MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1193 Desert Wolf (recommended)

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Chapter 1193, Desert Wolf (recommended)

Chapter 1193

The fire and the wild sand, the daytime of the desert is always the suffocation and sultry that people can't breathe. The air that breathes into the body seems to evaporate the internal force, making people feel slimy and uncomfortable!

Therefore, during the daytime, the desert can hardly see the traces of the players. In addition to some special tasks that must be performed, few people will ask for trouble to go deep into the desert and find this bitterness.

this day……

In the depths of the desert, there are many people who are entrenched in a place buried near the sand, or in groups, or in groups of three or five, hiding in the shadow behind the sand dunes to avoid direct sunlight.

This is so, the people who are scattered in the desert are still very uncomfortable. From time to time, they stretch their tongues and want to spit out the body like a fire.

"it's too hot……"

"Mom! Actually let Laozi go to this **** place. Even the urine will freeze the urine in the evening, and it will be like a urine in the daytime... It’s his mother’s suffocation!”

Many people in the crowd called for bitterness in the scorching sun, and they were screaming, but no one was willing to leave.

Because this is the Longmen Inn!

of course!

Once the Longmen Inn has been completely destroyed by the Black Storm, what is left on the ground is just some traces of the past - a large earthen bag.

These people, all of them got a system announcement a few days ago from the five lakes and four seas!

With the spread of the news of the Desert Palace, the martial arts people from the deserts of the Central Plains, as well as many strong people from the small countries of the Western Regions, gathered in the vicinity of Longmen Inn...

But a pity!

Most people rushed to the nearby area when they encountered a black storm. When the black storm passed, the Longmen Inn was completely gone!

To this end, many people also spontaneously cleaned up the yellow sand outside the Longmen Inn - but unfortunately, the wind and sand here has not completely stopped, even if it is excavated for a while, it will be quickly covered up, and it will not be restored for half a day. .

In the past, more and more martial arts people have come a long way! There are also spectacular scenes of tens of thousands of people who are now in the vicinity of Longmen Inn!

The black storm has passed, the desert palace still has no news, but the people who arrived here have no intention of leaving - no one is willing to leave immediately before the exact news of the desert palace.

It is very complicated to gather the Longmen Inn from five lakes and four seas. However, it is divided into two camps, the Central Plains and the Central Plains. It occupies the east and west sides of the Longmen Inn, respectively.

In the east of Longmen Inn, the people who attacked the wind building are the most eye-catching!

After the phantom sent out the news, the people around the altar almost came from the southern city almost overnight, and the dust was servant, more than two thousand, it was the latest one by the Longmen Inn;

On the contrary, now the largest Jinxiu River in the Central Plains does not send many people to station, only a small number of members gather in one place, even less than 50 people;

Seeing this scene, the people of the Fengfeng Building and the Central Plains have been relieved!

Although Jinxiu Heshan is currently acting very honestly in the Central Plains, under the system of Happy and Jifeng's introduction, the style is still soft, but many forces are still reluctant to compete with the Jinxiu Heshan Station in the competition for interests.

Even including the wind building, including the phantom, is also reluctant to appear too stiff and gunpowder with the Jinxiu River.

and so……

This time, Jinxiu Heshan did not send a representative heavyweight. It did not take the initiative to engage with various people. Many people secretly sighed and thought that happiness was mostly because other affairs were not ruined.

Some people think that perhaps Jinxiuheshan overlooks the Longmen Inn because of its geographical environment...

For whatever reason, this is good news for them.

The Central Plains have a lot of peace of mind, and many people have listed the wind building as the first competitor!


On the west side of Longmen Inn, although many strong people from different countries are on the verge of mutual vigilance, because they are located in the Central Plains, the strongest of the Central Plains is their biggest competitor, and everyone is unanimous. The spearhead points to the Central Plains side, so the noisy forces in the west will live in peace.

In the west, the Brahmin of Persia, the Dragon Elephant of the ***, and some scattered powers of Thailand and Vietnam are stronger;


Behind a sand dune in the north, there are nearly 100 men and women in yellow and yellow trousers. The service of a group of people and the color of the desert are far from being able to distinguish people here.

A group of people are not hidden under the shadow of the sand dunes, but directly exposed to the direct sunlight of the sun, but the people present at the scene did not show a half-point intolerance, let the sweat roll from the face to the hot sand, quietly each Close your eyes or sit or lie, quiet and scary.


I don't know how long it took, a slight break in the air accompanied the sound of sand flowing from the wind.

On the sand dunes like the basin, nearly a hundred people opened their eyes in no particular order.


One line of sight focused on a dark yellow figure with a cold arrow.

Only glanced at it, most people put away the coldness in their eyes and resumed their state of closing their eyes.

"good news."

The incoming arrow quickly shot into the crowd, came to the front of the two men and two women, and pulled off the mask that blocked the sand, revealing a knife-like face. The tone was cold and the sound was loud: "Someone saw that the east seemed to have a big movement, maybe Related to the Desert Palace."

If you are happy, you will recognize the identity of the speaker.

The master of the wolf organization, Jin Luosha!

In front of Jin Luozha, the two men and two women are also the old acquaintances of the wolf organization - the small peaches, the fairy, and the wolf, the blood prison knife.

"About the situation?"

I haven't seen it for a few months. Jin Luosha, the wolf, and the blood prison knife have a little bit of cold and calm, and they have a few words.

"The inside line of Yipintang has been confirmed, and the master of Jinyiwei has made a big move to a group of chaotic parties who escaped from the Longmen Inn."

"Our mission is the Desert Palace, the ordinary plot mission, do you think it is worth the adventure of our ninety-nine wild wolves?" This time, the voice of the voice is changed into a fairy, the latter's cold voice with a faint sigh of relief and condescending responsibility .

Jin Luosha slightly frowned, but did not have a seizure on the spot, the hidden temper continued to explain:

"According to the inside return of Yipintang, the person who led the team was the commander of Jinyiwei, Cao Shaoqin, a genuine Tiandao master, followed by the 18th Guardian, and there were thousands of Jinyiwei masters, including many mythical powerhouses..."

"...what can this explain?"

Although the fairy is still cold, but the words have been a bit less suffocating, a little more inexplicable taste.

Jin Luozha has the same tone:

"The chaotic party led by Zhou Huai'an is only two mythical peaks. There are several ordinary mythical masters. Even if there is no Cao Shaoqin, the two sides are still in great disparity! Zhou Huai'an is a group of people who are in danger of escaping... If I didn't guess wrong, there will be something happening there. ”

Hear here...

The two men and two women exchanged a look at each other.

Jackal opening:

"You have to be clear that the goal of our trip is the treasure of the Desert Palace, the secret of the depths of the Desert Palace. The head will not allow us to put our ninety-nine wolves into danger because of your speculation."

"Although it is the site of the Central Plains, but you must not forget, the only thing that can pose a threat to us is happiness and an emperor... These two people are not here! We are because of the failure of the wild wolf twice or twice. Behave to be afraid of your feet?"

Jin Luozhan could not help!

The wolf tone is as usual:

"Since half a month ago, we have lost our happy whereabouts. Are you sure that you are not in the desert?"

"If you are happy and never show up, does it mean that we have to go through this hidden day in the future?"

Jin Luosha sneered: "When it was time, our wolves have become so shackled?"

The four people heard a glimpse of their faces:


Little Pink can't help but swear:

"The head has a head to consider!"

"Yes." The blood prison knife also opened, and the brows were tight, and the tone was dignified: "We have seen the rep of the happy and evil kings. We have seen the strength of happiness, and the Jinxiu River and the Wind Building did not. As we expected to infiltrate into each other, there is no chance to create friction. Now the Central Plains is a piece of iron. Our wolves are difficult to act. If they are not careful, once they are caught by Bai Xiaosheng, we will certainly break the head. ”


Jin Luosha suddenly said nothing.

"The mission of Longmen Inn is even awkward, but it is too far away from us. It should not be in contact with the desert palace... Rakshasa, from now on, you stay, quietly staying, I will arrange other people to take over the information. ""

The wolf commanded.

However, just as he was preparing to reschedule the man, a pigeon was broken!

Many people around the world once again looked at each other, and the sights gathered in the hands of the pigeons in the hands of the wolves...

"The letter of the head?"

Xianer and Xiaotaohong all cast their eyes on the inquiry.

After dismantling the paper strips of the wolf Lisuo, I took a look at the contents above, and the eyes flashed a glimmer of light! Quickly glanced at the incomprehensible Jin Luozha sitting on one side, opening: "Ruosha! The order of the head!"


At the sight of Kim Rocha, he immediately heard an order that made him ecstatic:

"You immediately ordered thirty brothers to go to the Longmen Inn, and found the inside line of Yipintang, telling him..." Speaking of this, the lips squirmed but did not smell.

The voice was in a secret, and the latter's eyes lit up!

"I will say! There must be flaws over there, I am not wrong? Haha!!!" In the laughter, Jin Luochao rose up in excitement, and a group of people were sentimental, and they turned over the sand dunes. Go away from the Longmen Inn in the distance.

A group of people, such as the wolf, got up and watched a group of people in Jinluo.

Fairy finally couldn’t help but wonder:

"Does the head tell us?"

"Of course... the head said that once the people of Longmen Inn were agitated, we always pay attention to the observation of the tiger's movements. The head also said that this ancient weapon is not to be lost!"