MTL - Thank You For the Invitation, I Am In the Box Garden, I Have Just Become a God-Chapter 1249

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"His Royal Highness, this kind of troublesome heroic spirit, you should take it back to the room and let it out. It's best to keep her mouth shut."

However, Su Jin, who heard this, grabbed Merlin's neck and lifted her aside:

"You are the one who needs to be trained, right?"

Hearing this, Merlin stuck out his tongue, and suddenly he didn't dare to make a sound.

At this time, Su Jin walked to the sofa in front of Morgan and settled down, patted his leg, and when Kama was accustomed to sitting on his lap, he asked Morgan:

"Where are Uesugi and Gen Raiko?"

"The two of them went to step on the spot in advance, and by the way, they took care of some of the dead apostles who followed, and determined the location of the enemy. Oh, it is estimated that they will also determine the location of the dinner later."

After saying this, Morgan fiddled with his fingers and asked indifferently:

"Listen to Merlin, my sister was also summoned?"

"Altolia?" Su Jin gave Morgan a strange look, and thought to himself: No wonder she would sit here and wait for me.

Then Su Jin said, "She was indeed summoned, and she was summoned by the strongest master."

What Su Jin said was the truth.

Although from the perspective of root connection, the existence of the two rituals, which is completely connected to the root of the body, is more special than Sajo Aika.

But compared to the root style of the Buddhist system, the cruel and ruthless root princess is obviously a stronger combat force.

And Artoria, who was summoned by her, was inherently stronger than other Heroic Spirits.

If you count the exaggerated possibility of Artorias themselves, it is not an exaggeration to say that their group is the strongest red group.

"The strongest Master?" Morgan's expression became a little complicated after hearing this: "Is it really impossible to escape this evil fate?"

Morgan naturally believed Su Jin's evaluation, and it was because of this that she had complicated feelings for the titular sister.

After all, according to the inherent historical destiny, she and Artoria are almost destined mortal enemies.

It's just that in the Lost Belt, the Morgan in front of him accepted the memory of the future Morgan, and through the advanced sunshine and his own means, became the king of fairies who ruled Britain for 2000 years.

This kind of experience made Morgan's feelings for Arturia more pure and closer to family than his historical self.

It's just that they are in opposing forces, and Morgan obviously won't be a soft-hearted person. He explained to Su Jin directly:

"If my sister is my opponent, then the Holy Spear of the Star, the Holy Sword of the Star, and Avalon's scabbard are things that I have to guard against."

"According to my estimation, among these weapons, guns and swords have the ability to destroy planets when the suppression force is desperate, while the scabbard is the opposite, with the equivalent of magic. Super defensive power."

"With all due respect, with our current combat power, it is almost impossible to defeat such a King Arthur unless you, the Master, take action yourself."

Seeing King Arthur blowing in front of him, Su Jin couldn't help but smile and said:

"It turns out that, Morgan, you care about your sister very much!"

"In that case..." Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said with a playful smile, "Morgan, you don't want your sister to be bullied, do you?"

Hearing this and seeing Su Jin's teasing smile again, Morgan looked at him blankly for a while, then sighed:

"If it is placed in my fairy kingdom, someone like the master will definitely be executed by me."

However, Su Jin replied to her: "If I were in your fairy kingdom, I am afraid that more than 90% of your subordinates will become my captives and will overthrow your rule for me."


Looking at Su Jin's face, Morgan really didn't have the courage to refute. This man really wants to let go. It's not a problem to become a **** of strife just because of the demonic nature of this face. If he really wants to let him go to his own country, she might be overthrown, so Morgan rationally skipped it. On this topic, ask:

"What are you going to do with my sister?"

"How to solve it?" When Su Jin heard this question, 500 thought about it for a while, and then smiled: "Sorry, your sister is too brainy, although I have some thoughts about her, but after thinking about it carefully, it's better to give up, It's too much trouble to get her after all."

"But, you don't look like you can't help it, do you?"

Hearing Morgan say this, Su Jin nodded and said:

"Yes, because your sister is too serious, I decided to attack her master!"


Morgan was stunned when she heard these words, but before she could ask, she heard Su Jin say:

"By the way, are you free tonight?"

"...What do you want to do?" Morgan hesitated, then asked.

At this time, Su Jin said in a joking tone: "Of course it's a sorority party! Well, with your sister's master."

"Bring Merlin along by the way!"

"In a sense, you can understand it as a modern version of the British Kingdom's aid communication!"

Hearing this, Morgan was silent for a long time, and then said:

"...Master, how much do you have to pay to get this kind of name for this party?"


1st floor of the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

Sajo Aige, who was walking towards the elevator, suddenly paused, and then said:

"Oh, that's great, I actually received an invitation letter to the party."

Hearing her say this, Arturia suddenly looked at Sajo Aige, and immediately found the other party, a white envelope in her hand.

Just looking at the line of words on the envelope, looking at the 'Invitation Letter to the Modern Aid Society of the Kingdom of Ancient Britain. ’

Seeing this scene, Artoria was suddenly silent.

How much did the person who wrote the letter have to type to get such a bad name? .

Chapter 1849 Who is the hunter?

Inside the suite.

Morgan crossed his chest with his hands, leaned his long legs in flesh-colored stockings, and looked at Su Jin expressionlessly.

Even if the other party is his master, even if the other party is a **** and Buddha from Hakoniwa, Morgan still smirked.

After all, the other party has written "I want to persecute you" on their faces, and it is absolutely impossible for Morgan to cater to the other party, accepting the persecution.

"So, what are you going to do with the messed up sorority club?"

"Find Artoria and her master, send an invitation, and then go to have a big meal. The process is no problem."

Listening to Su Jin's explanation, Morgan's face twitched, and then he said in a very subtle tone:

"Are you sure, this is attacking my sister's Master?"

My family knew about their own affairs, and the best way to have a relationship with Arturia was to 'slap and feed'. Although Morgan was not willing to do this kind of thing, he still knew it.

Therefore, she now expresses deep doubts about Su Jin's purpose.

The plank road of Mingxiu is dark and dark! Don't think that the fairy queen who has ruled Britain for 2000 years will not understand the proverbs of the East! The Holy Grail is good enough to give enough basic information!

"Otherwise?" Su Jin looked at Morgan with the look of a fool: "Apart from this kind of dinner, what other occasions do you think would allow you and your sister to sit down and talk quietly?"

"Uh..." Morgan couldn't refute when he heard this sentence.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is indeed only in such an occasion that she and Artoria can be under the same roof, and there will be no disputes.

It is true that Morgan likes Arturia as his younger sister, but he is deeply troubled by the 'King Arthur' who competes with her for the dominion of Britain.

Therefore, there are not many occasions where they can get along peacefully.

"I understand what you mean, but with all due respect, if you want me to send you that embarrassing banquet invitation letter, I will never do it, even if you use a Command Spell."

Hearing this sentence, Su Jin said in surprise: "I forced you to need a Command Spell"? "

Morgan's face twitched, and he said in a somewhat wrong tone: "Sometimes, it's not a good thing to be too confident, Master."

'I can still kill myself if I beat you. ’

Su Jin, who read the meaning of Morgan's eyes, did not have the idea of ​​trying it, but said directly:

"Don't worry, I don't have the habit of forcing women."

Having said this, Su Jin paused, then walked to the door of the room, and suddenly opened the door.


Sajo Aige, who happened to pass by the door of the room, looked at Arturia and Su Jin.

Compared to Arturia, who immediately became alert with a flicker of her eyes, Sajo Aika clapped her hands and said with a smile:

"Oh, it turned out to be Mr. Su Jin. Didn't expect us to meet again so soon?"

Hearing this, Su Jin didn't answer, but moved his gaze to the letter on Shajo Ai Singer, looking at the letter name of the 'Invitation Letter to the Modern Version of the Kingdom of Ancient Britain', the corner of his mouth twitched.

Then, he stretched out his hand, and when Arturia didn't respond, he tapped Sajo Aige's head with a thud:

"Although I'm not very disgusted by being peeped by a cute girl, but this kind of thing is about 'dark history', please don't fake it next time."

With that said, Su Jin quickly tore the letter into shreds, and then patted it lightly, directly destroying its corpse with the power of destruction.

"The invitation letter I finally got..."

Listening to Sha Tiao Aige's pitiful voice, let alone Su Jin, even Arturia on the side twitched.

Do you mean "the letter that appears with the slap of both hands" is it difficult?

Then it's not easy for you!

Also, with this eagerness to destroy the letter, shouldn't this tattered letter name be taken by you?

Arturia's eyes suddenly changed when she looked at Su Jin, but before she could look at it for a while, a strange feeling made her turn her gaze to the room behind Su Jin.

When she saw Morgan, whose face was almost identical to hers, but had pale silver hair, Artoria's heart sank.

In the room, seeing his sister suddenly appear from the 'grass', Morgan subconsciously put down his raised legs, his face tensed.

Compared with Morgan and Arturia, whose eyes were facing each other, the atmosphere between Su Jin and Sajo Aige was obviously much more active.

"Can you stop using the source's channel to spy on others next time? Miss Sajo Aika."

"Ah? Mr. Su Jin, what channel are you talking about?" Shajo Aige said with her shining eyes, tilted her head in confusion.

Su Jin ignored Sha Tiao Aige's acting foolishness, and said in a questioning tone: "...Do you want to take a second look when I take a shower?"

Shajo Aige said with a look of surprise: "Hey! I can watch it! Then, thank you for the hospitality?"

She even gave Su Jin a salute in advance with her skirt, as if to thank Su Jin for the hospitality.

Is this guy... a slut? Su Jin suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Now are you sure it's him Su Jin's strategy for Sha Tiao love song? Instead of Shajo Aige harassing him Su Jin? ".ˇ"

At this moment, seeing the Shatiao Love Song who didn't seem to have any scheming in front of him, but behaved like a scheming Sha Tiao Love Song, Su Jin took a deep breath and said, "Do you have an appointment?"

Sha Tiao Aige was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't understand Su Jin's words, but soon, her shining eyes emptied, and then returned to normal in an instant, and then showed a shocked expression:

"That's what it means!"

Sajo Aige showed an expression of sudden realization, and the next second, she snapped her fingers, and there was an extra room card in her hand.

Then Sha Tiao Aige pressed the room card on Su Jin's hand without hesitation, and said:

"This is the key card for the room tonight."

Speaking of which, Sajo Aika turned her head and said to Arturia, who was staring at her sister.

"Al, after 11 p.m. tonight, you can go to the city to play, remember to come back in the early morning~"

"Ah? But (Lee's), Love Song..." Artoria, who heard the Master's order, showed an embarrassed expression: "I can't let you be here alone at night..."

"Al~~ You're so rigid." Sandjo Aige said angrily, puffing out her cheeks, "It's only for one night, can't you just leave?"

"Sorry!" Even if she was said to be rigid, it was impossible for Artoria to let the dangerous elements of Sajo Aige be together.

You know, the room they stayed in was right next to Su Jin's room! !

Having said that, Aige knew about it early on and arranged this kind of room, right?

Arturia's expression was abnormally distorted at this moment.

At this moment, a female voice sounded: