MTL - The Anarchic Consort-Chapter 14 Ghost Hall

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The original is very excited: "Woman, this method you think can be really embarrassing, but the deity likes, hahahaha!"

"I like it." Helen Weiwei took a faint look back and turned and walked slowly toward his home.

The original meditation touched the chin: "If you let them know that you have not only been driven out, but they have won 100,000 silver. Do you know what expressions of the two stupid humans will reveal?"

"Yeah, who knows..." Helen Weiwei’s tongue licked his thin lips and couldn’t tell the demon and bloodthirsty.

The original meditation smiled on the side, hehe, he is looking forward to... really looking forward to...

"Helian adults, this is the big lady in your family?" He is talking about a man wearing a big man sitting next to Helian Guangyao. The man is not someone else. It is the Nangong Lie who just left the customs. He Gently turning the white jade tea on the hand, the scorpion flashed a touch of play.

However, the anxious Helian Guangyao did not find this. He thought that Nangong Lie was here to ask for sin. The attitude was extraordinarily respectful: "Let the high priest smile, my little female is very hot, does not understand the rules, and even annoys the three halls. According to the old man's meaning, it is time to push her into the dungeon and discipline the discipline!"

It is said that the Nangong dynasty is a long and sleek Danfeng, and it has a faint sarcasm. Everyone says that Helian Guangyao is a man of frankness and is a rare talent.

He has never seen a good talent to push his biological daughter into the fire pit for self-protection.

It seems that the rumors are really unreliable.

Nangong Lie’s sleeves, the tea stalks in the handles were put down, saying: "Helian adults seem to be multi-hearted, and His Royal Highness does not blame Miss Helen." That guy has always been reported! "But I just listened to Miss Helen, they talked, it seems that there is a mention of Taibai College, how? Miss Helen is also preparing to enter the hospital?" If that is the case, there will be a good show, he remembers that Aju also agreed. Going back, by the time, huh...

Helian Guangyao did not understand why Nangong Lie suddenly laughed so badly. He heard that he said Taibai College, and he intuitively thought that the other person asked his love girl He Lianmei, so he was modest and smoothed. However, it can't conceal the smugness brought out by the words: "I didn't expect even the high priests to hear about this incident. The little girl is not talented. It is said that the friends in the capital city are full of enthusiasm. The old man is really ashamed and sweaty! ”

When Nangong Lie heard this, he knew that Helian Guangyao misunderstood who he was referring to. However, Nangong Lie did not explain much. He only smiled and re-established the tea, and his mouth was slightly hooked up. It’s not important to misunderstand anything. What’s important is that the kittens who seduce the princes will live in the same yard with him. It’s really a red star, and you can’t avoid it. Oh, things are getting more and more Interesting...

On the other hand, in the sinister hospital for a long time, Helian Weiwei looked at the letters that Taibai College gave her when she handed over the money, and Liu Mei picked it up.

Admission Notice?

What is this ghost thing?

Congratulations, you have been admitted to Taibai College. You should receive the letter from now on. Prepare the following items: white cyan robe, Gaobang scholar cap, silver fox goggles and ink brush for admission. ......"

Helen Weiwei’s mouth was pumped a few times. What is the admission notice? It’s just that they let them bring their own uniforms and stationery.

For Helen Weiwei who returned to the "student age", it is really ridiculous.

"Taibai College... What a nostalgic name." The original sigh sighed, a pair of "I am very story, you come to ask me".

Helian Weiwei also gave him face, and he smiled and said: "Do you know Taibai College?"

"Of course I know!" The sound of the original arrogance is full of pride: "I thought that the deity had abolished many of them!"

Helian Weiwei: ...

Oh, this is really a happy news... a fart!

She should consider it carefully, whether she wants to go in with the original Xiao, she is afraid that some people will not be able to resist, an impulse to kill the original Xiaoming!

"If you go to Taibai College, don't forget to mix them into the Battle of the Soul, the **** is still very good." The original meditation is stunned by Helen Weiwei.

She rarely saw him like this, and she couldn’t help but feel interested: “Hey? Where is it?”

“Good food!” The original sighed the corner of the mouth: “I used to go to visit.”

Helian Weiwei: ...

She is crazy to think that he is serious!

"And, I remember that the students who entered the War Soul Army were able to avoid those admission fees." The original meditation supported the chin and blinked memories...

Helen Weiwei suddenly lifted his head and brought a smile on his lips: "It is indeed a good guard, we are in!"

The original mouth of the mouth was pumped: "You don't tell me, you are paying for the hospital free of charge."

"Beyond you only look at their food, my pursuit is much higher." Helen Weiwei lazily pinched a strawberry in his mouth and asked, "What kind of guard is it? I first Learn about it."

The original eyebrows raised her eyebrows and looked at her evilly: "It is useless to estimate what you know."

“Why?” Helen Weiwei smiled: “You don’t believe in my strength?”

The original shook his finger: "This has nothing to do with strength. This army is mysterious. They are not under the control of anyone. They can even listen to the emperor's command. In addition to the amazing talent, they also value their personal cultivation. No one in mainland China knows who they are, but all empire knows that they are hidden in Taibai College, perhaps cleaning the old man of the college, or perhaps the teacher who teaches martial arts, and the people they choose are generally in the capital. The famous aristocrat, what about you? As far as I know, your embarrassment is not good for you."

Helian Weiwei smiled low, and when he turned his head, the light shone: "The original, have you heard the words of our human beings?"


Helian Weiwei slowly said: "Ten years of Hedong, ten years of Hexi, Mo! Bullying! Less! Year! Poor!"

At that moment, it seems that all the brilliance is concentrated on her body, long-sleeved hunting, bright sky!

The original woman looked at the woman standing in front of him, and the blood seemed to be hot. He had to admit that there was nothing wrong with the contract.

At dusk, the breeze smashed, and Helen Weiwei left the door early in order to buy enough of the things mentioned in the Notice of Admission.

As an unloved lady, it is also good, at least free and free.

I don't know if it is going to be admitted to the hospital. The young ladies who drive the carriages have bought a lot of expensive robes and high hats, so that several cloths have been broken, and the goods are missing. He Lianwei Wei hasn't bought it for a long time, and she plans to go to rest, but she hasn't waited for her to go to the Phoenix Inn. A carriage is in front of her...