MTL - Strike Back, Proud Goddess!-Chapter 451 Her Majesty

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Men's clothing is followed by men's clothing, and men's clothing is followed by high-definition dresses. Now that women's clothing is half over, men's clothing is not much, so Tang Xi changed very quickly when changing clothes, but fortunately, the clothes were not worn correctly. & 1t; /

She Tang Xi changed her dress and came out. Li Yanyan stood there waiting for her. When she saw her coming out of the dressing room, she opened her mouth wide and drooled ... Li Yanyan went forward to make clothes for Tang Xi while swallowing Saliva, "General Manager Xiao, you are too beautiful! No wonder you want this set to be the finale! It is so beautiful! You are really a design genius!" & 1t; /

Tang Xi smiled slightly, and stood in front of the mirror and let Li Yanyan put her waist down and organize herself. "This skirt is not my own work. It was designed by President Chu and me." & 1t; /

Li Yanyan said aloud, "Oh my God, Chu is not only a genius in management, but also a coquettish character in the design! This design is simply! I just saw you and thought it was a heavenly woman!" & 1t ; /

"Not so exaggerated." Tang Xi smiled and looked at herself in the mirror. This skirt is indeed very beautiful, and she is even more beautiful in this skirt, but ... this skirt is picky, not Most people can wear it, so ... Although Tang Xi has a smile on his face, his heart is bleeding. & 1t; /

Many people ca n’t pass it on, it means that even if someone fancy this dress, I ’m afraid they ca n’t wear it, especially those fuller entertainers. I ’m afraid they ca n’t wear any dinner or anything… buy it back No, do n’t people return it? & 1t; /

At this time, Chu Ling came over and looked at the smile on Tang Xi's face. He smiled and pulled Tang Xi to the dressing table and sat down. He naturally picked up the cosmetics on the dressing table and started to dress Tang Xi, while saying, " Don't think too much about this dress. I didn't intend to sell it originally. I want you to wear a skirt to make a grand appearance. It is just to have a gimmick to let more people see our brand and see the potential of our brand. After this skirt appeared today, there will be a museum in the museum to store this skirt, so no one but you will have the opportunity to wear this skirt, and no one will show the shortcomings of this skirt. "& 1t; /

Tang Xi looked up in surprise at Chu Ling who made herself up, "Uh?" & 1t; /

Chu Ling raised her eyebrows and looked at Tang Xi with a smile, "Afraid I would draw you a monster?" & 1t; /

Tang Xi raised his eyebrow and said that he thought that way. Chu Ling smiled, "This dress was designed by you and me. You have paid your labor to show this dress, and I should also pay some labor." & 1t; /

Then I did n’t say anything more about applying makeup to Tang Xi, and looked at Li Liyan who had been standing with her hands on her chest, staring at her with staring eyes. "You stare ahead, and the male model is playing. When staring at a female model to change clothes, don't make any mistakes. "& 1t; /

"Oh, okay." Li Minyan nodded and ran to the side. & 1t; /

Tang Xi is a dressing room used by oneself, not with those models. & 1t; /

When the male model came down from the stage, the model in the high-definition dress also changed her dress and makeup and was ready to go on stage. Tang Xi also changed her costume and came over from the background. This walk directly caused a big sensation in the background. Some male models even eagerly wanted to ask Tang Xi for his phone number, but because a man standing by Tang Xi had been standing beside him, he could only stop there. & 1t; /

Li Yanyan looked at Tang Xi with a kind of idiot's eyes, "General Xiao, you are so beautiful!" & 1t; /

Tang Xi smiled and was ready to step on the stage. & 1t; /

This dress really has a very high body requirement. It does n’t come from people like Tang Xi ’s “malnutrition”, but other girls who are slightly plump will look fat in this dress, but Tang Xi It ’s different. She was so skinny that when she wore this skirt, she covered what she should have but she did n’t, making the whole person look more fairy, more beautiful, more temperament, and even into the crowd. One stop, that is also the most brightest person. & 1t; /

After more than ten minutes, all the high-definition clothing has been displayed. Underneath is Tang Xi's finale costume. Tang Xi glanced at Chu Ling, Chu Ling blinked at Tang Xi and raised an eyebrow, "thequeen Whether it will be a hit and it depends on you. "& 1t; /

Tang Xi smiled at Chu Ling, "Since President Chu has such great expectations for me, I must not let you down." & 1t; /

Chu Ling smiled, crouched down and put on Tang Xi's crystal shoes, then stood up, "Go, Your Majesty." & 1t; /

Tang Xi took a deep breath, stepped on the steps with his skirt, and walked towards the runway. & 1t; /

The original audience thought that the audience had already left their hearts, and Carl and Lawrence were frowning. Although the clothes of Thequeen are very good, they are much better than those of ordinary luxury companies, but so far, No dress was the kind that made Lawrence's heart suddenly shake. Lawrence glanced backstage disappointedly. "It seems that Ivan is disappointing this time." & 1t; /

Carl raised his eyebrows and was about to speak. The music suddenly sounded again. Then they heard the inhalation. Lawrence looked at the catwalk and suddenly saw a figure coming from the background. Then he saw a pair of hearts that made his heart beat. The picture ~ ~ Carl, please tell me there must be no problem with my eyes, is the little fairy on the catwalk a model? Is she wearing the Grand Finale of Thequeen? "& 1t; /

Carl looked dumbfounded, he nodded, "Probably that's it, my God, this is so beautiful, this ..." Carl fixedly glanced again, "Oh my **** ... this model is Xiao Rou? Yes That Xiao Rou? "& 1t; /

Laurence stood up suddenly, he shook his head and smiled, "It seems that Ivan will not lose every time, I said why he was so determined that I would give thequeen a special issue, there is an ace." & 1t; /

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful. This is the most beautiful Haute Couture I've ever seen. It's even more beautiful than the black swan." Carl raised an eyebrow. "I haven't had such a heartbeat for years." & 1t; /

Lawrence smiled, "Are you fascinated by clothes or by others?" & 1t; /

Carl shook his head and said, "Because people put on clothes, they make me heartbeat, because clothes are put on, they make me heartbeat. I don't know if others put on this dress will make me heartbeat, but at this moment I am heartbeat. "& 1t; /

"K, I've been successfully fainted by you." Lawrence's eyes locked on Tang Xi's body. & 1t; /

And here Qiao Liang their side, everyone was amazing, including He Wanyi, although she saw Tang Xi wearing this dress yesterday, but Tang Xi at this time, is more dazzling than yesterday! & 1t; /

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