MTL - Swallowed Star-v29 Chapter 25 Luo Feng's team

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Twenty-ninth chapter twenty-fifth chapter Luo Feng's team

The two most recent four of the 450,000 border beasts have also maintained a distance of more than 10 million light years. They are completely dispersed and escaped. Even though Luo Feng knows their coordinate positions through Morosa, there is no way at all. ("7*"


"The strength of these small fish is weak, but there are too many. I can't deal with it, but when you enter the fifth order, the number is not much." Luo Feng secretly.

A total of 900,000 beasts, even in the most perfect situation, it is estimated that a hundred or so fifth-order beasts have evolved. In fact, some beasts have swallowed more, so the fifth-order beast that was born is estimated. There are dozens of them. What you have to do is to kill all the fifth steps. It is very difficult!

But you have to fight!


brush! brush! brush! After Luo Feng’s self-destruction, he was chasing another beast from a long distance.

Among the 450,000 beasts that smashed the evolution in the first round of the era, the three peaks stood at the peak! They are Zia, Mengzi, and Ang.

"Like Zia, Morosa, Bedi, etc., who stood at the top of the mountain earlier, are absolutely excellent. This is the rapid rise of the chance of this killing and swallowing. Its will may be better than Qi. Ya, Morosha is a little worse... I should have the possibility of enslaving it." Luo Feng thought secretly.

Call ~~~ quickly chase.

When Zia was attacked and sent out, the group of beasts including Meng Yu were fleeing in different directions, which would make Luo Feng’s pursuit more and more difficult.

“Hey!” The space condenses instantly.

"No!" The beast that was running away was suddenly shocked. Both of his heads turned and looked into the distance. In the distance, there was a man with silver and silver wings in the void. The goal of fear - the lord of the Galaxy!

I saw the distant galactic lord glance at it, and then surrounded the endless vast void into a small universe, a powerful binding force on it.


Luo Feng's teleportation is approaching.

In the small universe formed by one's own thought, it can completely condense the small space around the other side, and Luo Feng can naturally move to the very close, and then fly at high speed. Church

"Destruction!" The beasts were stunned, and behind the body, the blood color pattern was used as the skeleton to form a huge beast of light. Both of them simultaneously roared, and a dazzling rotating vortex channel directly strangled Luo Feng.

The blood shadow knife in Luo Feng’s hand also instantly swayed out.

A white gold-colored curved knife with the same dazzling to the extreme also instantly hits the past.

Arc knife light and vortex channel impact!

The vortex channel collapsed first, and the curved knife cut everything, and then it gradually collapsed. At this moment, a drop of water was accompanied by a shock wave that exploded and blasted into the body of the beast.

The secret law of slavery - "Samsung World"

The super-existent Jin State’s super-existence ‘Gold’ created the strongest slavery secret, and it is also the strongest slavery secret in the Jin Dynasty.

"Well?" Luo Feng carefully examined the beasts of the beasts, and the eyes were full of expectations.


I hope this time I can be enslaved successfully!

The monk stood in the void, motionless, the surrounding shockwaves gradually weakened, and the void gradually recovered.

"Ha..." Luo Feng sensed the obscured soul, and the obscured soul was controlled by himself. This made Luo Feng's face smile, "I am blind, wake up."

The two one-eyed eyes gradually recovered their glory.

"I, I am the king." The beast was stunned and looked at Luo Feng in front of him. It was completely awake and bitter, and immediately respectfully said, "See the master."

"Yeah." Luo Feng nodded. "I am going to chase Anse. You are going to chase other beasts closest to you."

"Yes, the master." The beasts are respectful.

brush! brush!

Luo Feng and the beasts of the beasts were teleported separately, chasing the past in different directions.

It is impossible for oneself to act with the obscurity. Once you are blind, you will let other beasts discover in advance, which will make your own pursuit of the battle much more difficult. The sacred church allows the monks to act alone, but instead allows the escaping beasts to panic and change direction, making them easier to hunt.


"The monk was enslaved."

"The monk was enslaved."

"It is on the side of the lord of the Milky Way, like Morosa."

All the beasts who are escaping are sensing, they can still sense the existence of Morosa and the obscurity, but obviously it belongs to another camp.

They hate it.

"Beware of the enslavement of the lord of the Milky Way."

"Don't be enslaved by him."

"Once you are caught up by the lord of the galaxy, you would rather blew yourself and never be enslaved."


When Luo Feng started the last ‘Angs’ among the top three beasts, he found that he had just launched a small universe, and that Anse did not even fight himself and even blew himself.


The shock wave radiates in all directions and impacts on Luo Feng.

The wings behind Luo Feng swayed slightly, but frowned: "The enslavement was successful, and these beasts were so crazy that they would be mad at me when they caught up?"

In fact, there is no way for the beasts.

Bedi, Zia, and Meng Yu, these are the fifth-order beasts, but none of them who meet Luo Feng can escape. This makes the beasts understand that even if they struggle again, they die. If so, as long as Luo Feng catches up, then blew it. Otherwise, they will be enslaved, but they will increase the strength of Luo Feng.

Luo Feng's small universe.

In the ship.

Morosa, while manipulating the huge model of the universe, is also uneasy: "Master, you have nine slaves now. But I am the weakest one."

Luo Feng looked at Morosa.


In the previous eight days, Luo Feng first killed Zia, and then enslaved, and let Ans blew himself! After Luo Feng, he chased a fifth-order beast... The fifth-order beast also immediately blew himself up, which made Luo Feng understand that it would be impossible to enslave alone, so he would act with Meng Yu.

With an obscurity, locking a target immediately rushed to the past, although the beasts who were chased also knew that the ‘Mongolian’ was chasing. However, behind Luo Feng and Meng Yu is constantly approaching... Because Luo Feng's teleport distance is far enough, stronger than the fifth-order beast.

When you catch up, you will be met with each other.

The beasts are killing each other, and the boundaries of each other are mutual. If you want to blew yourself, you can't blew yourself!

When the beasts in the beasts of the beasts are killed, some hatreds are great, but no one blew himself! Because the same kind of killing is unable to blew itself... At this time, Luo Feng quietly applied the method of slavery to enslave the beast, and suddenly succeeded.

as time flows.

Luo Feng relied on this trick, and even followed the actions of different slaves. At the same time, he also allowed them to block them one by one, and some of the beasts fled, including the eight beasts.

"This time I enslaved eight beasts." Luo Feng looked at Morosa. "The five are the fifth-order beasts, the three are the fourth-order beasts. And you are the second-order beast!"

"However, I promised."

"As long as you try to help me, I will get a lot of beasts to eat for you." Luo Feng said, "only one of the beasts I have enslaved can survive, and you, that one."

Morosa listened to the great joy.

Luo Feng is very calm.

The second order swallows the fifth order, and the fifth order swallows the second order, and the evolution is the same. As long as the second order swallows the fifth order, you can step into the fifth step in one step!

Those who are their own slaves, and their own thoughts, can make slavery unable to blew themselves.

"It is doomed, only one of them can live." Luo Feng secretly.

"What about the beasts..."

"If I really can't stop the birth of the sixth-order beast, then I will try my best to cultivate a sixth-order beast." Luo Feng has no other way, the reason why he is enslaved is this way.

Among the beasts who are now enslaved, there are five fifth-order beasts.

Among them, Mengmu has the highest evolution!

However, with these alone, it is not enough to want to give birth to the sixth order!

"Master, you see." Morosa pointed to the huge model of the universe chart. "In the first round of the era, the beasts fled into the 'lost seas' early. The master also rushed into the lost sea. ...... But now, the 450,000 beasts that originally surrounded your small universe have mostly escaped into the lost waters, leaving only 30,000 beasts still in the normal waters of the universe."

"Master, the next pursuit, it will be very difficult." Moro said.

Luo Feng frowned.


Lost in the sea is an area that is not proven by the various families of the universe. Once you enter there, you can't find a known reference. You will lose the depths of the middle of the universe and never find a way back.

But the beasts have gone on and on, and rushed into the lost sea! Only 30,000 border beasts did not rush in.

Luo Feng also rushed into the lost sea!

The reason why they dare to rush is because even if they fall into the lost sea, the Khlong Feng deity has always acted with them, and they are obscured to clearly sense the position of 'Morosa' and return to it by induction. This is why the beasts dare to enter the lost waters.

"In trouble, the lost seas are endlessly vast, and the beasts are madly fleeing in all directions." Luo Feng said, "I am chasing this beast, and it will keep me and the other beasts far away."

After enslaving eight beasts.

Luo Feng has felt powerless, because in the lost sea, he must take an action with a beast. This makes the escaping beasts try their best to pull the distance early... Even occasionally those fleeing beasts escape through some 'natural wormholes', and Luo Feng is incapable of accurately following the lost seas. Can determine where the other party is, and then go straight to chase.

When the other side escaped through the natural wormhole, Luo Feng was dumbfounded.

Because he can't find a natural wormhole!

time flies!

One month, two months, three months...

In addition to Morosa, Luo Feng enslaved eight beasts and killed a group of beasts. Although they were not willing, they finally chose to return! At the same time of choosing to return, Luo Feng also understands that the birth of the sixth-order beast has been unstoppable.
