MTL - Surprise! Tyrant’s Little Crybaby Went on a Killing Spree After Being Reborn-Chapter 572 It's just a boy

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  Chapter 572 is just a male favorite

  Shen Yaowei was lucky, the man in front of him was Luo Huzi.

  Luo Huzi raised his eyes, looked at Shen Yao and smiled evilly: "We naturally welcome a beauty like you. However, the team to enter the ruins is already full."

   "I can give you what you want as a reward for joining your team." Shen Yaowei said, throwing the thick stack of banknotes on the table.

  The moment Luo Huzi saw the banknote, a fiery light glowed in his eyes, and he reached out to accept the banknote: "Leave early tomorrow morning, you can live in any room in the inn."

  Shen Yao nodded slightly, left the cellar, chose the quietest room at the back of the inn in the yard, and stayed in it.

  As Shen Yaowei left, everyone present exploded.

Several other forces that cooperated with Luo Huzi were a little dissatisfied. Among them, some elderly people shook the crutches in their hands and said in a bad tone: "Mr. Luo, we have already arranged manpower at the beginning, but you suddenly added a weak man If the woman goes in, if our original plan is disrupted, can you bear it?"

"Anyway, I can guarantee that you can enter the Ruins of Huolan smoothly, and you can't interfere with me. It's getting late, everyone, please rest early, and we will set off early tomorrow morning." Luo Huzi was about to stand up when he saw a A woman hurried over from the side room.

"Ma Liu!" Luo Shenghua looked at Ma Liu's body, with a strong murderous look in his eyes, staring at Luo Huzi and asked: "Brother, how can you watch Ma Liu be killed, he is my favorite male pet Yes! I want to avenge him!"

"It's just a male favorite, how can it compare to so much silver?" Luo Huzi looked at Luo Shenghua, lowered his voice and said: "That girl is beautiful, when I get tired of playing, I will reward her to you, It doesn't matter how you want to vent your anger at that time, but you can't mess around now."

  Seeing the fanaticism and obsession in Luo Huzi's eyes after mentioning Shen Yaowei, Luo Shenghua had an extremely bad premonition in his heart.

   "Miss, the Eldest Young Master has always said one thing, let's bear with it." The maid Tweety came forward and said thoughtfully.

Luo Shenghua refused to let go, and said with a glare, "Brother always promised nicely every time, but when he saw the beauty, he was immediately fascinated and wouldn't help me avenge him at all. Instead of waiting for others to make decisions for me, I might as well come by myself."

"Miss, don't act recklessly. Before, you angered the Eldest Young Master because you wanted Lou Yu to be your male favourite. If you kill the woman whom the Eldest Young Master likes this time, the Eldest Young Master will definitely not spare you. "Tweety reminded.

Luo Shenghua slapped Cui'er directly: "Then I can't swallow this breath either! Hurry up and help me prepare, after I kill that little **** tonight, I still have to go to Lou Yu, so as not to enter the confusion tomorrow." There is no chance after the Lan ruins..."

   Tweety covered her face and followed Luo Shenghua weakly, but both master and servant didn't notice that there was a small bloodstained paper figurine on the leg of the table beside them.

  The little paper figurine flashed bursts of light, recording what everyone said.

   "The Lou Yu mentioned by Miss Luo, could it be the orphan who has the Hulan bloodline?"

"Of course it is. Back then, the Huolan Kingdom was overthrown overnight. Only those with the bloodline of the Hulan Kingdom were eligible to enter the ruins. If it weren't for Lou Yu, Luo Dashan wouldn't be able to win others into the Hulan Ruins. Listen. Said that he relied on Lou Yu's bloodline to make money every year, and almost let Lou Yu's bloodletting into an adult."

   "This Lou Yu is also unlucky, not only being tortured by Luo Dashan, Luo Shenghua also likes his face, the brother and sister have quarreled several times because of Lou Yu, probably Lou Yu can't escape Luo Shenghua's palm..."

   "It's a pity that Luo Dashan is too strong, we are not opponents, otherwise, I really want to **** Lou Yu over!"

  The little paper man heard everyone's conversation clearly, and passed it on to Shen Yaowei in the room.

  (end of this chapter)