MTL - Super Urban Master-v12 Chapter 61 destroy

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I know that if Young Master Yuwen dares to say this, he must have received some definite news. In this way, as long as I find Baiyun Mountain, I will be able to find that group of people.

It's just that if they are really like I expected, they are hiding for refuge, then what's the point of me finding them?

Seeing that I didn't say anything, Young Master Yuwen thought I was scared and said with a smile, "Doctor, you didn't expect us to discover your secret, did you? To tell you the truth, it's a matter of time before we find you, so if you're smart enough , why don't you think about my previous proposal."

"As long as you sincerely follow our Yuwen family, then you will not only not have to worry about being targeted by the new chaebols, but also have a high enough status."

I sneered, shook my head and said, "But if I really surrender to your Yuwen family, I will be transformed into an obedient robot, right?"

Saying that, I glanced at his bodyguard.

At this moment, that person looked at me like a god, but fortunately, Young Master Yuwen didn't notice it, but rubbed his hands and smiled dryly: "Not all, there are some people who have surrendered to our old art, but their minds are filled with It’s just chips, only those who are disobedient will become transformed people.”

I squinted my eyes in disdain.

It doesn't matter whether a chip is installed in the brain, or the brain is removed to extract the soul, and it is implanted into the body of a modified person, in essence, there is no difference.

But they are all puppets of the new chaebol.

I said lightly: "You don't need to say more, Mr. Yuwen, I'm not interested in being your family's slave. And..."

I hooked my fingers and motioned for him to come closer.

Young Master Yuwen moved his head suspiciously, and I lowered my voice: "Also, I'm not the person on the mountain you mentioned at all, without you, I really don't know that I can walk side by side in this world. My partner. Young Master Yuwen, thank you."

After I finished speaking, I sat up straight, picked up the tea and took a sip, looked at Yuwen's mouth that grew in surprise, and mocked: "Our old technique will not die, so will your new technique. will perish."

Young Master Yuwen was a little furious, but when he thought of my tyrannical strength, he could only obediently admit it, but he couldn't swallow the breath, so he could only grit his teeth and said: "It seems that the genius doctor has been in seclusion for a long time, and he really doesn't understand the situation. It doesn't matter, always One day you will bow to our new technique."

I looked at him coldly, put the teacup back on the table, and said sharply, word by word: "If there is such a day, then I must be looking down at your corpses."

When Young Master Yuwen heard this, he was immediately dissatisfied: "You can tell me this, but if my grandfather hears it, even if I give up my father's life, he will kill you."

I said lightly: "It's not surprising, after all, your Yuwen family has always been so ruthless."

Young Master Yuwen was stunned and wanted to get angry at me, but when I raised my eyes and glanced at his neck lightly, he immediately shrank his neck and didn't dare to say any more.

The surroundings fell silent for a moment, and Young Master Yuwen anxiously waited for Li Cheng's reply, while I pretended to drink tea, but I was actually trying to communicate with the bodyguard's brainwaves.

Including chatting with Mr. Yuwen before, I have been trying to "explore" his brain waves.

That's right, I have confirmed that I can get in touch with the brain waves of the modified person. Not only that, I even slowly penetrated the chip in his mind, and even peeped into more things from the chip.

This bodyguard's name is Xiongqi, and he is my friend from childhood to adulthood. His aptitude is not particularly high, but he is very hardworking and has good cultivation.

He has a strong relationship with me and is as close as a brother. When he found out that I was actually killed, he came to Yuwen's house alone and wanted to avenge me. Unfortunately, with his strength, he could not deal with the Xinshu chaebol. .

In the end, he was caught by the Yuwen family, and the old man Yuwen ordered him to become a reformer...

After reading this, I felt very guilty in my heart, and I never thought that in this world, there are people like Ao Ze who treat me.

I must protect him so that he is no longer controlled by the Yuwen family.

It's just that the Yuwen family can directly kill the transformed person, so unless the self-destruction system they set for the transformed person can be unlocked, Xiongqi's exposure can only accelerate his death.

Just thinking about it, a cold voice suddenly appeared in my mind: "Is the chip destroyed?"