MTL - Survive in the Wilderness! The Actor King Sits in My Arms and Weeps-Chapter 12 The dog on the side of the road was suddenly kicked

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The camera immediately gave a close-up view.

have to.

Not only is it bleeding, but it is also swollen. If you look closely, there is a tooth mark?

[Fuck? ? ? ? 】

【This, this, this...】

[Su Yangyang! I am your uncle! 】

[Rinlin is not clean! Not clean anymore! 】

"I was knocked on by a stone." Bo Silin said solemnly.

Xiao He breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be a stone, so don't worry.

He also thought...

【Stone? Where did the stones come from in this water? 】

[It's fine if it's not Su Yangyang's work, mom can rest assured! 】

[It's so simple, it made my heart skip a beat]

However, Su Yangyang frowned immediately and glanced at him.

"Boslin, you say I'm a stone?"

The audience: "..."

The director was so excited that he didn't even say a word, "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up! Cut to the scene! Cut to Su Yangyang's face!"

Bo Sirin's movements were obviously stiff.

He avoided suspicion on camera, but he didn't expect Su Yangyang to move forward bravely?

"Then, that..." Among the people who pinched him, Xiao He was almost relying on willpower to make the final cover, "Brother, you have a lot of water plants on your body, I'll take you to change your clothes! Walk around, change your clothes!"

Oh my god!

What the **** did they do underwater! What have you done!

【What are you going to do! Where to go? ? ? 】

[Stop to explain clearly! 】

[Ah, ah, I'm crazy! what does she mean? Isn't that what I meant? ! 】

Xiao He took two steps and saw that Su Yangyang didn't follow, but turned around and walked in the opposite direction, and couldn't help but shout.

"Sister Yang, where are you going?"

"Murder, settle accounts." Su Yangyang dropped four words and walked straight forward.

Her complexion was different from the usual dullness, it was like frost on her face. At this time, Su Yangyang gave Xiao He the feeling that he was like a decisive emperor in ancient times.

Before, I was worried that Bo Silin and Xiao He would be held back.

Now that the people have been transported to the other side, it is natural to kill them back.

Xiao He shut his mouth - his professional instinct told him that it was better not to speak at this time.

Brother Rin is more important.

"Brother Rin, let's..." As soon as Xiao He was about to speak, he saw Bo Silin sitting down.

"Tired." He said.

Xiao He: "..."


He was like a dog walking by the side of the road, suddenly kicked.

the other side.

The werewolves have gathered vigilantly.

The straight figure walked forward, and with every step, the werewolves took a step back.

Did this little woman really eliminate two of them one after another?

When they first came, everyone really didn't believe it, but now, looking at Su Yangyang's eyes, they couldn't help but have a little snack and their hair tumbled.

The No. 8 werewolf saw that everyone was losing before they even started fighting. He was anxious and pretended to be weak and said, "Everyone, run! Don't sacrifice yourself for me!"

"Run?" Su Yangyang gave a rare smile, "Try it."

As soon as the voice fell, she suddenly moved, very fast, like a ghost.

The No. 8 werewolf immediately got up and ran to the resting point, rolling and crawling.

The werewolf led by him took the lead in retreating, and Su Yangyang took advantage of the victory to pursue and attacked.

"Oh, I'm going! My legs!"

"Brother's hand!"

"My head!! Su Yangyang!!"

Where Su Yangyang arrived, the werewolf fell down. This scene is no different from harvesting wheat.

When the remaining werewolves saw the people in front of them, they all wailed and fell down, with panic in their eyes, and ran back.

in front of the monitor.

The director put his hands on the table. Seeing the werewolves running away in front of the monitor, he grabbed the assistant director's walkie-talkie in exasperation and said, "You hundreds of big men are afraid of a little girl, are you crazy?!!"

Director Liu's roar came from the walkie-talkie on the chests of the werewolves, and almost everyone responded, "Go ahead!"

【Hahahahahaha youcanyouupnocannobb】

[These people aren't acting, are they? How could a tall man of 1.85 meters be so easily brought down by a woman? 】

[It doesn't look like it, does it? 】

[Who the **** is a werewolf! 】

"If you don't fight back, your wages will be deducted, and they will all stay for me as coolies!"

Director Liu also gave up.

He doesn't care about the live broadcast now, he just wants to dampen this Su Yangyang's spirit.

When the werewolves heard this, they all stopped and turned around.

When Su Yangyang was still some distance away from the werewolves, he suddenly stopped.

The dull expression on her face did not change, and she said lightly, "I want to talk to the director."

Several people looked at each other.

"I know you can hear it." Su Yangyang turned his head directly and looked directly at the camera, "The setting of this game is simply a mess. The overwhelming dominance of werewolves is not the most deadly part of this game. What's more outrageous is that it allows alliance."

"The alliance does not limit the target. What if the player ally with the werewolf? Then this game can be completely overturned."

Director Liu stopped.

They thought they were acquiesced in not being allowed to form an alliance with werewolves, so they never thought about this possibility at all.

"Similarly, there is nothing in the rules that says it is forbidden to attack werewolves. This rule was decided by the director's head."

Director Liu's face was a little red, and when he was exposed in public, he couldn't get off the stage.

"So, you should perfect this rule."

A smile flashed across Su Yangyang's lips, "First of all, werewolves and guests cannot form an alliance. Second, of course, there should be rewards for killing Otherwise, what's the point of unilateral killing of werewolves?"

In the dispatch room, Director Liu calmed down and said to the walkie-talkie, "One of you, give him the walkie-talkie."

The werewolf timidly handed the walkie-talkie on his chest to Su Yangyang, Su Yangyang took it, and Director Liu's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"what do you want?"

"It's very simple, you can also get desert island points by killing werewolves."

The barrage is boiling.

[At present, she has killed the werewolf, and the lion opened his mouth! This is it! 】

[I think it’s pretty good. Werewolves kill islanders, so they can drive them out. Why can’t the islanders be rewarded for counter-killing? 】

[I also think I should be rewarded]

[It's too much to get the desert island directly! Then doesn't she want to get rich and buy whatever she wants? 】

Director Liu also sank, "It's not good for a desert island."

Once this hole is opened, the gap between the rich and the poor will immediately appear on the island.

At that time, Su Yangyang can live a noble life by himself, just by killing the werewolf tonight.

Is that still worth it?

"I haven't finished yet." Su Yangyang raised his chin, "A werewolf is a desert island."


Director Liu raised his eyebrows instantly.

A werewolf is considered a desert island.

Then she killed a dozen or so at most.

This deal is not a loss!

When Director Liu was hesitating, he saw Su Yangyang and said, "This is not a suggestion, this is a threat. If you don't listen to me, the werewolf in front of you will break a few ribs, which can only be considered a work injury."

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? This sister hahahahahaha

[This is not a suggestion, this is a threat? ? ? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! ! ! 】