MTL - Super Soldier King-Chapter 17 Hometown (repair)

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Li Hao looked at Lin soft and looked at it for a leisurely meal? Do you still have the opportunity to be the director of your district public security bureau? ”

"Second brother, you are taking my knife and licking my heart. Is Li Hao the kind of ungrateful person?" Li Hao said.

Seeing Li Hao’s expression, Ye Qian also knew that what he said was too heavy, and his tone faded. He said, “I’m sorry, I’m talking too heavy. But the third child, I won’t stop this thing so easily. Unless he personally came over and apologized to the old lady."

Li Hao saw Ye Qian’s resolute expression and sighed slightly, not persuading him. Ye Qian's temper is very clear. If it is not so heavy and heavy, he would not hurt a big brother for himself and was forced to run. "Second brother, if there is anything, call me." Li Hao said.

Slightly nodded, Ye Qian said: "I will. Don't say this, right, I heard that your kid is married, and the second brother has not congratulated you yet."

When mentioning his wife He Mei, Li Hao could not help but reveal a happy smile. At the beginning, He Mei was the school flower in the school. The person who pursued her had a strengthened company. However, in the end, Li Hao, the poor boy, took the lead and went home. Now she is also a doctor at the municipal hospital. She just added a kid at the beginning of this year. It is very sweet for a family of three. More importantly, He Mei is a virtuous man. When Li Hao asked the old man to take home and live together, He Mei did not mean to refuse. He and Li Hao personally went to ask the old man to come back and live with him. Only the last old man still did not agree. "Second brother, you are not too small, or do I let He Mei introduce you to one? She has many classmates who are still not married, but they are all beautiful women who are picking one hundred miles." Li Hao said.

Ye Qian shook his head and said: "Still, people are graduates of prestigious universities. Where can I see my poor boy?"

"Second brother, I believe that you are no worse than anyone." Li Hao said sincerely.

Ye Qian smiled a little and said: "Don't praise me like this, I will be proud."

Seeing Ye Qian’s indifferent appearance, Li Hao smiled happily. In his heart, he always felt that he was very embarrassed about Ye Qian. Even in the face of Ye Qian, there was a kind of depression in his heart. Now, seeing Ye Qian’s relaxed attitude, his heart is much better.

In fact, for the emotional things, Ye Qian has always been more than a close. There are quite a few women who have slept with themselves, but if you think about it, it seems that you have never talked about love. It seems a bit regrettable.

Lunch ended in a very pleasant atmosphere. During the period, Li Hao hinted that he could help Ye Qian find a job, but he was rejected by Ye Qian. It was not that he did not lead Li Hao, but he felt that there was no need to trouble him. I don’t need money, and finding a job is just to let the old man feel at ease. Don’t worry that he is fooling around all day long.

Li Hao wanted to drive Ye Qian back to the hospital, but suddenly received a phone call from the bureau and had to go back. On the way back to the hospital, Ye Qian made a phone call to the little dragon girl. People have already found a person for themselves, and half of their own expenses have not been paid. The person who pays attention is a letter, and there is no need to ask for unnecessary trouble for that money.

The little dragon girl was very happy when she received the phone call from Ye Qian, but Ye Qian simply said that she would send the money to her at night and then hang up the phone. Don't mention the fire in the little dragon girl's heart, and no man has ever been like him. But instead, such a man seems to be more flavorful and more challenging.