MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1229 Yulin Army Plan (fourth, ticket)

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Chapter 1229 Royal Forest Army Plan (fourth, for ticket)

Chapter 1229

Fifteen hundred!

Top master! !

Happy was surprised by the number reported by Ji Feng.

To know.

At the beginning, the top masters of all the top gangs in the capital were only seven or eight hundred people. I was very happy with this idea. The rewards of using the sects of the sects can attract two or three hundred top players, and then slowly come. The development of the martial art can also be cultivated in a short period of time;

But what he didn't think of was that the plan went very smoothly!

One big ratio, excavated more than a thousand top masters for Jinxiu Heshan, and also included more than one hundred master blacksmiths reported by Ji Feng yesterday.

I got the confirmation of Ji Feng, and I couldn’t help but take a deep breath!

In the strange eyes of Ji Feng, happy and slowly swayed in the body, the eyes flashed a trace of fine mans...

Next is silence.

In fact, from the moment of repelling the wolf organization, in addition to planning to use the peerless martial arts cheats and the magic weapon and status to attract the Central Plains master, but also ordered another group of people, responsible for another plan.

after all!

Complete recruitment is untenable...

The most hopeful thing for happiness is that Jinxiu Heshan can have a group of top players who are completely owned by themselves, and a group of top players who have been created by Jinxiu Heshan.

Therefore, while establishing a fair and equitable environment for cultivating top players, I am happy to let the secret of the phoenix dance costumes play the role of Nanhua University, and give her more generous resources to make up for the brothers and sisters of Nanhua University and help them. powerful.

Under the maintenance of both Ji Feng and Feng Dance, the operation of the big platform and the small platform is very smooth, and I believe that I will be able to produce results soon.



Returning to reality from the state of ecstasy, I was happy to see Ji Feng’s eyes with a strange and worrying color.

"Lord, are you okay?"

Nodded, happy to say:

"Well, 1,500 top players, this number is completely beyond my expectations. Now it seems that just wait for the end of this big ratio, the plan that was made before can be started in advance!"

After becoming the deputy head of Jinxiu Heshan, Ji Feng has reverted to the exquisite role of the year, and the words quickly reacted:

"The main idea of ​​the door is to start the plan of the 'Wu Linjun' in advance!"

"...not bad."

Happy and nodded, said: "This time, an emperor did a very good job in the Western Region, but just after the emperor came the news, there was a big event..."

"I have heard about the things in the Western Region." Ji Feng said with a low voice, sighing: "Yi Pintang has been disabled by us. The wild wolves in the Western Regions have also been eliminated. One emperor has contributed. However, none of us thought that the evil emperor would move such a big deal this time, and almost half of the people were summoned to the Western Region..." After a pause, he continued:

"We are beautiful in the beginning of the Jinxiu River. Soon after, although the strength is strong, countless people envy, but to compete with the top organization of the wolf, in the Central Plains, and out of the Central Plains, it is beyond the reach of..."

"But now there are thousands of top 500 masters, not necessarily beyond the reach!" Happy interrupted Ji Feng's words, the tone is firm: "The evil emperor wants to use this opportunity to reorganize the order of the Western countries, and it is also a time for us. opportunity!"


Ji Feng was shocked!

I know that I am happy and have a decision.

"The two armies are against each other. Outside the Central Plains, it is more than consumption. I am afraid, we are afraid that we are not yet an opponent. Moreover, the top players in the wolf organization are not in a minority. If we are out of the nest, the Central Plains is inland and empty, and the dream cloud is over there. ......"

Ji Feng’s worry is not without reason.

But happy but it seems to be well-informed!

"Who said that I am going to make a positive confrontation with the wolf?" Happy and confident smile: "The sect here you help me manage, killing things, you don't have to worry about it... after the big ratio, put this one thousand five Give me a list of 100 people, and ask if these people are willing to be included in the Yulin Army and play in the Western Region."


Ji Feng simply ordered.

Although the order given by happy is just an inquiry, but this sentence disguised, the end of the big one, the willing person will be directly incorporated into the Yulin army, ready to go to the Western Region, perhaps the second day after the big ratio...

Happy and confessed two sentences, only the 100,000 seats were added to the majority, and Bai Xiaosheng also arrived on time.

The two quickly got up!


"The doorkeeper!"

Bai Xiaosheng was dressed in a Confucian costume, and he smiled and smiled. He looked very good.

Others may think that the relationship between the two is very normal, but everyone familiar with Bai Xiaosheng knows that the latter has always been very dull, even if it is a laugh, it is very subtle, not as enthusiastic as it is now.

Only happy to know, it must be that the wind chimes told the news to Bai Xiaosheng...

With the guidance of the master of the piano, this great opportunity has been fixed, how can Bai Xiaosheng be unhappy?


I believe that Bai Xiaosheng now knows that the happy hand has the head of the Qinzong lord, and he has obtained the cloak of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect.

Whether it is because of the wind chimes, or because of the status of the rivers and lakes that happiness already has, or other, Bai Xiaosheng's enthusiasm is understandable.

“The master is in person, and it’s beautiful!”

"Oh, the door is polite, I am now hoisting a post of the director of the splendid rivers and mountains, and I have to join in the fun, no need to be so polite."

"Haha... happy to say wrong... here is a seat!"

Happy to lead Bai Xiaosheng to the side!

When Bai Xiaosheng approached him, he lowered his voice:

"The phantom of the typhoon building, the lord of the Chivalry League, and Lin Biao, also came."


I was happy to see Ji Feng, "The two guests personally came to visit, too, to the face of Jinxiu Heshan, and the deputy head of Ji, invited two guests to sit in the seats."

"Yes, the doorkeeper!"

The latter suddenly agreed to take out the pigeons...

In a short while, the phantom and Lin Biao are both!

The four were another words of congratulations and greetings.

"The happy door master is really extraordinary every time, the shot is amazing, Lin is not enough to shoot, this time, follow the touch, learn!"

"Lin Meng is a polite person!"

"It's not a polite word, you look at the popularity of this arena... Don't say the Central Plains, even the whole world, in addition to Jinxiu Heshan, who else can organize such a grand dance forest meeting?" The phantom voice is crisp, and Lin Biao They are sitting next to each other, happy and Bai Xiaosheng.

"It’s the result of everyone’s appreciation."

Happy speech is as decent and humble as ever.

"Right, happy door owner, I heard that the emperor had a situation in the Western Region this time. The wolf organization seems to have laid a hand and is ready to recapture the lost land in the Western Region. After this big comparison, are we going to do it? What?"

"Not bad!"

Lin Biaozheng rejoined: "One emperor showed the elegance and majesty of our Central Plains martial arts in the Western countries. The accident occurred in the Central Plains. We are very happy. If you are interested in entering the Western countries, you must call Lin. ... I have long wanted to fight again with the people of the wolf organization!" Some words are soaring and arrogant.

"Things don't seem as simple as they seem to be."

The phantom did not immediately express his position. Instead, he expressed his dissatisfaction and expressed different views: "This wolf organization has mobilized a large number of top experts to gather in the Western Regions. At the same time, they attacked an emperor and the Splendid River in the Western Region. The surface seems to be thinking. Declaring control and power over the Western countries, but I always feel that if it is just to win the Western Region, there is absolutely no need for the evil emperor to do so."

After a pause, the phantom throws a conspiracy theory:

"And according to the information of Master Bai Xiaosheng, the evil emperor is also on the way to the Western Regions. The wolf can't wait to start with an emperor. There must be a big plan that is unknown, or for us... or for them. Own..."


This news is the first time that Lin Biao heard that the words were slightly discolored: "The wild wolf hoards the Western Regions. Is it because you want to make a comeback, and then start with our Central Plains?!"

More than a thousand top players, the threat to the Central Plains is self-evident.

Both eyes are staring at the happy face...

Today, happiness is already a veritable patron saint of the Central Plains. The wolf is making a comeback. Happy as the biggest gang in the Central Plains, it is duty-bound.

"Everyone, this thing, I think we can sit down and talk slowly after the end of the big game. Now Dabi has already started..."

Ji Feng obviously feels that this time is not suitable for talking about such a serious topic, and the timely interjection comes in and draws the attention of the three people.


"Sorry, we are in a hurry."

Lin Biao and the phantom are all exposed.

When the words turn, the phantom twists the topic:

"Right, I heard that this time the Jinxiu River and the mountain, the former door of the Chivalry Gate Mo Mo also participated, and the voice is very high, right? Happy door?"

The phantom looks excited and curious expression;

Lin Biao was hearing the reputation of Mo Feng, but his face was stinky, don't go to one side.

Happy naturally, I noticed the unnaturalness of Lin Biao’s expression. I nodded faintly. “In addition to Mo Feng, the strength of the 99 disciples who participated in Dabi’s time is very good. Immediately, the landlord can see it. By then, It is up to us to decide the final winner!"


In fact, when the phantom shadows the name of Mo Feng, he noticed that Lin Biao’s face was different. He knew that he was wrong, and quickly circumvented Mo Feng’s message in a happy tone:

"Actually, I am more curious about the other two masters of Jinxiu Heshan..."

"Oh?" Happy to show the color of curiosity: "To tell the truth, I have paid too little attention to the details of Dabi in the recent period. Maybe there is no more phantom masters to understand... but it is not easy to make the phantom landlord curious. I don't know which two."

Talk to the side, Ji Feng.

The latter opens at the right time:

"The studio owner said that it was probably a few outstanding performances in the pre-match performances. But, whirlwind Xiao Li, with the big snake pill?"

"Yes, that's them." Several people did not notice that when the names of the two men came out from Ji Fengkou, there was a clear surprise in the happy face.