MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1224 Nine-turn gold acupuncture point method (explosion third, seal push for ticket)

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Chapter 1224, the nine-turn golden acupuncture point method (explosion third, seal push for votes)

Chapter 1224

boom! ! !

The moment when Qin Zongzong straightened up, the sky in the valley changed, and the sound between the whole world seemed to be compressed by an invisible force into an invisible space. The more and more vibrating music was suddenly covered. It seems to be coming from far away and far away. It sounds like a mosquito. It is wonderful.

The use of pure power of heaven, even if it is happy, it can be seen with both eyes, and the spiritual sense covers the entire valley without obstacles, exploring the mastery and use of the heavenly masters.

At the same time, happy is also very worried, I do not know whether the wind chimes can persist under the strong spiritual pressure and will of the sect.

Because he can clearly feel that under strong pressure, the action of the wind chimes to play the strings is much slower, and the temperament becomes intermittent.

The power of heaven and the pressure will become stronger and stronger. Once this situation continues, the situation of the wind chimes will become more and more difficult. Once controlled by the power of heaven, it will be difficult to turn over.


It is a bit reluctant to have an innocent player to counter the spiritual pressure of the master of heaven.

At this point, I was happy to suddenly notice that the wind chime stopped playing the piano!


A slight glimpse, happy that the wind chimes have been abandoned, a disappointment and sigh in the eyes...

After all, the wind chime is not a general uncontested player. She has the strength of the nine yin and the sinister body. The combat power is much stronger than that of the general, but the inheritance is the six-finger piano devil's clothes, the good peerless martial arts, and its own strength is superior to the top players. On the top, even if you can't resist the spiritual pressure and the power of the heavenly lord, you shouldn't be so convinced that you can give up.


It will only let the sect of the sect of the sect, and lose the last chance to be recognized by the latter.

The sect of the Qinzong in the vegetable dish also noticed that the wind chime stopped the piano, interrupted the movement of the piano sound, and the eyes flashed a little different, complicated and difficult to understand.

at this time……

The action of the wind chime to stop the piano was changed. A golden needle was taken out from the Qiankun bag with lightning, and the hands were one point. The ten fingers pinched nine golden needles.

Nine golden light rays pierce the Baihui big hole at the top of the head at a very fast speed!

Seeing this scene, the two sons of Happy and Qinzong also made a slight scream!

Happy to see the scene of the wind chimes on the important points of the human body, a heart directly jumped to the eyes of the blind, a sinking in the heart: this girl wants to desperately!

"Gold acupuncture points, secret techniques, nine turns of gold needle surgery?!"

Thousands of people have a lot of knowledge, and at first glance, the wind chimes are familiar and can't help but blurt out.

The voice has not fallen!

boom! ! !

The nine-turn gold needle technique is unfolding, and an invisible powerful momentum sweeps from the body of the wind chime in all directions! The hair is thrown high and the eyes are full of secret white hair, and a cold and mysterious atmosphere of ice bursts out of the latter!

Mythology? !

The inner strength of the wind chime was a moment of being tied under the nine-pin, and immediately raised a level, and entered the mythical realm of the people of the present rivers and lakes!

This discovery made the happiness unbearable and stunned.

The strength of the wind chimes has always been good, and the inability to play beyond the top masters, the ability to block two or three top players.

The internal power repair is a mention, the sound of the piano, each attack has the strength of mythology, the general innocent players who can resist? Even if you are a master of mythology, you have to detour!

Hey! ! ! !

The wind chimes are all red and dancing!

The hands were skillfully re-placed on the strings, and under the arbitrarily fiddling, a strong voice that shook the hearts of the people directly broke the shackles formed by the force of the celestial masters. The flowers, flowers, trees and stones of the whole valley were trembled.

The valley is shaking...

The momentum is amazing! !

The wind chimes didn't stop, and the sound of a sigh of relief was splashed out.

As if to confirm the happy guess, the notes jumped out, fell into the air, quickly condensed into a smooth blade!

Whether it is speed or momentum, it is many times stronger than the condensed sound blade!

After dozens of hundreds of sounds, the sky over the valley became murderous, and an unusually dangerous atmosphere centered on the wind chimes, sweeping the entire valley.

This moment...

Even happy, I couldn’t help but give birth to a threat. I felt a murderous murder and chill from the whistling sounds of the air.

Happy yet, let alone Xu Yao and Qian Du Renhu...

Thousand-faced foxes are clear about the terrible things of the nine-turn gold needle. One person forcibly promotes an inner realm. It is at the expense of part of vitality, forcing the power to rise in exchange for extremely terrible power.

"Master is careful!"

The thousand-faced fox has a pale face and anxiously warning: "Nine-turning gold needle surgery can improve one's cultivation by air, but if it is not well controlled, it is easy to lose reason and be controlled by violent power. Your friend may have been Instinct control, now the sound blade does not distinguish the enemy, continue to stay here, will be the shackles of the fish!"


Hearing words, happy frowning.

The thousand-faced fox is also a master of the late mythology. It can't be used as a master of heaven. Now he even hears the sound, and it can be seen how much the singer-sounding sound of the wind chime has been achieved;

Xu Yao also has a stunned color!

Although she does not know the true strength of the wind chimes, but from the wind chime clothes without wind, binocular whitening, and hundreds of horror swords, I also know that the wind chimes are now on the verge of out of control.

Turn your face and meet your happy and caring eyes.

The latter said:

"A thousand years, you escorted Xu Yao back, avoiding the valley..."

"Yes! Master!"

Thousand-faced foxes are happy to listen to and be meticulous.

Xu Yao did not resist.

She knows that one of the valleys is now a master of heaven, and one is a mythical soul that is out of control. Even happy, I am afraid that some of them are threatened. It is too difficult to take care of her as a person who is free from the situation.


Xu Yao is still very curious about the old man who is a mythical creature around him. The latter seems to be npc, but it is very strange to follow the role of being a slave servant. He is not happy to tell her the identity of the other person. Very mysterious.

According to the words, following the mysterious old servant back a hundred meters, Xu Yao immediately heard the sound of the continuous sound explosion and the violent impact of the gas.

Boom! ! !

Intense fighting sounds come and go.

The sound is getting fierce and fast!

The blast of the face from the valley seemed to be cut in her ear, extremely sharp, and the powerful airflow of the turbulent air blew over and hunted.

Xu Yao's eyes wide open, and it is necessary to start all the realms and open the guards. This will be able to stand up in the violent airflow...

In the end, the thousand-faced fox actively guarded the front to block part of the airflow, and Xu Yao felt a little better.

Standing behind the thousand-faced fox, Xu Yao looked into the valley and became very frightened!

It’s hard to be so far away from the valley. She can’t imagine how terrible the area where the heavenly masters confronted. I can’t help but feel worried and worried.


The thousand-faced fox escorted Xu Yao to leave. The departure of the two seemed to stimulate the wind chimes. The hundreds of sounds arranged in the sky turned into a mammoth knife river, and they abandoned the target of the trip. The lord, in the direction of the evacuation of the thousand-faced fox and wind chimes.


Happy was shocked by this unexpected accident!

The sound of the celestial piano, the range of sound waves killing is very wide, even farther than the average bow...

Happy once saw the wind chimes easily kill the enemy's first level of 150 meters away, naturally clear the mythical wind chimes attack range is wider.

Now, when the wind chimes are out of control, they greet each other and laugh and cry.

Originally, it was to test the master of the sect and show the strength to the sect of the sect...

This thing is done!

Fortunately, the strength of itself is good, and in the face of the strength of the wind chimes, there is also a discussion of the war, immediately rushed, a palm, Tianjing Shenbing fell into the palm.

The wind is full of sky!

In the face of the mythical and out of control wind chimes, happy is not sloppy, the shot is the most terrible killer.

The attack of nearly 100,000 points is multiplied by seven, just like seven powerful heavenly masters at the same time!

This is the case, in the face of a strong combination of more than 100 sound blades in one breath, I still have to fly back and avoid the edge...

Because the explosive power of the wind is very limited, but the sound of the wind chimes is endless!


Although the seven swordsmen’s swordsmanship smashed the horrible knife river composed of hundreds of sound blades, the wind chimes reflexively plucked the strings, and a series of sound blades slammed into the tide, completely annihilating the happy sword.

People are in the air, happy to go back crazy...

The wind chimes clasped the strings with both hands, and the endless sound blades continually screamed and screamed, and they were happy!

Happy is getting harder and harder.

I was able to cope with one or two when I stepped back and swiftly offset.

However, with the increasing number of air sound blades, and gradually entangled around, happy and sadly found that there is less and less space to evade.

Happy gradually feel the pressure multiplier!

I can't directly attack the wind chimes on my own body. I can only use the negative method to deal with the wind chimes. For a long time, how can I eat it?

The real gas field was forced to open!

Fortunately, the Devil of the Heaven and Earth Alliance has a stunning defense, and it has the effect of removing 30% damage and dark damage, and the happiness itself is baptized by Yi Jin Jing and Washing the Mind. The master is still strong, and it is itched by a few knives. Otherwise, he will die several times in the hands of the wind chimes.

"This is a dead girl! I still don't wake up!!"

Happy in my heart.

It lasted for a few minutes and I was happy to find that the wind chimes were in the wrong state...

As time went by, the action of the wind chime and the piano gradually slowed down, the mouth and nose were bleeding, the face was pale, and the body was crumbling.


I noticed that the wind chimes were not right. I was happy to understand them immediately. It must be that the amount of violent violence on the body was too heavy and the body could not bear it.

"Dead old man! Are you going to keep watching this way?"

Happy and glaring at the leisurely white-haired old man in the dish...