MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 98 Citizen Chip

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Five hours before returning to the altar.

Yang Erci asked Zhong Yirou to stay at home to take care of Noah, she followed An Wujiu, Shen Ti and Wu You to the black market seller's residence.

The distance between the two addresses tracked by the system is ten kilometers. Originally, everyone decided to split up, but after Wu You carefully checked the two locations on the map, he decided to only go to one of them.

If he did live there, he wouldn't have to be so careful."

Shen Ti smiled, "The IQ is online, little Yoyo."

Wu You rolled his eyes, "Also, there are occasional corners of some furniture in his photos, which look very old. Unless he lives in a wealthy area and buys them specially There is a lot of shabby furniture as cover, but there is no need for that, and the guys in the rich area won't do this kind of work."

Shen Ti nodded, "It makes sense."

Soon, they arrived at the location - an old 48-storey apartment.

But now, a new problem has appeared in front of them: how to find this seller.

An Wujiu calculated, "If there are four households on each floor, there will be nearly 200 households in this building."

"We knocked on the door from house to house, and it was probably too late." Wu You looked at the top of the building, "And there must be someone who won't open the door. For example, this seller, who is so cautious, will definitely not come out."

“We may not be able to go up yet.” An Wujiu said.

Although this apartment is old, there is a row of blocked card swiping bars between the door and the elevator, I am afraid it is used to swipe chips.

"I'll ask."

Wu You tried to go in and went upstairs under the guise of visiting relatives, but two employees at the front desk just stopped him and asked him to let his relatives come down to scan the chip for him.

So Wu You failed and returned, "They won't let me in at all, no matter what I say."

"Both of them can't talk?" Yang Erci asked.

Wu You nodded, "Actually, one of them is taking care of me, and the other seems to be printing something. Anyway, he didn't look at me from beginning to end. I guess it depends on how young I am."

He was somewhat remorseful.

"Did I startle the snake?"

An Wujiu shook his head, "It can be considered a wrong option."

Now they can't get in, the seller is a very careful person, and he is determined not to leave the apartment building casually and not be able to meet, let alone force the other party to sell them the chip.

An Wujiu glanced at the building's façade, although it was dilapidated, there were some display screens and projection equipment embedded, but the same advertisements were played on several screens.

General apartments want to make profits, nothing more than starting from the inside and outside of the house, and the outside is the advertising on the screen.

He got closer, his eyes locked on one of the monitors, and sure enough he saw a scrolling subtitle at the bottom of the screen.

[Please contact the apartment property business, email: [email protected], chip call number: xxxxxxx]

An Wu Jiu suddenly had an idea, in fact, they can find a way to get in, or they can find a way to get the seller out.

He was about to turn his head and say to Shen Ti, but he didn't expect that Shen Ti had already started to make calls at this time.

Just like that?

Shen Ti was on the phone and gestured to the others, pulling them aside, away from the apartment door, and into a secluded alley.

"Hello, is this the business department of XX Apartment?"

Shen Ti's voice was deliberately suppressed, and it sounded more reliable than usual.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

He opened up the conversation for everyone to hear.

"That's right, I'm Chino Medical Beauty Company, you can understand it as a chain of prosthetic beauty and plastic surgery institutions, and recently two branches have settled in City C. We noticed your side We have the intention of advertising. You know, prosthetic plastic surgery has become popular now. We want to develop medium and low-end business. We have been looking for a suitable place for the past few days. This area is very suitable for our requirements. I would like to ask today Is it convenient to talk about cooperation? I happened to be on a business trip in City C today, and I have to go back to the company for a meeting in the evening."

He uttered the lie almost in a smooth manner and in one go, and even made up and told the story without the slightest delay, and even with a smirk from a businessman.

The other party was also conquered by Shen Ti's tone and expressiveness, "Yes, you can come to our apartment directly, I will greet the front desk, the residential area and office area of ​​our apartment building are separated .They'll take you to my office."

After hanging up, Shen Ti raised his head, just as he was about to instruct him, he saw Wu You's complex expression that was indescribable.

"You shouldn't be a fugitive swindler, you went to the altar to avoid being caught."

Shen Ti put his arms around his chest, "Isn't it true, I even deceived you brother Wugui when I entered the altar."

Wu You was choked by him again.

An Wujiu ignored their rudeness and said directly to Shen Ti, "Your strategy is to force the seller to come out by himself, right?"

"Smart." Shen Ti took his shoulders, "As expected of a fraudster's wife."

An Wujiu turned him with his elbow, "Stop joking."

Shen Ti then begged for mercy, "Okay, let's not make trouble. We are sure to take the lead now, Wu You and Erci, you have to help me get something."

"What?" Wu You glanced at him.

"Business card," Shen Ti sent him the name of the medical company he just made up, along with a fake name and fake contact information, "Help me go outside and 3D print one."

Yang Erci nodded, "What about you?"

"We?" Shen Ti looked at An Wujiu, "Buy a set of clothes, then make up the code." He borrowed Wu You's hosting account, pointed to the opposite side, "After 25 minutes , see you at the tavern across the street."

They went their separate ways. An Wujiu and Shen Ti find a men's clothing store nearby and buy suits that are more suitable for business people.

As soon as the two entered, the entire store clerks could not wait to gather around and try on clothes for them.

Shen Ti saves time, doesn't have much time to try, and starts coding while standing. An Wu Jiu didn't know which one was better for a while, so he chose a three-piece suit with lead gray dark stripes and a vest on a dummy mannequin.

"Exactly, this model is about the same height as this gentleman."

An Wujiu nodded, "Just this."


Shen Ti's clothes fit well, but he couldn't tell if he looked good, so he turned to look for An Wujiu, pushed aside the shop assistants, walked in front of him, "How is it?"

An Wu Jiu saw him dressed so formally for the first time.


Just by changing clothes, you will immediately feel like a business elite.

Seeing that An Wujiu said she looked good, Shen Ti didn't even look in the mirror and was ready to pay, but An Wujiu robbed him first.

"I'll buy it for you." An Wujiu thought that Shen Ti was always spending money, and he probably didn't have many points left, so save it for him.

But in Shen Ti's eyes, this kindness turned into…

"You take care of me."

Shen Ti leaned on An Wujiu like a complete little white face, "I'm really lucky, the gold master is so beautiful and earns blood."

An Wujiu just pushed him away and told him not to talk nonsense, Shen Ti nodded obediently, closed his mouth and continued to write code.

It didn't take him long to write the code, it was done in no time. While waiting for the clerk to pack his previous clothes, his eyes shifted to another mannequin.

"The silver thin-rimmed glasses," Shen Ti pointed to the model's head, "can you buy them?"

The clerk looked over, "Well, that's an accessory, not for sale."

Shen Ti heard this, and immediately made a sad expression, "It's such a pity."

Another clerk gave her a wink, smiled and said to Shen Ti, "Do you want it? I can give it to you, we have a lot more in our warehouse."

Shen Ti's handsome man succeeded, smiling like a gentleman, "Thank you so much."

After putting on a suit and putting on those thin-rimmed glasses, he exuded a strong temperament, but An Wu Jiu couldn't describe it for a while.

Just as they were about to leave, the beautiful clerk who delivered glasses gathered up her courage and said to Shen Ti, "Excuse me, if you have time, can we have a drink together at night?"

Shen Ti smiled, "There is time, but..." He embraced An Wujiu who was beside him, and tilted his head in his direction, "We have already booked a hotel for tonight. ."

"There is a saying in Chinese," he looked at the blonde clerk with a playful smile in his green eyes, "A spring night is worth a thousand dollars."

The clerk was rejected, but she blushed and was not angry, she just watched the two leave.

An Wujiu was used to being teased by Shen Ti, and even wanted to fight back.

So on the way back, he deliberately learned the words of the female clerk just now and said to Shen Ti, "If you have time tonight, can we drink together?"

Shen Ti knew that he did it on purpose, and the corner of his mouth couldn't hold back his smile.

"It's a pity, I have to go back to the ghost place of the altar tonight, otherwise..."

He lowered his head and leaned close to An Wujiu's ear, "Maybe it's really a spring night."

An Wu Jiu’s ears were itchy, as if a feather had fallen off, it slipped from the neck of his ear, and his whole body seemed to tremble.


"This is nasty? I haven't done anything yet." Shen Ti pretended to be wronged, "It's not too late to scold me when I do."

"Okay." When approaching the tavern opposite the apartment, An Wujiu raised his eyebrows, "Just wait and let me scold me."

Yang Erci and Wu You had already printed their business cards, and they happened to be walking towards the entrance of the tavern from the other direction. An Wu Jiu turned around and saw it.

Shen Ti put his hands in the pockets of his suit trousers, his face full of cynicism, he was just like a dude in high society, and his tone was extremely casual.

"Scolding, scolding, the more you scold me, the more excited I am."

An Wujiu turned his head and glared at him, Shen Ti only thought An Wujiu was cute.

If An Wujiao is usually 10 points cute, then angry he is 100 points cute.

"You're too polite to dress like this."

"Are you saying that again?"

Wu You changed his words, "Beasts in clothes."

“What now?” Yang Erci asked.

Sir Shen Ti didn't remember the villain's deeds, didn't bother with Wu You, turned to Yang Erci and said, "Erci, you just pretend to be my assistant and go to the front desk with me." Shen Ti Turning his head to An Wujiu and Wu You, he said, "You can just stay outside the apartment."

Everyone started to act, and Yang Erci followed Shen Ti into the apartment. The image of Shen Ti immediately caught the attention of the front desk. Seeing this extraordinary-looking elite walking towards them with a smile, the two front desks stood up subconsciously, with a completely different attitude from when Wu You came to look for them.

Shen Ti smiled and gave a prepared business card, "I have contacted your business manager, you should already know."

One of the front desk ladies respectfully took the business card and nodded with a smile, "The manager called us just now, it's you. Our manager is on the 48th floor, you can go directly. "

"Thank you so much." Shen Tishi gave a gentle and polite smile, turned to leave, just took a step, he turned back with an expression of remembering something, and said to the front desk, " I'm really sorry, can you do me a favor?"

"You said, we are very happy." The front desk replied immediately.

"Thank God, you are so kind." He turned his head and gave Yang Erci a wink, Yang Erci stepped forward and said to the lady at the front desk, "We just had time, and we forgot to print out the draft contract, may I ask Can I borrow your printing equipment?"

One of the receptionists looked at the printing equipment behind him.

Shen Ti smiled immediately: "I'm so sorry, I was in a hurry, and I didn't even bring a paper contract when talking about cooperation. It's really not polite."

He smiled, and the front desk couldn't take him anywhere. Printing the book was a trivial matter, so he agreed.

"Okay, how do you get us the file?"

"Really? I'm so lucky." Shen Ti smiled and asked Yang Erci to report a mailbox.

"After you log in, you can see in the attached transfer station. The file name is the draft advertising contract."

The receptionist did so immediately.

Shen Ti put his hand on the countertop at the front desk and tapped his fingers lightly.

"Found, draft advertising contract..."

The front desk chose to click to open the file, and at this moment, their host computer went black and the whole hologram was closed.

"What's the matter?" The two people at the front desk panicked.

Shen Ti also showed a concerned look, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"Yes, it seems that the system in our apartment is faulty." The front desk lady's face was full of apology, "I'm sorry, maybe we can't print it for you."

Shen Ti smiled generously, "It doesn't matter, you have already helped me a lot. It seems that this time is destined to use an electronic draft."

"I'll take you to the office." The front desk stood up.

"No, you should see if the system can be maintained, and we won't cause you any trouble."

Shen Ti finished speaking and took Yang Erci to the elevator entrance.

Yang Erci looked back at the busy front desk, turned her head and asked Shen Ti calmly, "What did you do?"

"It's nothing, just put a small virus, they will be attacked as soon as they open the file, the whole system will be paralyzed, and the registration information of all residents is collected into Wu You's backup mailbox , which was then implanted in a bulletin that was sent to every resident of the residential area."

"What announcement?"

The elevator door opened and the two walked in.

Shen Ti casually pressed a number and glanced at the time displayed in the elevator—3:45 pm.

"The government announced that they will have the fire department personnel from the government come to check the fire problems of this apartment in person at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Property staff lead the inspection.”

Yang Erci was instantly stunned.

"You're trying to force him out."

"That's right." Shen Ti leaned back against the inner wall of the elevator, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "He is so cautious, of course, he can only start from the source of his cautiousness."

Yang Erci thought that Shen Ti entered the apartment in the name of advertising and found the seller, but he didn't expect this to be just the beginning. His real purpose was to implant an image in the entire property system The government announced that other people are not afraid of the government at all, but only people who do black deals.

For fear of government raids, he had to leave the residence and bring those illegal "goods" with him.

As long as there are people outside, this guilty seller can be caught.

Yang Erci had to sigh, before she always thought that Shen Ti was smart and lucky, even if the desire to survive is zero, she can turn bad luck into good luck.

Now it seems that he is very smart.

Shen Ti pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Let's go through the scene, let's go out after there are more people."

An Wujiu and Wu You blocked the two exits of the apartment, Wu You was at the main entrance, An Wujiu was at an inconspicuous side entrance, because he had a hunch that the seller should never It is easy to find the side door to come out.

Not long after Shen Ti entered, Wu You suddenly received an email with a form attached full of user information.

Wu You flipped through the pages, staring at a user who made him suspicious.

The user's name is not the same as the seller's id, but if the initials of his wife and children's names are reversed, it will be exactly the same.

Seeing someone going out from the elevator, he looked a little nervous, carrying a large black box in his hand, Wu You closed the form, and seeing that the person did not go to the gate, he immediately rushed to the door that An Wujiu was guarding.

As expected, when he passed by, the man was blocked by An Wujiu, he turned around and saw Wu You again.

“Don’t be afraid.” An Wujiu smiled and said to the person in front of him, “We just want to buy something from you.”

The seller turned his face, looked nervous, frowned, and the knuckles of the hand holding the box protruded, "Buy something? I, I don't sell anything."

“We are not fishing law enforcement.” An Wujiu looked calm, “It’s just because I can’t find you and there is no other way to use this kind of trick.”

He knew that with this person's cautiousness, he wouldn't recognize them for a while, so An Wujiu took the initiative to say, "I just want a chip."

The other party frowned, "You... no?"

It doesn't look like someone without a chip at all.

An Wujiu nodded.

Wu You on the side said, "Let's take a step to talk, Mr. Jones."

The other party heard him call out his surname.

They came to a remote alley and found a coffee shop. An Wujiu said to him candidly, "I need a citizen chip, if you don't believe me, you can check if I have a chip on me."

He spoke with a kind of sincerity buff, and the other party thought it was true, but he still opened the box and took out a tool from it and swept it all over his body.


“I don’t have any chips for now.” Jones said to An Wujiu.

An Wujiu stared into his eyes, trying to distinguish the truth of what he said.

"I can wait, I can make a reservation." He smiled, "I don't have anything else, but I have a lot of money, and I am very patient."

Jones hesitated for a moment, originally he did not want to trade in this way, but now his real information has fallen into their hands...

"Okay." Jones compromised.

He opened his box and found a small black box, "I didn't want to give it to you, so I just lied to you."

An Wujiu knew that what he said was a lie, so he didn't point it out, he just smiled, "Since there is a ready-made one, it would be even better."

"But," Jones said to him, "I'm going to charge twice as much for this chip, will you accept it?"

This is the reason why this chip has not been sold yet?

Wu You asked: "How much?"

Jones whispered, "One hundred thousand dollars."

This is similar to what An Wujiu expected, "Yes, but how can I guarantee that this chip can be used."

"You can pay half of it first, I'll install it for you, try to see if you can realize the rights of all citizens, and then pay me the rest, all these are fine."

An Wujiu agrees.

Jones asked for a private room and went in with An Wujiu.

"So it's fake that the government sent someone to check?"

Wu You still don't know what happened, An Wujiu already smiled and said, "Yes."

"Okay, okay." Jones shook his head and gave An Wujiu an injection of anesthesia, "It's a coincidence that you guys came here, I have kept this chip for a long time, and I still haven't prepared it today. It's sold, I heard that the wind is getting tighter now, and I'm planning to stay at home for ten days and a half months without going out."

While he was talking, he cut open the skin behind An Wu Jiu's ear, ready to insert the chip inside, but suddenly found that the structure inside was different from that of ordinary people.

He frowned suspiciously, but he had already transplanted chips to many strange guys, and he continued to look for it, and found it under his interface module. I got a chip implant board, but this board seems to be very old, like a child's.

However, the effect was not great, Jones inserted the nanochip into it.

"Handsome guy."

An Wujiu raised his eyes, "What's wrong?"

"Why is your interface different from others' Implanted version, I have been looking for yours for a long time."

An Wujiu was also not surprised, he didn't talk much, "Who knows."

"Well, it's not a big problem, it's just that your chip implant board seems to be from when you were young, and you haven't changed it when you grow up. If there is any problem, you can find a prosthetic doctor. ."

Almost everyone will replace an implanted version when they become adults. This is a free service. Jones doubts what kind of transformation he has received. Maybe he is a mercenary of a big company, and he does not dare to say too much. many.

After the implantation was completed, An Wu Jiu generously did not choose to try it out, but gave him the remaining money directly.

Jones got the money and thanked him, and then split up. Jones who left immediately planned to change his address.

He has been in this business for so long, and this is the first time he has been approached by a buyer.

An Wujiu put on the Citizen chip, but he couldn't feel anything at once, Wu You wanted to teach him how to update the identity system, but time was short, so they contacted Shen Ti and He who came out of the apartment Yang Erci, went back to the place where the aircraft was parked, ready to return to the game hall.

On the aircraft, Yang Erci turned on the autopilot, and then contacted Zhong Yirou and Noah who was at home.

After receiving them, they went to the game factory together.

An Wujiu had doubts in his heart, he reached out and touched the wound where the chip was just implanted behind his ear, thinking about what Jones said.

He raised his eyes and asked, "Yirou, if a person's chip implant board is still a child, will it have any effect?"

"The impact is not so great." Zhong Yirou explained, "Because after everyone becomes a legal adult citizen, many things need to be updated and the standards are different, so the board will be replaced."

Shen Ti turned to look at him, "What's wrong?"

"I haven't participated in the board change." An Wujiu said softly, "There is a possibility that I was deprived of chips after I was arrested as a child, and I never came out until I became an adult. ."

Shen Ti frowned.

If so, how did An Wu Jiao enter the altar?

Is it really a retrofit sample that was directly put in?

Everyone returned to the game factory, looking at An Wujiao who was very worried, Shen Ti took his hand and pulled him into his arms.

"Going in again soon."

An Wujiu’s expression was a little confused, he nodded.

Shen Ti smiled, "If I didn't match you, would you miss me?"

An Wujiu stared at him, blinked slowly, the eyelashes touched up and down like listening to some water, then separated.

"I will."

Shen Ti raised his eyebrows, "Do you think about it?"

"I want to." An Wujiu was firmer this time, "But I still hope to be matched with you."

Otherwise he would be very upset.

"It doesn't matter." Shen Ti lowered his head and kissed his lips, "If I'm not here, it's a new marriage."


An Wujiu was about to speak when Shen Tixian stole it.

"If we match up again," Shen Ti raised his mouth, "then pray that I can have a spring night."


Wu You's unbearable voice came from a distance, "Shen Ti! Can you get in!"

"Shut up, I'm making out with your blameless brother."

Volume 8 Warm-Up Game Sacrifice