MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 13 Lin Xianxian-[12]

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【All players please enjoy Lin Xianxian's beautiful day with her】


Ye Fei covered her eyes irritably, and rolled in despair on the small bed.

He never wanted to hear those words again in his life.

For a moment, he thought he might as well lie here for the whole day. But after struggling for a while, he felt that there should still be some hope in life, so he sat up from the bed and prepared to start a beautiful new day.

Just when he looked sideways at the opposite bed, he found that Pudding's new day didn't seem very good.

Ye Fei remembered.

Players other than him will lose their life status after the game ends. After doing the math, the current status of the others is estimated to be "poor".

This word doesn't sound very good. It seems that there is really not much time left for them.

Ye Fei squatted beside Zhou Zhengning's bed, and touched his forehead habitually.

It's a little hot.

Ye Fei's hand was very cold, Zhou Zhengning woke up in a daze after being touched by him like this. He coughed twice, and found that he was not in a good condition, so he touched his forehead consciously, finally sighed, and said in a low voice:

"I'm going to hold back Teacher Ye."

Ye Fei rubbed her eyes, deliberately showing a sad look:

"It's okay, I will take your share and live well."

Zhou Zhengning was dumbfounded:


This is about to go to the end?

Seeing his stupid appearance, Ye Fei couldn't help laughing.

He casually pulled the quilt for Zhou Zhengning, and just as he stood up and wanted to go out, he heard a crisp sound from their bedroom window.

It sounded like someone was throwing pebbles through the window.

This successfully caught Ye Fei's attention. He walked to the window, tore off the tattered screen, patted the dust off his hands, and looked out.

They were on the third floor of the boys' dormitory. Looking down, there was a person standing by the street lamp downstairs. It was Qin Jing.

She stood there, as if she was about to throw a stone, but she gave up when she saw more figures by the window.

Look carefully, there is another person on her back, it should be another teammate of theirs.

Seeing these two people, Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

How to put it, although the behavior of breaking into the girls' dormitory at night is very morally corrupt, Ye Fei is worried that the two girls will also lose their mobility due to the impact of their lives. In order to ensure the safety of the two of them, Ye Fei really thought about breaking into the women's dormitory just now to take her over.

Fortunately, classmate Xiao Gao was considerate and brought someone to find him, so Ye Fei would not be reduced to a perverted criminal.

Ye Fei looked at her and whistled for her to look over:

"Xiao Gao, shall I go down to pick you up?"

"No need." Qin Jing's tone was a little impatient:

"I can do it myself."

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows slightly, although Qin Jing couldn't hear him, he still praised "cool".

Then he leaned on the window frame with his elbows, as if he was going to watch a play carefully watching Miss Gao's figure. It's just that he waited for a long time, only to see Qin Jing took two steps back, and did not make any further moves.


Have you encountered any difficulties? Is it really not necessary for him to go down to pick it up?

The two of them seemed to be holding down the pause button, you looked at me, I looked at you, the atmosphere was very weird for a while.

Ten seconds later, Qin Jing downstairs finally couldn't take it anymore, and cursed angrily:

"Shit Ye Fei, are you lying by the window to watch a movie? Hurry up and drive away! Don't get in the way of your mother!"


Well, it turns out that I am the stumbling block for Miss Gao.

Ye Fei moved away silently, and then saw Qin Jing take two steps towards the run-up, jumped up and grabbed the edge of the window on the wall, followed the fixed pipe on the wall next to it, grabbed the window frame of their bedroom and flipped it over Come in.

A set of movements was done in one go, it was hard to imagine that she even had someone on her back.

Zhou Zhengning was still resting on the bed with his eyes closed, but when he suddenly heard the rattle outside the dormitory, he propped himself up and took a look in a daze.

This glance made him sober, and he even wondered if he had lost his mental state as well, so that he had hallucinations.

He looked at Qin Jing who appeared inexplicably in the dormitory, and then at the open window:

"Fuck... this is the third floor, Miss Qin, did you climb up??"

Qin Jing glanced at him like a fool, but said nothing.

She jumped off the window sill and closed the window smoothly. When she lowered her head, she saw the person lying quietly on the bed by the window.

Zhang Shang's face was pale, his whole posture was very upright, his body didn't fluctuate at all, it was obvious that he was already a dead person.

It seems that after the player dies in a way other than clearing the NPC at the end of the game, he will not be resurrected with the opening of the new week. This is also to be expected.

Qin Jing was used to seeing life and death both in and out of the game, she didn't say anything, she just walked to the bed opposite Zhang Shang, intending to put Chen Nuo off her back.

But Ye Fei mentioned a sentence:

"This is Lin Xianxian's bed. She will be back in a while. Just put her in my place."

Ye Fei raised her finger and pointed to her bed.

Qin Jing nodded and said nothing.

After she walked away, Ye Fei also glanced at Zhang Shang on the bed.

He looked a little complicated.

Although Zhang Shang's death has a lot to do with him to a certain extent, Ye Fei has long been numb to death, and he doesn't have much trouble in his heart.

He just asked:

"How did Grid die? Did Lin Xianxian kill him?"

It was fine if he didn't ask, but when he asked, Zhou Zhengning uncontrollably remembered that scene.

He closed his eyes in pain:

"No. It's just that Lin Xianxian controlled his emotions when the housekeeper was checking the dormitory. He couldn't stop laughing, and then the housekeeper turned into a crazy version and gnawed off half of his head in one bite."


Ye Fei actually didn't want to hear such details.

Qin Jing on the side was a little surprised when he heard this:

"Housekeeper? Do you still have a dorm supervisor in the men's dormitory?"

Zhou Zhengning was dumbfounded: "Don't you have any?"

Qin Jing shook her head: "No."

"Damn it, it's somewhat unfair. It's fine for a little girl like Lin Xianxian to be in the men's dormitory, but the monster is the only one in the men's dormitory."

"There are more male players, and you have a rank one here, maybe it's for the difficulty distribution? It's normal."

Qin Jing didn't pay much attention to it, after all, this kind of game setting has always had no logic at all.

She put Chen Nuo on the bed and covered her with the quilt, and Ye Fei came over to take a look. This girl looked weak before, but now she seems to be in much worse condition than Pudding. And a guy like Qin Jing who is so strong that he is so strong now looks like a normal person even if his health drops to a relatively low level.

It seems that the impact of each person's decline is also related to their own physique.

Ye Fei rubbed her chin, pondering in her heart.

Until Qin Jing stood up, looked him up and down, and asked:

"Any thoughts?"

"?" Ye Fei froze for a moment, not understanding what she meant:

"what idea?"

"Hey, don't you think I'm here to play with you? Zhang Chenkang, what is that hidden NPC, don't you plan to discuss it?"

Qin Jing glanced at the sickly Zhou Zhengning:

"Although I'm better than them, I'm fine for the time being, but if this week ends in failure again, even I can't handle the 'Endangered' debuff, and everyone will be finished by then."

"Who said, and me, I will be responsible for saving the world."

Ye Fei half-jokingly said.

"Come on." Qin Jing rolled her eyes, apparently not believing him.

Ye Fei spread her hands and didn't pay much attention.

Following Qin Jing's previous words, he asked:

"Leaving aside Zhang Chenkang, how much do you know about Lin Xianxian?"

"The world's first known supernatural person, the person involved in the serial suicide case of Lujiang Three Smalls." Qin Jing replied.

Ye Fei nodded:

"Then there's no need to bother with your popular science. Ask the question directly, Zhang Chenkang. If I remember correctly, this is the name of the first deceased in the serial suicide case."

Qin Jing was a little surprised:

"So he is indeed related to Lin Xianxian? What is his relationship with Lin Xianxian, and how did he die back then?"

Mentioning this, Ye Fei felt extremely guilty:



"After all, so many years have passed... But what is certain is that before the murder, Lin Xianxian had experienced campus bullying for quite a long time at school. The people involved in the suicide were more or less related to this incident. related."

"It seems that Zhang Chenkang is probably one of the bullies? From the beginning of the suicide case, even after death, he chased and killed Lin Xianxian over and over again in the time loop... Tsk."

Qin Jing frowned.

"Possibly, but not sure yet."

Ye Fei shrugged.

Qin Jing was silent for a moment, then changed the question:

"By the way, this is the first time I've heard the suffix of this NPC. 'Alienation', what state is this?"

This question is within Ye Fei's professional scope, and he explained it more confidently than before:

"Madness is similar to the increase of all attributes, but in fact the species has not changed. But alienation, I guess his state is probably out of 'human'. Remember the black mist on him? Although I don't know what it is, but I'm sure Yes, that's not a supernatural power."

Whether it is a doctor or a teacher, it is a side job developed by Ye Fei within his professional ability.

His main job is to do supernatural research, and the most complete theoretical system of supernormal abilities that is commonly used in the world today comes from him. It can be said that he is an absolute authority in the field related to supernatural powers, so no one present will doubt the answer he gave.

After he finished speaking, both Zhou Zhengning and Qin Jing looked thoughtful.

There was a moment of silence in the dormitory, Ye Fei suddenly remembered something, and slapped his head:

"Where's Lin Xianxian?"

Too many things happened just now, he even forgot that there should be someone else in this room.

He walked towards the bedroom door, opened it and took a look, the corridor was empty, not even a single person.

Zhou Zhengning scratched his head:

"She wasn't there last week, but she came back by herself after a while. She should be fine, right?"

Ye Fei raised her eyebrows slightly:

"When will she be back?"

"I didn't remember, it seems that Teacher Ye came back after you left for a while, about six or seven minutes after midnight?"

Hearing this, Ye Fei looked up at the time.


"Did she say where she went before?"

"Yes! I asked one more question, and she said she went to the bathroom."

Lin Xianxian is the most important clue to clear the dungeon, and no one can lose her if she loses it.

"Got it, I'll look for it, you stay here."

Ye Fei waved her hand and left the dormitory.

He had observed the structure of this dormitory building before. There were two toilets on each floor, one at each end of the corridor.

The toilet was not far from the balcony, and Ye Fei could smell a strange smell mixed with disinfectant and other smells when he approached.

"Xianxian?" Ye Fei stood at the door and called out.

The voice-activated light behind him turned on, but the toilet was still dark.

The lights inside seemed to be broken.

Ye Fei waited for a while, but no one responded, so she simply opened the curtain of the toilet and walked in.

There is not much space inside the toilet, with a urinal on one side and four cubicles on the other. The doors to three of the compartments were open, except for the innermost compartment, which was used as a utility room, and was locked.

Ye Fei had a bad premonition in his heart, he didn't think much, and went directly to kick the door.

The door leaf made a dull sound with the heavy blow, and the weak lock was completely scrapped with this kick.

The compartment door was tilted, Ye Fei opened the door, and saw the girl curled up in the corner of the compartment in the darkness.

Lin Xianxian was small and thin. She squatted in the corner, trying to shrink herself into a ball.

She had her eyes closed at first, but it seemed that the noise just now had startled her, so she slowly opened them. It's just that her complexion doesn't look very good, a little sick.

Ye Fei was relieved to see that she was fine, and he took a step forward, wanting to ask if she was okay.

But in the next second, he met Lin Xianxian's gaze.

Lin Xianxian's eyes were big and beautiful. Even if she was shrunk in the dark, there seemed to be light in them.

But at the moment when he looked at her, Ye Fei's heart seemed to be touched by that light, and the tingling pain like electric current flashed across his brain, and his heart was instantly filled with emotions that did not belong to him.

Among Ye Fei's secondary abilities, one is "emotional control". It is extracted from Lin Xianxian's body and is a part of Lin Xianxian.

It was probably for this reason that he looked at Lin Xianxian defenselessly, and was accidentally taken over by her emotions.

Fear, disgust, suffocation...

By the way, Lin Xianxian once told him that she was afraid of the boundless darkness and the dark and closed space.

Ye Fei remembered that when he saw her for the first time, she was locked in a dark prison in the underground laboratory. When Ye Fei entered, she shrank in the corner like a frightened little animal, looking at Ye Fei with hostile eyes.

At that time, Ye Fei was wearing a white coat, squatting in front of her, and stretched out his white-gloved right hand to her.

His voice is gentle, with a little smile:

"Hello, my name is Ye Fei, you can call me Doctor Ye."

"Want to talk to me, little girl?"

Probably Ye Fei was born with a certain kind of affinity. At that time, the little girl who didn't believe anyone and hurt anyone was so obedient in front of him.

Later, Ye Fei took her out of the cage, but...

With her thoughts broken, Ye Fei staggered and almost fell to her knees, holding on to the door frame so as not to fall.

The sudden strong emotion made him blank for a moment, and the next second, a little guy fell into his arms.

The voice in the memory in my mind overlaps with this moment.

Back then, Lin Xianxian hugged her legs and her voice echoed in the narrow prison:

"Will you let me out, doctor?"

Now, Lin Xianxian hugged his neck very hard.

She was silent for a moment, her voice was unusually calm:

"Let me out."


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