MTL - Sweet Wife, Pampered Fast-Chapter 1413 Brought you a gift

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Qin looked deeply at him, "What am I?"

"Did anyone ask you this time?" Huo Jinyan seemed to ask questions casually, but he was kind of shy.

In case you have a bad vision!


In case you have wisdom eyes!

Qin Shenshen can attract the opposite **** in all aspects.

"No! I just met two former college roommates." Qin Shenshen was kind of regretful. No one had asked her for it. Computer side:

"Oh! It doesn't matter, you are not too old." Huo Jinyan was relieved.

He now wants to be with Qin Shenshen, but for such a girl, he hasn't gotten along very much and can't find a suitable opportunity for the time being.

He is not incapable of speaking, that is, after he finishes speaking, people are unable to figure out and avoid him.

"I'm not too young. I'm going to be 26 years old this year." Qin Shen felt deeply sad that he was 26 years old and had never made a boyfriend.

No wonder, the two roommates also disliked themselves last time.

"My mother is anxious to arrange a blind date for me." Qin Shen was very speechless, and she did not want to go on a blind date!

"I'm all thirty-one, and I'm not in a hurry. What are you anxious for?" Huo Jinyan heard that she was going to be a blind date.

"One, last year. However, they have girlfriends. They have already shown off." Qin Shen pouted his lips deeply, and at the time she said to Yin Moli that she liked someone.

In fact, it is chasing stars, like Huo Jinyan.

"Jin Yan, what are you going to tell me?" Qin Shenchen himself asked a lot before asking.

She didn't really need to go to Huo Jinyan's house!

Just say a few words in the car.

"Don't you say that you're fine? Did you lie to me?" Huo Jinyan pulled his face down. "If you have something, you can go first. I let Xu Chen turn around and take you back."

"I'm fine, I just asked casually." Qin Shen said aggrieved.

"Angry?" Huo Jinyan rarely saw Qin Shenshen waiting for such a small emotion, "I'm not angry, I brought you a gift."

"Huh?" This was something Qin Shenshen hadn't thought of, or even thought of at all.

"Open it." Huo Jinyan just returned from France and bought it from a small town.

Qin opened the box deeply. It was a wooden woven bracelet, which was very special.

"Do you like it?" Huo Jinyan would look forward to her feelings.

"Like." The goddess gave her what she liked, naturally.

"I put it on." Huo Jinyan picked up the bracelet and put it directly on Qin Shen's wrist.

This bracelet is indeed not expensive, and it is precisely because it is not expensive that it was given to Qin Shenshen.

Of course, it is not that she is not reluctant, nor that she is not worthy of being better, but because he knows that if it is too expensive, she will not accept it.

"Does it look good?" Qin Shenshen also raised his wrist and asked Huo Jinyan.

"good looking."


Both of them seemed to have forgotten that there was a Xu Chen driving in front.

Xu Chen also kept talking about Huo Jinyan while driving.

Isn't that just sending a broken chain?

If it weren't for your idol, she would have thought she liked it!

For Xu Chen, it doesn't make any sense to buy such a **** with thousands of dollars.

Qin Shenshen is a fan filter.

"Ha ha……"

Uncle who loves awesome: sweet wife, please be favored Please collect: Uncle awesome: sweet wife, quickly loved to update the fastest. div

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!