MTL - Super Battleship Reborn-v3 Chapter 1016 Art of war

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The details of the plan were determined in such a way that Xiao Yu felt a little uncomfortable. The chapter is updated as quickly as possible. The two parties quickly determined their respective divisions of labor, and then entered the implementation stage of the plan.

The industrial foundation of the Heiyuan civilization has been destroyed by the Baichi civilization, and the task of building such a giant propulsion device has undoubtedly fallen on Xiao Yu. At this moment, in order to protect his warships, Xiao Yu no longer concealed his strength, but took out all his computing power.

Xiao Yu's computing power has now reached a level of horror, which can be seen from the almost complete grasp of a river system in a three-dimensional universe. That is the vast capacity of the Abyss civilization, or the rest of the seventh-level civilization. Now, Xiao Yu ’s huge computational power is completely infused into this small planet, and it takes almost less than a day to turn the planet into a huge construction site.

All the inventory robots came out of the warehouse, the mining base was opened to its maximum power, and everything like sustainable development or effective utilization was left behind by Xiao Yu. Anyway, I don't plan to develop on this planet in the future. Before leaving, Xiao Yu doesn't mind giving this planet a big and exhausting mining.

Various factories, including robot factories, have begun to roar. Xiao Yu's machinery and equipment are moving everywhere on the ground, in the sky, and underground several meters to thousands of kilometers deep. Xiao Yu even spent a lot of energy to modify the rules for certain fixed areas of the planet in a small range, so that the seven-level peak civilization-level mechanical tools carried in his spacecraft came out to participate in the operation.

At this moment, Xiao Yu exploded the development ability that made Heiyuan civilization stunned. Looking at the dense robots and machinery that cover the entire surface of the planet. The rotating chairman of the Abyss Civilization shook his huge head in disbelief, still whispering in his mouth, "Here, so many ugly guys. Do you want to divide the planet into corpses?"

"It doesn't take three months. A maximum of two months is enough." Xiao Yu said with a light smile, "Do your thing well, Baichi civilization has come."

The Rotating Chairman of the Abyss Civilization gritted his teeth and said, "Although we really cannot agree with your ridiculous aesthetic ideas, we have to admit that your civilization has the power to respect us. You seem to hide a lot of things. You seem to be more than just It's just as simple as a third-level civilization. Cooperation with you is a cooperation of equal strength. If this time the plan is successfully implemented, we can consider taking back the ugly title given to you. "

"Take this title back and use it yourself?" Xiao Yu laughed. Seeing that the chairman's face turned from blue to red again, the whole person also began to explode like a balloon full of gas. Xiao Yu immediately stopped these ridicules and said solemnly: "Take this The title is taken away from us. How about the civilization to Baichi? "

The Chairman of the Heiyuan Civilization immediately nodded solemnly: "It is most appropriate to give this title to Baichi Civilization."

Right in the midst of this hot construction work. Xiao Yu experienced the first war between indigenous civilizations after coming to this universe. Due to the different rules, the civilized fighting method in this universe has also opened Xiao Yu's eyes.

There is no upper limit of the speed of light in this universe, so light is just a faster material in this universe. There are many other materials that can easily have a speed exceeding the speed of light. In this case, kinetic weapons will definitely make great progress. In fact, the main weapon used by the Abyss and Baichi civilizations at war is kinetic weapons.

They have played countless tricks on ordinary kinetic weapons, and there are many ways that Xiao Yu has never heard of and has never seen before. This is in the three-dimensional universe. Level 5 civilizations dominated by negative material cannons are quite different.

This time, Baichi Civilization dispatched nearly 5 million warships to participate in the war, and the number of spacecraft that Heiyuan Civilization can use to participate in the war is only a few million. The situation on the battlefield almost turned upside down. Continue to develop according to this situation, it is only a matter of time before the defeat of Heiyuan civilization.

Fortunately, the planet occupied by Xiao Yu is really not that big. Heiyuan civilization was able to narrow down its front and only defended, so that it persisted. But the situation is still not very optimistic.

The cruelty of war is once again vividly demonstrated in this completely alien universe. Although the weapons are different, although the universe is different, although the rules are different, the war is the same. You die, or I die.

In the dark space, warships on the side of Heibuchi civilization are exploding, and warships on the side of Baichi civilization are exploding. The two sides are entangled desperately. However, it is clear from the situation that Heiyuan civilization occupies a disadvantage.

Xiao Yu is an expert in war. From the chaos of this chaotic warship to the fire, Xiao Yu could detect many things. Xiao Yu can see the determination of the soldiers of the Heiyuan civilization to defend this territory, and they can also see the tragic time when they resolutely chose to die.

"The enemy's offensive is fiercely beyond our imagination." The Chairman of the Heiyuan Civilization once again connected Xiao Yu's communication link and said very solemnly: "We may not be able to hold the line of defense. In the next time, it is expected that There will be fish that escape our obstacles and come into near-Earth space to attack these ground facilities. You must prepare in advance. "

"Why?" Xiao Yu said helplessly: "Since Baichi civilization wants your biological transformation technology to transform your ugly appearance, you will give them to them. Why start such a cruel war anyway? You guys, this technology should not be a good thing ... "

Seeing that the face of the rotating chairman of the civilization of Heibuchi once again turned into a furious red, Xiao Yu immediately stopped teasing and said, "If possible, please give me the command of your fleet. Let me command these warships, I promise, there won't be a fish that breaks through the line of defense, and the damage to your civilization will be minimized. "

"Leave the command of our battleship ... to you?" Heizu Civilization Chairman hesitated.

This matter matters. Since ancient times, whether on Earth or in the universe, the military has been the most important. Basically, whoever has the military power, whoever has the civilization. The rotating chairman of the Abyss Civilization naturally understands this truth.

"This is a gamble." Xiao Yu said faintly, "If you can trust me, I will definitely give you enough rewards. If you don't trust me, then just when I didn't mention this request. Only after the war ended, Do n’t blame me when you stand in front of the dead body. ”

In the minds of the rotating chairman of the Abyss Civilization, the three-level civilization in front of him always shrouded a layer of fog. From the appearance of the Baichi civilization to the present, this three-level civilization has brought many surprises to itself. Maybe ... this time too?

"If I promise you, in what way will you control our warships?" For a moment, the Chairman of the Heiyuan Civilization gritted his teeth and said to Xiao Yu, "The commanding power of battleships is very important. It might just be handed over so easily. "

"It's very simple." Xiao Yu replied, "I won't send anyone to your warships. I just need you to open a data channel in your data center and plug in the data of our civilization. If you are dissatisfied with my command, you can always cut off my contact with you from the hardware level. All you need to pay is a determination to trust me. "

"Okay, I promise you." Heiyuan Civilization's rotating chairman suddenly lifted his huge head and said fiercely in the virtual image of Xiao Yu.

"Very good, tell your soldiers, just operate the warship as I told you ..." Xiao Yu said lightly, dividing his huge computing power a little, and connecting it to the computing center of Heiyuan Civilization. Also came to every spacecraft that was fighting fiercely in space.

Each ship is a battlefield data collector. The movement, weapons, performance, position, artillery power, interspersed position, own spacecraft position, coordination, etc. of the enemy spacecraft all poured into Xiao Yu's mind through this temporary data channel. In Xiao Yu's mind, these data produced a magical change.

"It's unexpected, in this universe ~ ~ I can also have the opportunity to direct the war myself." Xiao Yu thought with amusement and started his work.

Performing these data calculations is just a familiar task for Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu has drawn in his mind a detailed three-dimensional image of the battlefield at the moment, and Xiao Yu knows the information of each spacecraft. Xiao Yu can consider the situation on the battlefield in detail from both the overall situation and the details, and use this as a basis to make the most reasonable and efficient battlefield layout.

The art of war will be brought to the extreme in Xiao Yu's mind. That is the peak of ordinary intelligent creatures or powerful but rigid artificial intelligence that can never be reached.

"From now on, soldiers, follow my instructions ... I will lead you to victory."

"Now, I order the ship to have a speed of fifteen, a position of ninety-seven, and attack the front in the following arrangement ... Don't ask why, just attack in that direction.

"I ordered the ship to return and intersperse with the following parameters ..." (To be continued ...)

ps: The third change is over. Please ask for a monthly pass to warm your body ~~~~