MTL - Supermarket Space: Traveling Through the Ages and Marrying a Rough Guy-Chapter 685 Song Can's Story 【55】

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  Chapter 685 The Story of Song Can【55】

  Song Can was taken aback and wanted to escape, but was trapped by him. She reached out and pushed his arm, "Xu Weiran, what are you doing? Let me go quickly."

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to talk to you." Xu Weiran let go of Song Can, Song Can got up to leave, Xu Weiran grabbed her wrist again, "Song Can, don't go, I just want to talk to you , can you talk to me, can you?"

   "Then...then let go." Song Can panicked, "If you let go, I won't leave. Listen to you."

  Xu Weiran let go of Song Can, and patted the seat next to her. Song Can sat down helplessly. Before she could speak, Xu Weiran said, "Do you know why I don't want to perform on stage?"

  Looking at Xu Weiran who was so close, Song Can's heart was pounding nervously, "Why?"

"Because of the contract." Xu Weiran opened a bottle of drink and leaned back on the sofa, with a trace of fatigue showing between his brows, "There is a problem with the contract, which prevents me from even being on the campus stage. If I do, it will be a breach of contract and liquidated damages You must start, you said that I worked hard to earn some money, why should I give it away for nothing?"

  Song Can's heart trembled, he didn't expect the reason to be like this, "You left the e-sports circle and returned to school, is it also because of contract issues?"

  Xu Weiran nodded, "No matter what contract you sign in the future, you must read the rules and regulations clearly, so as not to be fooled by others and delay your good time."

Xu Weiran turned his head and moved closer to Song Can, "But I have to thank the contract, if there is no problem with the contract, I will not go back to school, let alone choose Star No. 5 High School, naturally I will not know you. "

  Song Can looked confused, not understanding why he mentioned himself again.

Xu Weiran put down the drink bottle and stretched out his hands in front of Song Can. Song Can was puzzled, and looked down at his hands. Seeing that there were many blisters, calluses and scars on his hands, he was even more confused, "How could your hands have So many scars? What do you usually do?"

"I bought a cookbook, and whenever I have free time, I follow the recipe to learn how to cook. I have learned a lot of dishes now, do you know why I did this?" Seeing Song Can shaking his head in confusion, Xu Weiran just Then he said, "I learned it all for you. You have worked so hard to take care of Brother Xiaoguang for so many years. I thought that if I learned how to cook, you would not have to work so hard in the future."

  Song Can raised his eyebrows puzzled, "For me? What does this have to do with me? You learn to cook, and you can cook whatever you want in the future. It's clean and hygienic and saves money!"

"Song Can, don't you understand what I mean?" Xu Weiran suddenly stepped forward and put his arms around her waist, pulling her whole body towards him, his face was close to hers, breathing on her face, Song Can Suddenly she didn't dare to look directly at Xu Weiran, she lowered her head in panic, turned away, and asked in a low voice, "What do you mean?"

Looking at Song Can's flushed cheeks, that pure expression, and those cute eyes, Xu Weiran's heartbeat accelerated rapidly, as if a wave of alcohol welled up in his heart, "Song Can, I like you, if you are with me , let me do anything for you."

Song Can was shy and irritable, and stretched out her hand to push away the person who was restraining her, but Xu Weiran looked thin, but she had great strength, she couldn't break free at all, "Xu Weiran, you, What nonsense are you talking about? We are still young now..."

  Xu Weiran grabbed Song Can's fidgeting hand, "I'm serious, I like you, can you be my girlfriend?"

"Xu Weiran, I...I don't like you." Song Can stared at the door of the private room, never wanting to look at Xu Weiran again. She was so nervous that her heart was about to jump out. She just wanted to stay away from Xu Weiran. Wei burning.

  Xu Weiran held Song Can's head in his hands, and leaned towards Song Can. Song Can hurriedly avoided, and his kiss fell on her cheek. At that moment, Song Can was stunned, his mind went blank.

  After that, a faint smell of alcohol lingered around her.

  Song Can was trembling with fear, tears could not help but fall down.

Xu Weiran was a little panicked, so he hurriedly wiped her tears, the first time he wiped a girl's tears, his hands were shaking a little, "Song Can, I like you, I know you don't like me now, please don't ignore me in the future Okay? I will get better and better, I will become what you like, Song Can..."

  Song Can was really frightened by Xu Weiran's kiss, she cried violently in fright, and kept saying, "I want to go home, I want to go home..."

   "Okay, I'll take you home." Xu Weiran sent Song Can back, not forgetting to bring Song Can's birthday present for him.

Song Can was stunned and didn't regain her strength until she got off the bus and came to a familiar place. She felt a strong sense of security and relaxed her whole body. Seeing Xu Weiran got off the bus Car, Song Can's heart that had just eased up again.

Xu Weiran held the gift in one hand, and grabbed Song Can's wrist with the other, with grief and fear in his black eyes, "Song Can, don't ignore me from now on, okay? My first confession is inexperienced, it might scare you Yes, I won't hurt you, I really like you, I won't shrink back, I like you, I will continue and stick to it..."

  Song Can looked at him, frowned, and didn't speak.

  Xu Weiran's eyes on Song Can also gradually became sad. Song Can's silence was like a heavy hammer hitting his heart, and an indescribable pain swept through his body, which made him almost unable to breathe.

   "Don't waste time, there's no result." Song Canfu pushed Xu Weiran's hand away, and walked away quickly, his steps were a little flimsy, as if he was stepping on cotton.

  Looking at the back of Song Can, Xu Weiran seemed motionless as if he had become a fossil. Only the tears streaming down his face could prove that he was still alive. It was as if a bucket of ice water had been poured into his heart, which was icy cold.

  His hand still maintained the posture of grabbing her wrist just now. It took a long time before he withdrew his hand and walked inside.

   "Ah Can, why did you come back so soon?" Seeing that Song Can had just returned, Lu Weiguang asked curiously.

"There are too many people, I can't play, so give the gift to Xu Weiran, and I'll be back." Song Can brushed his teeth the first thing when he got home, but no matter how he brushed, he could still feel a faint The smell of alcohol surrounds him.

  Xu Weiran was really too scary to kiss her.

  Song Can swiped it no less than ten times before sitting down to read a book. Seeing that Song Can's face was very red, Lu Weiguang was very worried, "Ah Can, why is your face so red? Do you have a cold and fever again?"

   "No." Song Can shook his head, "I ran all the way back after getting off the bus. It's normal to blush, it's hot!"

  On New Year’s Day, the party starts at six o’clock in the evening, and the students performing on stage need to rush there before two o’clock in the afternoon, because there is a simple rehearsal to hold a process meeting to ensure that the evening performance will not go wrong.

  (end of this chapter)