MTL - The Ancestor of Body Repair-Chapter 1409 Battle of the Star Souls (Part 1)

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Xingjie was flying slowly on the Falling Star Plain, and his whole body was shone with a gray-blue aura. At the edge of the aura, a sturdy Xingyuan beast with the body of a cow and the head of a sheep was suspended on the right waist.

This Xingyuan Beast's sheep's head hangs down slightly, its eyes are slightly closed, its mouth is naive, and there is a light blue blister in its nostrils.

Seeing this, Xingjie, a cultivator of the Star Soul Clan, sighed: "Hey, Xiaojie is getting more and more lethargic now, even if he is not in the state of cultivation, his spirit is very tired, and no matter how much he exerts his soul, he cannot be completely recovered. , it seems that the initial stage of God Transformation is my limit..."

Beside him, there was a slender, swell-chested star-soul woman. It was his wife, Xing Yue. She had a strong aura and had an early stage of spiritual transformation.

When Xingyue heard her partner's words, the one eye on her face darkened slightly, and she whispered, "Brother Jie, I'm not the same. Although Xiaoyue is not so sleepy, she has always been in low spirits, breaking through the realm of the physical body. At that time, the source of the soul was also traumatized."

In the aura of Xingyue's left waist, there is also a strong Xingyuan beast suspended.

Xingjie sighed: "Our Star Soul Clan has a unique talent. It can be divided into two parts during the Nascent Soul period. The Soul Infant and the fleshly body fellow practitioners can stay in the fleshly body. The mind of the split soul has not been opened, and the origin of the soul is extremely weak."

"The weak soul of the original body, it is very difficult to cultivate the physical body to the eighth level. If you want to cultivate to a deeper realm, you have to rely on the aptitude of a powerful soul. Sigh, you and I have ordinary talents in the soul, and the origin of the original body's split soul is weak. God's early days are already the limit."

Speaking of this, Xingjie suddenly thought of the scene when Xingfeng brought them out to explore the Falling Star Plain a few months ago, and couldn't help saying:

"And the primarch of the great commander has not only reached the tenth-level level, but also has the energy to play everywhere. It can be seen that his soul source has not been damaged at all. Compared with his soul talent, we are like a world."

Xingyue on the side heard the words, and suddenly said curiously: "Brother Jie, I have heard rumors in the clan that it is an irreversible oneness and two divisions in the Nascent Soul period, and will reunite in the fusion period and completely return to the origin of the soul. Really?"

Xingjie nodded slightly and said, "Yes, in the previous clan extermination war, I was fortunate to see the Great Elder take action. The appearance of his old man is a one-eyed upright form of a Xingyuan beast."

"It is said that the Great Elder is always in this form. It is clear that his Nascent Soul and his fleshly body are re-integrated."

Xingyue blinked her eyes and said, "Brother Jie, saying that, the human race that we destroyed is a bit weird. Their physical form has not changed from low-level to refining, and they are all upright forms with limbs."

"Our Star Soul Clan, as well as the Wood Spirit Clan, have cultivated to a very high level, and our bodies seem to be changing to the form of the human race. By the way, the same is true of the Demon Race..."

Xingjie snorted coldly, and a bit of disdain flashed in his big eyes: "The races in the spiritual world all have certain similarities. If we transform to such a weak race as the human race, wouldn't we be exterminated."

"According to the elders, the talent of the human race is extremely poor. Even if they cultivate to the level of virtual refinement, their physical body is extremely fragile. There is neither the tough skin of our original body nor the scales of the demon race."

"And as long as the human body is destroyed, the exposed Nascent Soul will be greatly reduced. The fragile Nascent Soul cannot be compared with our star soul body at all."

"This kind of weakly talented race is destined to not be able to exist in harmony."

As he spoke, Xingjie's eyes flashed with reverence: "You must know that our Great Elder killed a Human Race Refining Void while raising his hand. If there is no fit to sit in the town, the group cannot live in the spiritual world for a long time..."

Just as Xingjie was talking, the blue gems on his chest and Xingyue's chests brightened. The two star souls first appeared stunned, and then they understood something. The star power surged in their bodies, and two jade talismans appeared in front of them. , which was flashing a dazzling blue light.

"The talisman senses the magic weapon!"


"The brightness is increasing, and this group of magic weapons is rapidly approaching!"

"There are enemies!"

Their expressions suddenly changed, the one-eyed and the chest gem lit up with a gray-blue light at the same time, and the sleepy Xingyuan beast beside each one opened his eyes in a jerky way.

The gray skin sac on its back cracked open, and the dense muscle fibers and ribs inside opened layer by layer, revealing an oval spherical cavity below, and the smooth skin sac on its surface reflected bursts of aura.

The humanoid bodies of the two star souls curled up into a gray-blue soft flesh, and they got into it and wrapped it outside the spherical cavity. Those gray-blue flesh and blood seemed to give an extra layer of protection to the spherical cavity.

Then the skins on the backs of the two Xingyuan beasts were closed again, and the two sheepheads were full of energy. They raised their heads to the sky and issued a silent roar. warning signs.

As soon as this action was done, a dazzling white halo appeared in the southeast direction. Inside, there was a slender figure wearing a gray-white robe, with a torso, arms and legs, standing upright.

"Human race?"

"Why are there still human races in the Falling Star Plain?"

"Strange, why can't I sense his real aura."

"There are fluctuations in the soul, it seems to be the initial stage of God Transformation..."


Suddenly, two solid white palms with a size of 10 feet suddenly appeared above the two Xingyuan beasts, with spiral rune lines on them, pressing down on them, as if they wanted to grab them. live.

"The power of capturing Yuan in the early days of God Transformation!"

"How dare you come here with such strength..."

After feeling the aura inside, the two Star Soul Races relaxed a lot, and then doubts arose in their hearts. Is it crazy that a human race in the early stage of God Transformation dared to take the initiative to attack them?

A layer of gray-blue light appeared on their outer skin, and dazzling ripples rippled inside, like a layer of weird skin folds, and the sheep's hooves under them lit up with a gray-blue aura.

The two Xingyuan beasts flipped over in the air at the same time, and the aura on their hooves had turned into a star rune, as if stepping on the firm palm of vitality with a certain rhythm.

Accompanied by a few crisp sounds, the two palms composed of condensed vitality dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and scattered in a short time.

After doing all this, the star runes on the feet of the two Xingyuan beasts flashed, and they stepped into the void and rushed towards the human race wrapped in white vitality not far away.

They know the human race very well, and know that the biggest weakness of this race is the physical body. As long as they can get close, even if the opponent is a small realm higher, they can still play on a par or even gain the upper hand. If they are of the same rank, the two of them are completely Can crush the opponent.

The human race man seemed to want to stop the opponent's approach, and while retreating, he manipulated the vitality of the heavens and the earth, forming a blade of vitality, sword glow, and kept attacking the two star beasts.

Some of these attacks were trampled by the hoofs of the Xingyuan beasts. Under the action of the astral runes above, they became a boost for running and flying. Let these strengths open.

As the two star-soul clans in battle form kept stepping on their vitality to attack and close the distance, they gradually felt strange in their hearts. Generally, in such a situation, the human race would urge the magic weapon to attack, and this guy just controlled the vitality to attack.

But their Fu Wenming clearly felt that the other party had a lot of magic weapons. Could it be that they deliberately led them close and activated a lot of magic weapons?

What's even more strange is that the opponent's ability to capture the essence is equivalent to the initial stage of God Transformation, but it does not manifest the power of the will of the human race, and it seems to be able to arouse the vitality of heaven and earth out of thin air.

The doubts in their hearts made the two Star Soul Clan cautious, they transmitted the sound, and instead of rushing directly, they stopped at a distance of about ten feet.

The star runes under their feet flickered, and the folds on the body surface shone with streamers, as if a strange three-dimensional rune had been constructed in their bodies.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth at the same time, and deep in the throat, a big blue eye could be vaguely seen, with a blue light shining on it, and a thick starlight blasted out of his mouth.

The distance of ten feet was fleeting, and the man wrapped in white light didn't seem to expect the opponent to suddenly stop advancing, but launched a long-distance attack, caught off guard, and he was directly bombarded by the thick starlight.


The rich white vitality and the azure blue starlight are intertwined The surrounding heaven and earth vitality is stirred to form a wave of pale white waves, surging in all directions.

The white vitality outside the man's body was completely dissipated, but the blue starlight was blocked by a layer of twisted power on the surface of his body, and strangely gathered towards his chest.

There, there is a strange three-dimensional vortex, and those starlights are like falling waterfalls, collapsing into the vortex, forming a dark blue inner collapse vortex.

Immediately afterwards, the man's hands slammed into the middle, and the collapsed vortex was shattered by an invisible force. The blue and white energy escaped from his fingertips, and when it hit the man's gray robe, it swayed. There were waves of invisible ripples, which seemed to be blocked by some kind of force.


When the two Star Soul Clan saw this scene, they were all stunned. What they had just displayed was the Light of Soul Heart unique to the Star Soul Clan, which was a special magical power specially aimed at Divine Soul.

In the past, when fighting, either the opponent resisted hard, or used means to destroy it, or fought with the same spiritual power.

But they have never seen an opponent who can tie it up...