road is broken. The carriage can get stuck ten or eight times a day, slowing down the speed of the army.

   "Oh! My dear... Your Excellency, I look forward to your arrival every day." Baroness Anastari was so eager for the show that she passed over Mograine and Abidis and rushed over ahead of time.

   Looking at the pair of black sesame steamed buns that would jump out of their low-cut clothes at any time, McDonald's was quite speechless.

   The baroness hasn't had a good night's sleep since being relegated to this sloppy North Valley. It's one thing for the village to be poor, and it's hard to die. When she first came, the villagers were crushed by the moss-rotten troll.

   At first, she was mostly desperate, but when she heard about McDonald's expedition, she made up a lot of things. For example, someone still loves her, but out of affection, he first demoted her to come here, and then defeated Zumashaer, making this the most gorgeous fief or something.

  Come on, she really thinks too much.

   It’s the same when the lights are turned off. Looking at the nearly 1cm fluff rippling in the sun, McDonald wants to say, how can you feel the same as touching a peach and durian skin?

   "Pay attention to your identity! Baroness!" Rivendell scolded her for being stupid on the spot, and didn't dare to move.

With    by her side, the ceremonial MacDonald ignored her presence and rode his horse to meet Mograine and Abidis, who were fully armed.

  Someone can't even ride his horse stably, and his wobbly posture can't deceive anyone.

   But he knows all the tricks. As a red man in the king's heart, he can fight even if he doesn't have to win this battle, he can cut off a few trolls' heads and go back - our army has hit the moss-rotten trolls heavily.

   Anyway, from the king's reply, Mograine knew that he was not the protagonist.

   Really want to fight, that is Mograine leading.

   "Welcome, Lord Stratholme."

   "Long time no see, Lord Mograine! Lord Abidis!"

   With the help of their servants, the three dismounted and came up to hug.

"Bangdang!" MacDonald's silver armor and the red armor unique to the Scarlet Crusade (this is not the notorious fanatical organization [Scarlet Crusade] in later generations, the Scarlet Crusade at this time is just an aristocratic armament) collided together. When Ken grinned and took a half step back.

   The two fierce men on the opposite side whispered "Huh".

   Unexpectedly, the well-known Qian (weak) Qian (chicken) son McDonald, who seems to be able to blow away with a gust of wind, is actually not low in strength?

   This is a bit of a surprise.

  No one knows, this is a professional template of a soldier who has just loaded, no matter how bad it is, there is a spectrum.

Routinely, they slapped each other with rainbow farts, and counted the marriages of each family. What three thousand years ago was a family, and two thousand years ago, they cut trolls together. Anyway, that's the way the nobles are. It was harmonious.

   "Suddenly received your request to fight. I was surprised. I wonder if you have a plan to defeat the enemy." Mograine's words were purely polite. If someone is incompetent, this is a grand armed parade.

   It's a big deal to consume some food and grass, then kill a few trolls and go back.

  No one wants to fight blind chickens and die under the rain of spears thrown by trolls.

   MacDonald laughed, snapped his fingers, and a servant removed a miniature model from the carriage.

   "This is... a dash?"

   There is a house-like triangular top, covered with double-layer cowhide on the front, back, left and right, smeared with lime mortar for setting fire, and supported by wooden frames and wheels.

   "No!" McDonald smirked, "What if we linked ten or twenty together? Like... a dragon dance, uh, a centipede?"

   (end of this chapter)