MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1201 Shocked, hands-on! (recommended)

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Chapter 1201 is amazed, hands-on! (recommended)

Chapter 1201


Cao Shaoqin’s body was thrown from the air into the sand;


Far away, the phantom saw this scene behind the sand dunes, air-cooled, and reflexively straight up from behind the sand dunes!

A group of high-ranking buildings such as Wu Kui also discovered the situation in which Cao Shaoqin died under the undefeated knife in the East, and at the same time exposed the extremely wrong and incredible shock.

Too shocking...

Too unexpected!

It would be such an ending...

The original group of people thought that the alliance between the heavens and the earth and the coalition of Cao Shaoqin against the undefeated East would inevitably have an earth-shattering battle that would last for a while.

A group of people are even ready to sit on the mountain!

The scene at the moment makes everyone unpredictable.

Cao Shaoqin unexpectedly lost to the East unbeaten, a face to face the desert, which made them stunned for a few seconds, a few doubts in the dream.

"what happened?"

Someone whispered behind.

This sound finally reminded the phantom, the latter gaze, quickly lowering the voice to the brother behind him: "From now on, all the brothers have given me the spirit! The situation has changed, ready to be ready! Absolutely Can not let the East unbeaten with the tiger to leave." Suddenly Cao Shaoqin's death and disruption of the plan before the phantom, also disrupted her deployment!

It is clear!

After the devour of the blood of tens of thousands of martial arts masters, the tiger cub became more fierce and violent. It seems that new capabilities have been added to make the unbeaten of the East more inscrutable. Even though it is enchanted, it is an inestimable force;

Under this circumstance, the phantom has been unable to calculate the undefeated strength of the East according to the previous ideas, and to calculate the odds between him and the ally of the world.

The unsettled East is unbeaten in strength. It is no longer comparable to the Lord of Heaven and Earth. Maybe the next second is the death of the Heaven and Earth Alliance...

Although the undefeated in the East has become more terrible, the strength of the tiger cub has also stimulated the phantom and others.

A group of people look more at the tiger's eyes!

It is also more unacceptable for the East to be unbeaten to take the tigers away from the desert and take them away from their sight.


The death of Cao Shaoqin not only disturbed the deployment and planning of the phantom shadow building, but also gave the other side a similar sensation of the wall, and was caught off guard.


Determined the moment when Cao Shaoqin died, the wolf broke into the sand with a fist, and his fierce eyes stared at the undefeated East in the pursuit of the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and ordered a word in the mouth:

"Commanded on!"

"Get started now!"

"Xian Er, Xiao Tao Hong, you immediately brought people who have attacked the wind building to kill me, and do a good job..." The wolf is talking directly to Xianer and Xiaotaohong, and he said very loudly. Seriously: "Give you five minutes, come and meet us soon after the solution."

After seeing the undefeated strength of the East after entering the devil, the wolf does not think how long the Heaven and Earth Alliance can support, so the time becomes very urgent.

It is necessary to face the undefeated East in the East, and to ensure that the environment is safe when it is hands-on.

The wind building and the wolf do not share the sky, naturally it must be eliminated in the first time.

As soon as the voice fell, the top 100 masters of the wolf organization radiated a chilly murder at the same time. They spoke out a group of people, silently, and used the cover of the desert sands and dunes to attack the wind and the building. The hiding place wandered around.

The figure of the Xiaotaohong was quickly disappeared from behind the sand dunes, and the wolf recovered his gaze, and the direction of the undefeated East, the leader of the heavens and the earth, who had re-started the fight, was not far away:

"The success or failure, here!"


Returning to the land of Cao Shaoqin's fall, the scorpion of the world's main ally and the condensed heavy ice suddenly tightened! In the body of Cao Shaoqin who did not have the slightest vitality, he stared for two seconds. This took a long breath and looked at the east unbeaten, suddenly biting the same place again, biting his teeth, one word:

"You are not in the magic!"


The unbeaten in the East is unheard of, and a pair of fascinating and narrow-eyed phoenixes are indifferent and violently staring at the heavens and the Allies, the chest position, and a long sword mark is slowly seeping out the blood.

The East was unbeaten and injured.

"You can't lie to me."

The Lord of Heaven and Earth all again frowned, and there was a bit of ridicule in the tone:

"Just a moment, you were stabbing you in Cao Shaoqin, using the kung fu above the "Sunflower Collection", specially shot the flying needle into his body, flying needles broken, tigers and gods, twilight killing... And the means, not those who are controlled by the tigers and who are enchanted by the fire can make it... You have won Cao Shaoqin, but you can’t see the eyes of the deity."

The majestic voice echoed between the two, rolling up the wild sand.

After the curtain, the unbeaten in the East was completely affected by the tiger's scorpion, and the eyes that appeared enchanting and violently red light slowly faded with the words of the heavens and the earth's allies...

The red mans are lighter!

Slowly revealing a trace of wisdom and sobriety.

If it is the phantom, the wolf is in the near future, seeing this scene, will definitely be shocked by the situation of the unbeaten in the East.

Looking at the undefeated eyes of the East, it is clear that it has never been affected by the tigers, and it still keeps its heart!

"Sure enough..."

There is no dignified voice coming from the mouth of the opposite world.

Seeing the undefeated eyes of the East is becoming more and more clear, and soon reverted to the charming charm of the Eastern lords of the past. The tone and eyes of the Lord of the Heaven and Earth are more and more cautious and cautious: "You really have not been affected by the tiger, the deity is great..."

That being said.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance still noticed that as the East unbeaten gradually recovered, the **** tiger cub in the hands was covered with a more dazzling red awn;

Among the blades, the white tiger spine seems to be subjected to some kind of stimulation, and the spine is stretched violently, causing the blade to tremble frequently, a posture that is difficult to control and master!

Understand, here, the eyes of the Lord of Heaven and Earth all flashed a touch of sorrow and a touch of relief:

It seems that the undefeated control of the East is not a small price!

While suppressing the counterattack of the tiger scorpion soldiers, the East is undefeated and keeps a close eye on the main eyes of the Heaven and Earth Alliance. He smiles in the mouth: "The Lord of Heaven and Earth is really extraordinary. You are truly a leader in the realm of heaven... The teacher originally intended to be in a state of enchantment. Leading both of you to be fooled, and then killing together, and then looking for a secluded place to study the true mystery of the tiger cub, I did not expect... In the end, I only killed a dog official..." The unbeaten and unique demon sound of the East As soon as it sounded, the Lord of Heaven and Earth all changed his face again.

Zhangkou said:

"In fact, if the dog officer's death is not the deity, the deity will not really see that you have not been controlled by the tiger. You have to thank him... but the deity has a bit of incomprehensibility, and he hopes that the Eastern teacher will explain it."

"...I know, you want to ask, why can I keep the Qingming in the influence of the tiger cub."

The East is unsettled and faint smile:

"It doesn't matter if you tell you. Anyway, if you know it, there is no way."


The leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance has a brow, and there is a lot of dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction in the tone: "That would have to thank the Eastern Master for accomplishing it."

In the realm of harmony between man and nature, the Lord of Heaven and Earth all believes that he is farther and more authentic than the undefeated wilderness of the East, but the latter can actually suppress the tiger clam for so long, but he himself is controlled by the tiger cub. Knowing that this made him somewhat surprised and strange.

The undefeated in the East clearly shows that the Lord of the World and the United States do not believe, and turned sideways:

"It's okay to tell you, but there is no free lunch in the world. Does the lord have to tell me some of your own secrets first?"

"What is the secret of the deity?"

For the undefeated in the East, the main conditions of the Heaven and Earth Alliance are not surprising.

"Just a moment, my knife has been smashed from you, but you have not even evaded the move. I directly ignored the attack of the tiger. I want to know what it is..." The unbeaten smile of the East made him a A problem that has been confusing for a long time.

That blow, if the United States and the United States have used special means to avoid the attack, he could have solved the two masters of heaven in one breath - that one must be the killer of the Heaven and Earth Alliance!

This point, the East is undefeated and wants to figure it out.

This problem is obviously a bit of a hassle.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth allegiated to answer:

"The deity is cultivating the "Supreme Spirit of the Heavens and the Earth", and this must be heard by the Lord."

"Not bad."

The East is unbeaten and reveals the color of listening.

"When this martial law works to the extreme, you can integrate itself into the world and cooperate with the treasures. You can save your life at a critical time." The ally of the heavens and the earth wants to know the secret of the unbeaten and unrestrained tigers in the East. The secret of circumvention.

"It's that simple?"

"Of course, it's hard to tell you clearly, but it's as simple as that."

The East unbeaten silently nodded.

"It's your turn."

The Heaven and Earth Alliance is the main color.

Although the East is unbeaten, it is a cultist, but it does not mean to ruin the word of noodles:

"The tiger scorpion soldier seals the mount of the ancient savage **** Chiyou, the soul of the white tiger, the fierce and fierce soul of the savage beast. The contact time is long, and it can actually infect and affect people in the invisible. Once the people of the squad, the squadrons are slightly relaxed, It will be anti-customer, and the body will become the carrier of the white tiger's evil spirits..."


The leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance nodded silently.

The unbeaten voice of the East continues to come:

"The evil spirits of the tiger scorpion soldiers are powerful, but unfortunately, "The Sunflower Collection" is the most feminine secret of the gods. The white tiger murderer wants to completely devour me, it is impossible, because the people who cultivate the "Sunflower Collection" are all The person who is disabled the day after tomorrow... The body is different from ordinary people. Even if the white tiger can affect me, there are always some omissions that can maintain my clear line."

"It turned out to be "The Sunflower Collection."

The leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance is slightly relieved, and this is why I understand the words of the East before defeat.

The latter smiled:

"Unless the lord has the courage to give up everything, if you want to be unaffected, you can't do it, but the biggest problem now is that you want to control the two things of the tiger, and I will be in my hands!"