MTL - Super Soldier-Chapter 2473 Small island in enchantment

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Duo Qing, the heart of the gods, the first level of Buddhism.

Seeing that the first Buddha will come, the remaining people in Buddhism have no more words. For them, whether they are Buddies or Duo Qing and Gongbei, they can easily take their lives.

The Buddha’s tone is calm and “Ready to go.”

The Buddha son first flew out of the valley, and then everyone else flew out, and then saw two helicopters flying over here.

At this moment, the martial arts forces of all parts of the world began to flock and face the two wicked sisters, whether human, protoss or demons, whether they were friends or enemies, at this moment. All of them have become a group because they have a common enemy.

The place where the Buddha’s son said is the center of a sea area. There are very few people in the sea area on weekdays. No one has ever found any small islands and other places where Tibetans can be Tibetan. But Xiao Bing believes in Buddha. What the son said must not be wrong.

When Xiao Bing’s plane arrived over the island, there were several other helicopters circling above it. Xiao Bing’s gaze looked down, and there was nothing beyond the boundless sea.

On the opposite side of a helicopter, Kunlun taught Qingshan loudly and shouted "Deputy Minister Xiao, the location will not be mistaken? Nothing here!!"

Several helicopters are hovering, and people who see this scene through live broadcasts can't help but feel a bit skeptical. They even think that the so-called sisters and brothers are all fake.

Xiao Bing’s gaze continued to look and began to feel with his heart, and his mouth showed a smile.

At this time, another helicopter came with the voice of Mai Tian. "Xiao Bing, do you feel it? In fact, there is an enchantment underneath us. It covers the area below, which leads us. I can't see the true look below!"

Xiao Bing shouted, "I feel it, don't say it can't be seen. Even if we land at this time, we won't really land down to the position below. The other side uses a big great power to give the enchantment. There is even a spatial dislocation. We landed down and surfaced vertically. In fact, it was instantly transferred to other places."

The words of Xiao Bing and Mai Tian made everyone realize, and the people around the world who saw this scene through live broadcasts are full of curiosity. What is there in the end?

Mai Tiandao "I am afraid that it is not enough to break this enchantment with you and my strength!"

Xiao Bingdao "I have a high flying here!"

"Well, that's about it, but it's not a 100% chance."

"If you add me!" The voice of Buddha's son came out. He flew out of the plane and stayed in the air. Looking down, his eyes sparkled with gold and blood red.

The people who saw this scene in front of the TV screamed one by one. "See it, Buddha!"

"Yeah, I heard that the two giants of the Diablo World are the deputy ministers of the Buddha and our husbands. I didn't expect them to join hands today!"

"In the face of our common enemy, they finally joined forces. I did not expect that we could see the joint efforts of the two strongest players. Today is a feast for the eyes."

"Haha, really."

The Diablo World Forum is about to be blown up. Everyone is very excited to brush the name of the Buddha, although in the dark world, the Buddha’s status in their hearts may not be as good as the Dragon Son, but second only to the Dragon. The existence of the son, and now the men who are tied for the two big sons have to join forces, how can these people in the dark world not be crazy?

Xiao Bing, Gao Fei and Mai Tian also flew out, and then the Zhiming abbot of Shaolin Temple also flew out. There are other masters who don’t know. At this time, all floated above the sky, this scene shocked the whole world. Eyeball.

Mai Tian observed in the sky for a while and said, "I probably know the enchantment. I just know the method of cracking. It is only the strength of the other party. We must work together. Now gather all our strengths, you must obey my command."

Everyone agreed, and then I saw that Mai Tian commanded all the people to release their own strength, and then everyone's strength was integrated into the enchantment, and then the enchantment seemed to infiltrate and break apart. Come, finally only heard a bang, a horrible explosion, and brought a very strong shock wave, the enchantment broke.

Looking down at this point, you can see that there is a small island in the middle of the sea. There is a very dense forest on the island and a castle that looks gloomy.

At this time, everyone jumped from the plane collectively, and countless powerful people from the Kingdom of God, the Magic State and humanity all jumped from the plane. This picture is extremely shocking.

"Damn juniors, dare to bother the rest of the emperor and the people!"

But see more than a dozen strong people suddenly vacated, these people are flying out of the castle, including Asians, but also Europeans, everyone is very strange, some look like seventeen The costumes of the eight warriors of the eightth century, some look like the costumes of the ancient Chinese guards of the ancient Chinese royal family, and others look more like the dresses of the distant Qin Dynasty generals.

And one of them was seen by Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing recognized it almost at a glance. It was the original relationship with Xiao Bing. Later, he almost killed the younger brother of Jian Wendi, Zhu Yungui. .

Xiao Bing floated in the air and looked at Zhu Yungui, surprised that "it turned out to be you!"

Zhu Yunui said, "I didn't expect it to be found by you, the king Zhu Yungui!"

"Zhu Yungui?" Xiao Bing flashed through the cold, and said, "Before you went to assassinate the old class?"

"It’s a pity that he couldn’t kill him. It’s too bad.” Zhu Yungui sighed. “If I were a little more careful, he would probably have died, and your Protoss, Mozu and humans already In the war, this time is my fault, I am stunned by the emperor and the man."

Xiao Bing’s fist was slightly tight and said, “You have not been able to kill the old class before. It’s really a big mistake, because today you are going to die.”

The strength of Zhu Yungui is the realm of reaching the heart of God. In addition to Zhu Yungui, the other two guys wearing armor have reached the level of God, and all of them are in the realm of false gods.

Xiao Bing looked at them and said, "If you can abandon evil and good now, you can still do everything."

These people glanced at each other and stood together silently, releasing their strengths.

Xiao Bing sighed. "I have to admit that your realm of strength is actually very strong, but do you think that facing so many people, gods, and demons, you guys have the chance to win. What?"

Zhu Yungui said, "Xiao Bing, you have a bit of a mistake. Do you think we will be afraid of death? But you don't know, some of us lived here two or three thousand years ago, and some survived a thousand years ago. According to us. The talent and ability, if it is without the help of the emperor and the people, we have already died. Now I am afraid that there will be no bones left. If so, what are we afraid of?"

Xiao Bing nodded. "Yes, it is some tough guys, then you can't blame me."

Gao Feidao "If they are looking for death, then let's do it."

Huang Quan also grinned and said, "I can't wait to get started."

Aldridge cold and cold road "Yellow, the strength of these monsters is above you, you can not die."

The Buddha’s son said faintly, “I don’t need you, give them to me.”

A horrible breath suddenly came over from the whole island. The face of Xiao Bing changed. "It seems that it is not quite right. This is a good example... I am familiar with it. I have seen it in ancient books!"

The Buddha’s son said faintly, “I don’t think about it. This island is completely arranged into a battle. Within the array, the attacks played by these guys in front of me can be raised several times. I helped you save people. I have already been taught."

And a man’s voice suddenly came from all over the world. This voice was filled with endless temptation, as if he could talk casually, and you couldn’t help but want to serve him. The owner of this voice was a bit surprised and a bit angry. "Sure enough, you pretend to be him. That time it was not the hand of Xiao Bing."

The Buddha son smiled and smiled. "You are the emperor in their mouth? Are you surprised and angry?"

"In the face of the dead, I don't have much to be angry."

Gao Fei suddenly said loudly at this time, "You are... the person who has been talking in my mind all the time is you, you are confusing me, there is nothing wrong!"

The voice suddenly smiled and said, "Gofei, aren't what I said to you, are you always thinking about it? You are not deep inside you? You don't want to be able to surpass Xiao Bing? You I don't want to be the first person in the world?? I just tell you what is in your heart to suppress it. Living in this world and suppressing all the ideas is really too tired."

In front of the TV and in front of the computer, countless individuals were finally confirmed. Xiao Bing did not lie before, and the old class did not lie. There is indeed a voice that confuses everyone, that is, the voice in front of you.

In front of the TV, countless people are screaming in madness. Numerous people on the computer are crying in crazy messages. They understand that everything that Xiao Bing said before is true. They are just in the eyes of the master of this voice. The leeks that can be harvested, they fear, they are angry, they pin all their hopes on the strong people of these people, gods, and demons. Although they do not have the ability to go to war, they will everything I am pinning on these strong people and fighting side by side with these strong people in spirit!

The cohesiveness of the three races of man, god, and devil has condensed! .