MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 5 a night of stalemate

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The learning machine does not control Wei Shuxun's body to write homework. After all, if it is controlled by it, it is not a task that Wei Shuxun completes by himself, and it will not help Wei Shuxun's study. But Wei Shuxun also resolutely refused to write. In junior high school, Wei's father would whip him with a belt, but he refused to write. What's more, now, a mere learning machine wants him to write?

The silent stalemate continued, and it seemed that she had been sitting for a long time. Wei Shuxun felt a little cold. Looking at the alarm clock on the table, it was half an hour. But it's boring to sit like this, and the feeling of drinking comes up, and I start to feel sleepy. It's better to sleep. Wei Shuxun wanted to stand up, but found that he still couldn't move.

"Hello." Wei Shuxun said to the learning machine dissatisfied: "I'm going to sleep."

"Please do the learning task." The learning machine said coldly.

"Shit!" Wei Shuxun was very angry: "I just don't write it, I want to write it, you can write it yourself!"

The learning machine didn't answer, Wei Shuxun still couldn't move. I can only curse at the learning machine in my consciousness: "Make it clear, the task was released by you, I didn't agree."

"Since you can control my body, you control my writing. To be honest, I can't do any of these homework."

"Since you're not moving, let me rest first. I want to sleep."

It took more than two hours from the initial scolding to the softening of the tone. Although it is in the south, the temperature is not below zero. But the temperature in the middle of the night is only about 1 or 2 degrees. Wei Shuxun sat dry on the chair, his whole body shivering from the cold. But the body is controlled, and I can't even turn on the air conditioner.

"Hey, how about tomorrow? Let me rest first, and I'll write tomorrow."

It was too cold, Wei Shuxun reluctantly apologized. The learning machine still didn't answer, apparently asking Wei Shuxun to write now.

Wei Shuxun was extremely angry, not to mention the question of whether he could write or not, he drank a lot of wine tonight, and he was already dizzy, and he sat a few times in front of the desk When I was young, my hands and feet were already frozen, but now I only feel that my whole body is shaky. Not to mention holding a pen, he didn't fall asleep directly on the floor or because the learning machine controlled his body, how could he write in this situation!

"I think it's amazing to be able to control me!" Wei Shuxun also has a temper. He feels that he has shown weakness to this learning machine and still doesn't let him go. He gritted his teeth and said angrily: " Well, I won't write anyway, and you will always control me if you have the ability. If you have the ability, you will freeze me to death here. If I die, I don't believe that your learning ability can escape, and you are also dependent on me to survive!"

For a while, I even had the urge to be controlled and die together!

Fortunately, it was just an impulse. But Wei Shuxun has decided that he would rather freeze for a night than bow his head to the learning machine.

Time seemed particularly slow in this stalemate, Wei Shuxun felt that a long time had passed, until his hands and feet were cold, his whole body was shaking uncontrollably, he looked at the alarm clock on the table, 2:40, far from dawn.


It's easier to feel cold just sitting in a daze, Wei Shuxun glanced at the exercises on the table. Of course he didn't intend to admit defeat, he just wanted to relieve his boredom.

But this look made my head even more dizzy.

1. A group of the following words that have the same pronunciation of the dotted words is…

2. Of the following, the group with no typos is…

3. In the following words, the word form and the pronunciation of the highlighted word are all correct…

4. In the following sentences, the incorrect use of the underlined word is…

He knows all these Chinese characters, why can't he understand them together? !

To say Wei Shuxun's academic performance, mathematics is a little better, he can barely understand, and there is no way to do it in Chinese. He usually fills out the exam randomly, and then gets a cheat sheet, and if he is lucky, he can get 30 to 50 points. Anyway, the family can no longer control him, and the teacher has already abandoned such a bad student as him. Wei Shuxun has not read the book for a long time, so that when he sees it, his mind that is not sober is even more dizzy.

"Hey, forget it." Wei Shuxun said to the learning machine: "I'm not a reader, even if I want to write, I can't understand these test questions at all, your task has no meaning at all. No."

"Please perform the task." The learning machine said coldly.


"Shu Xun, are you back?" Dad Wei's voice came from behind the door, probably because Dad Wei went to the toilet at night and saw the light from the door of Wei Shuxun's room, so he came to knock Door.

"Well, Dad, I'm here." Wei Shuxun replied.

"It's three o'clock in the middle of the night, and I still can't sleep." Dad Wei habitually taught a lesson. At the end, he sighed slightly: "Don't play games too late."

"I didn't play." Wei Shuxun said very wrongly, but unfortunately he can only move his mouth and can't prove it to Dad Wei.

"Whatever you want." Dad Wei knows his son very well. If he doesn't play games, he must be messing around on the Internet. house.

The room fell silent again. Wei Shuxun held on to the idea that even if it was frozen overnight, I would never admit defeat. But the learning machine was more determined than him, completely ignoring Wei Shuxun's frozen pale face, and just sitting Wei Shuxun firmly in front of the desk.

The two sides were deadlocked until more than 6 in the morning. Not to mention the numbness and pain in the limbs, Wei Shuxun clearly felt that his head was getting more and more dizzy and his cheeks were hot. He estimated that he had a fever. But he couldn't even touch his forehead.

Wei Shuxun made an estimate, and based on the performance of the learning machine tonight, he will definitely not send him to bed just because he fainted. Parents never call him before 12 o'clock. In such winter, if he faints on the floor for a few hours, he might really hang up!

Wei Shuxun still cherishes his own life, at least he can't die because of "winter vacation homework".

"Okay, I admit defeat, I write!" It was so cold that his teeth chattered when he spoke. As soon as Wei Shuxun finished speaking, he found that he could move. He rubbed his numb arm, raised his hand to touch his forehead, it was very hot, and he really had a fever.

"Please do the task," said the learning machine.

"It's noisy." Wei Shuxun picked up the pen in annoyance and filled in the Chinese test paper. Make a sentence, fill in the blanks, skip the classical Chinese translation first, and only answer the multiple-choice questions. After answering all the multiple-choice questions, Wei Shuxun heard the ding sound, started the learning machine, and found that the task progress column showed 0.02%.

"Hey, I'm dizzy right now and need a rest." Wei Shuxun said that he couldn't finish all the winter vacation homework in one day. And now he has a fever, and his mind is even less clear.

“You can move freely after completing 1% of the task progress.” The learning machine said.

Without a word, Wei Shuxun turned out the next question and filled in the multiple choice questions. With a ding sound, the task progress is 0.05%. This Chinese test paper has more multiple-choice questions, and the progress is a little bit more.

Wei Shuxun squinted and finished the multiple-choice questions of Chinese, mathematics, physics, and chemistry, and the task progress stopped at 1.5%. Wei Shuxun threw down his pen, took out the antipyretic medicine from the drawer and ate it. He didn't even have the energy to change his pajamas, so he buried his head in the quilt.

Although he didn't admit it, but after being frozen for a whole night, Wei Shuxun actually knew in his heart that he was more ruthless than a learning machine. Xueji is not his parents, they will give in to him distressedly. If he really freezes to death, Xueji probably won't hurt. So he still completed the task honestly.