MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 19 debt

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Gao Wen didn't know the bold and ill-conceived thoughts in Rebecca's mind, but he also knew that the Viscount of the Count of Andrews was not free of compensation for the people of Cecil. The lord swears to defend the people, and the whole people look up and help each other. The era of selfless dedication for the reconstruction of civilization has long since passed. After seven hundred years, the Ansu Kingdom has not yet recovered to the glory of the Gangsui era, but the skills of the nobility in selfishness are self-taught. Pointing to the full level, there is no doubt that Rebecca has been burdened with a debt from the day when Cecil’s refugees entered the town of Tanzan.

But carrying this debt is always stronger than if everyone is dead.

"The Cecil family will thank you for your help," Gao Wen broke the silence. "But the more important thing is the disaster itself."

From the very beginning, Viscount Andrew noticed Gao Wen, who was sitting between Rebecca and Herti, and he was very curious about this man wearing ancient aristocratic costumes, with a big sword beside him and a serious face. There is no such person in the aristocratic circle that is known - but from the respectful attitude of Herti and Rebecca facing this man, this man is by no means an ordinary person.

So after Gao Wen’s opening, he asked him: “I’m taking risks, I’m curious just now—yes?”

"The ancestor of the Cecil family, the pioneer of the pioneers, one of the seven generals of Ansu, the Grand Duke of the South, Gao Wen Cecil," Heti had already waited for this question, and immediately stood up. A serious face said, "You should listen to this name from a young age - he is the dawn of dawn."

Gao Wen's face is trying to make a serious look that is not angry and self-defeating. He is slightly decapitated with Hert's forcible blow, but when he hears the last sentence, he still can't help but whisper. Next to Rebecca asked: "What the last name is?"

Rebecca quickly explained: "After you die, you will be the nickname for you."

Gao Wen was shocked: "...that old middle school can't think of a good name?!"

On the other side of the Count of Andrew, the meticulous orthodox aristocrat was the first reaction after hearing Hetti’s words.

This lady was frightened by the monster because of her family's difficulties. As a result, the mental pressure is too big and finally gone crazy?

Just as Gao Wen thought at the beginning: unless you see it with your own eyes, it is impossible for others to believe that the ancestors of the Cecil family would climb out of the coffin, even if they are knowledgeable aristocrats and knowledge. The vast Masters will not believe in this kind of Arabian Nights—but the civilians who don’t know one big word but are full of superstitious thoughts may believe it.

After hearing Hedi’s words, Andrew didn’t have the first time to ask the attendant to feed the lady to take the medicine.

"Ms., please let me... amount... let me think about it," Andrew tried to adjust his expression. He seemed to be looking for a statement that would reflect his emotions and not be too rude, but in the end he couldn’t help but tell the truth. "I know you have an unimaginable nightmare, but you use such a whimsical story... Is it a bit too much?"

Herti's expression is unchanged: "I know that you will be this reaction. In fact, even we can't believe that this is true. However, the ancestors of the Cecil family have indeed woken up from the long sleep, we saw him with my own eyes. Sitting up from the shackles, the sword of the Blazers is still in the hand, and we have also verified that he is a real resurrection, not a trick like the undead..."

Andrew showed a dumb expression: "If you have any request for me, please say it directly, this..."

Gao Wen waved his hand and let Herti sit down. He put the pioneer's sword on the table and turned to look at the Viscount Andrew: "The Viscount, what do you think of Hertha's lie? What is a viscount with a demon and an element? The tides are ruined, and there is also a dragon appearing over our territory. This level of events can directly alarm the king of the king of Wangdu. In this case of death, we will arrange a person to wear an ancient costume. Take the inferior ancient sword and come to your castle to tell you a story about the Arabian Nights, just to find a happy one?"

As he said, he injected the magic of the body into the sword of the Blazers, and with the injection of magic, the old sword appeared again with a dark red pattern, this time its texture is clearer, and In the vicinity of the hilt, a pattern of heraldic crosses between the sharp edge and the iron plow is formed - that is the emblem set by the Cecil family on the day of the founding of Ansu, representing the family emblem of the years of development.

The knights are also magical, except that they use magic in a way that is completely different from the wizard.

Although the Blazers' sword has lost most of its past power, the most basic recognition feature is still there. Andrew was a bit dazed at the moment he saw the sword. He had never seen the real Blazers' sword, but The replica of this sword was enshrined in the royal temple of the kingdom. He had the privilege of seeing the replica several years ago, and naturally he would not admit his mistake.

If the sword on the table is not a counterfeit made by Cecil, it can only be the real thing - the one that was sealed in the Cecil family cemetery, even if their family declined, no one dared to make an idea. Authentic.

This dying family will go to the tomb of the ancestors, and use the sacred sword to dig out a big lie?

Andrew hesitated, if the incident is really a farce, then the cost of this farce is inevitably high, but if it is not a farce...

When the old ancestors died and died, they suddenly ran out of the grave. No one dared to believe it! !

"You can find the elf craftsman to identify the authenticity of this sword. This sword was created by their people. They know how to check the emperor's seal. You can also take the portrait of the founding princes and compare it with me. For a moment, although I have been sleeping for seven hundred years, my own appearance is fortunate that I haven’t changed much.” Gao Wen looked at Andrew’s face, and smiled slightly. “If you can, you can look for it. Have you ever participated in the second development, and now the elf mercenaries who have retired in the mountains, maybe there are people who know me."

"No, no," Count Viscount Andrew waved his hand. He frowned and felt that what was happening in front of him was not something he was good at. "Since it is a legendary hero like you... sleep for seven hundred years and then resurrect this. It is also possible to do things."

Although it is said, the discerning eye can see at a glance that the Viscount is still not very convinced of Gao Wen’s identity. He just found a temporary suspension of the discussion in a dubious situation.

He already wants to understand - what is the relationship between the ancestors of the Cecil family and the coffin? Why do you have to entangle the truth of this matter? Since the people of Cecil say that this is true, then it is really good.

Anyway, it is just an ancient man who has been dead for seven hundred years.

After thinking about these things, the Viscount Andrew seemed to realize the details mentioned by Gao Wen just now: "Wait a minute, you said... a dragon appeared nearby?!"

"Yes, Blue Dragon, I don't know where to fly from, but I went to the northwest direction..." Gao Wen nodded, and then he told the other party what happened in Cecil. "...things That's it."

"Distorted... the monsters of the magic tide... and the dragon... my God..." The count of the Viscount Andrew's brow seemed to be locked into a ball, and a blush on the pale face faded. "Where is this world? what happened……"

"How the world is what scholars and the Kings have to consider, what we have to do is to pass what happened here to St. Sunil, as soon as possible," Herty interrupted Andrew's words. "Things are already serious." ”

"I have sent a messenger to report the news of Cecil's attack," said the Viscount Andrew. "The messenger is riding on a fast horse. It should be halfway through this time."

It seems that the Viscount Andrew is still very capable of doing something. He not only accepted the refugees near the territory, but also sent a messenger to report to the king at the first time. This should have been regarded as excellent in the border nobles of this era. Ti had to ask for further requirements: "The Viscount Andrew, this is not enough - things have become so serious that Rebecca has to meet him in person. And Cecil is awakened from the long sleep, he also wants to go to the king. All are good. We are very grateful for your help to the Cecil family, but we still need more help."

When Andrew heard Hetti's words, he dropped his eyelids and seemed to be thinking. Then he stood up and walked up and down the long table.

"What do you need? Fast horse? Supply? Guard?"

“All need,” Rebecca said with courage. “And we still need to ask you to take care of the people of Cecil for a while – until we return from the king and have new territories to accommodate those people. ......"

"This is the key," Count Viscount raised his hand and interrupted Rebecca. "In fact, I am going to talk about this: I am already trying my best to help my neighbor, and I am very happy." Be a generous person, but I am just a viscount, how many things can I come up with to feed those refugees?"

Gao Wenduan had some cold black tea in front of her eyes and took a sip. He said that the prince of the prince finally talked about "business".

Rebecca said with some urgency: "The Philip Knight has a batch of gold and silver when he breaks out. Those gold and silver should be enough..."

"Of course, I know those gold and silver," Count Viscount interrupted Rebecca again. "Please rest assured, I am not a person at risk, but it costs money for both medicine and food. Should I just say that?" When the brave knight arrived in Tanzan town, he was already scarred. The soldiers and civilians he brought were almost wounded. In order to treat them, I used the best medicine in the territory and invited the best priest. These are very expensive, and those gold and silver are just enough."

Rebecca widened his eyes.

"Of course, I still want to emphasize that I am not going to take the risk," continued Viscount Andrew. "So I will continue to accommodate those refugees and will help you as much as possible. I just want to make sure - I am doing it. After this, does the Cecil family still have the ability to pay this debt?"