MTL - Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess-Chapter 16 Fenghua Peerless Princess Yu

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I saw the princess Yu's slim figure, wearing a large red cloud pattern brocade. Salute is like ritual, and the posture is like flowing clouds, without any rudeness.

If it wasn't for a few years, I'm afraid I can't practice it.

I didn't expect that the fool of the Lin family taught it quite well.

好 "Good boy, look up and show this house."

There was a hint of coldness in the queen's eyes.

Lin Lin Mengya chose it by herself, and she was absurd in words and deeds.

As long as you work hard, De Fei will become eternal, the laughing stock in this palace.


Gao Lin Mengya slowly raised her head, held her breath and looked dignified.

Everyone sees only a beautiful hibiscus face, which is a stunning beauty with all the features!

"Hiss--" Everyone couldn't help but take a breath, and the youngest lady in the Lin family was not half the same as the outside rumors.

I'm afraid the queen is embarrassed!

Of course, Lin Mengya knew the reaction of the people around her, raised her head, and looked around quickly.

In the upright position in front of her grandmother, a majestic middle-aged woman sits on it. Even though Lin Mengya didn't know the goods, she knew that the bright yellow color was not for everyone.

In my opinion, this is the legendary queen.

He is also one of the pushers behind him. The jujube that can poison himself is afraid that it is the ready-made aunt who is indispensable.

Let them eat 瘪, very good, very good!

"In the end, Mengya is a big girl. When this palace saw you a few years ago, you were still a little baby who just walked back. Now you have entered Yu Wangfu's house, and you can't compare it to your home. You can take more responsibility for Yu Er Now. "

There was a trace of furious emotion, passing through the queen's eyes.

I did not expect that Lin Mengya was such a thoughtful girl.

Previously, she sent people back to Zhennanhouhou, Lin Mengya was stupid, she was a great candidate for planning.

可 now--

I'm afraid she's the best girl in the world.

So, isn't your own plan going to ruin?

Icy cold killings emerged in the queen's heart. This woman's mind is deep and must not be left.

"Don't obey the queen's maiden's purpose, and the sons and daughters must abide by their duties."

The empress queen bowed her head, with a faint smile on her face, in the eyes of outsiders, it seemed like a harmonious scene of mother and child filial piety.

Everyone who was in the presence of Yun Ke knew how many dark tides were behind this calm.

"Go and meet De Fei, my sister is very blessed. After so many years, my son has grown up and married such a good princess, and my sister should go out of the palace to enjoy the blessing in the palace."

The words of the Empress Dowager seemed to be for the sake of De Fei, but Long Tianyu's eyes were taunting.

"Since I entered the palace, I have to take shelter of Her Majesty, and I will have today's Fuze. Now Her Majesty's dragon body is unsafe.

Good gentle voice! Suddenly, Lin Mengya had a good opinion of this mother-in-law who had never met.

I just, this gentle voice, with a bit of heartbreaking sadness.

From the perspective of genetics, compared to this concubine, she must be a stunning beauty.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little curious, and she shifted Lianbu to the position of the queen.

"Children please greet mother-in-law."